>Coronavirus: UK Schools to close from Friday
>Police and immigration officials would be able to place people in "appropriate isolation facilities" under plans.
>Slag stash DO NOT STEAL
>Coronavirus: UK Schools to close from Friday
>Police and immigration officials would be able to place people in "appropriate isolation facilities" under plans.
>Slag stash DO NOT STEAL
Other urls found in this thread:
First for are Mozza
Second for are Moaty
no corona op please.
it attracts forren darkies
Don't forget where the virus came from lads
why do people assume that this virus is going to go away? the numbers that we've been seing lately put the death rate on par with or above MERS and the r0 at way above that of even measles.
Post the slags.
They ease my symptoms
Last one for me tonight mate I'm off to brush my teeth in a minute.
just think of all the dirty old nonces that are gonna get sniped when they fiddle with an asymptomatic kid.
silver linings n all that.
to be fair that guy looks like he'd use one of those bigass packs in a few days
fuckin machine built to shit
Jamie Lee Curtis' body in True Lies
i'd rather not think that sort of thing ok?
Is this now a pakipinchingbogroll thread?
It wasn't the French that did us in.
It wasn't the Germans that did us in.
It wasn't the EU that did us in.
It wasn't the pakis and wogs that did us in.
It wasn't the kikes that did us in.
It wasn't the commies that did us in.
What did us in was:
Oi, anons with kids.
Let's merge our houses and form alliances in the face of corona.
What's your bevvy of choice for the happening, lads? Nursing a pint of Old Peculiar right now.
>nearly always pakis
maybe they're stocking their own shop up.
Looting in Peckham
London on lockdown next week
Army will get called in
Some norfern lad will shoot a roadman
All hell on the streets
Are you frightened yet?
i dont feel very done in right now, im alright
I'm hearing a lot about Prince Phillip being dead. Ijust thought it was a joke.
Now even my mrs, has just asked if I think he's is.
Is he dead?
we're in trouble
what did us in was neoliberalism
>Some norfern lad will shoot a roadman
I like this time line
Thats when he reckons the lockdown will start/end
homebrewed apple wine. it's shit but it's cheap.
Fucking Chinese cunts!
send em back say i
>Some norfern lad will shoot a roadman
Can we shoot all the roadmen?
Just a suggestion.
Would you rather live in Sheffield in the 80s or where you live now?
>death rate on par with or above MERS
mers death rate was 30%.
this will kill more due to being more infectious but less deadly. but yeah it's not going away and given the size of the gene pool it has to play with i think we should be trying to build some immunity to whatever this mutates into.
yeah we know the economy is slowing down m8 we dont need a stock market to tell us
Nope. I literally don't care. Even if I catch it and die I don't really care.
Am I alone feeling like this?
>t.80yr old nonce
>mers death rate was 30%.
does michelle count
proper english slag
Putting up my greenhouse tomorrow. Going to grow me some veggies for the coming famine.
nauseous with worry lads
My town is pretty much sheffield in the 80s t b h
Nope. Same here. Though I don't want my family to suffer, I couldn't give less of a shit what happens to me.
>maybe they're stocking their own shop up
Of course they are.
Pakis produce nothing but devour everything
Will I still have to sign on for my bennies next week?
>all the veg gets stolen and the windows smashed for fun
brrrrrt skrrrrrrt etc
>merge our houses
fuck london. the north stands alone.
every car slows down
not every car crashes head on
100% slag but she gets paid for it.
It's not the same as someone who does it by their own free accord.
Doubt it. I live rural and have a good community.
I've heard from 3 separate people now that the army is mobilising to lock down London
I'm quite comfy where I live. At least until the infected hordes start pouring out of the cities and towns. I knew I should have put in for a shotgun licence last year...
If you don't give me a girl I'll take one.
It is the way of my people.
>Are you frightened yet?
I live for the day the nog invasion will be avenged an hundred fold
>one corona sufferer coughed up her own pelvis bone
What a fucking disgrace
>Chinese stores suffering
>Everyone craming into everywhere else
>Chinkies empty
........I actually just realized today I am a fucking pie.
holy fuck
watch from the 7.30 mark
even the instathots get paid for it.
I wish she'd go to America and work there. The British porn industry is dogshit, and every scene has to have fucking Omar in it.
sheffy but only if it was about to be hit by a nuke.
gotta keep those chimps in order
Yea but you know the 'going out out ' girls. They are the golden slags
I've got a hurley and petrol bombs. You'll be taking nothing but a smack, back to your turnips pleb.
don't be a spacker
>Are you frightened yet?
Frightened? I'm existed.
Please don't short the market, guys. Think about what you are doing. About the poor rich people who aren't as rich as they thought they were last week and are feeling sad about it.
Ya lucky this ere wall is in the way mate.
Same, take some enemies of my people with me, what could be more glorious?
Was close to opening an an Investment ISA with a wealth management company in January. Thank fuck I didn't bother
>he lives in London
Lol you fucking deserve it, cunt
>Army will mobilise 20,000 troops and put them on standby to be deployed to UK's streets and hospitals to help the fight against coronavirus
listen cunt, richard branston needs his billion pound bailout or he wont be able to charge other millionaires and billionaires a million quid to fly on his space plane.
stop envying them and give them your money.
I used to play that when I lived in Ireland, great fun. Hurts like fuck if you get hit with the ball though.
How can they fight it when you can't even see it lmao
>how to fix army personnel levels
>send them into a quarantine and let them all get the deadly virus
Apparently either tomorrow's or Friday's speech is going to be interesting but could be an minor over reaction on the government's part.
Unless it ends up being an full scale calamity there's nothing of interest to be considered otherwise.
I will be sure to bring my camera in case something does happen (haven't really been out and about, and it is unlikely anything significant will happen).
how can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real?
dunno lad
no lad was never banned here, was literally shown it in primary school on the school telly in the mid 80's, i'd imagine many schools were shown it at the time, was probably around 10yo when I first saw it.
Remember it either being a version the teacher had edited to remove the real nasty shit like burning bodies etc but for all intents an purposes it was Threads, and what to expect if/when things turned sour with the Soviets.
My manager told me the army would make sure I got into work. I was looking forward to catching up on Netflix and my Steam backlog and everything...
let it burn.
Tomorrow is the one to look out for
Yeah i must have been thinking of something else, ive never seen it myself, cant find a proper version online
I was planning to short tesla a few months ago just because Elon is a massive wanker. Wish I had. Still, silver is a steal at these prices. The money is being put to good use.
Me too. Sort of... I've had bad experiences with paying someone else to manage investments, but I've been sitting on 20K collecting fuck all interest for years now.
Once London burns to the ground I am planning to buy the dip.
import foreigners
get foreign viruses
What you were thinking of
What is he up to these days? Other than being blackpilled.
I'm hearing an awful lot of interesting things are going down regarding the army and what not
Coronavirus has just as much right to be here as we do.
I hate these parasites more with every passing day
I remember being shown the one where you were supposed to take the doors off and paint them white to deflect the blast and then lean them up the wall and camp behind them and keep your dead granny at the other end of the house because of germs in the 80's. Not sure I saw that one though. Might have been wagging it I suppose.
May be thinking of a clockwork orange I know that was banned here or maybe waht said I dunno
clockwork orange is the famous one for being banned? but obviously a completely different film
Not just the army
Boats on the Clyde
I suspect it's all the forces
Desperately trying to remember lad, gimme a minute
Cheers lad, came up with an ad for a dog shit sceptic tank at first kek
bury yourself under your own shit, so we don't need to bury you.
also traffic wardens with guns
Brother in law is ex-army lads.
If he gets called up we know shits about to get real.
Evil Dead was banned for awhile too.
Yeah, im really not sure let me double check
>tfw if I post with the jack everyone thinks i'm a filthy englishman
I have no idea how trading like that works so that's why I was thinking of getting a company to do it for me
one eye on the streets
one eye on the peak
Makes complete sense. Think of how many gremlins we have in this country, especially in our beloved capital. They’ll try to run riot.
fuck off eurokike
cant wait until haggisland is begging for gibs from UK and EU
>muh ran out of buckfast
Anyone here work in places like Tesco/Aldi/Lidl/Waitrose? Are you getting regular stock still coming in or is it all fucked? Went to buy some tp today (1 roll left) and every shop was empty. Going to try tomorrow first thing in the morning. Selfish cunts buying everything up.
Protect and survive. Yeah i saw those at school.
>the 4 minute warning has sounded
I'm a good bit north of the wall. Got a mountain range to get past too.
fuck off pakigoy
Doubtful anything will happen, but I will be ready. I hope 24mm and 50mm lense are enough.
I remember when those (ISAs) were being promoted prior to 2008 among friends. Glad I saved and then invested in precious metals which are spiking in value as we post.
Might be able to cash in some and then buy into the dip (for stocks and shares, etc).
>not Xinnie the Flu
It's the end of the current world order, shtf is truly here
who the fuck is that? why the fuck is that?
slav rape baby can barely afford internet.
I you liked threads try the war game or survivors. The second one is about a chink plague coincidentally enough.
Yeah were were bombarded with protect and survive etc info back then, it was everywhere in cartoons, the news, comedy, drama etc. as a kid back then I don't remember thinking to much of it as the threat of nuclear war was just normal, it had always been there lol, probably different if you were an adult tho
Me too lad. I lived in Ireland for 15 years. Hurling is fucking lit to play but shite to watch.
One of my mates works part-time in Iceland. He says they’re depot is basically empty and are waiting on head office to act.
bit of a contrary little bitch aren't you?
What are we talking though? troops in just the major cities for the virus shit or are we under some sort of military threat from somewhere?
A lot of the virus references are compared to war and what not. I'm thinking something is going on.
having cash is also foolish because they're about to print money
Buy physical silver, thank me when it's all over.
Common thing in the playground, what would you do if the 4min warning went off now...