/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2257

► Detected: 218,918 ► Died: 8,944
LIVE: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

JP Morgan forecasts -14% GDP growth for US Q2, worst since WW2

U.S. Air Force quietly imported 500,000 testing kits from Italy

Germany under lockdown, 82 million people

Nationwide shortages of reagents for testing in the US

France under lockdown, 66 million people

HIV-like mutation made it 1000 times more infectious than SARS

Patients remain on intensive care for 20 days on artificial ventilation

Virus affects blood circulation

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Patients can get reinfected, no immunity

Ecuador under lockdown, 16 million people

China underreports number of infections and deaths

Australia expects 1.5 million infected

US testing delayed, short on crucial chemicals

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

00:30: 23 new cases in Spain.
22:46: U.S. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart says he has tested positive for coronavirus. He’s the first member of Congress to test positive.
22:37: 131 new cases and 4 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
22:33: 137 new cases and 1 new death in Brazil.
22:10: First death in Jamaica.
21:39: First death and 7 new cases in Burkina Faso. The patient was lawmaker Rose Marie Compaoré, the 2nd vice president of the National Assembly.
21:38: 532 new cases in New York City, New York state, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80,894 (3,237) ► International 137,846 (5,707): Italy 35,713 (2,978) Iran 17,361 (1,135) Spain 14,769 (638) Germany 12,327 (28) US 9,269 (151) France 9,134 (264) S. Korea 8,413 (84) Switzerland 3,115 (33) UK 2,626 (104) Netherlands 2,051 (58) Austria 1,646 (4) Norway 1,590 (6) Belgium 1,486 (14) Sweden 1,301 (10) Denmark 1,057 (4) Japan 899 (29) Malaysia 790 (2) Canada 727 (9) D. Princess 712 (7) Portugal 642 (2) Australia 596 (6) Brazil 509 (4) Greece 418 (5) Ireland 366 (2) Pakistan 307 (2) Poland 287 (5) Slovenia 286 (1) Bahrain 255 (1) Indonesia 227 (19) Thailand 212 (1) Egypt 210 (6) Luxembourg 203 (2) Philippines 202 (17) H. Kong 193 (4) Turkey 191 (2) India 169 (3) Ecuador 168 (3) Iraq 164 (12) S. Marino 140 (14) Lebanon 133 (4) Panama 109 (1) Taiwan 100 (1) Argentina 97 (2) Bulgaria 92 (2) Algeria 75 (7) C. Rica 69 (1) Albania 59 (2) Hungary 58 (1) Morocco 54 (2) Moldova 36 (1) Dom. Rep. 34 (2) Azerbaijan 34 (1) Martinique 23 (1) B. Faso 20 (1) Ukraine 16 (2) Jamaica 15 (1) Bangladesh 14 (1) Cuba 10 (1) Guatemala 8 (1) Guyana 4 (1) Sudan 2 (1) Caymans 1 (1) Cze. Rep. 522 Qatar 452 Israel 433 Finland 359 Singapore 313 Romania 260 Estonia 258 Iceland 250 S. Arabia 238 Chile 238 Russia 147 Peru 145 Kuwait 142 S. Africa 116 UAE 113 Armenia 110 Slovakia 105 Mexico 93 Colombia 93 Croatia 89 Serbia 89 Uruguay 79 Vietnam 76 Latvia 71 Brunei 68 Cyprus 58 Faeroes 58 Jordan 56 Andorra 53 Belarus 51 S. Lanka 51 Malta 48 Palestine 44 Macedonia 43 Oman 39 Bosnia 39 Georgia 38 Cambodia 37 Senegal 36 Kazakhstan 36 Venezuela 36 Lithuania 34 Tunisia 29 Liechtenstein 28 Guadeloupe 27 Afghanistan 22 N. Zealand 20 Uzbekistan 18 Macao 17 Cameroon 13 Maldives 13 Bolivia 12 Reunion 12 Fr. Guiana 11 Paraguay 11 Rwanda 11… Total 174/251

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>tfw this entire happening was orchestrated to bring about the mark of the beast

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Reminder to not fall for confirmation bias. There are more cases showing up every day because we are now actually testing. You cannot be counted if no one is counting. Please calm the fuck down.


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>152 dead in USA

Happeningfags really clinging to this one huh?
Kinda cringe not gonna lie.

But of course, How could I forget
Yes user, all the doctors and nurses and medical experts and scientists and virologists and news reporters and police and civilians and families of victims are all lying to us and concealing the truth.
Only we, here in these /cvg/ threads, know the real path and outcome of this virus.

Xi visited Wuhan last week; the traffic in all cities is up.
The carbon emissions are up, the people are back to work.
The numbers in South Korea, Singapore, Japan, etc... are dropping.
The death rate is far lower than you faggots are shilling, we have 100,000s if not several million undetected because it's just a cold for most people; they never need to go to the hospital and get tested.
The CFR is clearly way lower because of this, most likely near Influenza levels.

It's sad to watch honestly, claimed-to-be grown men pissing themselves on a Mongolian basket-weaving form over a cold that is easily containable.

Let's be honest here, this virus is over hyped,

9/11 was a way bigger happening on here and in real life.
This will not have nearly the same impact, economically, socially or otherwise.

>Major Impact of 9/11, Something Corona will never do:

Happening over.

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This virus is unironically turning out to be a veggie burger. low fatality rate, not spreading very fast. the government is overreacting. we're all going to be collectively embarrassed about this in a month or two. am i wrong?

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Guys I've been having a mildly sore throat since yesterday, is this it?

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Is not everyone of being the impress with Xi handle of the virus?

I will not be using that shit.


México 118


disregard chinks

do not shop at chink businesses

the way to victory is to cripple them economically

Mexico is now 118, no deaths yet

I wish you were wrong

it already happened, you accepted it willingly, even paid for it and you never even noticed

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Someone post the Winnie the flu movie poster

these are the rookiest numbers ive ever seen. I bet Paddock Tarrant and Brevik could beat chink flu if they teamed up

Entire Canada is a chink business, tho.

You are right. This will be over in 2 weeks. Many (((epidemiologists))) will be hanged over this. Fucking over hyped flu.

just wow though

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Nah, Ontario is mad as fuck at China. Only Chinks have some real estate in Vancouver. Fuck them as well.

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Is it true burgers aren't even going to get their Trumpbucks?

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>not spreading very fast

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chinese deserve death for the plague they unleashed on the world and the lies they told

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That's when the riots actually start

>10 days behind Spain
Close fucking Metro and every state, only trucks allow.

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How is America going to recover economically after this?

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Ya the jews freaked out and demanded americans get (((,loans))) with interest instead of ubi


>be American

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Someone change corona-chan to an old sick boomer


God speed user and good luck

>cure developed
>shit death rate
>curve flattening
Confirmed nothingburger

Thank you Israel, very cool.

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China please.

>trump calls the virus the kung flu
>suddenly Wuhan has no more cases

Yeah I've been thinking about this recently. Even have google pay set up on my android phone. All they need to do now is start rejecting other forms of payment outside of smartphone payment methods and bam, we have the mark of the beast.

our country doesn't even have adequite virus tests available. if you wanna pee pee poo poo already, just wait till people DO start testing.

i'm all for it. short the market, watch it burn. everyone kill each other.

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Eating politicians to survive

Young people are still on intubators

This is a fake virus created by George Soros and Bill Gates to implement their worldwide dictatorship. It's just a flu.

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>i am an incompetent shart who cant even close his borders before there is already a coofer in every single state of the union.
>its chinas fault.
You are being angry at the straw that broke the camels back

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ever since $LINK crashed and burned a few weeks ago, a random nigger spammed nico-chan all over /cvg/ as if celebrating!

congrats, bro.
stinkie linkies confirmed goners after a few more months

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When I meet people like you, I will torture them slowly in the post apocalypse
Not joking
In Minecraft
Relax and sleep well
In Minecraft

>every single thread now has someone showing symptoms
not like this...

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We won't. We'll need to let China and Russia invade you guys.

China lie on SARS too!

It is not. This will be far worse than 2008, probably worse than 1929. We going hyper inflation


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Oh really? I didn't think it would happen to begin with, but if it's confirmed not happening we can expect feral nogs to start causing problems

rookie numbers

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You are spamming this for at atleast two days, with no awal

All Americans will be required to set up an onlyfans

Reminder to not fall for confirmation bias. There are more cases showing up every day because we are now actually testing. You cannot be counted if no one is counting. Please calm the fuck down.

Imagine my shock

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That sounds really neat, have any pics to share of your setup as a visual reference for other anons?

Also, how long do you leave it in the sanitizing box to kill off all the bugs?

Noted thanks fella

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>cure developed
Yes goy pump yourself full of malaria drugs and start blood letting too I heard that works from too. Donate to the researchers.

Not sure if bait or genuine stupidity

Real doc here need some medfag help.

Looking for a medfag that is already comfortable with CPTR procedures: we fount that Gerontosol 45%vol in massive dosage (around 700ml/h) are lowering the Ar.dS. below 0.6ppm/cm3 threshold.
That is a good news but not all patients react in that way, as much as 62% of cases the PPC and LCC are much higher (over 750Mpl) and Listramine concentrations are as low as 0.77hpt in globuline samples.

Someone told me (I don't remember who, pathology or neurology fag, I really don't remember) that if CRT modulations are stable at 75MHz with only moderate overscan, the patient could go through VHS therapy without much tape demagnetization happening. Good news as TxRx levels of RS-232 receptors can be as high as 3200baud without loosing much signals from the patient.

These are very promising hopes but the pharmacological aspect need to be investigated further, Aperolit-15 in a mixture of citric acid and C2H5OH is promising but Drancolene-B levels skyrocketed in 20 minutes or so: not manageable. A pharma cocktail is needed to mitigate this aspect, someone suggested Margaril or Mariblodol but no proper dosage is know.

My patient (41, female) was hard infibulated last night and treated with 35ml/h of Lactosfenil IV to stabilize her situation but no improvements whatsoever, symptoms are high fever (39°C), low LZ-Peptides levels, HVSC not present at all. Torax Rx shows pneumolytes all around and bad bad sub-alveolar cystites on the lower pulmonary zone. Never ever seen something like this before.

Solutions? Suggestions?

Yeah. No. Cell phones don't meet the requirements.

it's okay user, if you're from tarapaca, o'higgins or coquimbo, you should be fine

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seems like it. And it's stupid, because it makes more sense to give the money to neets who have actually been following the social distancing rules.

What are the symptoms

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I went to the grocery store today, how fucked am I? I washed my hands, used hand sanitizer, washed my clothes, and took a shower afterwards.

You cant quarantine me, government man!

awal what?