Turtle would move faster if it was put in charge of this health emergency.
Trump failed miserable and he is still dragging his feet.
He waited way too long to act on this corona virus epidemic.
Not impressed at all with his performance.
I'm disgusted with Trump's incompetence of handling corona virus crisis
Your mom was very impressed with my performance when I ravaged her ass and twat last night
fuck off shill. If you don't support the God Emperor then fuck off and die tranny shill
Trump is wasting his time fighting with China about the name of corona virus instead of concentration on helping suffering people. Fuck that shit.
It's just the flu idiot. Buy the dip
>Trump failed miserable
Ching chong china is fully responsible for this fucking disaster and should be forced to pay reparations to every single nation reeling with this mess before trade should be reestablished. They need to pay dearly for the lack of action in addressing the problem and alerting the international community before it went contagion. Any criticism of any nation's response to this virus is extremely suspect and reeks of chinese influence team tactics. What a bunch of souless, bat-eating savages
>It's just the flu idiot.
Tell that to Trump. He is calling it a virus.
China is saying that they have a proof that it was American military who brought corona virus to China during some sport event.
Newsflash, the dems are as shit as the GOP. No wonder Murica is in such a state.
virus-don is a loser
Trump is a fucking retard. I really hope he gets it.
Anything to deflect blame from their disgusting wet markets.
Don't worry, you'll be dead soon and your angst will disappear.
Nice copy paste faggot
Big Business cuck Trump closes the Northern border to non-essential tourist travel but still Refuses to close the border with Mexico
>Trump is wasting his time fighting with China about the name of corona virus
No, that's shitlib journalists.
>Anything to deflect blame from their disgusting wet markets.
as you know, it wasnt the wet markets. but if they have it let them show it. course we have some evidence of our own don't we
I cant imagine being as worthless as you, op
You realize not even your bosses respect you, right?
congrats on your AIDS, bitch
I agree fellow republican, the orange man is very bad.
the US is doing just about the best out of everywhere. i'm still not convinced this virus is a somethingburger.
I hope someone shoots this piece of fucking shit in the face.
Pelosi just blocked his emergency actions. It's not him
OK Chang, cool memeflag
You know our per capita death rate is about the same as Germany?
China can't take criticism: news at 11
You engrish no good, chinaman troll
Youve literally have the best president and administration you've ever had...
You mutts are whiney cunts, man. Fuck you.
Come back to Dad.
Why are Trumptards so bad at dealing with criticism of their glorious leader? It's almost as if you guys know he's handled the situation appallingly, but you'd rather be dead than acknowledge his failings.
>Closed border immediately
>Going to be getting more money out to more people, faster.
>Lock down way faster
Kept everyone calm pretending like it's nothing while everything got done to void anymore panic as well. Wish my leader was half as competent. Our borders were letting in flights till last week with the stupidest self assessment 'screening' shit ever. We are fucked. Next Italy 100%
your's is an amateur, my fucking "elected" president allowed his population to deliberately get infected by utter incompetency by allowing infected people to come without any measured at all, nothing!! we're fucked
Ok send me your trumpbux checks then
Show your flag, Moshe.
>Published Sunday, March 15, 2020 10:25AM EDT
Last Updated Sunday, March 15, 2020 10:23PM EDT
Travellers arriving at Toronto Pearson International Airport are reporting a lack of COVID-19 screening a day after the federal government announced new national measures to screen for the virus.
“Six agents on duty, zero screening, no masks, no sanitizer in site, “ traveller Glen Canning wrote on Twitter late Saturday. “This is as unsafe as it can get.”
Legit Trudeau incompetence is going to kill hundreds of thousands.
No PTG tonight Trumpkin sperm burpers? I cant fathom why?
Fuck off nigger
Probably Chinese troll, they are working overtime on forums and YouTube comment section trying to deflect blame and point fingers at anybody but themselves.
Check your facts
>subhuman MIGA faggots and glowniggers like the OP sliding the entire board with their samefaggotry and larp threads
Also the stock market plunge isn't really his fault but if you were smart you would know that instantly
Remember how few days ago when Trump stopped flights from Europe, except the UK, because according to Trump UK did such a great job fighting corona virus.
I don't have the quotes but it was allover the media.
And now we are learning that UK actually fucked up their responses and now they are totally screwed.
Trump is full of shit. I lost confidence in him as a leader.
Trump lied. Simple fact.
Jesus, I can fucking smell this post from here. Smells like a paki.
>Trudeau praised
>Trump scorned
>Trump acted before Trudeau
Trump is doing perfectly fine handling this
His retarded fanboys spreading misinformation about "muh flu" are the problem
The latest Shareblue narrative, as seen on the MSM. Get fucked you fucking faggot.
Absolutely based and checked
>Trump lied. Simple fact.
>Because I said so
where are you, fucking antartica?
the guy was being impeached when this shit started.
excuse him for being a bit distracted.
also, OP, as always, is a faggot.
You're not even American nobody cares what you think. Keeps seething for 5 more years. Im amazed there's stilkk a few of you TDS sufferers left in 2020. Jesus Christ get over it tranny
Nice selfie fat face.
Check UK media,they are in panic because they realized that from day one they did not responded properly to this corona epidemic,
yet Trump was praising them that they were doing such a great job that flights from UK were not banned but rest of Europe were.
I didn't said so, those are the facts that Trump pulled that theory about UK doing such a great job out of his fat ass.
There was no truth in his statement. Not even one bit of truth. Pure fucking fabricated lie, just to lick UK ass.
Biden will probably reverse the trade deals if he wins. There is no bigger whore for China than the higher ups of the dems.
Kys, chang.
Outside of London it's just not going to be as bad in the UK as it is in other parts of Europe. The Brussels and Paris will probably be as bad as Italy soon, those will be the epicenter in northern and western Europe.
I dont particularly like or support Trump, but to be fair to the guy this is a really difficult situation to navigate.. I'm honestly impressed with him in regards to this so far. This is the most truly genuine I feel I've ever seen him be or deal with things. For the first time ever I feel like this president actually cares about the people of the United States and our well being, imo he could give a fuck less about the vast majority of people in many ways but clearly he doesnt want anything awful to happen to them either.
He's kept people calm and taken steps & implemented things as rapidly and responsibly as I think is possible. I dont think you understand how well this is being handled and how much worse it could be handled. It's honestly impressive.
Needs more bidenposting
>being this retarded to think whats on twitter is all there is to anyones life
Oh really. What about several days ago Trump lying that the UK is doing great job controlling corona virus..
Read this
You kidding? literally took like a week to declare a national emergency and start forcing companies to produce antibiotics. China literally took months to even acknowledge it existed.
Stop lying.
Trump addressed that issue two or three times already live on camera.
That is a fake tweet.
He banned UK when the numbers came out, before Trudeau did shit.
So Trump closed border with Canada but not with Mexico. Does that makes sense.
What, they don't have corona virus in Mexico. Trump is stupid and incompetent. Simple as that.