Why are all white men pedophiles?
Why are all white men pedophiles?
Other urls found in this thread:
>liking women in their early 20's makes you a pedophile
>the used up roasty lashes out when called what she is
>they know exactly what they're doing
no matter how hard she tries to find one, there is no ulterior motive
men are just attracted to younger women
Yeah, they're looking for eggs
or conversely read: women in their early 20s are retarded children who have no agency of their own. not wrong, but also not a argument this person would normally make. fuck off.
He posted it again for the umpteenth time
>seething 34 y.o. roastie assmad that chad doesn't want her anymore
oh nonononono
Yes they're choosing women who are still in their sexual primes because our genetics tells us that 30+ women have dried up retard eggs and are unsuitable for making babies with.
if you like any woman who has passed through puberty, you are not by definition a pedophile you fucking baby-dick-eating-kike
Roasties will continue to raise the age of consent until only old hags are acceptable.
"signed - A woman in her 30s"
You can call me a faggot but I don't care anymore. They want to live in a world without harassment? Leave them alone. I hope all men get this and just leave them alone. One time they will want to flirt and get fucked again.
I do know. I want a fertile bride baby
Uhh I am picking women in their prime breeding age to perhaps produce the strongest off spring possible?
Isn't her seethe hilarious?
>Christian feminist
put "sage" in options or go back to plebbit you faggots
Men want FRESH EGGS.
We need to stop treating women like shit and bring back the patriarchy with a vengeance.
What exactly are they doing?
I have no problem with us.
>when 34 year old men pick women in their early 20s they know EXACTLY what they are doing
Choosing a viable mate for child rearing?
Asian are the biggest pedos
It's definitely weird
>All I see here are bunch of women in their 30s and 40s whose value has greatly depreciated in the dating market trying soooo hard to blackmail men from going for the younger, more beautiful, and highly desired 20s women.
>They know it is not a crime, they are just jealous.
Why are you racist and sexist?
>Early 20s
Getting a headstart on legislating 40 year old career hags back into the dating pool, I see.
>1 post by this ID
The nigger didn't say anything about white men.
What choice do those men have?
9/10 women aged 34 that are single already have children and usually look like half ogres and the personalities of one
Would they do that to military service here?
Are we going to ignore women's biological impulses to chase older men. Even as teenagers this behaviour can be observed. As long as they're of legal age in their respective country, there really is no issue. Freedom and all that.
>they know EXACTLY what they are doing.
Making a great fucking decision, that's for sure!
Agreed. Like that "journalist" that complained she wasn't being catcalled anymore after she wrote about how catcalling should stop. She blamed men for her missing catcalling too lol.
What if you're 30+ and go for 16yos?
>picking women
>and not the other way around in all cases except rape
This retard doesn't understand how women work.
>early 20s
what the fuck Delaware
Young girls are naturally more desirable than older women. It's simple biology. Men who disagree do so simply to comply with societal norms. It's sad, really.
To explain, let me list some of the traits that men typically look for in the perfect girl.
The perfect girl
>is small
>is cute
>is pure
>is impressionable
>is soft
>is naive
>is innocent but has a natural curiosity for lewd things
>smells good (faint milk/crayon/fruit smell)
>will always look up to you
>will listen to you
>will trust you
>is interested in your hobbies
>doesn't care only about money
>likes to watch you play video games
>will let you teach her all kinds of things
>likes to cuddle with you
>has perfect skin without blemishes
As you can see, all of those exclusively apply to younger girls. Also, they tend to have a slightly higher body temperature, which feels great when cuddling.
Do you remember that time a group of Christian purity types conspired to drug and kidnap a teenage girl to prove how easy it is to drug and kidnap a young girl?(i can't remember her name or I'd link the story, fuck)
They want healthy children, instead of autism babies?
Yeah, they're going for females at their reproductive peak. It's biology, stupid.
>we're picking women who:
>want to have kids while they're still capable of producing them
>haven't committed to the wine and cats lifestyle, and therefore not completely self-absorbed
>aren't wrinked bags with 17 miles of dick through them
not seeing the problem, fren
kill yourself pedo BEFORE you rape your little niece.
Roastie coping
peak immune system = 25?
I'd also like to point out:
>having kids is not easy on a woman's body
really, we're thinking of you, and your body's needs, roastie. It's just not good for you in your 40s.
Hahahah i'm 29 and my gf will be only 18 in a few months fuck you butthurt hags not only i picked her because she's prettier but she still has hope not to grow into an undesirable cunt like you
36 year old male here. I pick on 20 year old women with my dick all the time. They get that red flush face thing and keep returning day after day, so idk what the fuck their talking about.
They were once the most based state in the Union.
Do women in their 20s not know what they're doing? Are they stupid or something? If so, why do we let them vote?
making 6 figs at 27. By 34 Ill be ready to settle down. well established and all that. Ill probably go for 24-28 age bracket.
What the fuck I am supposed to do chase single moms and cat ladies?
I'll fuck every 18 and over bitch bending over for me, sex liberation goes both ways faggot you can't old shame me mostly cus I give zero fucks about your opinions.
Get bent chink
You anti-pedo virtue signallers are the most annoying faggots on Yas Forums. Stop projecting your rape fetishes onto others.
Well, yes. When I was 32, I dated a 20 year old for about six months. While I didn't know her exact age when we met, I absolutely was attracted to her youthful appearance. We had a fun time together but ultimately, 20 year olds act like 20 year olds.
Going for women who still look decent? Oh noes
I'm 39. White is 21. She is pregnant with my son.
>early 20s
HEY user
>not used up and jaded
>more attractive
yes men do know what they are doing
because they aren't
Checked and correct
Yeah, I'm 35 and my gf is 19. So what? She's extremely religious Christian girl from a rural area raised by her grandfather. I don't need a busted 30+ year old roastie, thank you.
I'm 29 and refuse to date a women over 24. That's my cut off point.
If you're in your "late 20s" and single ad a woman there is obviously a good reason. Either everyone else can't stand you or your standards are so ridiculously high I'm not even going to bother.
Unironically I prefer them young and dumb