At what age do you start considering it pedophilia and at what age does it stop being pedophilia?
15? 16?
Do you go by your country's legal age or you have your own opinion? Discuss.
At what age do you start considering it pedophilia and at what age does it stop being pedophilia?
15? 16?
Do you go by your country's legal age or you have your own opinion? Discuss.
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What the state law says.
I'm a lolbertarian. guess.
Paedophilia = attraction to children before they hit puberty. That's the definition you nigger.
30. I only fuck milfs
15-16 is not technically pedophilia. kids around that age are usually 80%-90% done with puberty so it would be considered ephebophilia. pedophilia technically refers to pre-prepubescent children.
Oh look another slide thread endorsed by Media Matters.
12 anything younger is pedo shit
official AoC 14
personally if it craves dick it's not a child anymore.
go look up the meanings
they are very specific
one term for pre-child (infant)
on term for child
one term for during puberty
one term for post puberty to old age
one term for old age
based. sex with milfs should be the only sex allowed.
wow hong kong. keep strong brudda
11 for girls
13 for boys
Once the body is developed, you're an adult.
that was quick ccp..
i couldn't care less about age, if i'm attracted to a girl then so be it, official age is 15, if a girl is 13 but looks ok to me i don't care about the law
fuck off I like shitting on seething moralfags
this is the reason you are being called favela monkeys... it's the ccp you nigger.
thanks bruh. in the grand scheme of things, we're holding out pretty well against corona-chan. sub 200 confirmed cases as of 3/19/2020 and i hope it stays low for the rest of this whole ordeal. how's Brazil doing?
what can i say bud, i just like discussions surrounding children....
Depends on the woman but 14 and up is usually kino
Are aryan warriors and cunny warriors one in the same?
Why are there like 5 of these boards?
Pedo kikes in overdrive. Just because a teenager looks mature doesn't mean there mind is.
Plus that woman is in her 20's.
Not in the great US of A
not legally, here anyway, even just talking to anything under 18 while having a boner will get you 5 years minimum here.
>Pedo kikes in overdrive. Just because a teenager looks mature doesn't mean there mind is.
Not to mention women exist to make children, not to have philosophical discussion with
Post nose kike
im 23 and recently fucked a 16 year old ask me anything
>Why are there like 5 of these boards?
They're called "threads" newfag. GTFO.
Mega kike
if theres grass on the pitch, play ball
You ever wonder why? It's so they can spy on you "for the children". They have to make 17 year olds children because normal people actually talk to 17 year old women so the ZOG now has an excuse to spy on everyone. See the anti-encryption bill they're passing to combat "child pornography"
how was it?
how'd you meet her?
do you regret it?
what's the youngest you've fucked?
what's the youngest you'd go?
are you a well adjusted human being?
When they are old enough to talk it is no longer pedophilia. If they don't want it they can say no.
Nigger where do you even find 16 year olds when you're 23?
Cringe reddit tier rule
>Just because a teenager looks mature doesn't mean there mind is.
well in that case it's pedophilia with most womans even after they hit 30
It’s not a philia to be attracted to reproductive aged women
Post nose ZOG'd retards
Don't you have a 39 year old to go impregnate? Enjoy your downie baby
Old enough to bleed old enough to breed.
If there's grass on the playing ball
0? And the working class should be shot on sight? Jews are Gods and we shouldn't be able to look them in the eye?
Seems to be the beliefs of every libertarian I've ever talked to.
when the girl starts advertising like this, then it is time
16 is legal in our state you fucking roastie
>well in that case it's pedophilia with most womans even after they hit 30
Yas Forums meme's this shit hard, but I actually interact with real life women and know that to not be true
philia doesn't mean it's bad
If the girl has had her first period it turns from pedophilia to hebephilia, and it goes from hebephilia to normal the first time she drinks or smokes or takes any alchol or cigarettes or drugs. If she doesn't do any of that ever, highly unlikely, it's when she turns 16.
That should be the law.
Pedophelia is attraction to pre pubescent children
It’s not peodphelia to be attracted to girls who are capable of having children even though they are like 13 or 14
Young teens are simply considers taboo and inappropriate in our society for cultural reasons not because it’s actual pedophelia
So anything under 13 or so
you are retarded
Why is it always an extreme with you fags? I'm just saying not to fuck people still like high school.
18. End of discussion, Agent Wilson.
The age of consent should be 30. Anything under will be consider pedophilia
Go away moshe. 18+ only.
>she can produce child without complications due to hip development or otherwise
>she is smart enough to put down the phone to care for her child
>around 16-18 should be fine
that's a good rubric I reckon
Dilate and watch rupauls
Pedophilia is anything under 16 and it stops over 16. And I agree with my countries legal age.
i dont care post more pics
There's no way that's a kid.
these are good enough indicators if you have some non-creepy means of determining if a female is menstruating or producing pubic hair
i have yet to make "before we go any further with this, what's the situation with your crotch hair" work
>how was it?
it was my first time and couldnt have been better. kissless virgin and i had a great night. we fucked for like 5 hours straight and then i brought her home. wasconstantly fingering and kissing her.
>how'd you meet her?
group of younger friends, all of them based germans
>do you regret it?
>what's the youngest you've fucked?
16, youngest and only one
>what's the youngest you'd go?
not gonna lie there is a hot 15 year old. i know its scummy as fuck but man is she good to look at.
>are you a well adjusted human being?
i have a steady job, a decent family, a social and active lifestyle. i would certianly say i am in charge.
>Nigger where do you even find 16 year olds when you're 23?
Group of younger friends. A lot of the chicks are basically kids and I am not interested in that at all. Some of the girls are very nice though.
When they are capable of living on their own, raising their own children, and are mentally old enough to give fully informed consent. If you have to seek out young, intellectually immature girls to take advantage of, then you are a predator. Doesn't matter what you want to label it, you are shit, and their loved ones have every right to end you.
First period is the only non-arbitrary answer. It is also the correct answer.
>she is smart enough to put down the phone to care for her child
I feel a 13 year old would be better at that than a 21 year old
If there's grass in the park
>I'm just saying not to fuck people still like high school.
That's zogged, go have your downie baby retard
Women are the hottest and most fecund in high school
>At what age do you start considering it pedophilia and at what age does it stop being pedophilia?
Considering pedophilia is attraction to prepubescence, I'd say the cut-off is when the person enters puberty.
But, I'm just someone who looks at the definition.
if they can reproduce then they are ready, but really young girls don't do it for me
It's incredible the lack of self-awareness some people have today. Imagine wagering your safety and life just to wear what appears to be panties in public (but it's probably "swimming bottoms"). There is a beast inside man -- more importantly one inside criminals -- and laws aren't going to protect you from it.
t. roastie
>15? 16?
Ew, no grannies please.
Girls are best 4-9, dounle digits is too old. Elementary schoolers are the best.
Its been a whole week none stop of happenings even today Utah had an earth Quake we're worn out, time to shit post
Grass on the wicket, let's play cricket. It's that simple
If there's no grass on the field, play in the mud ;)
You really just want to self affirm your own beliefs. Just fuck off faggot.
stat-rape is not pedo.
Catholic priests aren't pedos, they are fags.
All fags are pedos, first and foremost. Its how they reproduce.
Fags are much like the vampire thingy. Yeah, they know they were bit by the bad guys, butt then they joined the club.
You see similar non-sexual with various tiers of thieves.
I knew a cop and part of his gig was asking arrestees "what do you want to be once you get clear of this arrest/charge?" and most common answer was "police officer" and they weren't kidding.
Exactly. We have a fits every case definition.
once this virus destroys western civilization, there will not be an "age of consent"
For me under the age of consent is definitely pedofilia. If it's under 18 it depends on the context.
you fucking blind nigga? look at her face
>>Yas Forums's wet dream
They probably live in cuckifornia or one of those 18 states.
Fuck I wish pic related was me, why do I have to look like the ugly man i do, please why cant I just look like her.
If you're over 20 and attracted to anyone younger there is something wrong with you either maturity or intelligence wise. I cannot stand being around let alone hearing teenagers.
Below 12 is pedo. Everything 12 and above is fine. This is how it's been for most of human history.
The ability to reproduce is of little significance -- a young person can't take care of a child at that age. Basing the age of consent on the ability to reproduce would take us out of a civilized society.
nah. I think it should be more like ages 15-23 are in a limbo
18 to infinity though is still fine. I just think college guys should be able to marry high school girls I guess
Looks 20.
When do you think they'll raise the age of consent to 21?
She's in her 20's, someone posted her IG a long time ago
>Just because a teenager looks mature doesn't mean there mind is
A female's mind is the same maturity at 15 as it is at 35. "Maturity" is really completely irrelevant.
Cute. Bonus points if she made the dress herself.
its a trick question, women cannot consent.
The AOC should be marriage, whenever her dad feel like it.
>n, and are mentally old enough to give fully informed consent
we are talking about women here. That means never
I am in my mid twenties and very socially backward for my age and the only women that have ever showed interest were late teens to to year olds. I did not go to college and have never been in a relationship so I have nothing in common with women my age.
Remember when Yas Forums tried to say it's LGBT that are trying to normalize pedophilia?
Look in these fucking threads. Nobody is trying to normalize pedophilia more than the incels posting these threads. Disgusting as fuck. Maybe y'all think if a girl is too young to drive she will be to dumb to stay away from you.
neck urself pedos thanks!
>college guys should be able to marry high school girls I guess
Most states agree and have Romeo / Juliet laws it's like a 4 year gap which is reasonable because college kids are pretty similar immaturity wise.
*late teens to 20 year olds.
wrong. she's 15
>Teen pregnancies are not more risky due to age:
>Women finish puberty at 14, brain development at 14, and are most fecund at 14-15:
>Teen judgment is mature:
>---END BTFOing---
>having sex outside of marriage
I dont fucking give Mother fucking shit about human made rules .
For me it depend 14 ,15 16 +
If you can stand being around any females then there is something wrong with you.
My girlfriend is a late middle schooler. It's legal in my country :)
no wonder they need to kill white people..they'll never even come close to them in looks, discovery, leadership, the world..they must destroy what's good, beautiful, that's the only way they survive..imagine landing in Europe or Russia, America and seeing green eyes, red hair, white hair, silver eyes, freckled skin, the pure beauty..then wanting to destroy it all..
Yas Forums is the most morally corrupt and depraved forums on the internet bud. More than 80% of posters here are pedophiles and want to murder people/blacks/jews/etc.
Country legal age.... 16... lol
Here ya go
They tried when they were first pushing it up
The site didn't used to be full of lgbtq people user. Now there's a ton of thigh high wearing retards that spam and circle jerk in groupchats
ok groomer
Age of consent is 16 in NZ.
I haven't much noticed any real mental differences between 16yo girls and 25yo ones.
But the older ones are defo not as hot.
Why are you mass replying?
I would bury my big black dick so far in her ass whoever could pull it out would be crowned king of Sweden
>Remember when Yas Forums tried to say it's LGBT that are trying to normalize pedophilia?
LGBT normalizes gay pedophilia, the only thing worse than regular pedophilia.
stfu mutt
>brain development ends at 14
Holy fuck you're retarded.
Literal shill won't stop spamming the same boring HAHA ZOG replies
a year before legal age..
>More than 80% of posters here are pedophiles and want to murder people/blacks/jews/etc.
why do any of you care? none of you are going to fuck any white girl under 30
They are normalizing pedophilia, which is sex with people under the age of 13
Yas Forums is just woke and knows that 14-17 year olds aren't children
sssshhh nigger.
I don't give a shit what side of the meme she's on, I need sauce.
if a bitch walks like that then she's good to go.
Nice lame bait redditor
>can't read the 200 peer reviewed sourced essay that proves he's the retard
15, now send me vids and photos
People who are willing to go outside and be social at a Yas Forums meetup with Brittany venti aren't exactly a good representation of the average poster user