When Democrats give you money it’s welfare.
When Republicans do it, it’s economic stimulus.
When Democrats give you money it’s welfare
When money is stolen from whites and given to unemployed niggers it's welfare.
When taxes are returned to white taxpayers it's taxes being lowered.
B-b-based leaf?
And they only do it when it's really needed.
Niggers spend it all immediately.
white people put that money in the bank and dont use it
Funny you keep saying this but this would be the first time the govt. has ever giving me something free. Must be because of my white privilege and not because of everything being shutdown.
When people don't save for emergencies, it's repubs mismanagement.
When people don't have guns for the eventual looting, it's dems creating utopia.
It looks like someone had a bukkake all over the chicken fried steak. God American cuisine is disgusting.
If you don't like gravy then you're not white.
UhoOHh I pooped
Correct - it's an emergency economic stimulus. Also, now I'm fucking hungry. Fuck you, nigger.
Enjoy your diarrhea on fries.
They need to strip, sand, bleach and scrub that cutting board, but I miss being young fucking waitresses in the shower and then fucking them again after drinking on the porch or watching a movie. Someone needs to get a baby in her.
Whites need to make some children. We need a new generation of strong families to rise up.
This also is a one-time crisis thing, the difference when leftists propose it is that they want something permanent.
>Kendall's posting
>white people put that money in the bank and dont use it
Yeah and then the bank uses it to invest.
Do NEETS still get money?
I like gravy, like the type you would have on a poutine. I don't enjoy cum though which is what the white sauce on chicken fried steak is. Also I am not white, I am a pajeet. But my girlfriend is white with blue eyes and blonde hair and we're planning to have a baby together.
>a leaf
Doing your part to make sure leafs are still the biggest faggots on the planet, eh? Go dilate with a chainsaw, you worthless queer. Tim Hortons is nigger-tier garbage.
nicely put
Wowow would rail that rural pussy while I ate that fried monstrosity
>When money is stolen from whites and given to unemployed niggers
Quality poutine is pretty great. Carne asada fries (Mexican poutine) are better, though.
i know its bait but
>what are ratios
Two Bags Jimmy
Fellow Okie breatheren
>National emergency
>Permanent lifestyle
>Nigger can’t into proportions
Why are you leftards so fucking retarded.
It's attrocious.
Now do the respective ratios you dumb fuck. Shitlibs literally can't fucking math.
May you be blessed fellow Okie and remember: fuck Norman and it's toxic OU nigger brigades.
Yes, because it's temporary and under emergency. Not because you're lazy or retarded and forever.
I'll believe this shit when I see it. there's gotta be some huge limitation to it where I don't count. it's just not a thing that has ever happened or will ever happened. i will not get a check for $1000, for whatever reason that will simply not occur.
since when is a budget determined by ratio instead of total amount? No accountant has ever said "we have X amount of money but its worth less because it came from 50 people instead of 500" that's not how money works. no one on Yas Forums ever explains this
Do you understand the political ramifications of promising American's 1000 dollars to get through the storm, then failing to follow through?
I drove through oklahoma once on a cross country road trip. Tulsa might have been my favorite city in the whole trip.
Can someone spoonfeed me on how this fucking works? I've read ten different things in the news and none of them have explained who gets what and how they get it the same fucking way. If they explain it at all.
jesus christ that looks good
>all of these machines we bought are faulty, let's get rid of them and not buy any more
>b-but sir, they're only a small percentage of our factory! We should keep maintaining and purchasing these defective machines!
Whites represent 73 percent of America, Blacks represent 13. So, out of 234 million whites, 9 million are on Food stamps. Conversely, out of 41 million blacks, 5.9 million are on food stamps.
In other words, 3 percent of whites are on food stamps compared to 14 percent of blacks.
If democrats give you anything their is an ulterior motive. We saved you you would die with out us protecting you goy
If the Republicans do it they are doing straight forward. Your out of work that sucks have money stay afloat until work is a go don't riot and or kill thoes responsible goy
>doesn't like classic chicken fried steak
>also canadian
ffs can't you do anything right?
It's only welfare if it keeps you dependent on it.
It matters because they're taking in a disparate amount. It means each black person uses way, way more than they should be per person.
The only possible way white people could be taking in less is if they were a smaller proportion of the population, which, I assume, is what you want.
And it means that, yes, an unjustifiable amount of our money is still going to nonwhites.
i want to lick her teeth
damn okies are everyfuckinwhere
little dixie here
Wtf is going on here. Nice comment leaf.
t. Beaner
Tulsa is filled with feral niggers and midwest transplant trash.
>mfw cant run down to kendall's and get served a giant chicken fried steak by QTPI
Per capita you moron
no. because i can't comprehend actually getting 1000 bucks for free so hard that I can't even be angry that anyone promised that in any context. anyone who thought that would actually happen is an idiot.
I'd stimulate her economy, if you catch my drift. Would definitely expand my money supply into her markets and equities, if you know what I mean.
>Niggers spend it all immediately.
Corporate CEOs using bailout money for stock buybacks are all niggers?
I like Logan county. If it wasn’t for that black college it would be the nicest place in the state with basically no demographic changes throughout its history
You were quite stupid for thinking this was a gotchya
ok and whites are still getting more. When deciding a budget, no one cares about the ratio that are on welfare only the total amount of money.
>tfw no trollface gf
Nobody post the stats showing poor whites consume the most welfare per capita
It makes republicans very unhappy
When the government "gives" anyone, anything, they are simply returning PART of what they have stolen from all of us.
Then why are they talking about it? Why did Mitch McConnell of all people put his support behind it? You think it's a publicity stunt? "Oh let's give everyone 1000 dollars", then fails to follow through? You think that's a smart course of action during election season?
You honestly sound like you just believe it's "too good to be true".
>only 40.7% of households on food stamps are white in a country where 62% of households are white
>This graph includes baby boomers
Lmao my sweet spring break child oh mine
She is suburban
You are dumb as fuck
Whites and asians are the only groups that are net tax payers, everyone else takes more than they give
But ratios are what matter because statistics are done in percentages not raw numbers. A higher percentile of black people are on welfare. That's what is actually important.
Poor whites don’t consume the most welfare per capita. Also poor whites are the only people on food stamps who bring themselves out of poverty. Stupid Aussie Melbernoutian. Fuck off
God bless that image
Right there with you. I'm in Edmond and seriously considering moving a little farther north to it.
that graph has been debunked many times, vox counts things like GI bill for military service as a "handout" and counts whites as one group when most taxes are payed by like 30% that make over 85k. It's a nonsense image that means nothing outside your hugbox. sorry
who decides what is a "disparate amount" and what should be done about it?
Yes, but that's not the point. The point is that white people, who are the majority, take up a smaller percentage of food stamps. If blacks had the same population as whites, 30 million blacks would be on food stamps. Taking raw numbers without acknowledging the ratio of populations is a dishonest way of discussing the topic.
"Whites take more in food stamps" Uh yeah, whites are the majority population. In regard to percentages, we take less in food stamps than every other race besides asians.
Effectively, yes, that is how this is working out. I mean, this is literally economic stimulus of a temporary emergency measure. Not the retarded, destructive UBI that shills like you have been trying to sell.
Um...hello based department
Edmond is pretty nice. Don’t be stupid if you leave a 76% white city there is a 24% chance a mutt family, or spic family buys the house. A 6% chance a black, injun, or Asian family does.
Fun fact, Tim Hortons is owned by Americans. It is absolute shit I agree.
Is that why Obama gave out an economic stimulus you fucking retard.
Any one else realize that at bare minimum by doing this Trump will get to know the number of illegal workers in each of the states.
Hmmm lets see 1 million working and only 500k Social Security Numbers to send checks to, no wonder the Demonrats crapped a brick.
The government's giving me my money back.
>statistics are done in percentages not raw numbers.
no they aren't. a statistic can be anything that compares 2 groups. plenty of statistics that aren't percentages, for example: California has a higher total population than Wyoming.
Dont you talk about Ttown like that
>facts aren't real
The absolute state of leftism. You are so hilariously dumb.
You fucking lying dog faced pony soldier! You know damn well the Democrats only give money to the useless scum and bums of this society, meaning those who are here illegally, and blacks who dont work.
Republicans on the other hand want to help those who are law abiding citizens who actually work and contribute to society.
Fuck off faggot