Corona only kills geriatrics and unhealthy people with pre-existing conditions these people are already a net drain on society as you have to pay for their healthcare, medicine, food, lodging etc etc.
Imagine how much we could save because of this, imagine how many cushy well-paying "consulting" positions would open up once 60+ year old boomers croak.

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Think bigger, user. The stars are waiting.

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>have bloodpressure 10 points above what is healthy
>look everybody, the person had health issues!!!

not buying it

1/3 of America is obese, at least 1/3 have some kind of health issue.
“Have other health problems” is very vague


You may not know who your father or grandfather is but others are really fond of having them.

Do mutts really?

figure the 1% had major medical problems none of the doctors picked up on.

One thing I learned having a "Caddie" Union medical PPO ($11/hr out of our pay) that lets me go to diff doctors for same issue.....

go to 3 different doctors for fairly common problem and get at least 2 very different takes, and at least 1 of the 3 will completely miss obvious shit.

This is going to blow over much faster than people think. I was one of the early doomsayers, but with the effort to ramp up testing availability and dramatically effective treatments like they're seeing with Avigan, even if we don't have a vaccine, I'm confident we'll cut the death rate to where it's comparable to the flu.


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We're a nation of fatties which means most people already have other health problems.

Pretty sure i have corona virus. Became sick like 5 days ago with slight fever and sore throat/head ache/dizzy. Wanted to get tested in califonia but couldnt get approved for test since im young and healthy. Wonder how many others are in my boat

>over 99%

fucking cunt math major "journalist"

Nothing believable in that "article"

The absolute state of harpooners.

No fucking shit, the virus kills old people - you show me an old person with zero pre-existing conditions.
>More than 75% reported high blood pressure, while 35% had diabetes and 33% had heart disease, according to the study.
Diabetes and high blood pressure, AKA a good chunk of America lol gg no re


COVID19 is a threat to everybody not just the elderly. It has reported remission rates. The covid19 task force health officials (The people that keep speaking each morning with the president) speculate that like SARS (which is in another coronavirus illness) it will cause pulmonary fibrosis and other pulmonary dysfunction.

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Italy averages 1682 deaths per day every day. What we see here is normal, it is just that now everyone is aware.

Hypertension was just redefined in 2019 by the WHO and AHA to be anything over 120/80 at any age. This means that more than half the world over the age of 40 will now be eligible for prescription medication and 90% of people over the age of 60 now have clinical hypertension. Thanks Big Pharma.

And that 1/3 is expendable. Sorry fatty.

That drug causes infertility and over all isnt safe .

Some of these health problems are something people are genetically predisposed to having or born with, like asthma or something. Are you going to disregard advised health precautions because you don't have obvious problems? Fine then, just go out and live normally, who cares about you if you get sick, I'm sure it wont be life threatening if you catch anything. Just leave other people alone.

literally everyone in italy smokes a pack a day

Why are we shutting everything down?
For the sake of boomers?
I lose my job, my school cancels the semester, my gym closes, and pic related (the biggest outdoor party in Canada) gets cancelled BC a bunch of boomers will die?
The same boomers that sold us out to the globalhomo agenda, who have all the wealth, own most houses, and eat up pensions and welfare?
Why. Tell me one reason why I as a zoomer should give up all this for boomers?

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Being fat is a health problem, 99 percent of Americans have a precondition

It's the only way these fucking boomers will drop their cushy jobs these cunts

100% of people who die of AIDS have some other disease.

AIDS is safe guys you can fuck Negress prostitutes freely and unprotected now.

The average person to die had 2.7 prior health complications only twelve healthy people died in the second worst infected country

No the average American is not as un healthy as a 60+ old Italian

No they don't bud they don't have prior health complications prior unrelated to aids at a 100% rate .

I work in a hospital in northern italy.
You have no idea what's going to be in a month for you. It's a slaughterhouse and not just of elderly people, so many minors with severe pneumonia, you have no idea. The streets are simply silence and ambulance sirens, a lot of sirens.

It's only birth defects in pregnant women so far, and even if it did cause problems, I really doubt that it won't be used. It's all buying time for a vaccine to be made, and if it helps in the meantime and only causes infertility, then so be it. I'd still take it if it were the only side effect quite frankly.

Aids kills your immune system and requires regular medical care.

All week
>America is two weeks away from Italy

If in two weeks we only had twelve deaths of otherwise healthy people while our hospitals are at Max and infections in the multiple tens of thousands like Italy some one will have some explaining to do

This. The MAJORITY of americans have atleast 1 underlying health problems.

Because of hamburgers, universal healthcare for all muricans and stuff you know...

I'm so disgusted with humanity hopefully this is the end.

It's been months and only TWELVE healthy people died no one sits in the hospital for months with critical pneumonia

>Corona only kills geriatrics and unhealthy people with pre-existing conditions these people are already a net drain on society as you have to pay for their healthcare, medicine, food, lodging etc etc.
>Imagine how much we could save because of this, imagine how many cushy well-paying "consulting" positions would open up once 60+ year old boomers croak.
and now kys

Yep and the average death in Italy has 2.7 issues and a ton had 3

You can not and without looking like a shill make the argument the average American is as un healthy as a senior Italian

share stories pls

>no talk about if they had preexisting conditions or not (they did)
>30-50 is young

Not a single figure provided except some doctor's anecdotal experience with 30+ year olds with bad lungs no data what's so ever lol

You do realize that your lungs will regenerate and be back to tip top order in the span of a couple of months even shorter if you pick up a wind instrument and go ham.

Please an hero

Bud I am reading your governments data it's in PDF form in the source

The deathrate is even very vague. It only describes a deathrate within the group of people who have server symptoms.
What didnt end in this are people that never got diagnosed as Corvid ill.

Literally just a flu.

Pics and source

>mild inflammation from arthritis
>net drain
Pre-existing conditions
>only killing boomers
Many deaths in their late 20s early 30s.
Fuck right off with this.

It's not old either. It's peak life

Question is if you just have a normal flue. Did they quarentine you or say you should stay one week at home?
Otherwise this really jinx the deathrate, if you are not counted as corona infected,.

The death rate is already 1.5% in the US. It’s not getting lower than that. We are healthier here and more spread out, it’s the only think saving us with regards to more infections

Not much KThink about that, hospital has so much ventilators, how many people do you think the average hospital will be able to treat per day, considering that a patient may need to be intubated for as much as a week or more? You can't afford as a country to have 100 pneumonias patient per day, and that is why
1 lockdown to limit the spread of the virus.
2 triage, which means having to choose who to save (age, preconditions, ecc..) and who to administer morphine waiting for him to die

Right, you live in a place that is 3x more polluted than the US, hence the markedly higher death rate. Stats don’t lie.

Show me two young healthy people who died from covid-19.

I bet you've very unhealthy, willing to roll the dice on that?

Are you even listening to what he said? We only test the extremely ill. So 1.5% is total deaths over total tested, not total infected. That means the mortality is actually extremely low as most people don't show symptoms.

It is polluted, not that much now, the air has never been so fresh lately.
>stats don't lie.
Yours certainly do.

Based and redpilled. We need to cull everyone below 100 IQ, maybe even 120. All problems would be solved.

He wasn't tested so he's not counted. I've heard a similar story several times. Been trying to tell you guys that mortality is inflated for weeks now. Most people will never be tested unless you're actually hospitalized and they confirm it's not just regular flu first. But even that is a waste of resources. If you're young and healthy with a low grade fever they're gonna tell you to fuck off and get some rest. Because that's all you need. Their time is better spent on the geriatric with cancer.

Other health issues include being slightly overweight; which means most people. Cant wait to buy 100k mansions from dead fat fucks.

You'll see pal, i really truly hope not, but it ain't what is told.

Most people have some kind of problem, don't they? If we find out the percentage of people who don't have either high BMI, diabetes, some sort of smoking related disease, high blood pressure, something genetic, what do we get, 25% of the population at best?

Oy vey

Hands off my grandpa. He's based and paid his dues.

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Completly agree with you. It is a hard time, but most media coverage seems to me like doomsdaysayer hoping people panic so they can report about it or get clicks.

You’re 3x more polluted than the US while China is 8x. Iraq is more polluted as well, all of the horror shows. Simple search of “most polluted countries” would tell you this. You know they actually measure it rather than you staring at the sky over a bowl of pasta in your crowded streets.

A nation that doesn’t take care of its elderly is no nation at all

Two chinks


Download it in that page

What is a nation that bends over backwards and stops the economy entirely getting all young people fired and at risk of losing their houses to save 5% of boomers?

user I agree we should test more people. Only to show that the number of infected is orders of magnitude higher than the number reported yet 99% of those people just have the sniffles.

More like realist.
Panic doesnt help. And i dont neglect the danger it has, but they blow it out of proportion, making people panic.

you do realize you're a fucking faggot right OP?

Look at how serious people are talking about a forced lock down of everyone and no one thought to take this increadily one sided risky group and isolate themselfs by force so we don't crash the economy over a increadibly low death rate for the majority of Americans

Why because you look like a fool and got played

>1/3 of America is obese, at least 1/3 have some kind of health issue.
god i hope they all die

You first.

>had other health problems
pick one faggot

99%?? You expect me to believe that bullshit downplaying propaganda? Take your meds schizo.