Ask an Iranian genius anything

Ask an Iranian genius anything.

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Pushing the definition of genius quite a lot there arent we?

Kos nagoo



what is the smartest thing you have ever done in your life?

dumb thread but can someone link a half decent online IQ test, i want to know how dumb i am but numerically

123 isn't even considered gifted. You are slightly above average.

Why are you a nigger?

i wholeheartedly hate iranians

can you send me a virgin wife?

Attached: big brain bret.jpg (994x621, 32.98K)

Get the fuck out my country.

Top kek. Im iranian and my iq is 125 but I would never say im close to being a genius

Moron khejalat bekesh.

kan du hente en jomfru kone til meg når du er på ferie?

That is an Iranian Genius

Tro meg iranske damer er ikke noe bra for en godtroende snill potet...kommer til å suge ut alt du har av livsglede

iranske jenter krever stor potetkuk. og de er jomfru i motsetning til norske tøser

kek I got 135 on this one

>can I into topwit now?
No, seriously, IQ tests in general and especially the ones online are bullshit

Attached: Unbenannt.png (769x621, 26.34K)

> iranske jenter
> jomfru

loool ikke de som er åpne for å ligge med ola nordmann nei...

You're just jealous

>Tfw you could move to Iran and be the smartest and whitest person in the whole country.

Send me norwegion qt first

>does "free" test designed as marketing tool
>gets high score
>"would you like to pay to find out how high?"
>hurr, durr, i'm a genius

I've never taken an official IQ test but I did take the LSAT and my score on that apparently correlates to a roughly 130 IQ


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wo macht mann diese teste eigentlich (z b den gleichen)?

>kjøpte muselmanmemer
Iranske damer er enda løsere enn norske.

145 IQ here, 135 is the genius threshold retard.

How do you assemble a clock?

>takes free online iq test
>me me big brain 120+ IQ
you just proved that you were a retarded iranian just like the rest of your kind faggot

oh . i guess i just cucked myself

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People who take IQ tests over and over to get a good score are the ultimate brainlets

decent iq test from what I heard, scored a 112 on it

I got 143 on MENSA and dont think im a genius, just ahead of the curve

I don't see your Mensa card. Online edukashun.... Lurning....

its on mensa's page, so its probably not a scam

amhad, stop being such a nigger in chat, bro

If you're a genius why do you live a shit hole country?

I got 127 not even trying hard

why did iran nuke its own airliner?

I would if they existed.

Es war dieser:

Der Test besteht aber nur aus Matrizen und ist daher Unsinn.

>online IQ test
Lmfao. I get 140+ on all of these and I'm a fucking retard.

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watch this dude

Fuck off faggot

faggot nigger

and wasted






Scriptfag kys


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what a waste



literally fucking neck yourself retarded nigger cocksucking subhuman cumguzzling fag


script fags deserve the rope


Watching dudes... faggot.

>watch this dude

Attached: 1435549449684.gif (500x281, 2.14M)

Of course... I hate goddamn muttdom.


Yea but do you get such scores on a mena test, stupid? Didnt think so.

pls be my ai gf

Watch what? Did I miss it?

Checked. Praise KEK.

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ha nice get dude


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Put me in the screencap

Fuck scriptfags but here’s your mandatory (you)



What the fuck was it that you witnessed leaf?


Same scriptfag


What am I watching?

Attached: desire.jpg (610x430, 32.51K)

There isn't one.

That test boosts your scores. It's designed to sell MENSA memberships.


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Hello pehlevan

faggot get-waster

Everyone uses the script now.

Checked and witnessed


>123 IQ
You are a retard like every burger. Hell, I bet I can go out and bring a random peruvian with a higher one


Says you KEK

I don't get these IQ tests.
They always rely on pattern recognition but every time I take one I find that I can make a case for each option being a continuation of the pattern.
Does this mean I'm simply too intelligent to be gauged by the test?

lmao I didn't even realized this



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Genius is 160+

in those moments i always ask myself what would the retarded creator of those think

means you're a fucking retard.

Nice IQ test result.

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Retarded would be the inability to discern any pattern at all. I stated that I experience the exact opposite.

>its on mensa's page, so its probably not a scam
Dude, mensa in its entirety is a scam.
Charging people to be in the "hurr durr I iz smarts"-club? Doesn't sound smart to me. It doesn't even give you useful connections for your career.

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Gnarly bro

u butthole


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this nigger knows something
wasted anyway

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charging people for that sounds very smart to me tho

145 to be a genius that difference is about as much as the difference between the average Iranian and a silverback gorilla.

>t. 126iq genius

maybe by persian standards, LOL. the entire notion of 'general intelligence' really is plain error, and the obsession with everyone having a single numerical ranking is peak kike trickery. take it from someone who's tested all over the range between ~137 and ~182.


Scriptfags get the bullet too

post 'em

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>145 to be a genius that difference is about as much as the difference between the average Iranian and a silverback gorilla.
I know that polfrens like to make a comparison with animals but the smartest chimps, let alone gorillas, score on par with 1.5 year old toddlers at most. And those are the smartest chimps, not the average ones.