Damn...this really makes you think huh Yas Forums???

Damn...this really makes you think huh Yas Forums???

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[citations needed]

your a virus

The Chinese are the virus

It’s amazing what happens when the chinks arent allowed to live


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OP is a faggot

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No, that's just some stupid weather cult drivel designed to short circuit any critical thinking.

>virus kills all the Chinese
>planet is healthier
big think



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If we're the virus she's more than welcome to do her part and kill herself

"(((We)))'re the virus"
Yes, jew are, my (((fellow wh¡te pe0ple))).


Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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>humans are a virus and the planet heals itself
Wow, that surely isn't an unoriginal plot device I have read in #6531 pieces of media

It should make you think, finding a cure for this thing would be a travesty.

Unironically based. If you die from the virus you are weak and unnecessary.

>when fags post twitter posts like they're news

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Anyone who says dumb shit like this should volunteer themselves to be taken out by Earth's vaccine, then.

He can kill himself at any time.

Whatever, Agent Smith

Tom looks like he has placed a dick in his mouth at some point in his life.

Maybe because it's realistic?

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Wow, you fucking disgusting fat dumbfuck, i hope you're overweight and catch coronoa so America gets wiped clean.

>we’re the virus
Just chinks

This isn't r*ddit. Nobody cares about typos if their iq is over 90.


Its almost as if animals have territory, and most animals acknowledge ours

That's pretty classless. But a hard reset dictated by nature makes it so.
Elimination by ideologies and mode of thought would have to be personal, man taking out man. Which is impossible.

The collapse of this society is a necessity, it's gone too far in a fucked up direction. I'll leave behind a big pile of shekels but I'd give it all up to see this western cesspool and all it's debauchery go down in flames

>developed world birthrates at or below replacement
>but we keep feeding useless niggers who pop out a dozen kids
>then they're allowed to overflow into developed countries because muh aging population and muh GDP
Overpopulation is the problem, and globalism ensures that the wound stays open and festering because it's easier for the parasites to feed.

Try again sweaty

He's not totally wrong but nature without sentient beings (i.e. humans) has no meaning.

Fuck your birthrates, you're bacteria that only knows how to multiply. You're a peabrain, anybody can make a kid.. you don't have to be a genius. Quite the opposite.

Global warming/climate change virtue signaling. If these people are so concerned they should off themselves to reduce population. Otherwise stop acting like they are the one good human

This is a woman's idea of a profound take. They think they're so deep and above everyone else.


I volunteer Thomas Schulz and his entire family to get the coronavirus because of his social media post

>self hating humans
great, just what we need. cant just be white people are the cause of all my problems. its all humans now. never the individual

my first proposal to keep it going it to kill the leftists, my second proposal is to kill the jews, my third proposal is to kill everyone darker than a paper bag.

>Damn...this really makes you think huh Yas Forums???
That we need less Joos?

Yup, birthrates would fix themselves in a generation or two as property prices go down and wages go up. But (((they))) wouldn't want to take a hit so we have to import third worlders that pump out 15 kids each. Immigration and third world aid is fucking everything up.

"Tom" doesnt seem to understand how vaccines work

>muh shitskins in mud huts are ruining the planet meme

it's the modern capitalist system that MAKES these enormous populations viable in the first place you utter fucking mutt brainlet

>we are all going to die from climate change in 11 months
>china stops using their factories for 1 month
>global warming completely fixed
wow didnt seem like it was such a big deal at all

It isn't the Earth's vaccines. It's the capitalist's solution. The virus was engineered to reduce numbers. That's the solution to the Earth dying, because without an Earth there's no way to make money. Look at how Trump behaves, by never admitting to wrongdoing, he can never be held accountable. Imagine that philosophy on a global scale, with the people he works for. They can't agree to a scheme which reduces emissions and things because that's admitting they've caused it. Instead, they deny it's even happening, then create a backdoor solution, like a virus that kills a few million people, and forces factories to hit the big red button for awhile. They're buying time and basically keeping the Earth on a manageable tipping point. It's better now but it can only get worse.

This. I'm rather wealthy and I would give up every cent to see the world cleanse of the evil that infests it. I've been watching a lot of videos about the Amish and other groups who live simple and frankly, our lives are sad compared to theirs.

>Yup, birthrates would fix themselves in a generation or two as property prices go down and wages go up. But (((they))) wouldn't want to take a hit so we have to import third worlders that pump out 15 kids each. Immigration and third world aid is fucking everything up.
The solution is simple: remove ALL immigration.
When people have too few kids, property prices go down, and people will realize having kids is a sound idea.
rinse, repeat.

>humanity ceases the destructive activity and things improved
>this proves people were wrong to call for humanity to cease the destructive activity
Also, it's hardly just China

kek a memeflag here to tell me how its wrong. here an idea: kys

feel free to kill yourself any time
leave me the fuck alone

a mutt who should take his own advice

>We're the virus
this is like when jews say white people are the devil. they don't think they are but they want to model the behavior for us to believe we are.

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you too, faggot

imagine defending a civilization that recognizes nothing higher than eternal economic growth. limitless growth is the name of the game when it comes to viruses you fucking schmuck

I want to kill every environmentalist I encounter

Have sex incel. No woman will let you breed her

Literally a cliche anime villain

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>this is just like that scene from my animays

fuck off

When u say this it’s cringe, but this is essentially the plot of kingsman


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No no, the virus is still the virus. If anything it just shows how fast the Earth can recover from anything we throw at it and the global warming faggots are retarded.