8.3% death rate in Italy

I don't get it . Wtf is happening in Italy? Are they sending their old to coof death camps?

Attached: cov_death__rate.png (724x592, 96.27K)

shitty infrastructure even shittier country

They're weak basedfilled manlets

Big tourist country and everybody smokes and they practically make out with each other every time they meet

>China lies about their numbers
>Italians aren disinfecting their streets on the same levels as Asians are doing

Old people

Italy aren't mass testing. Hence lots more cases that aren't dying not in the numbers.

For Americans:

Imagine if you have 10 burgers, and you only taste one and its bad, but you do not include the other 9 burgers in the data, you have a 100% burger bad ratio

this fag sold his guns lol

Are we all unironically going to actually get to see jews gassed at the end of all of this? Maybe the Psyop all along was to get us to click on the links and be here on Yas Forums so we can be identified by IP so we all get picked up and not taken to fema camps but be picked up and be taken to the new real gas chambers so we can be allowed to pull the lever that gasses and incinerates the jews. And then it’s all televised for the world to see so we are identified as the heroes who saved civilization and go from incels to the now new Hollywood elite that will get THOTS to blow us whenever we want.

Sort of. They're digging out the Vatican and la cosa nostra and giving them the suicide option

>>China lies about their numbers
>hong kong, taiwain, korea, singapore, and japan also lying about their numbers

there were too many old farts anyway

Italy: Not enough UCI beds, dense population, and a lot of old people.
China: Lying to save face now that other country's are distracted by their own epidemics.
Iran: Full of religious fundamentalists that rather continue their unhygienic rituals than self isolate. Good on them for accurate reports at least. They probably think pity will get sanctions lifted.

America is a third world country

It’s a combination of things. They have an ass load of old people and Chinese people. They have huge households living in the same house, their kids and grandkids never move out which increases the chances an old person gets it. They’re very unsanitary and have no concept of personal space. It’s a perfect storm.

disease targeted at genetic group?

Fuck you, but I laughed.

90 percent of Italy is Roman Catholic

What would China gain from exaggerating their death rates? Or are you saying they're under reporting it?

Europe is lead by women and simps no shit we aren't prepared for anything
We are all gonna dieeee

The same thing that's happening in China

Chinese people are dying

Most countries in the world have aging populations, the world is full of old, sick people. The death rate figure is bs because many people who have it will never see a doctor.

you're a poor asshole. have you seen the videos of small town hospitals dealing with emergencies, like cremona?

who has the most cases?

Under reporting. They have nothing to gain by other countries knowing they're weak. They have more to gain by looking like they have things under control.

>everyone is being laid off work
>businesses shutting down and some even going out of business
>resulting in thousands losing their jobs
>no work = no money
>state must provide wellfare for all these people
>state runs out of money
>state goes out of business
>no doctors, no police, no firefighters or anything else state funded
>the circus already gone
>only a matter of time before the bread is gone to
>society collapses

This is was I feared from the beginning, it's not the virus itself that's gonna kill us but our reaction to it.
I really regret selling my guns now. But I live in a small town so people are gonna be nice, right?... right?!

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Those are some salty meatballs

He's jealous we won't go bankrupt getting treatment spaghetti bro.

So you're saying the death rate for the Corona virus - which is 4% in china according to OP, but is lower according to most countries in OP, is actually higher? What do you think the death rate is. For a country like China to report 4% it's already quite high compared to other countries.

calm down, freako

>everybody smokes and they practically make out with each other every time they meet
you keep making up bullshit or listening to nonsense. you have come to believe that Milan imports cheap chinese workers to produce high fashion garments, even that Italians don't wash their hands
we'll reckon in a few weeks

those who believe this crap are hopeless.

Jesus Christ it's just a sample bias, they're mostly testing people who need to be recovered, which means they already have serious symptoms.

China lied, simple as

They are gross people with no sense of personal space, precaution or hygiene and always rubbing between each other, like every other country with a shitty Latin language.

Spain stopped counting soft or non suspected patients. The percentages varies because there's way more people sick than they say, its already out of hand. Tomorrow Spain might have the rest of the testing kits so the number can climb easily to 20k. You can never count the infected 100% but you always count the dead.

Every fucking number on this chart is borderline meaningless when making projections because each country had different circumstances regarding to how it started, how long it spread before actions were taken against it, and most importantly testing methodology.

For example the USA death rates were sky high initially because the first major outbreak was in a fucking nursing home in Washington state. We had like under 150 cases and over 20 deaths early on.

it's pathetic how we got a chance to kill off all the fucking oldies and my peers are more scared of this gay flu than the actual old people. at this point I hope mortality rises more and fucks up the country. not that I'm excited to live especially in this stupid coward country

2nd oldest population in the world. Japan being number 1.

>salty meatballs
i don't even know what that means. you know why? because you create an alternative reality until you think pepperoni pizza is italian. we don't even know what the fuck it is.

Also Italy will when once they switch sides

it only kills people without a soul

I'm sure it as nothing to do with airports. It's not like the epicenter is where there are airports.

Attached: italy-china-direct-flights-01.jpg (720x343, 41.26K)

>always count the dead
>unless you're china or Iran.

Are Koreans just genetically stronger people?

the chinese unleashed the mild version on themselves. The rest of the world gets the extra deadly version of the virus

Definitely not airports. Everyone make sure to visit them. Completely safe.

Attached: 800px-Italy,_foreign_residents_as_a_percentage_of_the_total_population,_2011.svg.png (1110x493, 388.39K)

I'm afraid my country will face it

He's not necessarily saying the mortality is higher, but that the overall numbers are higher

I don’t understand why people make the number of cases the denominator.

Those cases are undetermined, if you want to know the fatality rate, compare the death rate to the amount of cases closed.

Death total / ( death total + cured total )

That’s the real fatality rate. Much higher than 8%

No they have a stronger sense of community and respect the soft quarantines, they're doing far more testing than any other country and so catching people who are infectious and stopping them from spreading it.

every time a new country gets it they start making shit up about it. They're just in denial, they don't want to believe it can happen to them.

universal health care = rationed care

lots of the deaths are people who are getting rationed

My fucking city is entering full quarantine. From tomorrow forward everything will be closed, and this WILL be enforced.
I fucking hate all the retards that kept screaming nothing burger, because shit's fucked now.

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This isnt how you figure out death rate you retard. Recovered cases vs death

Attached: 20200317_211123.jpg (1440x1312, 789.36K)

Italian incompetency, as usual.

Their health services got completely overwhelmed by sick Mario's and Luigi's

English and Scandies don't kiss each others' cheeks in greeting. They also don't herd closely in public unless forced to.
Burger gets it

>explain Italy, explain Italy
1) Italy is old as fuck. 25% 65+, 12% 75+
2) large Chinese population in Northern Italy. 10% of population in some cities
3) huge Chinese tourist destination - upwards of 2 millions Chinese visitors annually
4) multi-generational large-family households
5) standard greeting is kiss on the cheek
6) they get flu-raped yearly, more so than rest of Europe because of the above. Look up influenza mortality Italy 2013-2018
7) in Jan/Feb they virtue signaled like mad about not isolating Chinese citizens and reaching out to them. Mayor of Florence had a “Hug a Chinese” campaign.

All of the above was a perfect storm - old as fuck citizens that went looking for the virus. Guess what, they found it and it’s fucking them up.

42% people die

They may get to decide in China or Iran since the state has the chance and the tools to do it and hide it. All they need is the decision to do it. Its not the same in Spain I can guarantee you that

bros its literally because 40% of their population is 65+

Everything? Shops are still open here, even some pubs kek

>2) large Chinese population in Northern Italy. 10% of population in some cities
WTH I had no idea this was occurring. Why did uncle pol never tell me about this trend?

I know thing with western countries is its very hard to keep anything underwraps cause people pull out a phone and film it and masses of people cant just disappear.
But in china you can get welded into your house and your whole family disappear in a quarantine camp never to be heard from again and theres no way the state funded propaganda is writing about it.

>lots of the deaths are people who are getting rationed
in a few weeks in US
>>lots of the deaths are people who are poors