A literal fucking retard is one of the best presidents we've ever had in the past half century

>A literal fucking retard is one of the best presidents we've ever had in the past half century
God help us.

Attached: wmaqns6t4hn41.jpg (996x518, 113.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>A fat living in xer moms basement telling a multimillionaire business man who decided to become president a retard
I love this board

Based and Hitlerpilled.

>Trump is not expending enough money on americans
>Trump is expending too much money on americans

wtf do you want?

>God help us.
Get cucked liberal. Trump's based AF.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x287, 315.4K)

>multimillionaire business man
You mean an heir to a criminal empire. Capitalism does not work the way you believe it works.

>caring about the budget during an emergency

you're such a faggot zero.

>multimillionaire businessman
Pretty easy to be a millionaire when you get a small loan of a million dollars

Whom do we owe the money to?

I'll wait