How do we stop this agenda now that they are quite literally openly declaring war?
How do we stop this agenda now that they are quite literally openly declaring war?
Other urls found in this thread:
>As a group get consistently molested at age 4-7, creating hypersexual behavior and early sexual activity
>Imply it somehow "shocking" that you have more experience with sexual activity
the straight common man usually sucks at sex.. he is overweight and low stamina. And a woman needs a man of stamina to give her an orgasm. this is why white women prefer black men for sex.. they have that energy ..primal.. that most white men lack.
You retards take everything so literally and seriously KYS
He cute.
Kill yourself please
I only regret that I won't be one of the ones to have the satisfaction of watching him die.
enjoy your women taking black cock day and night and having orgasms from it where they literally see god.
Why there are so many homosexuals on Yas Forums I will never know.
>poop dick good
>poop dick better
Better at war...........let shit downgrade enough to where normies dont care.
LGBTQ bade their who life idea on sex have you ever noticed?
They can’t have a conversation without bringing up sex
Not gay but I would let this particular Ezra stick his tongue down my throat
>better at warfare
Wot? What the hell is he talking about?
Per IMDB he said the following....
[on his heritage and religion, in a 2012 Haaretz interview] My father is Jewish, my mother is not, but I consider myself entirely Jewish even though according to Jewish law I am not. I encourage everyone to understand that the rules [of Jewish matrilineal descent] were written before anyone could do DNA tests... I know that I am a descendant of Abraham through my father... I definitely plan to [visit Israel].
Mutt's law and a half.
The people who post this stuff have something seriously wrong with them. Probably a tiny hat and a pronounced nose.
But isn't it proven that blacks in the US are more likely to be fat and overweight than whites?
Alexander the Great was gay.
But he had a child with Roxana, if anything he was bisexual
Diversity is their strength, except when it's the wrong kind of diversity. Please don't think about it too hard.
If that wasn't bad enough, he also seems to be a Satanist and is constantly posing like the Baphomet and flashing other occult symbols
Gengis khan (one the gods of asian warfare)was not a faggot and see how much chinks are the result of his seed
He's forgotten something, the autism spectrum is just a truncated way of looking at the entire neural spectrum at which autistic people are at one end, normal people are in the middle and people with ADHD are at the other far end. We ADHD people are far closer to what he's describing, evolution created us to be hunters and soldiers. They could well be better at sex or art than us but I don't see how we could care, sex and art are just things that are there to be consumed. When placed in a properly disciplined environment with meaningful tasks the ADHD "victim"'s soldier genes will activate to produce the deadliest warriors our species is capable of creating, perfectly tuned to unrelentingly pursue a target until it is dead by suppressing issues like hunger and emotion.
By comparison the autistic person, while full of valuable artistic and emotional mysteries, cannot turn off their feelings, they can't leave the "self" behind even to the degree accessible by neurotypicals, much less enter one of our "kill animal make village happy" battle trances. We're bloody hard for normal people to kill, let alone some gay crybaby jew who probably has a house full of ugly art he only bought to launder sheckles.
He was pretty good in Stanford Prison Experiment. Didnt know he was globohomo. rip
they get much more practice, starting even before adolescence.
>claims to be better at sex
>unable to reproduce
lol this.
any average guy can go on grindr and get matches. same could not be said for an average guy on tinder.
say what you want about faggots but they at least dont have bullshit roastie tactics and are quite redpilled when it comes to sexual relations
Because anime is degenerate and either attracts or creates these people.
You don't understand autism at all, i can feel anything most if the time and when i do it's mostly negative.
Tbqh based on how shitty your poat is i bet you don't know shit about ADHD either.
Lmao imagine a faggot attacking you
white men are generally right wing, media does not reflect the average homosexual man. They focus on feminine extremes that repulse gay men.
Weak faggot
I wish faggots would try some shit lmao they will get STOMPED
you dont
nothing will stop it before kingdom come
you think things we get better before the end?
there will be minor bumps that are better but the downward spiral trend is only going to accelerate
Not all women are into beastiality.
Did he essentially say Autistic people are superior?
How? I could just throw a bunch of crayons on the ground and make sure one colour has more, that'll make them go crazy.
What are these types of clips called?
I never know what to refer to them as.
What is he?
Shhh you're ruining his cuckhold fantasy
There's an lgbt board, a de-facto furry board, Yas Forums, /d/, and over a dozen boards with anime purely being a centerpiece.
Joey eating.
The only thing faggots are better at is dying early and alone while being riddled with diseases.
they are recruiting by having the government steal kids from their parents and chopping off their weiners
INB4 the “1000 partners” and “all gays are sex addicts!” claim from a 1970’s Survey of sex club attendees.
Hurr durr yet when you look at property sampled studies it’s more like 15% of gay men were molested, and it’s because they were fem as boys and pedos seem to target them. How can you even claim it’s molestation when 85% weren’t molested.
Corona Chan will deal with these degenerates and finish what AIDS Chan started.
In every picture. Always with this hand signal.
Have you ever heard of grindr, fren?
I think this dude is fucked up, he must be repressing some really fucked up childhood shit
Yes? Most gay guys don’t even fuck any guys on grindr you retard. That’s a fucking representative survey and is an accurate look at gay men and accounts for ones who use grindr.
Yeah but imagine the absolutely top shelf head he gives.
no one believes that, kike
As virus fever strikes America they will quickly stop thinking about things like LGBTQABBQ+ people and start worrying about their gardens.
Imagine being this dense. Straight men who were feminine as children report the same amount of molestation as gay men. Gay men who were stereotypically masculine as children report the same amount of molestation as straight men.
You = low IQ
Pathetic projection and mental gymnastics. KYS
>not knowing jews pray to satan as well as god
the idea is they distract satan from watching the gate where prayers fly through to reach god
all devout jews pray to satan
I thought jews and other insiders weren't supposed to talk about this openly, did he not get the memo? That's some esoteric stuff he's talking. It's what occultists actually believe.
It has been a thing for a while now that teens are looked down upon by their peers if they are straight or even bi.
You know what a gold star is? A lesbian that has never been with a man before. It is seen as the ultimate purity since being with a man would taint her. It‘s the same as incels obsession with virginity.
better at getting aids.
i ignore anyone who says y'all.
Self reported, I assume.
hes probably some freemason boy toy fag
"Neurodiverse" sounds like their way of saying multiple personality disorder
but I'm better than ezra. (woah oh)
Bullets probably
is he the flash in the batman movies?
Nigger lovers won't be in the new world