kek all my math professors were asians, as were my organic chem professors. biochem was also russkies at some point you have to accept that the lectures for those are worthless and just self-teach
>I still don't understand them i ended up with an A in DE course i took i had no idea what i was doing and have no clue as to how i managed to escape that hell with an A at least it wasn't the chink professor i think finally he got replaced because they were getting a ton of complaints
yeah, lets gather in crowded places and go home and make out with grandma. make sure to give her the virus.
oh maybe i can get all her money right? do you want me to get on an airplane and fly around the country to major city centers? just tell me what to do. i'm dump enough to go lick toilet seats.
give him 2 weeks when old people start clogging up the hospital system, and there is an angry mob with pitchforks outside his mansion.
Anthony Ortiz
JEJ, here is the QRD > media hysterics convinced the whole western world to employ chinese "coercive social distancing" tactics, destroying their economies and, at the same time, closing their borders and empowering their nationalists and isolationist, ushering a new age of frugality, self isolation and countries looking up for their own interests for once
Thomas Hall
*EVERYONE'S* GETTING THOSE FUCKING BLIMPFBUX, /ptg/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>What's the real reason you want me out of Cali? The tax payers (White Men) keep the commie welfare state of commiefornia afloat. If you nubnuts would leave, the starving commies would riot and burn commiefornia to the ground.
DAILY REMINDER: Trump is not your friend, he proclaimed himself King of Israel as was asked of him. Corona virus is a bioweapon designed to crash the world economy, so the elites may "come up" with a solution of one world government with seat of power in Jerusalem. You wonder why there is so much hype behind the virus? Panic will help destabilizing economy. Also, during the outbreak, jewish pigs will start getting rid of awoken people, rounding them up in FEMA camps and exterminating them, while blaming their death on the virus. Watch out for the blackouts.
Definitely not. In the long run, the United States is doomed. No turning back from demographics. Even feminism can be reversed, but not demographics. What will Americans do? Kill blacks and Mexicans? No.
Jose Campbell
>iPence Is Apple making his new electroshock defagging devices?
Joseph Rivera
Justin Perez
Really sounds like he's hyping war with China. Every other thread here is people shilling against or for China.
Eli Williams
except it's all fucked if no one is working and we make the great depression look like a regular bitcoin day i was kinda hoping we could get a right wing victory without having to send ourselves back 200 years in society
>Kids say stupid shit all the time here's a example.
Michael Phillips
The Dems must be shitting bricks over how they can't put blame for the market crash at Trump. That, and Schumer blowing any shred of credit he might have left to the working class by demanding the emergency aid to workers to be loans instead of temporary UBIs.
Migaposters are retarded, like you, in not understanding you calling it MIGA instead of MAGA and posting some autistic shit is somehow going to catch on. low iq migafaggot.
California is one of the highest net federal income tax contributors in the country. The Midwest and South are net federal drains. You're literally and unironically mooching off California GDP. T. Not from there but one of the other net contributor states you welfare parasites sponge off of
Joshua Sullivan
I think it's weird that she would be talking to her daughter about that in the first place (since I'm sure that's where the kid heard it).
Nathan Barnes
> glownigger
Jace Miller
>The Dems must be shitting bricks I mean considering this halfassed shillwave, I'm not surprised. Been curious as to why they suddenly started squirming, and the Penn win is a pretty fucking good answer.
Cameron Russell
realistically the ship has sailed on being against shutdowns. Enough of the big players have done it that anyone trying to force everyone to stay open at this point looks like a huge asshole boomer/Jew who only cares about money. Even if only a few people die the campaign ads write themselves.
Reminder that shills will call Trump whatever they think their audience needs to hear to dislike him.
On Yas Forums they call Trump a jew. On twitter and facebook they call Trump a nazi. They call Trump a meat eater when speaking to vegans. They call Trump a vegan when speaking to meat eaters. They call Trump an evil racist when talking to black people. They call Trump a civnat cuck when talking to white nationalists. They call Trump rich when talking to the poor. They call Trump poor when talking to the rich.
> i was kinda hoping we could get a right wing victory without having to send ourselves back 200 years in society I'm not picky, I get my lulz either way. Portugal didn't have border control with spain for the past 50 years or so, isn't that wonderful?
Trump key to victory as far as the economy is going to be how and what he does to mitigate the damage and begin the recovery. People will not blame him for the virus' impact. That's like the (((MSM))) tried to blame him for a hurricane response. So long as Trump does all the right things and progress is made, an "Act of God" like this virus will not be his fault in the eyes of most votes. Only the ones that already hate him or wouldn't vote will blame him like they always do
Cameron Barnes
All part of the script, dumbass. Are you one of those Q retards by any chance?
Gabriel Cox
I, John Postman Highway, vow to bring America back together and fight this isolation by delivering goods with by bb
Without these measures, the hospital system in the US will collapse. Luckily 90% of people in the US are on the same page. Well maybe 80% We are doing good work, but we need to move 24/7 or we will fail.
Lincoln Jackson
i dont, tbhfam
Daniel Jones
>When you're unaware that Corona only kills chinks, sand-niggers, and AIDS faggots.