Why do yanks get a right to protect themselves and we get fucked?

You’re allowed to own as many guns and ammo as you like. I’ve got an uncle who owns 1 rifle, 1 shotgun for hunting. He doesn’t even keep them at his home. I mean what is this? I am jealous of you sometimes. Even if you are just a bunch of marauding mutted up pirates.

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Look, I'm a gun owner and staunch supporter of the second ammendmant. But now is the time to ban the guns. People are going to be trying to rebel against Trump. If you're a Trump supporter like me, we need to turn in our guns so no one assembles and fights against the Government. Trust me guys, Trump has a plan and will carry us through this. He has been handling it perfectly. If this goes post apocalpytic and everyone is armed and starts killing each other then it's the end of everything. We need to seize the guns now while we still can to make sure Trump stays in control. I encourage you to turn yours in now.

I turned mine into local police. Here's how you can do the same:



Thanks guys. And remember always and forever: MAGA. God bless Trump

Cause your filled to the brim with shitskins my bong friend and liberals want to protect them.

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Low effort shit post or just retard?
Either way you get a

100% shill

Because yank cops have a right to shoot whoever the fuck they want.

The writing was on the wall, take a time machine, 30 years ago, mostly white, then it was let’s ban the handguns. Then a bunch of other shit followed, then the shitskin hordes came in like pirates, but I cant even say that! They were welcomed in! They just act like uncivilized pirates because they are.

They get it right like 98 percent of the time. I like those odds.

Before your country opened the gates to the barbarians, bongs took pride in the law and order throughout the kingdom and the thought of stockpiling weapons was anathema to a sense of greater civic peace. Now that you've (insanely) become more diverse, you bongs will embrace gun culture.

Did you learn nothing from us? Read about the Revolutionary war, teabag.

You allowed this to happen to yourself. And now you can't even do anything about it.

Can some user tell me - which fleshlight is it that vibrates and hums if you lick the clit?

Cuz fuck you, thats why

See, you didnt understand even the badics. Youre still fully in the matrix.

At least they kill niggers

Take your meds, faggot.

>Why do yanks get a right to protect themselves and we get fucked?

Dumb british cuck. You were once able to own weapons and when they came to take them away you cooperated instead of fighting. You (or your parents) dug your own grave. Now be a good cuck and get in it and pull the loose dirt down on top of yourself.

because your family choose the wrong side a couple hundred years ago.

The toothpaste is out of the tube, can’t have a gun culture now. Even the US has an eroding gun culture, did you know California was more Texas than Texas at one point? What changed? Shitskins. Shitskins have shown time after time they are not responsible with firearms. California is now a blue state hell hole like the rest of the north east. It’s a fucking joke. Shitskins and weak white liberals, that’s the death of us. But when you show your contempt for a shitskin, you have to look at the shitskin like a dumb animal, a lot of times he doesn’t know better, like a dog that takes a shit in the kitchen. But the whites, they knew better and THEY let them in, fuck even 2nd and 3rd generation shitskin what the fuck are you doing letting so many in? The fuck? It’s like when we let the Indians in, it was all cool, then we let the pakis in and the Indians are like hey white man, wtf are doing? You’re gonna fuck up the ecosystem here. And we did.

Look O.P. you surrendered your rights. Either get them back through the law ( are we all done laughing? Cause whew that's a funny sentence). Or start a movement that gets your God given rights back.

Aside from the Founders codifying it in the Constitution, it really has to do with the highly decentralized nature of the American Federal system. We're really 50 semiautonomous countries that share a language, currency and open borders. We mostly honor one another's laws, but not always. For example, my drivers license is valid in all 50 states, but my concealed carry permit is only good in 34 of 50 states. The whole country is like that. New York state has strict vehicle licensing laws requiring annual emissions tests and safety inspections. In Alabama you can pretty much license anything with headlights, brake lights and direction indicators to operate on public roads. And the majority of states have resisted stringent gun control laws at the federal level.

I’ve accepted defeat, it’s up to you, (again) if you’re not too mutted up and Mexican to take back what was yours. You have a fighting chance. We are done here.

America fuck yeah coming again to save the mother fucking day yeah

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Maybe you should revolt, stop being cuckish and effiminate. Fuck the queen .

You can effectively only shoot one gun at a time.

You will always be outnumbered.

Doesn't matter what country.

>Even the US has an eroding gun culture
By what measure? New York? Shooting sports are being reintroduced into high schools. Gun sales and ownership are at all time highs. 29% of Alabamians are licensed to carry a concealed weapon. Some other states boast similar numbers.

Die of boomerremover you fucking kikish traitor. FALSE FLAG FAGGOT!

There should be national carry in every state, but individual states decided they can subvert your “constitution” and disallow as they please. Today it’s 34 states, next year, 32, year after that 30, you get the picture? It’s in your constitution, why do you even need a carry license? It’s a right not a privilege. He subversion artists have really done a number on both of us, if there is a hell, I hope they fry for eternity.

Forgot your memeflag kike

with what his licensed TV?

I am come from line of Potato Niggers and Sheep shaggin Scots that fought the crown. It's in me for sure. I don't trust others to do what is necessary. But somehow all my guns got lost in a flood. Very sad.

Correct. Hey if you ever want to become an American citizen you'd be welcome.

That’s always good for a laugh, show our civil disobedience by not getting a tv license renewal lol. We are pathetic. I’ve got to stop watching YouTube videos of yanks shooting into watermelons and other sugary sodas. It does look fun.

You have herd immunity. Just stay in the center of the herd you’ll be fine m8

I feel the same envy about Euros and being allowed to keep your foreskin at birth, instead of having it ripped from your body.


>Guy kills kids
>Guy is a pedo
>Gets caught in compromised position with a minor
>Police let him go
>Is in deep with the council and major players
>Probably other high up pedos
>Gun laws get passed to hide the real truth its always pedos whom are in control

>Huntingdon a knee jerk reaction to a guy witha semi auto rifle, so they banned semi auto

You can still own guns I do, I shoot every weekend in skeet or sporting. I am literally picking up a hushpower .410 mossberg 500 tomorrow for shooting round horses - a fucking silenced pump action shotgun.

I also own a bunch of 12s and air rifles and other gumpf. Working on the FAC but no land to use it on so need to join a club for 6 months.

Then you have a whole long list from Gallery rifles (underlever .44/.45/.357) Long barrel pistols in .22LR, semi auto rifles in .22LR, straigh pull in anything (.223 / 308 normally)

You can have anything in a bolt action pretty much.

But if your looking for home defense a shotgun is THE best tool you can have.

t. Had SGC for 20 years

Well I thought you used to have that right. When did you lose it?

> a link
! nice effort troll.

We know this. Is it simply easier for you to ring the bell on US encroachments than to address the fact that self-defense is illegal in your country and do something about it? England is such a fox and grapes situation. At this point, most of you pretend you ever had a gun culture to begin with, which you did. Otherwise they are going off like "LOL Brits can still have guns, you don't know the law". No you can't have guns, they are de facto banned, but thanks for the interjection.

Well I do have that going for me. Lol, good job at your hand lotion surplus. I don’t need any lotion. :)

Get this. Uncle Donald is giving me 1000 bucks to buy another gun.

>At this point, most of you pretend you ever had a gun culture to begin with


bin that spork, nigel

What’s your opinion on shotgun autoloaders like the benneli? Now that is what I want.

Not everyone, if you have the mispleasure of being born in a shithole and too poor to move you literally don't get any proper second amendment rights
>waiting 10 days after purchase
yeah, a lot of good that would have done me. everything is getting locked the fuck down

> california whites let the beaners in
No, no they didn’t I saw a video by a boomer white woem - I wished I’d saved it - about how time and time again the issue of illegals would come up and the people would reject immigration, and rights for immigrants, but it happened over their heads anyway.

You could always move to Northern Ireland. They have guns.

The law is we can only use "eual force"

Which is utter tripe. A guy breaks in my house with a screwdriver or knife then I stab him, it takes a month of your name being in the papers, your family being abused by the "victims" family you killed invading YOUR home. While the police literally do nothing but stand by and let the pikey cunts intimidate the REAL victims.

If I shot a home invader (and I am willing to do so after having 2 house invasions now) I am damned sure I will not let him have a chance to tell his side of the story. His face will be over the wall in a red mist.

Tried by 12 rather than carried by 6

Make a longbow

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i bought a couple of broom handles to use as staffs, just gotta improvise

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I own a Beretta A303 semi auto as well. Best semi auto ever. Fuck the new A391 or A400. Looks shit, shoots worse.

Perfectly serviceable gun for under £500 for a mint nick one. Classic mid 80's shotgun.

I am lucky enough that mine was crimped to only allow 2+1 in it from 5+1 but I am trying to get a certificate to allow me to get a 5+1 back on it.

I can do the work now, literally in like 5 mins but its not worth the risk of getting caught with a section 1 shotgun on a 2 license.

>insert loicense meme

I would love to see you regain a lot of your rights, most especially that of the right to self-protection. Unfortunately, it's a next to impossible task once the damage is done.

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I give zero fucks though, I will defend myself down to the last if need be

Because you disregarded the instruction of your ancestors who ordered all boys over 14 to practice longbow for at least 2 hours per week. Now your once mighty island fortress nation is inhabited by disarmed cucks being reverse colonized by countries you made up.

How often do you shoot it? How often do the police come around your house for check-ups? Just curious.

>here's a word salad, the end state is to make you believe that other men ought to protect you, and that you shouldn't have weaponry.

show your flag

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Lol I remember reading a story about 3 niggers trying to do a home invasion on this guy in the states, he killed all 3 of them with his AR 15, as he should. Didn’t spend a day in jail. Self defense. nbcnews.com/news/us-news/oklahoma-man-uses-ar-15-kill-three-teen-home-intruders-n739541

God bless him. Lol same story happened in Texas but with a shotgun.

They don’t factor in, men are not created equal. Some are bigger than others, some are younger than others, some dont have a bum knee from foot ball, etc and when the men are smaller and weak? What do they do? They form a posse. So you got 3 shitskins to deal with now. I don’t even want to mention what to do if you’re a woman. You’re fucked. Literally in most cases. The only bodyguards one should need are Smith and Wesson.

You’re just upsetting me more, you have it 2+1 because it’s meant to hunt for sport, not mow down a pack of gang rapists. If you can get the 5+1 that would be great.

I have a recurve bow, did my rifle practice today though. Will get the bow out tomorrow.

Could have rebelled against your monarchs at any time faggot.

I shoot every weekend, my local skeet club is down the road and my sporting club is half hour drive away.

The old bill only check the cabinet is sufficient for safe storage, nothing too invasive.

If i buy a shotgun i walk in store, buy it and just send them and email with the S/N to add to my license.

That's right my dude

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We have long since lost the right to be one to talk, despite our laws relative to the rest of the world.

Its a waterfowling gun really, semi autos are for shooting in waste deep water.

You can hardly have it broken like an O/U without dipping the barrel in the drink.

The mag tube is a full 5 byut they pinched it in the middle (old bill did) with a pair of crimps.

I can knock it out in no time. When you shoot ducks off water you walk up on them, you get 10-20 lift sometimes you need as many shots as you can have!

Its a great home defense tool as well, single barrel, light weight, pointable.

I’ll suck your dick for that 380....

Because you voted to have your guns, swords, machetes, bicycle tires, screwdrivers, knives, and spoons taken away while simultaneously voting to import millions of retard level inhuman shitskins that hate you into your country while also making it a crime to protest it.
You fucked yourselves.

I tried to explain toi my old boss who was like 6 foot 9 that if he wanted to hurt a small woman, he could with basic impunity.

Now imagine if she had a gun, or the threat she might.

Its not called a great equaliser for no reason.

It's your shit faggot government, they are not about the individual but the government, the constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms which we exercise to shoot bastards trying to enslave us.

If you need a gun just get one off the black market

>Why do yanks get a right to protect themselves and we get fucked?
This is why we rebelled from you and the rest of Europe, Nigel.

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We didn't. Honest.

The boomers did. The pakis did. The niggers did.

We didn't

We are left holding the bag tho and it smells like shite,

>I shoot every weekend, my local skeet club is down the road and my sporting club is half hour drive away.
I have to imagine this is a rarity. I've read a lot of stuff about sport clubs and such increasingly being shut in England.

>The old bill only check the cabinet is sufficient for safe storage, nothing too invasive.
Letting them into your house is too invasive, especially on the basis that you own a shotgun. That's just a gentle reality check.

tin of beans in a sock, good bludgeon, improvise

Oh 100% agree.

The police work against us in ways you have no idea, they spend budgets designed for licensing paperwork & leg work, underfund departments and make it as obtuse as possible to get a firearms cert.

You can literally say i want a shotgun cert for sport and they will give you one.

>Look, I'm a gun owner and staunch supporter of the second ammendmant. But
Stopped reading right there, fudds will be the first

Even a 5’6 man can have his way with a woman, because he’s a man and she’s a woman period. He doesn’t have to be 6’9, lol at 6’9 he can have his way with most men!

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huh, almost like you guys let some inbred germans pretend that they're royalty and rule you.
no kings, no royalty, everyone is equal at the end of a barrel.

Get the 1st and 2nd so we can come home. I've about had it with this shit.

I have more guns on the wall behind me than you have in your entire city.

Feels good man.

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