>CDC recommends exercising regularly to help combat COVID-19
>government closes all gyms indefinitely
CDC recommends exercising regularly to help combat COVID-19
Other urls found in this thread:
>government also bans getting on the floor and lifting of everyday objects
in India the gyms are free
If only there were some other way to exercise...
>he doesn't own a kayak
news flash sweety..
there are exercises you can do at home or in parks that do not involve gyms.
>can't take a walk/hike outside
>can't do at home exercises
Why are you a dumb faggot?
>he STILL doesn't have a home gym
Jesus schaub, you aint you going to make it B
>he doesn't own a high end bike
>I need muh gym to exercise
not gonna make it
go outside idiot and use a rock idiot
limp wristed DYELs detected
Idiot. What are calisthenics, you are in US you can go outside still for a run or something
>he didn't have a set of barbells and a bench at home
You dont need a gym to get a good work out faggot.
Body weight exercise is god tier
I installed a pullup bar and bought bags of concrete and a backpack. Get creative.
>he doesn't have any weights at home
I bought a flat bench and ez bar weeks ago.
Durr what are calisthenics hurrrrrrr
Now people will realize the gym meme is just a tax on lazy gullible people. Unless you are a poor professional bodybuilder you can get away with exercising at home.
>thinking barbell lifting is more effective than two dumbbells
resistance bands > free weights
you can carry a whole gym in your pocket, but you're retarded and spend your money at the happymechant gym jewnasium
>bought bags of concrete
consider letting it solidify first, or else you will have concrete dust all over the place
Running away from roving rape gangs is not a recommended exercise because by the time you tire out you will have picked up 3 or 4 more rape gangs tailing you.
>imagine being so gay you can't think of a world outside of the locker room
In Italy going outside is also cancelled
>t. leglet
Charlie Bronson would fuck you gymcels up any day.
Top of list Just In on The Hill- Ice loss in Greenland. Now that covid SARS didn't have the effect they wanted all this will "magically" start disappearing from headlines slowly. Back to global warming by way of Russia Russia Russia. And a huge thumbs up to the spring breakers in Fl having enough balls to say fuck this stupid hype and having young fun in the sun!
>not taking the isometric exercise pill
yes retards. we're all aware you can do workouts at home but the fact they are pushing people to be healthy and then close all gyms is very counterproductive
>inner arms
How do I do the equivalent of 2pl8 squats with resistance bands at home?
How retarded are you that you don't have a home gym already, If you're a cheap faggot, you can build a bench and weights with stuff from home depot, quick cement, 5 gallon pails,pipes, etc. There's how to videos on it. You can't be white and this retarded.
you're the retard OP, is the government supposed to hand you a list of exercises to do without a gym? Besides vitamin D helps a lot agasint respiratory infections so go outside and get it faggot.
In Spain also. It sucks being here
break out the wii
Are you actually this stupid?
the fact you retarded gym faggots wouldnt stop congregating in gyms against government advice means they need to use the law to stop you retarded nigger faggots.
Nigga the gym is way faster and you can way bulkier
Exercise is a foreign word in the USA.
They just think eating McDonalds and Taco Bell works out their jaws and thats enough
press ups
chin ups
sit ups
when that gets too easy add weight
t. weighted calisthenics for 6 years
Where's exercise 1?
imagine thinking you need high weight to build muscle
phosphagen system and anaerobic glycolysis happen at higher rep ranges, even up to 20, if you spend at least 3 seconds doing your reps.
What are Hindu pushups?
Exercise always begins in the mind.
Think of the mental gainz
Gyms in my neck of the woods are open.
Think positive, user:
>Burning calories before a famine
No, lard up boys
why do bodybuilders lift weights then?
well are you going to tell us or not?
Don't listen to DYEL sperg retards.
Here. I numbered them wrong
are you retarded, amerifat?
just go up and down on the stairs of your home, if it's only one floor then lift heavy shit like boxes
>having to go to a filthy gym to get exercise
Have you never heard of a home gym or going for a jog outside? You must be 800lbs that can’t get out of his moms basement.
Do bodyweight. You'll be muscular,strong and athletic. Gym shit make u big, slow and unsuitable for fight.
Just run in circles in your living room, jfc
actually im 5'8 185lbs
260lbs bench
385lbs squat
405lbs deadlift
best shoop of Yas Forums's #2 queen, #1 being coronachan and #3 being ebolachan