People are waking up

People are waking up

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>office workers are upper class

Definitely something the underclass would say

Failed writer twatter who works at gamestop
This is the type of person that made typing "gg" a bannable offense in game chat

clueless bimbo

since when is that bannable and in what games

Comfy as fuck working from home right now

>some fat muh angles slut who works at gamestop and was some gamergate dyke now is based because muh nothingburgerosis

>some random attention whore posts some stupid shit on social media.
Big if true.

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>Love one another
>unless you're white, male, straight, european, basically anyone who isn't a subhuman

I hope you LARPfags are right about there being a boogaloo.

I don't think CEO's work in the fucking forest, you retard.

Drooling retard.

What do you do?

not that user, but it consultant

It's true. There are only two classes now– Those who can work from home, and those who will die on the front line in service (industry) of their country

honestly Yas Forums everything she said is right... I can't refute it even as much as I want to.

meanwhile in communist China

>xi jiping and all party officials are innawoods or in a bunker
>Chinese plebs are eating gutter oil in their cuck sheds

>In b4 China isn’t real communist
Funny how every “Marxist-Leninist” society inevitably turns into a class system, almost like establishing a dictatorship by force leads inevitably to oppression or something

Why did you decide to do slave labor instead of getting licensed or trained to do real work. Fuck off with the water works these people chose the life they live.

>not a single mention of white, male, straight, european in the OP's pic



>There are only two classes now
yes. comfy NEETchads and dying wageslaves

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Hurr Durr... Can't type gg in game chat. Fucking retard.

IT security

(((Class struggle)))

>Everyone who works in an office is a CEO
You must be 18 to post here.

>People are waking up
They sure are.
There are silver linings to the corona virus:
Americans learned that we are dependent on China for 90% of our generic medicines
We see how much of our economy has been outsourced
Forces older and obese Americans to realize how unhealthy they are
It is revealed just how fragile the financial sector's Ponzi house of cards really is
Shines a light on China’s horrific animal abuse
Highlights how useless professional sports are
Brought awareness to how many really die during flu season
Exposes politicians that politicize public health and the scam artists that price gouge
Forces people to stay home and to take stock of their emergency preparedness
Correction of the stock market/price discovery
Decrease in gas prices
Parents are forced to spend time around their own children
Make us more resilient and self-sufficient
Increase our appreciation for brick and mortar minimum wage grocery store workers that are giving their best efforts to keep us all fed
The EU is exposed as the unelected, self-absorbed globalists that they really are
Open borders just became a really bad idea
Renewed respect for the second amendment
Working from home saves money, gas and time while simultaneously decreasing traffic
People begin to question the need for international travel and the health risks it brings
The advantage of being able to homeschool your own children is recognized
Recognizing the importance of hygiene and hand washing in everyday encounters to prevent disease
People finally realize that government is really not equipped to help everyone and basically you are responsible for yourself

What is your silver lining?
Stay safe, count your blessings and be American and look out for your neighbors.

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>Implying office workers aren't working at home to keep the economy afloat

The only reason people (ie office workers) would go out to eat now is to ensure that their favorite restaurants stay open in the future. Without them, every restaurant worker would be let go because their jobs aren't essential.

People are working from home. It's not a goddamn vacation. Many would rather be in an office because it's easier to get shit done.

unions are a fucking parasitic mess, in a union, going to be collecting unemployment, where is my support at dawg?

You fucking cockloving faggot.
>Every office worker is a CEO
Fuckin kill yourself

Same here. Just wait for an occasional email to pop up or a Skype IM session but other than that I’ve just been streaming movies all day and doing pull-ups and push-ups.

Nice bait title to get around people's filters. Unions are communism. Low IQ jobs deserve low IQ wages. Next. Sage.

Help insurance agents with their SEO marketing for a major insurance carrier. I was already 50/50 remote. I occasionally go to their office to consult them on marketing tactics but right now I’m 100% remote.


This. Working from home sucks.

You know if this bitch had a husband she would need to work at Game stop, I will take one for the team and wife her up.

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I don't want to go to my office.

I commute in for an hour on a fucking virus incubator on wheels and then am in a sealed environment with over 1000 other mouth breathing wagies, cooofing away all fucking day and talking about how "hur hur its just a flu".

I wanna bug out of that fucking place so bad.

She went hilariously over the top and fails to grasp the simple reasons for this but it's still an interesting topic for discussion. Those workers are paid less because there are more people who can do that job, end of story. You have hundred of grocery stores in every state, if not thousands. Every store has many employees, and yet there is still a huge surplus of people that are willing and able to do those jobs. Therefore, it doesn't matter how important the job is.

The non-essential office workers she is talking about are surely non-essential but that doesn't mean they are unskilled or unimportant. It just means we don't need them to keep society running on a basic level. Think about it like a computer going to sleep, it shuts down the higher functions but keeps some processes running in the background. However, if the computer was only able to do those basic background processes and didn't have the higher functions that we use when it isn't sleeping, than it would be very useful. Same with society, if we were all grocery store workers and warehouse workers, then no one would have invented the computer in the first place. So that's all I have to say about that.

Good thing i work in the energy sector where its essential to the fucking country. Dumb broad should know what jobs are recession proof vs consumer reliant


I love these fucks who trash their employers on twitter.



>some random attention whore posts some stupid shit on social media.
Big if true.

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Lefties have been the useful idiots for globalist mega corps and other "internationalists" for decades. They've relentlessly screeched about open borders, "diversity", destruction of the nation state and family unit. Now they can enjoy the fruits of their traitorous labor.

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>my visage when I realize my dealership will stay open into the apocalypse because the service and body shop will be classified as essential services and all the middle management can't think wide or far enough to get beyond "but how will we sell car!?"
Ancient boomer salesmen that make no money but refuse to retire because they can't live with going into work every morning will still keep showing up too, but then again they'd die immediately either way.

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Great Cthulhu Bellow what an insufferable bitch, I highly doubt she knows one thing about going without so she parrots what her heeb professor told her in class

um yea I'm thinking this is a based post.

This is complete chaircope.
Its literally the fucking opposite of this. A bricklayer makes the exact same as a public defence attorney, starting 40-50k maxing 80k. Google it yourself, don't believe me. Someone who went and got a loan worth more than their car and spent YEARS in school is making the same as someone who spent a couple grand on specialized training and is willing to get off their ass. Train conductors get paid the same as pharmacists now, starting 70-80k maxing 120-130k. Go on Google and spend 10 minutes just comparing salaries, you'll realised how fucked the system got without you noticing. A general labourer with no education can easily get promoted to 18/h if he's not a lazy kid. Programmers make the same as uneducated construction workers. A greyhound bus driver makes the same as a insurance broker. Really guys you can find a fuckload of these. In the end though retail and food has and always will be bottom of the barrel slave work.

This guy has the right idea, right now theres a huge vacuum in labour that requires (at least some) intelligence and intuition.

It is just as Marx foresaw

this is what female hysteria mixed with economic retardation results in

full time WFH myself, i do pivot tables and regressions on excel and R all day and tell finance big wigs what underlying financial trends mean

healthcare professionals are essential workers and earn more than her and some office workers.

what a retard.

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>tfw my job is webdev, the least essential thing there is
>still comfy working from home
>all the plebs on the streets will die for minimum wage
>all the office wagies who can't work at home will become poor and homeless
>tfw I'm raking in the bux the entire time

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The guy who reads your electric meter is more essential and gets paid more than her.

Europe will win against Islam. In two years, the lid will come off and break. There will be fire.

"class genocide"
jesus fucking chrst. this fucking psycho overanalyzes everything

Just pay them a few dollars extra during the crisis. They can quit anyway.

LOL it's implied

>bragging about having a job that computers will replace in the next decade.

well said user

>love one another.

>hates anyone who makes more than her

based and aware

true and checked

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>willingly genociding your workforce is somehow a genius move
Upper class is seriously retarded

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This. Pretty based situation if you prepped

Not waking up enough

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Something tells me it's not the upper class behind any of this.

you're bretty good

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