Macron repeated the phrase "we're at war"

During a nationwide speech, French President Macron repeatedly said, without much context, the random sentence "We're at war" ( nous sommes en guerre. )

This was the full sentence, said alone. Given the lack of context and how many times he said it, it seems like a dog whistle.

What did he mean? Why would the French President want to tell the nation they are "at war" whilst ordering a full lockdown? There is no visible war. What am I not seeing?

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(((we))) are at war (with the goyim).

You are at war, figuratively speaking. It's just a war against a virus rather than another country.

I think you're wrong and that we may be going to war with China and her allies. There's an unusual amount of shilling both for and against China and Trump seems to have been messaging. Sorry to burst your jew obessession bubble. but the signing of the defense production act seems to support muy therory.

I don't think the US took too lightly the chinesse attempot at crashing the market and the US retaliated against the eurozone and asia and sent thei markets tumbling with jus one press conference. I think europe got the message and most will play ball.

how exactly would that play out in a world war scenario? what allies does china have? russia? where's iran fit into this?

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Look at the context---- pic related.

He just says it randomly, and said it many times.

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Were at war with the fucking chinese
How hard is it to grasp?
Also fuck kikes, jannies, and niggers

Original speech -

it's just a way to make people feel like they have a role and responsibilities so they follow the rules, everything he says is very wisely written before to have the best psychological impact

>There is no visible war. What am I not seeing?

That there is an invisible war. Earth's under extraterrestial enemy occupation.

Corona chan is literally a bioweapon. Why the fuck are you still wondering about it?

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Project zypher

They're coming for the redpilled

Well the governments and elites are at war with normies and you are in lockdown so fuck off.

The eternal bugmen developed a bioweapon and released it on westerners. This is an act of war and we must retaliate.

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What did he mean by this?

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It means France is surrendering to the virus thus putting you guys in the /herd immunity/ camp.

Is France going to invade Brazil to save the trees now?

>What did he mean by "nous sommes en guerre" ?

That's French for "We will immediately surrender"

The virus is a front for the next phase of African Cattle Planet™ since 1789. This phase is about killing boomers (in order to finish off the voting denographics as brown youth will vote for tyranny), bagging patriots and them dying of "Corona", repopulation with "climate refugees" and then preparing of the chipped population where you can't buy or sell without the vaccine. The virus was never ment to last long or kill us all, just last long enough and kill enough. Pay attention to laws being passed and proposals.

Macron is part of this but the literal demons that he has got involved in and pure evil he has seen as his eyes have opened has made him realize the truth. He is doing to this as a sort of "wake the fuck up" message and if he says any more they'll kill him. Macron is not a bad man, but he has to do bad things or (((they'll)) kill him.

Pic very related. Cap this

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German politician said some dumb shit like that too like "we gotta get da bazooka against corona" but it was so cringe everyone immediately forgot about it

>inb4 France surrenders to Coronavirus

Go to war against Jesus and his followers then, Macron, you homosexual Rothschild dog. Push it and you shall find out how powerful God the Creator really is.

>Why the fuck are you still wondering about it?
Why? It's been in my head for days now unresolved

If it's a bioweapon, who is the enemy and what is their motives?


Attached: Macron(Juden).webm (640x360, 1.64M)

This guy is such a faggot.

fuck me i'm glad those digits weren't wasted on me

It's like the Q boomer larp but the turbo goyslave cattle version à la française. It makes the average idiot citizen think he is part of a big thing and it makes them CONSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM and stay CONFOOOOOOOOOONED at home thinking they're doing the work of god himself. So then people will happily pay their taxes with a smile and say Merci Macron !

I have to admit. I never really had a good opinion on Macron by default because I don't like leftists, but I believe he is handling this crisis surprisingly well. As if he cared a little bit for his goyim cattle after all. Nice.

Its to make a speech very memorable

>( nous sommes en guerre. )
>( nous sommes en guerre. )
>( nous sommes en guerre. )

>( nous sommes en guerre. )

ok I surrender

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>What am I not seeing?
The deep state
Who’s side is Macron with?

Another war for France to surrender.

Chinas making a move. Bug people obviously want all world's resources for themselves, and theyve turned half the us populace to their useful idiots

Not really allies but countries that will stay complicit with it's acts out of fear and love of money.

They have him lads, Jupiter has been circumcised.

Oh boy, its almost bene 30 years with no war, new generation has gotten entitled and pussified, we need this war

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All those scientists they sent into our universities to steal IP should be hanged as enemy spies.

Where we at brehs?

oh yeah, chemical war, sounds real fun.

are you insane?

if this shit gets bad enough the thin veil of humanity will definitely be lifted, boomer sell outs should probably be heading for mexico right about now

>entire white world against China
>Every country surrounding China joins Team America from hate of China
basically everyone vs China

not really, there are plenty of countries that can be bought off and once the psyop hollywood shit starts a lot of people turn

After one year of constent yellow vest bullshit and streets mad as hell, we get the opposite with confinment! the psychologic experiment is getting weird!

both event anounced on Economist covers, yellow vest movement and pangolin on the 2019 cover

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>One it starts
It started in the 60s and you chinks are still losing.
Fuck china

This is what I mean.

Notice his discomfort.

Maybe because we're at war you absolute fucking retard. I can't believe you still don't get it. This is it. Technically the US is at war with Russia China and Iran. But there are many other operations unfolding. One of which is to round up dissent. RaHoWa is here. When the lights go down, get innawoods

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inb4 India and Pakistan nuke each other and ash fucks the growing season

Yeah and that would seep into vietnam, iraq, afghanistan...etc

Boris keeps doing it too

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between the lines...there lies a truth

but i am le tired

what did they mean by this?

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Oi m8 what's going on ay?

distress and covert messaging

Also take a nap

Yes please

Europe should cut ties with America and work closer with China.

Because French are retards. They don't understand what's going on. He said that in the hope of making things clear, but it failed. He said he almost sent the army. He will do it ASAP if people still go outside like there are no hazards. There is a park where I live (it's a "copropriété"), I rarely saw this much people outside: more than 10 children, at least 5 parents, people doing sport, sunbathing...
Tell them that the bubonic plague is here again and they will create a hashtag, buy toilet papers and pastas, and more importantly, change absolutely nothing in there daily life.

Italian nurses and doctors be like, and if you have it and it goes worse, you will slowly die, wich is like drowning with full conscience wich is cruel panic mongering wich plays with the fears of people.
wich is exactly what normal medics would never do.
meanwhile our euro politicians use terms like "we are in war".
yes, totally normal.
stay at home user, have fear.
buy deenz, forgett about your rights.

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>I think you're wrong and that we may be going to war with China and her allies.
They are helping a lot of UE countries, and they sent us a lot of masks (because our caretakers don't have them, they build mask themselves with clothes). If think they sent us 1 million masks.

the war has been over for probably a year. rogue nuclear threats were neutralized, the pedo/intel/finance/media networks demolished, corporate and political puppets cleared out.

We're in the hunt stage which leads into the disclosure stage. They're running for their lives.

There's a possibility that Macron has flipped and that speech deliverance is a showing of solidarity with the dutch and irish leaders who have been brought in to complete the final operation.

When Trump said this was a crossroads in our civilization he was not overselling it. This 4 year period has been the most significant event in 6000 years. Full and final victory.

what is your proof of this besides ominous posts on the internet

They are at war with trump and Q user. Pizza gate is out. Twatter was all about it.They realize the door is gonna slam real soon and they're panicking. It's pathetic

We are all at war. It's a fast spreading viral outbreak of a flu which is 10x worse than normal. When I had the common flu as a child, my mother, father and I became totally incapacitated(weak, severely ill, constantly throwing up, etx). If you account for the lack of immunization, the rapid spread of the virus and the compounding nature of transmission, we are talking about entire nations being incapacitated for months at the Covid19's peak.

We are indeed at war, because if the disease spreads unmitigated then at it's peak, even the people who produce and provide basic essentials will be either stymied or hindered. We are totally unprepared and haven't the measures at our disposal that autocratic nations have to deal with such outbreaks.

It will get worse until 40-60% of the Western world has contracted it. The only thing governments are doing and can do now is slow the spread and damper the panic to mitigate the damage.

>It's a fast spreading viral outbreak of a flu which is 10x worse than normal
is it?
shit is here since october 2019