Alaska...basically no blacks, no brownies

yet, higihest rape rates of all states.

How come, Yas Forums? Are we the bad guys after all?

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Castizo's and Injun mongrels of all shades

OK, retard.

What about Iceland?


>no blacks
tons of somali niggers imported to work in processing plants
> no brownies
huge native populatuon who gets paid to exist and all they do is drink and fuck their own daughters.

one is per 100k inhabitants and the other is total rapes can you not read wtf

Roid rage & int'l students


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No one can hear you scream when houses are mlies apart.

Rape is due to the native population. All they do is drugs and drink. There's lots of native rape.
>T. Alaskan

The natives occasionally get sober enough to rape. Incredible, but true.

Didnt bill burr make a joke about rape in the Artic?
Regardless, it's cold out. What else are ya gonna do up there

natives. they rape their neices.

What natives you retard? they make up like 2% of Alaska.

2% of a population can do a lot of damage ;)

alaskafag here. there are plenty of blacks and its insanely diverse here, (in the main population center) the rural areas are either white or native. The rape statistics are majorly skewed by the native villages, and it's generally incest that's reported and not full on rape. The populations (and IQs) of those villages are very low, sometimes there are no women for miles around. It's kind of not PC to refer to it this way, and everyone just says "we have to do better as a state" but white people 25 or older around here know the deal

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Its the only state with an unnatural sex ratio. Far more men than women.

You literally cant get them to live there.

>alaskafag here. there are plenty of blacks and its insanely diverse here
Do you even have ANY numbers to back this up? Genuine question.

>and it's generally incest that's reported and not full on rape.
Also that's wrong.

Forcible rape is "full on rape" and not just incest. Alaska has by far the highest forcible rape rates.

there’s a fuckton of brownies in Alaska, wtf are you taking about? and almost all the rapes in Alaska are committed by nonwhites

Because they include natives in stats when it's convenient.

yes sir mr. shlomo mcmemeflag
the rural areas are all white or native. The big city (It's called Anchorage) has 90% of the remaining 10% which is mostly asian, black, and mexican. So that 3% black population is actually 7% in Anchorage. Add along with that the rest of the Diversity Stew we have here and there you are.

you can just google "population of alaska by race" and see all this stuff you big silly.

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Tundra Wookiees rape eachother

And I assume you have any numbers to pack this up?

And got a link for that MS Paint picture too or just the picture?

It's actually closer to 25%. I think the "American Indian" numbers are because of the distinctions between tribes. For example I think Athabascans are considered american indian, I could be wrong about this one though.

I just usually use a search engine to find this stuff. I use Bing but there's one called Google which is a bit more popular I guess

Trying to breed more white babies


Yeah, sounds like a legit source.

whoa I just googled alaska rape rates and this Business Insider article is actually pretty based

>Two possible causes are its high population of Native Americans — nearly 15% compared to the 1.2% national average — and its remoteness.
>South Dakota is also a rural state with a a high Native American population of nearly 9%

ahh that explains south dakotas rape rate of 70 violent rapes per 100k citizens. lmao!


That's not insanely diverse anyway.

What a retard.

White people rape. Just accept it. Same in Iceland.

>yet, higihest rape rates of all states.
It's called a high injun population.

I actually didn't even realize until you made me Bing this that natives are accountable for 61% of the rapes or more! that's crazy coming from ~20% of the population. 20/61 I guess. you guys know how it is :(

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Any stats on the more rural places? Are they safe? Like around Denali mountain

>doesn't even read posts, skims for a couple words
>thinks 7% is 3%
>gets replied to anyway

why am I so lonely, anons?


Denali isn't rural faggot Fairbanks( the town near to that) is the 2nd biggest city. Are you telling me they don't have Google in Israel??

I want to move there and get me an QT Inuit tradwife

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It's the injuns, you fucking retarded nigger.

/thread. this genius figured it all out

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they make up 14.88%



fairbanks is third biggest, juneau recently moved up to second

And is Fairbanks very bad? Any stats on that?

I assume it's the cities that have the highest rates of rape and murder

Still no proof for that. Stop being so racist

So this guy's shit numbers are a lie? It says 3%

What even to believe?

imagine "rape" having meaning in the feminist distorted world of 2020.

the 14% im talking about refers to the native population, not the black population, my numbers agree with his

>no blacks
Haha yeah fucking right. Confirmed to never have been to Anchorage.
fairbanks' rape numbers are a bit higher than the national average, but nowhere near as bad as alaska's

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That's it!

I'm moving to Haines Borough!

its per capita. they have a couple normal sized cities with normal sized crime and absolutely nothing else.

An got a link?

Why do you retards always post dumb pictures everyone could fake (not accusing you, just saying pics are a dumb source)?


>its per capita.
How the hell does this make it better?

My apologies, a fair request:

To blog for a second, this is the second time today I posted an image of something where I forgot to link the source, and was appropriately chastised for it. Seems link sources have become a normal expectation recently, which I'm happy to see.

You have no idea how common rape is amongst natives.

LOL! Look at your little bullshit stats, did you make that yourself?. Fuck off kike fag bitch.

What a paragon of intellectuality

Shit, how many dead native girls have we found this year alone? It's hard enough keeping them alive, let alone unmolested. Alaska's rape statistics are tribal statistics. Can't wait to be denied a ventilator because we sent them all to the villages.

I live over in Alaska. There's a lot of browns. A LOT! In fact most of the cities actually INSIDE of Alaska where they call it the wilderness is actually mostly inhabited by Native Americans and Chinese people who will shoot at you just because they don't know who you are. Most of the whites have to stick together in large groups and stay near Anchorage. Why do you think they pay you money to stay there? It's secretly like Detroit meets an actual wilderness.