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Uhhh bros....?
This is bad. Real fucking bad
I've been sharing this with everyone I know. This needs to go viral in every Christian group
I Pet Goat II predicted this
The mark of the beast boys
reminder that elites don't see humans, they see numbers, statistics
its like playing grand strategy game for them
>640K is more memory than anyone will ever need on a computer
Fuck this faggot.
What were the conditions for the Apocalypse to start again?
>Mark of the beast
>Jerusalem Temple restored
>wars/plague/natural disasters
>The anti christ himself being alive
anything else Im missing?
>the mark of the gates
Every fucking day I regret ever finding this place 8 years ago.
Sure you get the occasional laughs, but overall all you will get here is never ending depression.
I just want to be a fucking NPC at this point.
At least they look fucking happy.
Neck yourself you weak-willed leaf.
Tell me this is photoshop. Ahaha, niggers, you are fucking done. Microchips, topkek.
beast happening now kek
Reminder that the war against anonymity is going to escalate quickly. Watch for more crimes being committed by Alt-right nazis. Infinity was first. Yas Forums is not long for this world.
Please spread word to everyone you know about how terrible this id2020 shit is. Unless it develops a bad rep now people will accept it when it is pushed on them.
>Tell me this is photoshop.
Is not, this is the direct link to the quote in the OP
Also Gates has been preparing the grounds for several years
Digital Certificate for being vaccinated = Mark of the Beast
Dragon = China
Beast of the Sea = EU
Beast of the Earth = Islamic Caliphate
The Mark of the Beast
"And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name."
-Revelation 13:17
Do not receive it friends...
>make pandemic, make sure people panic a lot
>chip all the plebs
>phone home over G5
this pretty good, if you ask me.
where will you get your chip Yas Forums, is the wrist or forehead?
You didn't find this place by accident.
One world ends, another begins.
We're all needed.
It needs to be a better world.
>he has more public relations experience so he can out it more dishonestly than me.
i guess these chips will work very well with the new 5g networks?
Yeah, a lot actually. Did you read the book or was it too boring for you?
Always the leaf that cracks.
you faggots really don't think the elites are obviously playing into your christard delusions and playing your emotions like a
fuckin piano
these "conditions" aren't proof of muh bible being true it's proof that kikes and shabbogoys are purposefully making these conditions come true to psyop you and prime your brain for "the end of the world"/your death
what is a self fulfilled prophecy retard
>not even a Christcuck
>tfw still terrified by a microchip
If this doesn’t start the boogaloo I don’t know what would
This nigger is literally trying to implant the mark of the beast
>The very people Christ warned about doing the exact things he warned of
>Lmao it's just nothing dude
Jesus was right when he said there's truly nothing that can convince some people.
Repent and be saved, user.
So what’s the next step, no more cash? Then without an id your credit transactions won’t be validated and you won’t be able to buy or sell. I sure hope crypto saves the day
Too late. Ignorance is bliss.
The rider pestilence wears a corona.
Looks like the founder kikerosoft needs to fuck right off.
people need to see this.
This should be sticky.
Wtf is going on
Jesus fucking Christ the world is about to end.
Wow, 4 whole comments and not one mention of Trump or Russia.
>tfw they'll just slip the digital microchips into the food supply with the mandatory vaccine inoculations
Yeah I gotta bump this. This is suspect.
Ding ding ding ding. That's why they're tanking the economy and destroying it. This is just the beginning
Cash is yucky and dirty. Full of germs. Anonymous. Not good. Better pay with clean chip. Or no soup for you. Come again. Thanks.
dollar (bill) gates = follow the money
what the fuck are those wingdings at the top
does reddit have achievements
Found the antichrist.
It seems that the only missing piece is the rise of the Antichrist... Everything is ready.
Anons, the end is near. Jesus will come soon.
Why didn't we listen
Just get digital ID lmao
People pay real money to award these widgets to posts they like
I swear to god if they try and chip me I'm going to fight the govt until I die.
First it's a digital passport, then it integrates banking and healthcare, then oops you made a racist comment online, no more banking for you.
Oh your at a protest gathering? Nope, we are going to track you, arrest you and take you to a prison.
Fuck all this shit
that is quite possible, still not a good sign either way or something to take lightly
I can't believe this timeline
I KNEW coronavirus was a test for something else done at the future. Like the uk revolt as a test to arab spring.
This show they are speeding their plans, the old plan (according to new order of barbarians, a text with ultra detailed info [what, how and why things would be done] from an insider at late 60s that you know its real because alot already happened and still happening) was:
1-Merge all documents at single one
2-make this document be one with a chip and not a paper with printed information at it
3-Use the excuse, we must put that into the body so you can't use the excuse you forgot to bring this document.
Now they are doing this method too and want to skip straight to step 4.
Tell me if your country is at step 0, 1 or 2 or previous plan (if you are somehow at step 3, jesus christ you are fucked).
We are with you
and you’ll eat the bugs too
Based posters redpilling redditards.
We are in literal hell.
We were all very bad people in a previous realm.
>TFW the NWOfags and end-of-times Christfags were right all along
European lords are trying to do the same thing.
Do not take this lightly. They will force you to use this shit especially in healthcare if it goes forward.
The best of the 4 Ps is the Privacy - with an implanted microchip, only you control who your data is shared with. Finally, I'm in control.
we don't 'need' the internet
But that comes with being a maple nigger, doesn't it?
either way the prophecy is coming true so your point is null and void
Bumpity Bump Bump
Didn't read
Digital (You) all-in-one ease to use package ;^)
Yo Billy how’d you make this one?
It's just the end of an era user.
So coronavirus is an overhyped excuse to get them to enact draconian policy that will make Xi jealous?
how else do you work from the quarantine?
Inb4 shills
I visited the website, the ledditor is wrong in his assumption, delve in deeper, they just want a unified ID system to help all the poor refugee niggers without papers and prevent identity theft and the like.
For all the paranoid schizo fags, if you carry a phone, or live in a nanny state like the UK, every move you make or person you meet is already traceable and easily monitored, they don't need to chip your ass to follow your moves,listen to your bullshit or watch you want, they can already do that.
Jesus christ.
Same. We’re here forever
I don't
Dont take the chip no matter what. Even if they threaten you.
Where's the temple tho?
Sounds like a good idea to me, I won't have to worry about forgetting my wallet or passport anymore.
based neet
No. Are you perhaps confusing SSL/HTTPS certificates? We are not talking about the same thing.
The id2020 website is disturbing. Identity is important to them it says. They would definitely use this for their satanic inversion affirmative action plans. Fuck nigger lover Gates.
also Christ himself is a self fulfilling prophecy
What if they do it forcibly?
I'm on sick leave because I have cold symptoms
It literally refers to it as a mark. I really want to believe this is a big nothing.
How would families be able to make a living and buy food for example. Buy a house? This is the move and with how the economy is tanking dollar bills and currency will be wiped out to ensure people take the chip. We're majorly fucked, and I bet that if you don't take it we won't be able to work either. Now I see why they're pushing the "don't use dollar bills to pay, it has the pathogen on it" scope.
Still not getting one. And just get rid of all the migrants/niggers/dune coons. But no, we can’t do that!
>New order of barbarians
WONDERFULL text, read it fully at least once, explain what, how and why from an insider, so you dont need to guess and get it wrong.
Just some huge mistake many do here, they are atheists and not believe at jewish religion. Obviously many talk about it just making jokes about jiws and arent serious.
This can be split into parts and is all explained at the text.
r/coronavirus is overrun by chink shills btw
If Gates is pushing this ID2020 shit, then what is this?
was this the master plan all along?
Its sad to say it is the truth. The Great lie is the directing of forces to FORCE biblical prophecy to come to fruition.
Just laugh at the newfags calling you a bitch. It'll hit them in a couple years.
Nice try Bill
>bill gates
If someone dont know yet:
"They're called the Good Club - and they want to save the world"
"The names of some of the members are familiar figures: Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller and Ted Turner. But there are others, too, like business giants Eli and Edythe Broad, who are equally wealthy but less well known. All told, its members are worth $125bn.
The meeting - called by Gates, Buffett and Rockefeller - was held in response to the global economic downturn and the numerous health and environmental crises that are plaguing the globe. It was, in some ways, a summit to save the world."
We want to be precise here, so what is wrong with this information, well from the new order of barbarians (again reading this text is essential for every single human being)
As you problably know (and will certainly know if you read the new order of barbarian text), they want depopulation (people dying and people not being born), this part of the text say.
Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else." Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation."
This connect rockefeller name conspiracies, and link connect gates with him.
The website says specifically that they do not develop technology, systems, or offer a product, how is this linked to that tattoo microchip shit?
Also the twitter account has been alive since 2016, the domain pic related, stop sperging.
People will fight back if they try to give people the fucking mark of the beast man. I know you tards think like people will do ANYTHING they're told, but the reality is religion is a large part of social conditioning and Christcucks worldwide would go zero to 100 if someone actually proposed implants.
How can they roll this out now, wont a global amount of fundamentalist christians basically fight back? Is that why they want isolation, to stop a united rejection of blatant mark of beast?
See you tomorrow, bud
it’s time to bug out. this shit was planned from the start. watch ghost’s monologue yesterday night on dlive. the elites did this on purpose. it’s fucking obvious.
Holy shit fuck bill gates. He is the antichrist
He’s talking about both nigger. Fuck your certificate.
Good find
>hehehe bro it's not for you bro
>it's for uh someone else
>bro come one bro
Yes. This is why they're destroying the economy and getting tons of millions of people unemployed and all the world under quarantine. This is the plan all along.
Tried that. Almost all are suddenly saying "No, it's fine, it's for our own good". A little fear & almost anyone will serve the Beast - that's how this is gonna go.
you fundamentally don't understand mate, they use humanitarian needs as a cover, it also mentions how it will "help women". they try to act this way to illicit positive responses. And this isn't alphabet in your pocket, some third party will have direct access to the worlds identity, in partnership with NWO orgs.
This is being done to destroy anonymity, something we have a god damned right to.
How can they fight without a currency to buy food or basic necessities?
>Is that why they want isolation, to stop a united rejection of blatant mark of beast?
Now you're connecting the dots buddy.
The virus is a smokescreen.
This is a power grab, the likes of which the world has never seen before.
Life will never be the same for those who survive it.
There's a chance that, after all the memes and jokes we've made about it over the years, we might actually be put in camps because of our shitposting on this board.
I'm not kidding. I'd be terrified if only I wasn't so drunk.