>be me
>be born a male
>get foreskin removed when I cannot consent to it
>parents think they did me a favor by mutilating me against my will
>start to hate them
>start to hate America
>start to hate Christians
>start to hate religious Jews
>start to lose ability to empathize with normies because of how the buy into bullshit like circumcision without a second thought
>can't sympathize with Holocaust "survivors" because of how they let their own sons suffer in the name of muh God
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
Now's a good time to think about all the positive aspects of suicide.
>start to hate religious Jews
Hmm interesting distinction there berniebro fedora. Fuck off circumcized retard.
Circumcision is a religious practice. Also, if God loves man so much, why would he have man do something that is detrimental to his being? (((Theirs))) is a God of destruction and madness which I wish to have no company with, nor any of his self proclaimed followers or children.
Why christian hate? That's a Jewish tradition
You are so obviously Satan I can feel it in your words.
My heart goes out to cutbros... I takes a lot of guts to accept that what was done to you was wrong but at least now you can do the right thing going forward with any children you have. Have you let your parents know what you think?
No. Just an angry young man on a mongolian basketweaving forum ranting in the face of his sheer impotence to do anything about that which he angrily rants about.
American evangelists love Israel and jews. A lot.
What about the 80% loss of sensation? You're ok with that part though?
my parents are so Christcucked they won't apologize for mutilating me and say they will disown my children when I won't circumcize them.
At least we dont love strange niggers
I think you're projecting a little bit there, buddy.
Doesn't really jibe with the fact that you have the largest nigger population out of every white nation.
Um, seriously dude as a woman, I would run the other way, if I saw an uncircumcised dick coming towards me. So would my friends.
Disown and break all contact with your parents
Parents are just people
Some are good some are evil degenerates
If yours are not up to it pull the ejector lever
Satan is most certainly channeling through you he influences all of us all the time.
No need to sympathize or empathize with anyone but yourself my frend. Stay healthy, treat good people well, makes sure you can finish what you start regarding to the rest. dont let the bastards grind you down
>let your parents know what you think
Yes and they dismiss it as "just a bit of skin". At this point I think of them as brainless robots whom I can conveniently leech off of. I'm not going to work for a society in which genital mutilation committed without a boys' consent is considered normal. I'd sooner drain this nation dry than lift a finger to uphold the evil things that constitute the depths of its being.
>*rubs hands*
Are there any grounds to sue my parents for this shit?
all men should suffer for the sake of women
Good point
You go get circumcised first
Current mood: dead seeds (lamb of god)
You know the rules
Thanks nordbro.
>TFW have literal brain damage because of my retarded parents
Good thing no self respecting man gives a shit what a woman thinks. Now fuck off ya kike.
Only American women care about this.
Most European men aren't circumcised.
You are a scavenger for the church arent you?
Its literally monkey see monkey do. Most will go with the flow even if the stream flows off of a waterfall into oblivion.
...is this roy?
Americans aren't even allowed to go to court over 9/11.
Do you think the Jewish judges would allow this?
Forcibly cut your mum’s clit off.
Y’know, for revenge purposes...
Also, post the webm of you doing that here.
>>start to hate Christians
Christianity banned circumcision. It even states that Christ is useless to the circumcised.
>>start to hate religious Jews
All jews circumcise. The religion is an excuse to torture babies. They don't need it anymore so the mask slips.
Our 20 k nerve endings are gone. Nothing will change that. Let the past die kill it if you have to. It’s the only way to become who you were meant to be
Already thought of that. Probably won't end well in this judeo-centric society.
uh what?
ironically based response
Just a flesh wound.
>Have foreskin
>too tight
>creams and remedies don't work
>sex hurts
Could be worse user
>it means that your parents did not possess critial thinking.
>it means that you are the offspring of sheeple
>it means that if you marry or breed a woman who thinks the same way you are adding to the problem.
Women and men who advocate cutting their kids should have their throats slit.
Based degenerate.
dude, cant hate your parents for being stupid & evil- thats just a side of them that is lost to you(like your foreskin), they have other sides which you can appreciate.....im sure, remember how much you loved them when you were a liddle kidder, noone can ever erase that- not even you- embrace it/them. If you hate something you only make it stronger
Just stretch it you wimp
See you can choose to have elective surgery to correct that now that you are older and developed. Nothing is worse then mutilating healthy babies when they are born. Its indefensible
Eastern Orthodoxy seems cool, I hear places like Greece and a bit of Russia hate the tribe. Are Greeks circumsized?
is this roy black?? I think I know you?
>anything i don't like is satan
>i'm not a NPC
Not anymore.
This old woman is from moby dick movie.
I just watched that 1/2 hour ago WTF.
Its illegal to question the holohoax in russia. Russia is the kike future they want for America and the rest of the world. Entire nation of men rulled by a balding manlet crpypto kike.
With the shit I've fapped to I might as well be a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh. Maybe I'll get a doll someday as one more step away from the collective consciousness of human society.
It is the evil in reality.
My brother had this problem and just worked on stretching it.
I remember him excitedly telling me when he got the head to pop completely out the foreskin. Then he freaked out bc it was stuck for a while. Lol
>all these cripplecock christicucks
im an atheist and my big fat cock is crowned with a thicc juicy foreskin. get fucked.
Alternate version:
> be born male
> parents go against the massive trend against getting foreskin removed
> parents think they did a favor by keeping child intact
> gym class: shower time: everyone else is circumcised except for that nerdy Vietnamese kid
> at first nobody noticed or cares. Then some asshole kid says 'wtf happened to her dick it looks like a fuckin anteater head!' Everyone laughs.
> already dont fit in because of undiagnosed autism. Now other kids call 'anteater' randomly.
> even some girls laugh when they hear the name 'anteater.' It has become a defining trait of social existence
> social isolation, discomfort because you are the only one who doesnt fit in. Worry if girls will care about your weird nonconformist dick
> conflate social awkwardness with anxiety about dick
> start to hate jews because they started this whole circumcision thing
> start to hate religious christians and jews
> start to hate america
> doubt holocaust because all kikes are liars anyways
> back where u started
Friggin cool man, were "n´sync"!
I watched it 24hrs ago, neat piece of work. You dont see old ladies like that in movies today
I watched it because a femanon i know mentioned she had begun reading it, she is not the type you expect to be reading that book so i assume its a trending thing on the yt
Atheists are as susceptible to bullshit as Christians. Gynocentrism is one such form of bullshit from which feminism and white knighting have their root.
>weird nonconformist dick
Nice number fag.
You can't fix stupid, but you can fill it with bullets.