>Bill Gates does AMA on plebbit
>sauce is /r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/fkuilyk/?context=3
>pic fucking related
>a few years ago bill gates does huge speech or ted talk or some shit about an imminent virus that's gonna fuck us up and cause a pandemic
>talks about how we aren't prepared
>fucking steps down from microsoft in march as the outbreak goes from being something that happens to other people, to something that's happening HERE in America
>one of the things he did was develop a digital certificate that can apparently be tattooed onto you/implanted in you
>this will be used to prove you're negative for the virus/have been vaccinated
>this will be associated with the vaccine in everyone's mind
>anti-chipping will become the new anti-vaxxing
>covid will be so dangerous that you won't be allowed to do anything without the chip

So what's our next move?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Look, I'm a gun owner and staunch supporter of the second ammendmant. But now is the time to ban the guns. People are going to be trying to rebel against Trump. If you're a Trump supporter like me, we need to turn in our guns so no one assembles and fights against the Government. Trust me guys, Trump has a plan and will carry us through this. He has been handling it perfectly. If this goes post apocalpytic and everyone is armed and starts killing each other then it's the end of everything. We need to seize the guns now while we still can to make sure Trump stays in control. I encourage you to turn yours in now.

I turned mine into local police. Here's how you can do the same:


Thanks guys. And remember always and forever: MAGA. God bless Trump

>>covid will be so dangerous that you won't be allowed to do anything without the chip

Thats actually legitimately scary. NWO habbening.

And here's the fucking memeflag shills right on time.

Remember, the more shills, the more valid an idea is.

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fuck no

I can see them implementing it though for international travel LOL

shit. this is the end, isn't it?

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Literally out of revolutions in the Bible. You have to have the mark in order to buy, sell, work, ...

I think the world just got checkmated

We /endgame/ now, boys.

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Back to Discord, tranny.

Have you considered getting rid of your ammo by swallowing it? one at a time at high velocity in world of warcraft

well then, i hope to see some of you boys in heaven after the rapture. godspeed everyone.

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you were right to start with

>Look, I'm a gun owner and staunch supporter of the second ammendmant. But now is the time to ban the guns. People are going to be trying to rebel against Trump. If you're a Trump supporter like me, we need to turn in our guns so no one assembles and fights against the Government. Trust me guys, Trump has a plan and will carry us through this. He has been handling it perfectly. If this goes post apocalpytic and everyone is armed and starts killing each other then it's the end of everything. We need to seize the guns now while we still can to make sure Trump stays in control. I encourage you to turn yours in now.
>I turned mine into local police. Here's how you can do the same:
>Thanks guys. And remember always and forever: MAGA. God bless Trump
Actually you are a faggot larger. Probably a chink, so lame

I bet all the bibble thumpers didn't see this angle coming lol. Still right in the end, just the mechanism isn't exclusively about economics.

This is why trump is closing the borders and not doing foreign business.
You are trapped not the other way around.

>a faggot larger
this would make a good title for a Hemingway book has hidden swastikas, or am I that schizo?

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Dude just don't get the bioID chip lmao, they can't force you, what's the worst that can happen

oh look, it's the Mark of the Beast.

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Woke schizo.

Stop glowing so much. Ah... Kikes these days.

we have officially arrived at the endgame
fuck, next few years are gonna be sheer madness after this. this is just a warm up, screen cap this shit

expelled from society, nothing special

Do not respond to jewish glowing memefags.

Fucking new fags.

I will refuse and won't stop refusing even if they have to imprison me. IF it comes to that point I know America has fallen and will use lethal force.

well, it says in the bible that they will cut your head off

Yeah shits fucked

Gates family are 100% eugenic technocrats trying to enslave us all in a hivemind

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>Literally out of revolutions in the Bible. You have to have the mark in order to buy, sell, work, ...
Amazing how easy it is to manually fulfill prophecy when you have the money and technology at your disposal to do it.

666 must be there somewhere...
If this is the mark of the beast, we only need to identify who will be the beast

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>stealing my pasta
absolutely based


shits heating up

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More bots

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please gib the crossbow(6)

Ignore the thread dilution shill.

the schizoid's are all going to euthanise themselves when they read this...holy shit.




That's all it takes for a vaccine to break down your door and enter your bloodstream with the intent to harm and kill you.

pic related, the tattoo with the chip underneath.
looks almost like 666

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the based man warned us.. if only we could have prevent it :(

this explains the lack of publicity and urgency in relation to fast tracking the combination treatment found to be effective by the Chinese, Australian's and other East Asian nations, the schizo's were right.

we told you guys but you wouldn't believe us. NWO is for real.

10/10, here's a (you)

Kill all the pedophiles.

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honestly it looks more like a thumb print than anything else

Oh My how far has the “former Trump supporter here” meme evolved

welp if i gotta get chipped to get my trump bucks

What happens if I don’t want the vaccine

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6 lines

you're right

Even the normies aren't buying what they're selling. This AMA was Gates testing the waters, elites are so fucking out of touch they thought people will rally around this dirty microchip shit.
Everything about Coronavirus stinks
The masses know what you're up to
The elites are about to get eaten


kill yourself

Upon further reading up on id2020, they're testing ideas that meet their requirements for privacy, portability, accessibility, to be used as a digital ID that is unique to you. Tbh, they could just tie your digital self to some biometric signature like your fingerprint. It's not necessarily going to be a microchip, but I guess that's not off the table.

You are probably deemed a health hazard and put into confinement to ensure the safety of your peers

>Even the normies aren't buying what they're selling

Thank God for that.

Link to the ted talk?

I think the beast is not a person but the internet itself or something of the like.

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Very likely you will be killed, if you have children they will take them. Are you prepared for it?

this will pair nicely with earn it act

A universal biometric idea is absolutely bat shit fucking stupid particularly if it's tied to medical information. Fuck Bill Gates and fuck this.

It's the Mark, and they can stuff (((their))) requirements right up their asses.

ID* fucking auto-correct.

whats wrong with a photo id card
that thing we use to prove our identity in every other instance. use the drivers license. put a note on the drivers license record that there was vaccination.

there is no need for a fucking digital tattoo or chip. there is no need for any of this at all but lets say there was. we dont need a fucking chip for it.

they WANT to make it some creepy ass chip because these are creepy as evil fucks controlling an endless swarm of creepy dumbfuck npcs

The Bible is clear that the second beast out of the sea is a man. Several times he's literally called a man, Biblets.

Ventilate yourself, troglodyte.


i have been literally and unironically shitting on christcuck retards for over 15 years since i stopped believing in fairy tales, but if this "mark" ID chip thing is seriously starting to get pushed then i will likely convert.

what is the most based and redpilled sect of christianity? i'm not a fan of catholocism, seeing how the pope has been sucking on mudslime toes and pushing globohomo feminism faggotry. i will only join a sect that hates faggots, feminism, etc.

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Still wrong. I'm not taking anyone seriously who always says "Book of Revelations".

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The fact they're trying to tie it into whether you've recovered or received the vaccine for this bullshit virus is the most heinous part of it.

I'm really sorry to the oldfags back in the day that said he was evil and I didn't believe them. I thought they just hated computers.

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They have been talking about it since at least the 80s.


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I mean how many people are really going to accept this? They can’t scare us. There’s too many of us opposing this. When this shit comes out, and it will, it might become mandatory. Okay, so don’t accept this, under any circumstance! Society will be divided into chipped and unchipped, those that are unchipped will not be able to shop, work, do anything. Okay, so? We will be free, and we will form our own communities where we can uplift and help each other. Do not fear guys, God wins, we win, they lose in the end no matter what. We will stick together, and fight for our lives and freedom if comes to that, in Minecraft.

you do realise the reason for the lack of publicity regarding the discovery of an effective and safe treatment for the virus is so they can justify implementing this on the grounds of tracking people who are vaccinated and those who are not.


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No, cattle, you don't need Anonymity. Get in line, rack up that debt and keep sharing everything on Instabook.


Take the chip, pol

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I prepared by not having children. For the past 15 years the thought has crossed my mind but I assumed it was not a good idea in these times.

Circular logic, they're making this BECAUSE of that Christcuck nonsense. Everyone gets ideas from myths.

Say no to extreme authoritarianism and retard libertarianism in equal doses.

>the virgin OG vs the chad larper

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never under estimate the stupidity of the average person user.

At very least, you'll be denied food, goods, and essential services, most likely ability to do interstate travel, so they'll basically starve you until you comply.

there are many medications that have been found to work against it, still 100% hysteria though



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Read the Bible and what Jesus said. Most "sects" are pozzed and have their own agendas. Baptist churches tend to stay truer to the words of Christ, but you have to use your discernment, which is given to you by the Holy Spirit.

Funny how it's 2020. Almost like it's a solution to a problem that just happened

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Since we've never come up with an effective vaccine for a coronavirus I'm not pinning this on anything specific. The fact these ideas are even crawling through their diseased little minds is nauseating.

in another 2 weeks chipping or guns wont help stop this chinese made pandemic. its gonna be coofers and coffins for us all bros.

Look into the alfalfa club meeting this year, an user cryptically warned us about his presence there.
Also there is the event 201 simulation, that ties into this.

Warn the normies about this, there is still a large portion of Christians that don't know about what the elites religion is and their plan for the world is.
If we can get people thinking that this is a bioweapon release collaborated by the western and communist elite, we might have a fighting chance before they enter the final phases of worldwide power consolidation.

Read the book and come to your own conclusions. Every sect gets something wrong or believes something not in the scripture. It's a lot of filler, but there are many Bible study guides that cut to the good lessons and the meaningful stories.

The parables of Christ are excellent.

Also, start praying. The science shows that prayer has many positive mental health benefits even for Atheists. You don't have to believe in God for him to exist and be listening to your prayers.

That was a good call.

did he get more (You)s than you got?

>Read the Bible and what Jesus said
i have read the bible in its entirety 2 times. once when i was like 14 and once at 25 or so. sorry to say this but it's very obviously desert nigger fan fiction. how anyone believes it is unfathomable to me, but i would join a church to resist this id2020 bullshit

it's all in our faces man, they just don't give a shit because they have too much influence to get stop

>Read the book and come to your own conclusions
i've read it twice and my conclusion was that it is a fairy tale

huh, and his foundation just co-hosted an exercise with John Hopkins on how to handle a coronavirus outbreak a few months ago.

This isn't the mark of the beast as it's not mandatory. Still not taking any vaccine or chip. Fuck them all.

TFW joined the Linux gang not long ago.
Fuck Gates and fuck Wingblows 10 and all it's shitty pre installed bloatware/spyware.

I hoe all you anons make the switch too, start with something like Ubuntu as your baby steps away from the FED OS.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, now STFW memeflag nigger.

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>There’s too many of us opposing this

Bet everyone said the same thing about Nazis kek were fucked they've had 80 years to perfect their techniques

like it makes any difference if it's a literal mark or race or vaccines or beliefs. people don't respect people as individuals as it is and think they can mind control the sheep into being whatever the hell they want. the closest thing the majority comes to individual sovereignty is killing their own babies.

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accept Christ boys. this aint no joke. mark of the beast shit right in our faces. you happening fags were all fun n games but now its actually happening.

Blood lambs blood painted door I shall pass

this man gets it

i think it's the mix of government, academia, internet, and world economy.

>mark of the beast
"You have to use this to participate in our utopia now."

Jesus will judge these people righteously. My only hope is that He has favor for me when I meet Him.

Godspeed, user.

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>how to (((handle)))
break the cycle of jewish subversion
they're coming for everything this time

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That's why you need to stick with what Jesus actually said, the rest is symbolism. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, not in the afterlife. Seek until you find. KJV, New Testament, red words.

6 lines
6 curves
6 gaps

You are a lying sack of shit.

The meaningful content are the teachings of Christ. They are parable, a story with a moral. A fictional tale can have a good life lesson or advice.

Do your own thinking.


But that image is the polar opposite unfortunately.

using the threat of a fake/real/exaggerated pandemic to push this new system on us... yea thats not something honest good intentioned people do.

i imagine in 100 years when we are all living in a utopia and everyone is tracked in real time they will be teaching in school of the "last great lie" when they tricked the whole world of a pandemic to move us into a new era of truth that lives in perpetual balance with nature. Oh wait... it never works out like that. we are all going to hell.

just say no

The Catholic faith is not the current pope, it is the church, the tradition, the FAITH.
There have been bad popes before too, but they go away. The church never will.
For the record, if you're a catholic and don't condemn faggotry, sodomy and all the rest of it, that's a pretender.

Cope christcuck

Start here fren.

>You are a lying sack of shit.
i've read the book twice, nigger, and i don't believe it. seethe more, faggot

>Do your own thinking.
i did, and i concluded that it's a fairy tale. apparently "doing my own thinking" is the problem.

45/10 bait

things will probably get much worse and you will be treated like an absolute nut if you deny the vaccine. they create the problem and offer the solution. majority of people will crave for this

>Literally 666 in the shape of a fingerprint

christcucks here.
you're already chipped, you know that device you carry in your pocket? the one filled with tracking info and tech? the one you use to connect with the world? the one that you're considered weird if you dont have one?
you already fell for it, we all did.

Push for everyone to know about HCQ

all u heathens are gonna get the mark but i'm not cuz i'm gonna use religion to opt out

try to go find a clue as to what the beast is and what the mark is
(hint: it was nothing to do with any of this stuff)

Trump LITERALLY did this to drain the swamp! MAGA!

Face it everyone... Trump has been a false prophet, he has allways been working with them, Qanon is a deception, search it in your heart, you know it's true. Keep your guns, form millitias and defend your towns / cities to the teeth, they are using the millitary against you in this shit. If any millitary sees this, please reconsider your orders and ask yourself what is the right thing when you are the most needed for your fellow americans.

Trump is not a savior he sold us to the deep state and is doing everything they want.

Catholicism as a whole is a pretender, a twisted perversion of Christianity invented by Rome to stay in power, since they failed in their efforts to kill off Christians. The very existence of a Pope as the single conduit to God is proof.

Weak bait fucking faggot and coming from a cucked nation like banana republic panama

Why even fight?
They have all the power, anonymity is all we have got left. I dont think we can stop this

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Won't own up.

Guess the Constitution is just a fairy tale too, after it's just a list good ideas like "rights" made up by men that defer a heavenly authority.

It's about the message and the morals. if you had read any of it you would understand.

its far, far worse than that

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Don't be a pussy. And this will all be over in a few months, or less.