Refugees = more likely to rape? NOPE!

says German BKA.

Only every 8th rapist is a migrant. Rape is actualyl declining in Germany and a reason it's not declining more rapidly is that women are more willing to report rapes than ever before.

Attached: EM99TfmC_400x400.jpg (400x400, 29.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:–16_New_Year's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany

>give everybody german papers
>now germans rape, too

I want to taste this mans sweaty right wing butthole.

What passes for rape is laughable. Looking at someone the wrong way is "rape".

You have to be born here to be considered German without the codicil "with a migration background".

Also refugees only made up less than 1% of rapes.

>only every eigth

considering the low amount of migrants and the high amount of GERMANS in a country like GERMANY this would still imply that per capita a bunch of fucking brownos rape about like brownos just do.
I mean, that's just me and i'm a huge racist so don't listen to me. Common sense is illegal in germany. it's weaponized thinking and called "ideologische brandstiftung"

this. fucking "passport germans" are the keyword
>implying they would give out numbers that let you think otherwise

Nothing proves they are more likely to rape women, so it's retarded to not welcome them in your country based on this lie. Come up with a better argument.

No one cares what the jew government says user. You and your link are just lies.

They don’t report the rape

German passports, plus proportionality.

Then why this happens?

Attached: crime_st_rap_30049234_3l3.png (1500x1159, 788.52K)

Who cares? They still have to go back.

>article says they are 1 of 8
>1 of 8
What did you mean by this?

Africans rape more

Attached: rikostilastot_raiskaukset.jpg (800x844, 291.87K)

Even if it's hairy?

>implying there are no somolis in germany

OK, so your argument is superstition and the power of "belief". Of a "sense" that just lets you know what you think is true.

Got it.

Do you not know how rates work? Also refugees make up less than 1% of rapists.

The 1 out of 8 is for all migrants, not only refugees.

Now hold up.
i want you to do the following thing.
you create a CAMP A and a CAMB B (not concentration camps... yet)
CAMP A are Germans
CAMP B are Migrants (in this case let's focus on refugees more specifically)
Camp A's number is a 100%
Camp B's number is a 100% of its own

Now i would like to know what percentage each of these camps would score at if they were graded for rape offenses. that's one way to understand what per capita is without using capita or having the urge to de-capita some niggers.

I've got one.

Germany is for Germans and they don't have to give their country away just to make shitskins and mentally ill leftist faggots feel good. Fuck you and your refugees.

>Only every 8th rapist is a migrant. Rape is actualyl declining in Germany and a reason it's not declining more rapidly is that women are more willing to report rapes than ever before.
The majority of rapists are actually white incels. This is a much-denied fact on Yas Forums.

When will somebody finally take action against these incels?

Attached: incel.png (1280x849, 103.11K)

>1/8th of rapes are committed by migrants
>1/40 people in Germany are migrants
So you're telling me that migrants are 400% more likely to rape?

Broken infrastructure? Germans would rape 24/7 if the country would go to shit right now and police stopped doing their job.

Nigger, did you forget that NYE a couple years ago?
>There have been zero rapes by refugees in Germany!
>Um...what about these that we have evidence of that you're refusing to report?
>Oh, right. Those rapes. No take backsies!

show flag

Attached: skin tone IQ rape homocide map.jpg (1024x824, 203.95K)

Have fun winning an election with that.

Have fun tasting my boot if you ever spout that faggot shit to my face, leech.

Attached: Nasim checked.jpg (983x983, 491.72K)

No but that's one thing, numbers are another.

Broken infrastructure.

That guy is cianigger watching this thread. Hello faggot

well if the BKA glowniggers and the focus shills say it of course it has to be true, btw how many of the "Germans" in those statistics are actually ethnic Germans and not just shitskins with a German passport. I am honestly getting tried of this my dear shitposter/(maybe retarded shill?) OP nobody here believes the government or the media anymore, you are not swaying anyone, it will soon be over for all of you.

>heh, we're going to include a 'rape is rare' color bar but not use it anywhere to make a point
Fuck women and their stupid bullshit charts, instead of raping them maybe consider running them over with your car instead.

>The majority of rapists are actually white incels. This is a much-denied fact on Yas Forums.

It's not ignored it's just irrelevant in a white majority country.
In a sandnigger/nigger country the majority of rapists are sandniggers/nigger.
What actually matters is the proportion by population that commits it.
And sandniggers/nigger commit rape multiple times the rate of white people.
There's also more rapes in sandnigger/nigger countries

>No but that's one thing, numbers are another.
Oh right. Numbers that are...say it with me now, I'm sure even you can comprehend this...reported.
Do you see where I'm going with this?

>Only every 8th rapist is a migrant.
Only every 98h person is a migrant. Ergo that's an overrepresentation of over 900%. retard.

>Broken infrastructure.
so how do you explain the crime numbers in the us then? privilege? yikes

Attached: 13 52 on naughty list.png (1000x500, 52.97K)

Germany has a much higher part of migrants than 1/40.

1/40 would only be 2mio people and in 2015+2016 alone 1.5mio migrants came.

Actually no.

Per-Capita, idiot.

>only every 8th
>one in 1,218 people in Germany are refugees
This does not compute.

>So you're telling me that migrants are 400% more likely to rape?
certain kinds of africans are 4000% more likely to rape

kek based

That map doesn't make any sense. Eastern Europe should be in green, Sweden, France, and the UK should be in red, and the rest of Europe should be in orange.

Attached: March in Poland.jpg (1800x1200, 435.97K)

Yeah youre probably an arab. Just by the fact you wont show the flag

Attached: 6363642A-B6B8-437A-9A4F-75CC854B782B.jpg (1125x738, 191.7K)

You can't honestly be that retarded, memeflag.
If you really believe that the numbers aren't being massaged to make the migrants look better, then you're just a double nigger.

>Broken infrastructure?
Train is slightly delayed... urge to RAPE increasing radically minute by minute.

Shit skins cannot invent or create decent civilizations and they want the superior females of the planet Non Superior White Woman.

Attached: 1shot.jpg (650x829, 188.38K)

Attached: niggerchildrapists.jpg (862x897, 139.51K)


Stop spamming my thread, incels. Make arguments or fuck off.

Germany is 20-30% migrants.Even if every 5th rapist was a migrant, they would still be underrepresented in the stats.

Germans rape more.

Want to know what first-world country has one of the highest rape rates, btw.? Iceland. Next to zero migrants.

Want to know which of your states has by far the highest rape rates? FUCKING ALASKA. By FAR. Basically no black people.

Attached: conty7.jpg (1120x630, 144.98K)

Why do they hate White people so much, Yas Forums?

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Well, it's the official number from the BKA.

> Etwa 0,15 bis 0,2 Prozent der männlichen Zuwanderer ab 16 Jahren seien als Täter eines solchen Delikts erfasst worden.

We could care less.
It doesn't matter if the refugees were the smartest & kindest individuals in the world, the mass import of refugees coupled with yearly mass immigration results in the replacement of native Europeans.
That is unacceptable.
So fuck off and kys memeflag.
>only every 8th
How fucking retarded are you? Do you understand per capita?

user, I...–16_New_Year's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany

Attached: 1582062397391m.jpg (1016x1024, 138.43K)

Absolutely fucking retarded.
>Doesn't matter if they rape at a per capita level higher than Germans, disproving my original claim, give me ANOTHER reason why Germans should not be replaced by Arabs, Asians and Africans.
Neck yourself you retarded faggot.

She looks much cuter now. I'll have to check out one of her new videos to see how much better she looks.

>broken infrastructure
That is such a retarded argument that I hope a band of rabid niggers assrape you to death.
>t.spic subhuman who hates fags
„Was den Zielen der Regierung widerspricht, wird nicht gezählt“

Frau Schunke weist auf typische Manipulationsmethoden einer Statistik hin, die sich auch in der Kriminalstatistik zeigen.

Familiennachzug: Familienangehörige, die als Familiennachzug gelten, zählen nicht als Asylbewerber, weil sie kein Asyl beantragen. Sie sind Angehörige und werden nicht statistisch erfasst.
Vergleichszahlen: Werden Ausländer in Bezug zur Gesamtbevölkerungszahl von ca. 81 Millionen Menschen gesetzt, dann führt dies nicht signifikant zu einem Anstieg der Migrantenkriminalität. Sie schreibt: „Die Logik ist so einfach wie irreführend: Das Problem wird wegdefiniert, in dem man es in Beziehung zu einer sehr großen Zahl setzt. Es wird verdünnt wie die Träne im Ozean.“
Keine Anzeigen: Eine dritte Möglichkeit ist die Tatsache, dass bei vielen Straftaten keine Anzeige erstattet wird. So wird lt. Bundesjustizminister Heiko Maas nur eine von zehn Vergewaltigungen angezeigt.
Neue Begriffe und Namen: Zuerst verschwand der Begriff Zigeuner aus den Berichten und wurde durch Sinti und Roma ersetzt. Später sprach man von „Rotations-Europäern„. Mit einem neuen Begriff verschwindet das alte Problem.
Dunkelziffer: Die Statistik wird auch verzerrt durch milde Strafen für Migranten und eine hohe Dunkelziffer.
Uneinigkeit der Bundesländer in ihrer Statistik. Frau Schunke schreibt: „Die einen Bundesländer nehmen es genauer, die anderen weniger genau. Allesamt nehmen sie es jedoch nicht genau genug und vor allem nicht so genau, wie man könnte und es notwendig wäre.“

You deserve to be beheaded

>How fucking retarded are you? Do you understand per capita?
See Also what's wrong with immigration when they don't even commit more crimes?

How is it a bad argument? They grow up in poverty.


She's absolutely adorable now! I just can't stand listening to her garbage, but she's so hot.

I already mentioned that. The fag's answer?
>No but that's one thing, numbers are another.
OP pretty much confirmed to be a blue-haired whale or a migrant working up the courage to go rape.

Attached: OP.gif (320x221, 2M)

and? is anything stated there wrong? the bundesländer all have different laws etc and so everyone tracks crime differently and you want to tell us that our shit bka under this government would release anything that could not fit in the letiest narrative?

You know he waxes.

I want you to throw yourself headfirst out of your highest window memeflag

Actually just read all of that and all of it is nonsense, lies or just not significant in any way.

> Eine dritte Möglichkeit ist die Tatsache, dass bei vielen Straftaten keine Anzeige erstattet wird. So wird lt. Bundesjustizminister Heiko Maas nur eine von zehn Vergewaltigungen angezeigt.
The BKA literally says that German women are WAY more likely to report rapes when the suspect looked different or "strange", i.e. darker skin, dark hair.

Your incel rage doesn't change anything about the facts, I fear.

To conclude the thread since I assume people gave up: No, migrants/refugees are not necessarly more like to rape. Rather the opposite.

You can stop being nazis any time. Unlike homosexuality, this is actually a choice.


Poverty by itself isn't the main reason why some groups are prone to crime and have lower IQ, you have biological and cultural reasons, just compare the south cone region with the rest of South America, compared to 1st world countries we aren't doing that well when it comes to infrastructure of personal wealth (mainly in Uruguay) and yet despite that we aren't raping every woman we see or killing eachother.

Now go back to r e d d i t and tell them how every one clapped.

>Read article
>Read comments calling them out on their bullshit
>Linking article disproofing their cover up

More luck next time. Furthermore, second generation immigrants are statisticly being counted as "Germans", so Turks and other "minorites" are being counted as natives. Seems really fair.

>BKA says
there is also a category in which crime of asylum seekers gets special administration. a keyword and a number I think it was cant find it right now sadly
dude I live here what are you trying to do with this worthless thread anyway

"I live here" isn't exactly a good counter argument when trying to prove numbers wrong.

Even if all of that was true and they didn't account for the Germans who still have a migraiton background (they do), refugees still have a rate of only 0.5

Also explain rapes in Iceland or Alaska to me while you're at it.

Never forget: