What does Yas Forums think about the MGTOW moviment?

What does Yas Forums think about the MGTOW moviment?

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>overpriced garbage or 1-2 months worth of dating
Thought call

It's pretty much feminism but for men. The reasons they have for doing what they do is valid but their response to it is retarded.

I think I've never seen a group cope harder

I understand where they're coming from but it takes it too far. Kinda pathetic, really.

They will have the same suicide rate as tranies in a few years.

>literal plastic that a MGTOW fag could've paid atleast 1/8 for a body pillow
>not risking even one week of dating
based retards

If you're shit poor to lower middle class, this is the right thing to do, if you want to avoid taking shit.
If you have muneys or social recources, you'll be the one throwing shit.

It's even cringier than feminism because you'd think men would be above this petty shit

bald manlet : the ideology

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This lel
No matter how much you hate modern feminist women, you can't delude yourself as a man into thinking you'd be happy with no pussy ever

It is incel cope of people who are crying on the inside and within a few years is edging on suicide/homicide

Women are so easy

How can you not get a date even with a butter face or fatty ?

Lmfao pathetic
So much so you play with LEGO’s like a toddler does

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if you're an older divorced guy or child of divorce and MGTOW to you is just "yeah pussy isn't my main goal anymore, if it comes it comes if not c'est la vie" then it's not cringy to me at all, marriage isn't for everyone.

BUT if you're MGTOW and obsess over women even more than before and your whole life revolves around crying that no women around you are faithful trad wives online then thats cringe and bluepilled as fuck.

i consider myself mgtow but to me that just means i don't want a relationship, too much drama and i love my solitude, but i still have plenty of female friends go out drinking with them, have sex with them when we're drunk and bored every once in a while.

if you're gonna take women off a pedestal just to put them up on a stake it's the same fucking thing. if lego boy was what mgtow was originally supposed to be he wouldn't have even made his reddit post to begin with

What's stopping you from clubbing while staying out of a relationship?
When it's WGTOW they are strong, independent and empowered but when men do it, it's the end of the world?

Based and redpilled, putting roasties in their place by denying them our superior white seed and giving them no option but breed with nigger subhumans.

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Superior white men need no "pussy" for we ascended into the superior realm of chastity and dedication to a purely intellectual life. Sex is for foids and shitskins.

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wow is that really her?
she was a hottie
had a nigger baby?

Im not against that I said men need pussy. Whether its 1 night stands or a relationship doesnt matter.

These MGTOW people have convinced themselves they can survive on autistic hobbies and no females at all

Like most foids she doesn't deserve a white man. After being constantly rejected by superior white men they have no option but settle down with subhumans.

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It is doable
But fighting your own biology will never be easy
You are wired to want women, want to be with them, want to fuck them and please them
Men were handed a losing hand right from the start

It's good. Females are trash. Just pay a surrogate to birth your children. It's expensive, but still cheaper than taking care of a female

t. low IQ degenerate roastie with no intellectual goals in life

You don't deserve a superior white man no matter hard you try.

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A degenerate that will throw his genes in the trash.

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>only thing they think about is women

That's why you just pay for prostitutes. It's a better value than spending time with females. You save time and money.

NO you don't deserve a superior white man.
NO we will not give us our precious white seed.
NO you will continue to fuck shitskins because you deserve it.

Another foid roastie BTFO as usual...

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You must date cheap sluts.

theres no point, too blackpilled on divorce and child support

>i still have plenty of female friends
You're a homosexual in denial

Even as a fan of Lego this piece of junk is not worth it.

Correct mindset. It's just hard to adopt it when you are putting yourself out there and nobody accepts your self. You really can't fault men for just giving up on society after decades of being disregarded in a society that pushes allegedly pushes acceptance and diversity where the roasties only start turning up when you have resources. Makes the whole thing seems like a transaction and then you might as well just view everything through a lense of heartlessness where nobody deserves anything good. A little compassion is all these people actually want.

Worthless losers who couldnt get laid even if they tried so they try to cover up their shortcomings as men by claiming it is their decision to be a unlovable dweeb.

I think this guy is a fucking loser for many reasons. Most importantly he used being single and dateless as an excuse to by a children's toy. As if it was by design.

Escorts are a lot more expensive than that, unless you're being risky with HIV.

Cope foid roastie, you can only dream of marrying a superior white man.

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For $800 he could buy a decent 3D printer with more than enough filament to print the same thing. He would learn about various electrical components, modelling, slicing and 3D printing in general. He would be able to then use that knowledge and his own creativity to make other objects.

Instead, he spent $800 to follow monotonous instructions of placing one brick atop of another brick.

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>It's pretty much feminism but for men
Major difference is feminists want people to do things for them whereas MGTOW just want to be left alone. Still genetic dead end faggots however.

>me in the back

>500 bongs a week.
It's like 500 iceland pizzas

I bet her tight, pink holes are getting stretched out by this BBC right now.

Its an advert you fucking retarded kraut mongoloid

Super Based

I'm not a woman, I'm just a dude who loves laughing at you pitiful faggots.

The trick sven, is to never be happy

extremely pathetic and i dont want them to be associated with pol or rightwing beliefs

MGTOW is like having your country overrun by niggers, and your redpilled response is just leaving your country. It is like giving up. Is there a problem with women? Yes, but giving up will solve nothing, this is the ideology of egoistic and mediocre men.

Good thing that their only way of reproducing is trough Reddit

Id rather be COOMING than CONSOOMING

They make some legitimate points, especially when it comes to divorce laws and such. But in general I think that they are just taking the easy way out, by not taking personal responsibility and improving themselves with women. But I don't mind, as long as they find joy and fulfilment Im happy for them.

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well I don't
I can jack off on my own, pussy is just an over expensive masturbator and women are terrible people to relate to

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this guy is a massive faggot, but at the same time we're all coping in our own way

>>overpriced garbage or 1-2 months worth of dating
>spending $400-800/month on a woman
Carl the Cuck is that you?

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Keep seething foid roastie subhuman, no white man wants you.

And I hope she is in so much pain and welfare she can't stop thinking about a white man. She deserved it for being a foid roastie obsessed with shitskin dicks and not thinking about her future.

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Why should I bother investing time and energy to make myself 'worth it' in the eyes of some woman?

Is her validation really that important?

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Depends.. Do you want a shallow one or one that has an actual head filled with reason on her shoulders?

>I'm not a woman
Your shallowness is identical to a instagram thot's.

I don't really 'want' any. Aside from occasional sexual impulses, I don't feel much need for companionship.

Someone post the Conan Obrien clip of Harrison Ford breaking one of these.

>feminism but for men
(((Standard posts))) like this is how you know pol is comprimised

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I have that, the box art with it's shadows looks much better than the actual thing.

>Western civilisation in one picture

There truly are too many plebbit fags here.
Coronachan has to up her game.

All females are shallow

Coping just fine thanks. Literally chilling everyday with zero stress

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Basically it's just recognizing that the current laws and system makes women into absolute cunts. Women get off on your attention above all else, so by removing it you do two things:
>Stop them from hurting you
>Hurt them passively by doing nothing

It's really a net gain until something changes. This system is built on your slavery through divorce courts. It cant be saved. Satan truly runs this world.

Once you give someone everything and still end up out in the cold you'll understand. It will be too late by then, especially with today's laws.

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>have 6 figures in liquidity, not even investments or wealth
>stop caring
Honestly man, I don't care about thots. Look, I'm not the best looking guy in the world, but you always have to ask if it's worth it, and it's not. Might as well buy a hooker if you need sex.