Most Americans no longer have any retirement.
Many have lost their jobs and have no idea what to do next.
A lot of people have moved-in with their parents and terminated their leases and abandoned their mortgages.
All these changes in 3 weeks.
How has corona destroyed your life?
Life has changed for all of us permanently
My life decisions have been cautious and conservative, which made me look like an unambitious man child previously, but who's laughing now?
You are falling for their trap
The fact alone that Europes borders finally are closed outweights every other downside on our end.
There’s only one thing left to do. Organize
Unironicaly this
Pic related
I know what you mean
I was a NEET hermit before it was cool, now all the normies are moving in on my turf
next comes anarchy and violence
It's not that simple.
Becoming a shut-in NEET is going to break normies.
They literally are physically unable to endure this lifestyle.
We instead are adapted more properly. Adapted fully. We have trained for this very moment all our lives.
Even if we're the last humans left on earth; it doesn't make a difference.
yeah uhh
shit sucks
gonna play civilization v
I just moved out of my parents place last week, now I'm gonna chill in this comfy house in the city by myself
>reddit spacing
get the fuck out
This a million times
I'm fucking thrilled so many people got fucked. Especially the middle class. Sucks to have everything fall apart huh?
I"m comfy. Living the NEET life currently. I pay next to no rent at my friends place. I just hang out and play vidya and fap from time to time while cyber stalking my ex.
Have a bunch of money in crypto and still sitting financially comfy despite everything.
You deserve to suffer if you were ever born above the working class. Welcome to Hell faggots.
We will just learn to live with it and treat it like a common cold in about a years time. Humans have been through an ice age (plenty of evidence from bones recovered in Europe), plenty of diseases that are actually deadly that killed hundreds of millions, and two fucking world wars. You either have to be a boomer or unhealthy to die with this thing (just like the flu) and i don't see the big deal with this since all you autists seem to support eugenics.
you wish antifa faggot
>Most Americans no longer have any retirement.
>Many have lost their jobs and have no idea what to do next.
>A lot of people have moved-in with their parents and terminated their leases and abandoned their mortgages.
>All these changes in 3 weeks.
>it only took 3 weeks of uncertainty for the house of cards of all of these unsustainable lifestyle standards to come crashing down.
>not a war
>not aliens
>not a tsunami or earthquake or volcanic eruption
>media panic surrounding a viral outbreak kicking off a 3 week period where people started worrying is all it took for all this "move out at 16 and buy a house and 2 cars, go to university for a nonsense degree on student loans and throw the remainder into index funds, completely dissociate from your family especially your elders" horseshit to finally collapse
Good fucking riddance.
My roommate has had their contract terminated. Me and the GF will have to break lease and move in with sister. Have like 450k saved up. If housing market tumbles, will be able to buy a nice house to live in. Can coof myself to death in comfort then.
Its necessary for them to have an excuse to bring the boot down, its a very unfortunate possible reality we could see within a matter of mere days if not weeks
>life and freedom as he knows it is about to be lost forever
*authoritarian whip cracks*
Jokes on you, I was already living with my parents.
With 30k in savings, btw. Disregard roasties, get currency.
My only regret is not being able to build a fire pit in my new backyard before all this crumbles around us.
I was a neet living with my parents
I still am a neet living with my parents
life goes on
I feel nothing but vindicated for not giving a shit about my career path during my 20s. The system these cucks bought into comes crashing down because some chinks started coughing half the globe away. Hilarious.
I'm slinging 1000 sheet rolls of Scott Tissue in exchange for pussy...I've got MILFS coming out of the woodwork spreading their legs.
Imagine being this much of a parasite and thinking you shouldn't kill yourself.
Clownworld is kill.
Yep. College graduate here. Moved back in with parents. No job. Applying to warhouses and grocery stores right now. Its over
My only hope is being a part of the coming Fascist revolution
>3 weeks of uncertainty
three weeks of shutdown. absolutely unprecedented.
Same here. Been living with the parents stacking cash so I can buy when there is blood in the streets. Chaos is a ladder gents.
I look forward to helping remake the world into something that isn't so dogshit.
Feels fucking great to see that woke middle class pieces of shit probably going on their knees sucking off these kike bankers just to save their fucking overpriced shit apartment/house, boat, vacation 5 times a year, buy latest shit that doesnt mean anything. Just consooooom in a climate friendly way which anyway wont make any fucking difference.
Good god, im going to love it. Already there is no stupid drunks behaving like assholes outside because everything is closed. Just sitting home slowly realising how fucked they are. How they been taxed to hell for fucking immigrants to replace them.
For me its worst case moving back to my grandparents place, got savings and neetbux to survive will be comfy enough.
FUCKING THIS, even though we are not a part of the fucking union. The borders will be closed for a long long time. Maybe these fucking idiots will finally understand that the resources should go to their own people. Not giving it to fucking hyper criminal mohammed and 15 cousins.
>Most Americans no longer have any retirement.
>Many have lost their jobs and have no idea what to do next.
>A lot of people have moved-in with their parents and terminated their leases and abandoned their mortgages.
None of those apply to people that aren't completely useless. Only garbage people/immigrants with no generational wealth are affected. Both of those groups can fucking die for all I care.
>All these changes in 3 weeks.
No this has been going on since the beginning. This idea that everyone in America used to be rich is a meme.
>How has corona destroyed your life?
Its been fucking great. I told my company and clients that I wasn't going to work right now and if they wanted to retain my services, they would need to pay me my normal rate for the duration of this crisis. If they refused, I would go work for the competition once this crisis is over. They agreed. So basically I'm on a 2 month paid vacation. I wake up, go for a run, cook foods that I usually don't have time to make, do all the DIY projects I've been putting off, play vidya, shitpost, ect.
Stop exaggerating.
Underrated post
>Stop exaggerating.
Believe me, in the coming months OP's post will have been a massive understatement
My life has improved:
>wife and I work for same company
>company has switched to alternating shifts
>I'm off this week, wife off next
>paid $45/hr to answer occasional email and watch my kids
>0% chance of layoffs
>company paying for catered lunches for foreseeable future
>save $600 in childcare per week
>Trump bucks incoming
Only downside is we've lost $50k in retirement funds, but not retiring any time soon anyway.
Even boomers are mostly safe, it's silent and remaining "greatest" genners that are being picked off.
This is fucked up. A realization of options just flew over my almonds. RIP skyking
>three weeks of shutdown
Less than a week of stadium event shutdown and about a week of large sport league shutdown. Only a handful of large cities have instituted any sort of binding public shutdowns or curfews. Hardly anything has happened from a state standpoint other than some courts declaring blanket continuances for all cases on the docket and already understaffed bureaus like DSHS slowing to a stop, just people changing behavior due to media hysteria.
I’m comfy user. Sorry to hear about your problems (not). Good luck. Oh, before I go, let me share some words of wisdom with you and all the losers that post on this board...I’ve always know this and never needed to learn it. You can quote me again and again but give me credit...I am the Godless Possum and this is what my wisdom to you is:
Never share your problems in public user because 1/2 the people that hear of them are glad you have them and the other 1/2 don’t care.
>t. 12 year old getting a month off from school
have to be 18 to post here
I hopped into bonds the day before it crashed. There was an overwhelming feeling that shit was about to get bad and I made the transaction immediately. I can't remember why I did it, maybe Washington was going to shit. I've lost nothing.
I'm at the tail end of my enlistment and on terminal leave. I'll have premium healthcare for the next 2.5 months.
My lease expires Friday and my parents begged me back home. I won't have payments. Their house is on 5 acres surrounded by trees in the exurbs and I have 2 project cars there.
I have enough money to buy pretty much anything I would need for a year if I needed to move back out, and that's without touching my savings or investments.
When I'm confident in the market, maybe in a few days, I'm going to get back in to an aggressive fund. Even if the market averages swing up or down 10%+, the rebound is going to be nuts. I'm way too young to pull that money before the market gets better.
if you engaged with the obviously corrupt system, you only have yourself to blame for your disappointment. I'm a 27 y/o NEET and I worked for a year and then dropped out of society
Buy a gun
My parents own a shotgun and handgun but I'll buy another because you said so. Any recommendations?
How old user?
How old user?
No it hasn't faggot. Go back to pleddit with those fantasies.
Same. What do you think, with the exonomical crisis it would be even harder for people like us to find a job? Or we can use the opportunity and rebuild carriers?
Maybe a "hunting" rifle to round things off.
Certainly could come in handy in various scenarios.
A cheap revolver could do the trick, too, depending on what kind of handgun they own already and what you're willing to spend.
My community value has skyrocketed. It's insane.
t. former scoundrel
So you sponge off your friend?
Judging by the classic NEET arrogance and ignorance of this post - you would not survive fending for yourself the slightest. Pity.
A rifle would be nice.... thanks.
What degree?
larping nigger
> no generational wealth
So the only worthless people are those that can't live off their daddy's inheritance?
BTC drops 50%
ETH drops 40%
Chain drops 50%
>bunch of money in crypto
I am not he but dude, neet isn't always a choice. I have a degree, but I wasn't able to find a job after it. Even when I finally got I got fired. Not only cause the system, cause personal problems too.
Being unemployed more the one year is hard to stop. In my city there is also no sense to move from parents unless you have a fiancé.
>Most Americans no longer have any retirement.
I'm such a good boy. Last year when the market got fucky I convinced my mommy to cash out her 401k. Sure we lost a little in fees and penalties but compared to whats happening now we saved most of funds.
And thank god it did happen, literally a miracle that's stopped globalism in its tracks
unfortunately, this faggot is right. we dont live in the Christian, white society that weathered the great depression. our current demographics will lead to urban warfare. I predict spics and nogs start popping off first in inner cities once the food runs low and the disease is widespread enough to cripple law enforcement. this will create no go zones the likes of which would make a jew blush.
question, i never saw the joker film but i always appreciated honkler as a stress blow-off-valve sort of coping mechanism. What was the point of that film anyway, what was the narrative or conclusion? I'm genuinely ignorant but the skeptic in me says it could very well have been predictive programming just in time for Corona? as in "this is what happens when you take the anarchypill goys.. didn't you enjoy your 1 month paid vacation? not too hard to get used to it eh, without the money part"
so what was the actual finale in that thing? gonna look it up now but interested in the Yas Forums take since I don't remember exactly what the general feeling was.