Coronavirus is a HOAX



Coronavirus is a HOAX

>Perception. Perception is everything. What do the elites control the most? What are they a master of? Perception. Hypnosis. Propaganda.
>Why are there shills on Yas Forums? Who tells the truth? Who tells fiction?
>Who has Trump been meeting with his entire presidency? Who have been involved in pandemic simulations?
>Controlling markets? Creating a strawman to allow laws that normally be allowed, to pass? Where have we seen this tactic before?
>Is the Coronavirus one large Global distraction?
>Martial law on a global scale?
>Are we seeing deep state actors? Who is the deep state? Are they sacrificing their own? Are we all being duped?

This is a warning. Not to the innocent people of Earth, but to Earth's self proclaimed rulers.

I am Eye, for the 9th letter is the letter i, and I see All. I know All. I Am All.

God is my father, and He sees what I see.

Tick Tock, your clock starts Now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This could very well be the case.
The deepstate has been baited to midlevel. Their intentions are being made clear. If it goes any further than this then we shall assume the virus is either a hoax or at least FAR less dangerous than our government's actions in the near future. I am prepared. Are you?

This thread will be slid because people are too stupid to comprehend the implications.

One up this thread

>Hoard gold and silver
>Don't get relocated by Government whatever the reason
>Be outside, be present, record any Government activity you see, municipal or otherwise



Unfortunately. What do we do? I'm in Ottawa, DND staff are nowhere to be seen. All told to stay at home. I couldn't walk into the bank of Canada like I normally do

agreed. I will not comply.
Why could you not walk into a bank? Something changed since I last ran my account?




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>>Don't get relocated by Government whatever the reason
Force will be used to make sure you wont deny, now what?

They told me to go on their website and to call their toll line

>cryptic cringe shit
>leaf flag
fuck off nigger theres literal happening in my county and you blab this schizo tier shit? rake yourself faggot.

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I have insider information that martial law will be declared tomorrow. I'm not going to speculate on anything else.

This. What if you do not get access to food if you refuse the mark and you have children to feed?

When you see them coming, leave! Have your essentials ready packed in a bag and leave! Come back later in the day to check up on your home

Unlike you, we have our own force and will use it to resist.
Oh, you were trying to talk with a teller? Nothing wrong with the ATMs is there?

wtf do you think will happen.

but the drudge report said its real


Execution mostly

The bank of Canada, Canada's central bank here in Ottawa. I buzzed their entrance and their security told me to use their online services

I've said this from the beginning. It's a mass psyop.

Right... those thousands of dead bodies that china and italy are trying to hide are just fake?
The death totals are being suppressed to avoid panic. If it were a hoax, wouldn't the death totals be inflated and exaggerated?
Also, all the countries on the planet seem to be in on this "hoax" even though they hate each other.

>meds status: not taken
>flag status: leaf
>garbage post: disregarded

Ah fucking leaf

Maybe you should worry about yourself. And think of a way to get your guns out of your gay little communal armoury.

ITT: mostly canadians
and this is how we know it's a shitty thread

bank of Canada? You mean RBC? or some other place where they normally don't allow the public inside?

It's really surprising this isn't being considered by more people.

Even your normal conspiracy folk are rather hush about it.

Like there is a sophisticated brain washing action.

A situation quite possibly engineered by someone or something very powerful that knows how to compartmentalize the authorities, the famous, and their orders.

These authorities are on a need to know basis, not conscious of what is going on, the big picture.

The left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

It's a chinese bioweapon you idiot. It's as real as you are

100% it's fake. No one is dying to the virus. The CDC is inflating the numbers to get funding. When people die of pneumonia they'll say the virus weakened their immune system and add another death to the death toll, just like with the HIV hoax, and Hepatitis C. They didn't really die to the virus. They dont know the virus is what killed them. There is absolutely no proof. It's totally fucked! Dont believe shit they say and if you get sick DO NOT go to a hospital. A hospital is THE WORST place you can be... they will only load you up with drugs that will further weaken your immune system, and you cant just refuse treatment because you have to stay in quarantine, even if the drugs start making you sick. I wouldn't doubt it if the treatment is what kills most these poor folks. These doctors are fucking retarded. They have absolutely no idea what's really going on. They've done it before with HIV, just watch this documentary House of Numbers for proof on how the CDC invented the AIDS epidemic: [Open] [Open]

It's all bullshit. Do NOT get vaccinated. Do not take any drugs they give you. Do not go to the hospital unless you absolutely have to. The Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization care about nothing but your money. The government is OUT TO GET YOU.

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i know one of the people in Minnesota that are sick... is he fake...?

Are you just really committed to trolling or really stupid?

yes and tell of about free energy and space reptilians and chemtrails and fluoride and homeopathy and flat earth

also lets go back to the daze when viral plagues ravaged us with bodies in the streets

What an abhorrent post, who else but a name tag leaf?

Did your programming break, Mr.NPC?

Where are all the pictures of people mourning dead people

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It‘s too late for that

No it fucking won't, stop fear mongering. No one in the military is going to hurt civilians you stupid fuck.

>Coronavirus is a HOAX
Not a hoax but most certainly blown out of proportion.
The real mortality numbers are around 0.8% (and thats liberal). Italy had big issues with it because the elderly are most at risk and they kiss on the cheek to say high. Combine that with a one to two week incubation period and you have a perfect storm for the virus.
Here in the Americas we'll see nothing even close to that kind of quick infection rate.

Attached: virus collecting eating.webm (638x468, 2.08M)

>Tick Tock, your clock starts Now.
One thing to know for sure, we have already unravelled their plans. We now must disseminate the information so the armies of the world will know these sick elite were behind all the coronavirus deaths.

Yea, sure, maybe it is. However the fact remains that the CCP was using the outbreak as an excuse to disappear people (political dissidents), harvest their organs and burn their bodies en masse. And don't forget that Wuhan was the center of massive organized riots against the CCP a few years back.

There's a LOT of engineering that went into that hoax, an almost supernatural like level of deception. How come the chinese are involved if they're the enemy of the west?
What's the endgame?
No shit tier schizo theories please.

thats not a virus in that clip

Do you know what’s happening in france you québécois?

Yep something is definately in the works. Trudeau has already hinted several times that he may enact the Canadian War Measures Act and the Quarantine Act. This would gut the citizenry of their rights and allow government officials to force vaccinate, arrest or execute anyone for any reason at all.


Proof that the corona-virus is FAKE:

this hoax was meme'd here. it has to be destroyed here.

I do not believe that the Coronavirus is fake, it's all over the world, how would they even coordinate all of this.
However, I believe that the virus will be used as an opportunity to further extend governmental powers and weaken the will of the people. If vaccines are ever forced upon us, this is a huge no-no. We should all stay vigilant.

I know.
Sometimes I just name things to trigger autistic people here. You should try it, it's fun, also harvests (you)'s rather well.

Attached: virus.gif (320x240, 2.39M)

Well, RIP you then. Don't go around demoralizing others that actually stand a chance just to make up for the fact that you're utterly hopeless. Good luck.

I'm not Quebecois, and Im not talking about the french

Hey me again. Disregard that I suck cocks

That wasnt real either....

They really are doing that you fucking retard. They have no proof the virus is cause of death

Icke seems on point about most things. But can someone please answer me this. If he's on the level, why hasn't he been bumped off yet?

>Tick Tock

yes none of that quackery is real, along with yours
but choosing it over reality is what WILL take us back to the horrors of viral plagues running rampant over everyone

the captcha thing failed twice for me.

i live in North Branch, MN. The infected man got sick at Rosenbauer in Wyoming MN. they shut down for 2 days and are reopening tomorrow. Beep, Boop Beep.

POTUS knows it’s fake. His handshaking and relaxed attitude is his way of signaling to the rest of us to ignore all the media hype. But Trump does have to stay on message, his handlers still have a tight reign on him.

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It’s in the end the same fucking thing
>cancer leave
>french cancer leave

Your flag is ugly, and isn’t it that you’ve had so many other vaccines as well. (Especially woman with that vagina cancer)

You haven't even had a taste of reality.

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It makes no difference, the house of cards was coming down eventually. Enjoy the ride and redistribution opportunities, goys

Corona virus is a liberal media hoax to make Trump look bad. This is base level knowledge, stop buying into it

I am just in my house waiting for the death squads.

Nice try Chang.

Ayy I am I, brother. We are One.

a leaf cussing at another leaf to totally cuck themselves like a leaf would. why?

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Just merge /x/ and Yas Forums at this point

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>woman with that vagina cancer
Caused by the HPV vaccination.

Attached: HPV.jpg (845x960, 93.75K)