Thoughts on Dow going below 20k?

Especially curious for thoughts from diehard Trump supporters, or those who were behind him for his generally positive economic policies.

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Everything is on sale now.

Delete this thread right now. I am not even joking.

I'm not sure why you're disconnecting the stock market from the current world pandemic going on and just proferring the false pretense that somehow the stock market has collapsed because of Trump.
I mean even shills cannot be so stupid to think that this in any way makes sense.
The market is reacting in a completely understandable way right now and once we have a verified cure, and the fucking plague subsides, I suspect we'll see the other side of 30000 at some point after that.

do you really think Trump supporters get upset about this for various reasons they would not blame any president at all

can the galaxy brain anons in that other thread tell me exactly why her majestys £ is so weak against the US $... when the US $ is literally linked to oil prices, which shit the bed? and when is it likely to bounce back to $1.30+?

This. Anyone who is young and not buying as much as they can is stupid.

burn it all down. states and governments were a mistake.

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Well, I made $2480 today trading PFE. Next week all the shit heads will dump their 401k holdings. I’ll buy in/average down and in 1-3 years reap a 50+% return.

I’m also going to buy my retirement home and a place to chil around steamboat over the summer.

the best thing you can do right now is max out all the credit cards because by the end of the week the banks will go belly up and you won't have to pay it back anyway.
better get some cool gear now at the front end of this collapse.

>trading PFE
please tell me that is the Pussy and Foot Exchange and provide a link for fucks sake

2020 10,000
2023 5,000

Sorry. It’s Pfizer. They are trading between 30 and 32. This market is dominated by HFTvand all you can do is piggy back on the algos.

We can go lower!

It's obummer's fault. black man bad!!

Everyone knows the stocks are down due to the coronavirus. I know you shills are hoping it'll fuck up Trump's re-election chances but even the normiest of normies know it's not his fault.

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When people panic they flock to the safest currency and the US dollar is considered the safest.
>when is it likely to bounce back to $1.30+?
Not anytime soon. There is fear that a £330bn fiscal stimulus programme announced on Tuesday will lead to a huge increase in UK government borrowing.

It will. There will be carnage in many industries. I called a few trades people I know and have some projects lined up to help them out. They are good people and I hope I can help them out.

Imagine if Trump's policies hadn't induced the rise in the stock market, this virus induced sell off would've crashed the market entirely.
I think it'll rebound well but it's going to be hell in the mean time.

lol, not just buying AMD in 2012 and selling it in February.

I did a USD/ZAR pair last fall. Those fuckers in SA are going to get butt fucked.

>when your life of incompetence catches up to your presidency all at once

I doubt boeing is going much lower, it will be saved soon, jump on the train before everyone take your sit.


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Only people who are die hard liberals with a severe case of tds believe this crash is even an ounce of trump's fault

I trade biotech. My trades were in ARRY, LOXO, and MRTX. Now I just fuck around.

well shit. i was hoping to visit friends in the usa after this is over but it's going to cost a lot lot more then :/

Which president are you talking about?
Trump? We're doing great with the virus.
If Trump and the government (who's doing the work) were actually incompetent, we'd be China or Italy.

I see it going the other way. In simple terms:
>Currently mid-march
>There are bi-partisan efforts to help people out as well as the market
>Things are back to normal by June.
>Even if it's bi-partisan, Trump will get/ take all the credit
>He's the hero we deserve!
>Beats the fuck out of Biden in November.
And for a twist:
>Turns out that Biden has actually been dead since May.

If you buy at this point, you're retarded.
Maybe in a month.

>we're doing great with the virus
huge swaths of the population are functionally unemployed this month. it's so bad they want to send checks to everyone.

does that sound "great" to you?

shutting down the usa is insane.
the wealth being destroyed is insane
if we kept everything open and running, we could use the wealth we didn't destroy to treat all the people with the corona-virus disease.
We could afford it, no problem
But by shutting down the economy, Trump is impoverishing the country. This will cause massive shortages.

Boeing is tough to guess. Back around 2008 I bought ford for around $1.19. Their symbol is F, no way they are going down for the count.

Discount discount read all about it

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Literally free money for smart buyers.
Thanks retard panickers.

Consumer confidence is down and states have frozen many jobs. Fuck the market. You have to be retarded to invest now.

Where did all the money go?
What if some people are not allowed to reinvest?

You’ll make a fortune either way

>people like you bitch he's prioritizing people's safety too much at the expense of the economy
>other people bitch he's prioritizing the economy too much at the expense of people's safety
There is no fucking winning with you people.

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Moved to short term fixed last year. Moved 15% back into market today and will keep adding in chunks. Amazing opportunities are happening. Don’t go all in but don’t miss out on all the discounts.

We're doing that purposefully so it DOESN'T spread you fucking idiot. We don't have to do this, then we would be Italy or China.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Didn't vote for him. Barely care about him only like some of his reforms. policies and like it when he triggers the crazies. The market was doing great before the virus, look at Obama, Bush or Clinton numbers during crises and there's a similar drop, granted the media is also majorly responsible for the current downturn. Don't know if you legit care or just wanted to bait Trumptards into chimping out, but trust me the market is going to explode in such a way after the virus starts getting figured out that the middle and upper classes will see a gigantic boom in only 1 quarter. When he got elected I've made on average 50k per quarter until I saw the virus thing coming and thankfully got my money out. Word of advice for everyone here, start investing in pharma, industry and manufacturing because once this shit is done word is alot of companies are gonna be looking to relocate to India, Malaysia and parts of Africa because Trump is gonna make moves to crush China with new import and export taxes so that manufacturing in the US would be cheaper.


I can’t pick the bottom, so I average down in times like this. I’ll start buying next week.

>Trump is
You know the States are doing this regardless of what the Federal Government is doing right?

>1 post by this ID

Attached: former trump supporter 3.png (1000x764, 209.51K)

Stay poor

>Don’t go all in but don’t miss out on all the discounts.
like what? why not just buy VOO
is mcd a buy? googl?

I agree with all that actually.
It's going to be bad for a month or two, but when this subsides into the background the economy will rebound and those that were hurt will get help.

Shut the fuck up.


Buy the dip faggot, by 2024 it have recovered

Michiganfag here. Gov Whitmer started shutting down schools and businesses before Trump even said anything. In fact, he blasted her for it on Twitter.
>You forgot to add OMB in your post.

The dollar is not linked to oil price retard

I do wonder if people will ever question where a bunch of money that never existed went.

>We don't have to do this, then we would be Italy or China.
So they shut down the country

Yet I don't see anybody building extra surge capacity during this window? are we building extra icus, are we setting up more ventilators? I see nothing like that happening on a large scale. therefore the window this lockdown is providing is being wasted.

They were hoping for literally anything to fuck up the US economy, and they got it and will just blame drumpf because they're fucking idiots.

Honestly, I wouldn't even blame obummer. On the plus side the democrats literally do not have a candidate or a policy so.. . TRUMP 2020

There's a global pandemic you nigger.

burn. it. down.
Free St. Tarrant and other political prisoners and lets see what happens and who wins.

>Market up
Omgod emperor
>market down
Sh shill

It's going to go much lower. Remember when they said 18,000 was overvalued, that was during "good" times. Now that we are in a "national emergency" I can see it going to at least 15k, lower as more restrictions are put into place. Great depression 2.0 here we come. At least we still have our manufacturing and farming jobs ... oh wait nvm jk.

Don’t buy shit until shipment containers are arriving regularly at the port in LA

USD *value* is not linked to the *price* of oil, it is linked to the *global demand* which is largely inelastic.

Yea it was inflated anyway.
>I don't like what drumpf is doing
Ok faggot. We are able to build ICUs if needed, we're ordering more ventilators, and many other things on the federal, state, and local level. Continue to seethe.

His policies did impact the rise in the stock market, and a chinese virus is making it fall.

> I don't see anybody building extra surge capacity during this window
Tents being deployed, medical ships, yea nothing is being done. You're an idiot

I'm not going to die coofing in a ventimalator bucko

>didnt buy his own ventilator
Lol poor people

some things, such as a disease outbreak, are out of the control of a president. we are still subject to nature as humans.

trump had put the usa in an extremely strong position before the crisis. the country had been hard at work for a long time. everyone i know has savings.

trump put the usa in a strong position, and its much better to enter a crisis from a position of strength.

usa is a net producer of oil/energy because of trump. can you imagine of some green energy proponent had been elected in 2016? we would be entering this crisis depending on global supply chains. we would have not already started bringing manufacturing back from china.

also trump is handling the crisis itself well (so far).

Chances are if you get it, which are small at this point, you won't have any symptoms or just mild symptoms like the flu.
So you probably won't desu.

Yeah, they’re fucked. Eskom has 454 billion rand of debt and isn’t generating enough revenue to cover their costs.

it doesn't matter if you like Trump or not this year. Elections have been cancelled until further notice. I just hope RBG can hang on for a year or two...

Attached: NotoriousRBG.png (456x580, 496.96K)

>Chances are if you get it, which are small at this point, you won't have any symptoms or just mild symptoms like the flu.
right And you will be a silent spreader and kill your mom and dad when you pass the virus to them.

Oh and a certain Pooh bear telling all the Chinese to pull all their money out of the market and come home to China will not change a thing huh?

Such a shame they will step foot in there and quickly be found to be held on crimes of political dissidence (and all assets frozen).

Are you unemployed? You should be buying now and averaging down every paycheck since only an absolute brainlet thinks they can predict the bottom.

Everything is on sale soon. Only retards catch the falling knives.

the people that 'run' it steal all the money.

Good time to buy stocks.

Shes been dead lmao. Imagine thinking shes alive.

So why'd he fire the pandemic response team again?

i think the bottom comes when the mass media convinces the public (wrongly) that the dem candidate is going to win.

>not having superior genes

Yea, Globalists decide to shut down the world as a last push to global communist rule and its Trumps fault.
fuck off kike, take your six gorillion sheckles and fuckoff