How and why did this look get popularized so quickly among white people? I see it everywhere now, I'm pretty sure no one looked like that 5 years ago.
How and why did this look get popularized so quickly among white people? I see it everywhere now...
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90% of people are NPC that just copy other people
This guy at least pulls it off. Most people who try it look like onions.
That looks means, "yes, I let my wife date black men"
He's handsome.
I'd suck his dick who cares
Uhh Yas Forums is replacing the word onions with onions.
Standard faggot hipster haircut.
no idea. I started noticing it after the the alt-right gained major media attention. pretty gay really. nice beard tho
I mean the word s-o-y with onions
Fucking new fags.
Fuck off and lurk moar faggot
He's balding pretty bad.
Its used by inferior white men who hide poor facial genetics with a beard.
Hahaha facelets
Uuuh what you said makes no sense
When the US special forces went into Afghanistan the lower level officers quickly discovered that their troops got on better with the locals if they sported beards. There was pushback from the top brass but Spec Ops won and then suddenly beards became THE fashion statement of American men. All the cops in my town have beards. Fade taper + big beard = special forces super soldiers.
It's been a popular look for literally 10 years.
If someone has this cut I'd just think they're a fag
It's not just whites, you see shitskins with that haircut too. Mostly zoomers. Your thread is off-topic and you're a faggot btw
Beards are a vector for Coronachan. The haircut is ok. Pic related not a good hairstyle atm.
Ummm... kys sweaty
No way i can sill say onions like normal
Its the I have no identity and need to fit in look. Chad has a flow.
Are you implying he looks tough? I can guarantee you he has a Nintendo Switch at home.
no u
You have to be sub-15% bf to pull this look off
This look is the best look.
>Beards are a vector for Coronachan. The haircut is ok. Pic related not a good hairstyle atm.
No they are not you faggot. Beards carry natural oils which are anti-microbe
What hanging onto my hairline for dear life or the beard, men have always grown beads dipshit.
if someone described it as just a "cut" I would think they were a nigger.
big ol nothingonion
>troops got on better with the locals
Imagine being an Americuck whose appearance is determined by sandniggers.
Your nation disgusts me.
Beards, anal beads. Same thing.
whats an ideal look for white men.
From the original Peary Rader Iron Man magazine; 365 lb strict behind neck press, certified.
The CZC haircut is the only true giga-chad fashcut.
When you're balding like this guy(I am too) a short back and sides is the only thing that looks good anymore, this is just a classic haircut. He didn't grow out some pineapple shaped pomp or anything like the other faggots, he just got a classic haircut.
Holy shit, lol
rate my haircut
>How and why did this look get popularized so quickly among white people?
It got popularized when beards was a thing, and hipster barber shops popped up in every city. The hairstyle is from the time when barbershops were still normal.
it works because its practical. busy men need practical hair so they can keep their eyes on the job, not on their hair.
the twist is that the top has a lot more hair that can be styled and gives it the illusion that the owner is creative when all you have to do is put a little pomade in and comb it.
>t. i was skeptical but tried it
Only low test faggots would say this.
If you don’t copy what other people are doing you will be looked at as a autistic low status unaware loser and you will be socially ostracised for it.
I have been buzzcutting my hair for the last 20 years and have gotten so much shit for it, if I just had a normie haircut I would have received 1000 times less mocks and insults about my choice of hair style.
This goes with everything in life
Would be cooler if he wasn’t a balding faggot
>Imagine being an Americuck whose appearance is determined by sandniggers.
Special Forces aren't normal troops. They're going deep in country and living with the locals, hiring mercenaries from among tribesmen, exploiting local chieftan rivalries, and running guerrilla campaigns, running in weapons for the fighting forces they create among locals. They not only adopt stuff like beards, and clothing, they learn the local language. They're not stupid jarheads. They're the top .001% of the military. They're more CIA than Army really.
Post face faggot
>t. Angry bald cunt
look at this cracker mthrfckr
All men are now
You’ll see
Beards are fine, they are comfortable and they are 0% androgynous. A better question is why did men start shaving them?
If this thread has proved anything is that every Yas Forumstard has this haircut because they're whiteknighting it pretty hard.
He looks like chief, from Xbox mil grau
it's more than just the beard and the haircut.
it's the spiritually dead, pushover, faggot mentality that these people have. idk how to describe it.
white people are fucking pathetic and soft.
not all men with beards are faggits. but the ones who look like this do. i'm still convinced that the energy with which you carry yourself matters most.
Beard hides the double chin. Haircut minimises the look of receding hairline.
It's the haircut every fat balding cunt gets so it makes sense.
>trendy airhead 'numale' walks into barber shop in trendy cosmopolitan part of urban area.
> Turns off iPhone playing latest negroid "rap music" (((hit))) that he was blasting through his ear buds to say: "hey BRO lemme get one-ah dem super trendy haircuts, ya know like the one mah GIRL be wantin me to get".
>OP pic related
what about balding but in shape cunts.
Newfag hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha learn to s(o)y
exactly this. hence his shitty energy white love negroes.
Do they think they look intimidating? Dont they realize they look like they all came from the same factory line?
>shave your beard
Christianity you utter cretin. The thing that Which made out of this a civilized beings.
fashion follows trends.
hipster douchebags always looked like it but right wingers want to look like hitler youth so now a whole bunch of people like it
can't even tell who is who nowadays.
of course myself, as an eternal anglo upperclass gentleman, i am greatly distinguished from either kind of the riff raff
>When the US special forces went into Afghanistan the lower level officers quickly discovered that their troops got on better with the locals if they sported beards. There was pushback from the top brass but Spec Ops won and then suddenly beards became THE fashion statement of American men. All the cops in my town have beards. Fade taper + big beard = special forces super soldiers.
This is probably the correct answer.
I have a round face so I have no other choice even though I keep my beard on the lower side.
Been getting this haircut since I was a kid. It is practical. Very easy to maintain but doesn’t look retarded like a buzz cut.
goddamn artificial/early summer..... FUCK!
I fell for it, but its good enough for me. Dont give a shit.
You forgot some much needed ((())).
>I fell for it, but its good enough for me. Dont give a shit.
Well that's not quite the same. I look like you do.
But OP's picture has that stupid gap between beard and hair.
uh....what? Jesus had a beard
All hair cuts are gay, face shaving is as gay as beards, none of it is as gay as side locks or being black.
The haircut pictured has been military regulation for >100 years in the states (and it was a popular civilian cut before that). Beards are cyclical in popularity.
did the flannel-wearing beard-having chubby white male get out of a prius or a diesel truck? that is how you tell
Ah i see.
Yeah i just keep it natural, let it grow and trim it every now and then
Not really the same.
>shaved sides with a beard
Looks retarded.
>short sides with a beard
Blended transition.
>hairline receding this badly
The wearing of beards by U.S. and allied special operations forces dates back to the invasion in 2001, when small teams of troops worked with Northern Alliance forces to overthrow the Taliban. The Western men grew beards in part to blend in on arduous and isolated missions in rural parts of Afghanistan, where long beards are still typically the norm and were the law under Taliban rule.
Beards remain, by and large, the distinctive hallmark of special operations forces in Afghanistan. They allow Afghans to distinguish regular U.S. and allied military units from special operations forces, the highly trained teams like the Green Berets and Navy SEALs. But for most Afghans, these beards now carry a negative connotation.
In Kandahar province’s Zhari district, elders refer to the "bearded Americans," who they say behave very badly, and the "shaven Americans," who aren’t so bad. Likewise, in Uruzgan province, locals have complained about "bearded Americans" using foul language and manhandling respected community elders and government officials.
helps mask receeding hairline
helps mask growing chin
This was popular like more than 5 years ago. So you're probably seeing dudes in their late 30s who lost their edge and they got stuck in that same style which was popular when they were hip.
It happens to most ppl. Have you noticed how older people tend to stick to styles that were popular when they were in their prime? It's the same shit, except for a late millennial.
Ouch! He needs a little more practice with a safety razor.