And they said the left can't meme.
And they said the left can't meme
And they cant
Is this the peak of ‘post-ironic’ or rock bottom
The word nigger is probably their actual kryptonite
that's because nigger means subhuman
>wall of text
>like pottery
It gets fucking worse.
They can't meme because they are the meme.
This gave me nigger cancer
Sounds like everywhere she goes she rips a huge fart and leaves a trail. Hence the name.
way to ruin the joke with your low iq post you dumb nigger
That whole lineup is fucking amazing
>The amazing wonder hapa with internet powers
>Gayniggers from out space
>Queer edgelord vampire, but not really because vampires are icky, and he's cool, not scary
>Fat dora the explorer, complete with magic backpack
Are we sure the noodle-armed faggot who helped mint these isn't some kind of Yas Forums plant? These are fucking gold.
They'll run for a year on sheer force of Marvel, with thousands of copies being rammed in with shipments of shit people actually want, then they'll spin off whoever they can milk for bonus diversity points in another, more popular book, then the whole fucking thing will be forgotten until a brief cameo four years after they stop being mentioned.
How does having a magic backpack make you a superhero? Also, she looks like the magic dimension in her backpack often produces cookies.
I thought that weeb guy was going to fix this shit. Why is Marvel still killing itself?
Stop spamming this fucking trash on Yas Forums. We fucking hate it
As long as they implicitly know that niggers are subhuman they can’t meme.
>How does having a magic backpack make you a superhero?
You are just being silly with your complaint. It's no different than a "magic ring" or a "suit of armor"
>Dora the explorer
Holy shit it's a official Marvel comic thing, at first I thought it was just some tumblr fanfic bullshit. That's fucking hilarious
How would having a magic ring or armor make you a superhero? Wouldn't you just be a regular guy with a magic ring?
Were we right about predictive programming but wrong about who's doing it? Are we the architects?
To be fair the backpack is not his super power, he's supposedly a genius inventor. This is a better comparison, she's a mentally disabled ninja with a bucket that has room for infinite amounts of candy in it.
They'll be dead and forgotten within a year just like America Chavez
This is obviously right wing memeing..
The leadership may have changed hands, but it's still being headed by people too scared to be yelled at on twitter. Pink-hairs and numales have infested comics because it was the hip, nerdy, counter-culture thing to do. So they sit around, take postironic selfies and pop open another hoppy IPA while they pen the latest text-wall exposition instead of a fight scene and ignore the cartoon-anvil-falling noise the stock is making.
Marvel is being guided by people that want to be internet superstars, not their creations. they're just means to an end now. It's about hitting the right talking points and validating sarcastic irony. What hero is honestly just that, a hero? Marvel is a movie studio that also makes comics, and the second more than 2 of their movies fail they're going to go from smoldering to actively on fire.
Marvel needs to fire about half their staff at least, shutter non-productive books for at least a year, focus on what's actually profiting, and try to remember what telling a goddamn story was like. Their leadership refuses to do that, so instead we get Dora the Chonkster.
Every single leftist meme-attempt is just coopting rightwing memes and turning them around. It's forced and cringy as fuck.
>pink forcefields that only appear when hes protecting others
Isn't that steven universes power?
Shes literally a fat black Dora the Explorer
These are the most phones ot half assed cash grabs I've seen since ed Norton played the Hulk, on so glad were going into a recession and comics are going to go bankrupt for real this time
This is an attempt to "take back" all the ouchy no-no words that hurt online. Take that, evil people! Now they're GOOD words!
These fucking people get paid for these. They draw salaries for producing this, and have staff who's sole purpose is to fellate their ego. No wonder they're getting the piss knocked out of them by basically every other comic publisher, and the whole of the manga industry.
it's outrage marketing, literally don't even need to pay advertisers if the whole internet will do it for free.
>>Isn't that steven universes power?
I don't see much outrage anymore though. People just cringe, roll their eyes and move on.
Even if true that only works for the first issue.
why did they have to make them black and why isnt one of them longhaired.... this is like not even trying wtf
Look it's just another failed experiment trying to tap into the nonexistent SJW market. It will quietly get canned after a few months. Just go read Nick Spencer's Amazing Spider-Man or Ewing's Immortal Hulk
but it gets spread everywhere in the process, there's already been threads on Yas Forums and Yas Forums, half the people that currently know about it wouldn't even know or care if not for the outrage angle.
true but it draws a crowd and is literally free, teen titans go is a success story built on negative press, despite everyone knowing it's shit it gets most of it's free advertisement off people complaining about it on youtube or other social media sites.
>shes a group home and foster kid
Even nigger super heros are abandoned losers hahahhahahaah
>but it gets spread everywhere in the process, there's already been threads on Yas Forums and Yas Forums, half the people that currently know about it wouldn't even know or care if not for the outrage angle.
None of them is buying it though. I seriously doubt this is about money at all. I think they're just operating these things on spite at a "loss" (why would they care about loss when they control the money presses) just to debase some things white men used to love. Only now it's like yesterdays news, every white man on the planet is used to whatever comes out today from hollywood and the like is shit. I don't know about you but I don't even get 0.1% triggered.
>"Outlawed" law
Peak creativity
This shit right here is why you should stop reading super hero bullshit.
Don't buy comics from the big 2, support indie comics instead.
>pic very related
And apparently this proves it's true
SJWs are leftist
FWIW even the twitter leftoids that this is supposed to appeal to hate it and think it's retarded.
It's peak SJW cringe in cartoon form
To be fair, that backpack and hers are probably about the same size.
I didn't know Tumblr had a TV show?
Someone pass the bleach
a meme with only 4 paragraphs?
going to need at least 10 more frendo
Orca the explorer
>Japan does superheroes better than the West.
What a world we live in.
>A Meme-Obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet after becoming exposed to his grandfather’s “experimental internet gas.”
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
There's outrage, it's just coming from the lefties that think it's making fun of them. The usual twitter trannies are complaining about how the writer/artist are a pair of white cis males and how they and their bosses are obviously fascists.
On one hand, this artist is a faggot...
On the other, they're obvious VOTOMS fans...
That's some next level faggotry. Well, who cares.
DC does alright
Why are they so ugly?
>New Warriors
When do they die?
Because when you draw a character with all white visual traits, color it brown, wonks it's nose up a bit and gives it big botox lips in an attempt to draw a nigger that reads as a nigger but doesn't look hideous like a nigger... then your character looks like some sort of weird alien. Unrealistic things that tries to pass itself off as something realistic has a sort of uncanny valley thing going on.
Literally brings god back just to kill him again. Also we will never know how chirico will raise the baby.
DC & Marvel is full of kike propaganda
(((Diversity & Inclusion))))
It is a new low, not even the SJWs like this.
I scrolled past these images yesterday and thought that they were fake.
I want to go back to yesterday.
>those ogre-like proportions
>lazy retard circle lips
Legitimately looks like something off of a 14 year old's tumblr blog from five years ago.
If you want ogres then read japanese shit.
they made some random character a tranny in hulk, drop it
"All bodies are beautiful".
"That's why we only draw fat people"
"Muscular woman? What? Glorifying muscles is fat-shaming!"
Ugly fat hero looks like shit. Sad for comic.