Coronavirus is spreading and killing people across the country

>coronavirus is spreading and killing people across the country

>American zoomers

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Boomers aren't people.

A good way to end the zoomer plague

Well Zoomies are self destructing. Good

A bunch of NPCs. Western society is full of retards.

Selfish degenerates

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smart lad, boostin' his immune system.


Good. I'm glad to see people aren't taking it seriously. It means this shit is just going to get worse and worse.

Yep, zoomers are shit after all.
The cycle continues!

Jesus Christ


Why are we shutting everything down?
For the sake of boomers?
I lose my job, my school cancels the semester, my gym closes, and pic related (the biggest outdoor party in Canada) gets cancelled BC a bunch of boomers will die?
The same boomers that sold us out to the globalhomo agenda, who have all the wealth, own most houses, and eat up pensions and welfare?
Why. Tell me one reason why I as a zoomer should give up all this for boomers?

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Let them have fun, pretty much every generation did the same. And ”pandemic” is just a blessed healthcare saver taking out the ones who would otherwise be camped in there and use up most of all the medical resources.


Based zoomer.
Let the Boomers die.


We must interupt our lives to stop a cough that kills 80 year old Leukemia patients! We have to shut down our economy and lock ourselves in our homes because old fucks will die 2 weeks earlier than anticipated!

Nah. Fuck off. I'm going out to eat. Guilt mongers will have no impact on me. They can suck on Deez nuts.

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that beer must taste like shit

Please..the flu we have every year does worse. Buying bullshit.

Based zoomers

>tfw moomer who pretends to be a zoomer

You're a Boomer. Please go suck on a toilet handle and dose yourself with the Chinese Boomerremover


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My only hopes is that by the time I grow to be in my 70s-80s, I won't be dementia addled enough to be unable to laugh my ass off at all the other millennials and Zoomers in my same age range. Take every Incel, Doomer, Dangerhair, Basedboy, e-Thot, Troon, any other stereotypical trope our generation got dealt with, and just picture how they'll all be in the next 50-60 years from now.

Sure, it'll be depressing as fuck since huge swaths of them will die before they reach that point (either suicide or just poor life choices) and just as huge swaths of them that do make it to that point will live their lives entirely childless, but think of it this way: you remember how most shows have the senile grandpa stumbling around with his pants around his ankles ranting about how he used to fight the Kraut Naytzees in Normandy? Just imagine that, but now he's ranting about how he resisted against the alt-right Nazis on Twitter.

Makes me sick

Yep and pensions. My country us secretly going bankrupt due massive pension fraud.(mandatory no choice)Pension company literally stole 200k from my dad; oopsie we did some bad investments. Meanwhile the pension ceo gives himself a 10mil bonus for his great work.

I'm fucking angry. and I rarely get angry. Fuck these people.

Based buttchugging is the best

No one is a person

>Selfish degenerates

Says the user posting on a goddamn board of a site dedicated to weebshit, etc.

The most important thing you can do for yourself and your race is keep your own life in order. You can and must become focused, disciplined, reliable, and , to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life tend to trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising self reliant children? If you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to make a difference in the world, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a real difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet don't. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, be nice to yourself, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people, in real life. That's very important. Never let anything from a screen take away from your real life.

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>it doesn't affect young people!

it causes lung scarring on everyone.

Millennials will save the world.
We just have to wait for all these old people to die off.

Ah, you’ll never have that much fun. You I ie After engaging in this they go back to really nice middle class homes and standards of living without having to do stuff like work in kitchens or take the bus? Why even try so you can achieve the means at 40 that the bourgeois traveler enjoyed in the sexual and physical glory of their youth and didn’t even have to work for?

Before or after it ran down the crack of thot's ass???

That shit is degenerate but still not equivalent to these walking petri dishes spreading this virus. The West is fucked with these fucking people/

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UV rays kills SARS virus. It kills Corona, which is just a variation of SARS. Being out in the Florida sun is a great way to avoid the virus. Florida OJ helps boost the immune system. Florida is the place to be until this burns out in May.

Sucks to be Canadian.

It also explains why Africa is not being as effected.

The dude has tits bigger than the chicks

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Bitches too human centipede too literal.

i smoke weed everyday, faggot. fuck my lungs. its time to make the fucking donuts

Explain Brazil then

>that shit is degenerate

It just amuses me that someone who recognizes that would even post here in the first place. I mean, I ain't denying that either of these things are degenerate, but why would someone who believes they are post on a board where every other OP has a lewd woman's picture attached? So you find these walking petri dishes disgusting but you don't mind posting on a board where every other OP has a picture of what essentially is a walking petri dish with the clap or whatever? How can you find one degeneracy tolerable enough to post on a site glamorizing it and hate another? Nothing personal, user - just curious is all.

Fucking little selfish piece of dog shits.

I actually did have this much fun in college. Few better feelings than busting a nut balls deep in a slutty sorority girl on spring break.

Reminder to not fall for confirmation bias. There are more cases showing up every day because we are now actually testing. You cannot be counted if no one is counting. Please calm the fuck down..

And no they won’t die. There will be no punishment. They got it all. They win. And when neoliberalism implodes the bourgeoisie will seamlessly have always been allies of what replaces it. They will have always been against the old regime. They’ll never be deprived of their material wealth and standards of living. You get that because you have these abstract fetters and mental hang ups considering yourself intelligent for having to reason and reject things someone with half your IQ can successfully reckon without ever having to even articulate in their head. Truly we are the cursed.

It only kills boomers
Flights are cheap
Booze is cheaper
Hotels are pretty much begging for visitors
This is the life boomers lived before us, why don't we get a piece and remember what they took from us before we take it back? Better living standards, higher wages, being able to start a family are just a coof, sniff, and fatal lung hemmorage in some boomer's diabetic body away for us.

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Faggots staying inside. They should go to the beach. Drink OJ and be active in the sun.

To be young again

this. fuck this stupid holocough

This is peak Chad mentality

I'm not white though

omg you're like one of the worst humans I've ever met. fuck you, you have no heart.

and we are the monkeys? lol

When I was in college, it was mostly attractive people at parties, especially spring break type of parties. Now it's a bunch of ugly ass retards. I bet they all like marvel and star wars.

>Ah, you'll never have that much fun
Thank God Almighty I grew up hunting and learning how brutal the world could be instead of doing this degrading thing you do that you call "fun"

Right? Enjoy. Blue balling yourself and moping isn’t going to crea the any material conditions negating neoliberalism. When that time comes the middle class as it always has will come down with the ruling one to maintain their precarious living standards and push down their competitors in the lower classes.

natural selection at its finest boys

How do you save a video from twitter?

>omg you're like one of the worst humans I've ever met. fuck you, you have no heart.

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I don’t creampie hot girls. I gut deer when I really need my rocks off.


Watch out for that disease that's hitting deer population now, one day it'll make the jump to humans

You're goddamn right, motherfucker. If I "fuck", it's only going to be for procreation. Still a virgin and I don't give a care.


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hes going to the Walmart McFema camp

the only reason a man doesn't sleep around is because he can't

I didn’t really care about sex until fucking the right woman. Most are mentally and physically dysfunctional but that’s the US and all the shitskins that occupy it, which comprises most of the sexual marketplace.
