Make your case. What do you think?
I have no idea what is going on right now
Is this all just the basic response to this virus or is it something more
Something hidden.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wouldnt you think that Q fits right in to project zephyr? Trump is obviously a Zionist.


so far literally nothing has changed in my city

4D chess maybe. May sound farfetched, but a strategy like that would be right out of his book, The Art Of The Deal.

Also there have been much more that alludes to Q being real than Zyphr, though I would never rule it out and would encourage anons to stay alert.

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>project zyphr = goldberg
>qanon = also goldberg
how about neither ?


hard to say user well if they demand your weapons and want to vacs the people or chip you than you know its the nwo if not and the military just gives food water and stops looting its Q

>4D chess maybe
Why did his daughter marry Jared 666? and why did his dad open a Talmud centre?

i choose cabal takedown

Funnily enough I was wondering the exact same thing. It's always Americans first to come up with conspiracy on anything and everything. Question everything. It is absolutely the correct thing to do...... But what happens when its neither, and it just turns out every country is fulfilling their obligation to look after every citizen, including the elderly and sick that are the ones at risk here?

what state? I noticed blue cities are doing more shutdowns n shit

God is watching us. I know it user have faith in God.

Talmud centre shit looks like fake news. It says he donated land?

what makes you think it's an either/or thing and not both?
Trump is one faction, and the globalists another. they're two sides of the same (((them))) coin.

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We. Did. This.

The third option is for the ones in reality.

The Storm requires your prayers to succeed lads. Do you do your bit?

The Storm!
Zypher was compromised by Trump.

oh no, that sucks!

Something like this, but it depends on how the government golems will react.

Zypher is another name for the Antichrist, just like the name Belial.

I've been flip flopping all week on this question. I don't think enough of the population believes the corona hype for zyphr to work. But UN reps might be more willing.

Both sides are beholden to the (((Money changers))) - Central banks.

The over reaction taking place with this virus looks like this is an elitist take over of the US, with the destruction of the USD as the end result and CB's owning everything.

Probably neither. Drink your Ovaltine.

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Yes it is boring, but it also means most of us will live on.

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Finally i found the thread with the real lunatics.

Really good post here. Hard to say if this is already trolling or just mentally ill.

This sounds like a real disarranged person.

Come on guys bring some more crazy mumbling.

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Forced vaccinations and chip implants

I think the country is just reacting, albeit retardedly, to a pandemic virus outbreak


Exactly. It's best to think of it as a military organization. The ones at the top hand down orders. They're in charge. They don't care how things are accomplished, just that they are. It's up to the individual officers/middle management how that gets done. They're bound to have different ideas on how to go about that.
Trump's faction wants a number of smaller ponds to rule over, each segmented off from the other.
The globalists want one big ocean, and rule over it as a group. But they can't risk individual initiative with that many to manage. so you need the herd to be thinned out and gimped. Hence breeding niggers and cutting out middle class white people.

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Someone post the picture of Tom Hanks's Corona Zyphr typewriter

neither idiot, its ww3 bio warfare by immigrant proxy.

>they're two sides of the same (((them))) coin.

Loving it. I can feel the tinfoilhat on your head, by the sound of this sentence.

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Ah, more pushing of biblical literalism, I see. Playing right into the hands of the Zionist forced biblical prophesies trap.

>project zyphr
Gee I wonder

from 2017.

And this board is only going to get weirder as people spend longer in isolation. Sure, this is like a for the Neets of the pol, but will be breaking point for others

Either way, I'm enjoying the larps, gives you something to chuckle at. Maybe I'll start a Denver thread....

Unfortunately the Jew Flu survives

Problem is that's all God does is watch

I mean, this wasn't Donald, and there's nothing nefarious about this really. Also it is important to remember that although jews are vastly overrepresented in government, media, entertainment etc they're not the sole or even majority members of the NWO club. Yes fuck israel, but maybe Trump doesn't have any ill will towards regular jewish people.


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And the ayys are gonna swoop in and prevent the use of nukes, huh?

all I'm implying is that there's an overarching theme to the actions of those in power, and it's pretty fucking simple: you stay in power, or increase that power. which means you've made an enemy of the very people you came up through the ranks to altruistically serve and help. You don't reach any level of real power by being a good person. It just doesn't happen. And within this group for 'elites' or those in power, there are competing ideas and alliances.
if you consider this tin foil, I really don't know what to tell you.

Do it. Moving there soon. Dgaf about coronachan. Probably fake anyways. 5g dew laser beams and shit.

Kind of crazy. Anyone have the pic of mypetgoat and IAMQU letters. Trump repeated the numbers to that at a rally once.

It's the Storm. Biggest happening of our lifetime unfolding in front of you. It's only just begun.

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GOD wins

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How are things in Britain?

yeah but Tom Hanks is locked in a hotel room refusing to go back to the states because of pedo charges? so why would he be trying to redpill the masses? which is it? has there been any extradition request for his arrest? See even with Hanks theres 2 different narratives that people are creating

Actually. I really do believe, everything feels and looks right. I trust my guts. It's gonna get a little scarier but shit should mellow by April.

DNA swabs in google database

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lyin faggot i live in the most remote area you can imagine and shits insane

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Hard to tell op, looks more like fema death camps tbqh.

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And both factions want joomers pooping all over real people.

we all grew up listening to coast to coast am or reading behold a pale horse
"watch out for fema" is a recurring trope you probably heard
thing is we're all under quarantine so when they'll show up probably the majority will follow

if you're really paranoid let me tell you this
>you're a nasty bad goy that believe zyphr or q or whatever the new name is
>zog is about to arrest you thanks to fema
>you're not alone where you live, chances are you have your wife, kids or parents with you atm
>so, fema, they come to get you, specifically you
>what would you parents, wife do if this happen ?

it's time to grow up and put things into perspective

quoting bong user
>But what happens when its neither, and it just turns out every country is fulfilling their obligation to look after every citizen, including the elderly and sick that are the ones at risk here?

last but not least, goldbergs (zyphr and q are both goldbergs) aren't to be trusted

this is fake r-right?

Where is the COG/MIC/SSP/4th Reich breakaway civilization faction on your pyramid there? Or are they their own separate thing entirely?

Slowly getting crazier. Schools are now closed from next week. Honestly the government seemed pretty reluctant to clamp down, and most people agree. There are the people that told us the world would burn when we left the EU, and now they are the ones saying we are all going to die and being listened to.

London is going to close the tubes I think, but not request a curfew. People enjoy the very few freedoms they have so are pretty pissed about giving them up (that I speak to anyway and Im norf FC)

I think it's the deep state. But, I think Corona was known about by cabal.

With the initial crisis actors on board the ferries, they all had masonic ties, and even the actors that are being labelled as having caught corona are still throwing in all sorts of references on their social media pages.

However, those same high profile people who have been diagnosed with it (in whatever way) or are practicing social distancing are extremely anxious. And there are too many global arrests worldwide. Saudi Arabia just got done with theirs.

You could argue that it's all a clever ploy by the cabal, but we've been following it for years and they do not operate like that.

>tfw those old youtube videos about Fema camps were right

Wish I was still blue pilled.

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deep state cabal takedown for sure

no coincidences

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spooked. who has the qrd on this typewriter tomfoolery?

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Neither. It's a distraction from the election (a sham) and creating a buy opportunity in the markets



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I agree. they have always operated blatantly in the same way, and if something works(for many, many years) why change it?

I # off. Almost glorious.

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Psyop after pzyop.

Ai algoritm mass hypno


Ok schizo go drink your fluoride and turn on modern family

You didn't listen.

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No One

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Whatever is happening, i can tell you it is world wide happening. For the first time in history we are confined in our homes.
This shit never happened over here...
i can smell something else happening behind this cov19 smoke screen.
Maybe deepstate takedown, i hope for it, but i know the world is too corrupt to have something as beautiful as that happening... i hope tho... always hope...

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if they exist, completely separate. They did re-establish then Antarctica treaty stuff. so maybe they are real.

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Pilpul 101: divide the opposition and set them against each other. You monkeys are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. Most of you are newfags, but that doesn't excuse you.


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are you saying they will let a global crisis go to waste? mutts were a mistake

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The Storm at least has a chance of being real, but probably not. Project Zephyr is made up bullshit. So I'll say The Storm.

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>blue pilled
cute. So which is the mass conspiracy then? The cabal are going to kill you all, or, the army are going to kill the cabal? And what happens when its neither? Also what can you tell me about this Goldberg, other than he died in Mexico, because there is literally nothing else on the guy that isn't sketchy at best. I'm not bluepilled, I'm just not an NPC that blindly follows any old shit they see on pol

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bots are spamming the board

Stop spamming your q psyop

Someone in that twitter thread found the original hoddie that she is wearing on the maker's site and realised that that A's and demon are scrawled on with marker.

Woops, this one

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The virus is a front for the next phase of African Cattle Planet™ since 1789. This phase is about killing boomers (in order to finish off the voting denographics as brown youth will vote for tyranny), bagging patriots and them dying of "Corona", repopulation with "climate refugees" and then preparing of the chipped population where you can't buy or sell without the vaccine. The virus was never ment to last long or kill us all, just last long enough and kill enough. Pay attention to laws being passed and proposals.

Pic very related. Cap this

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I'm not a bot, OP asked me to prove my case. I have a couple thousand of these to drop

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