>Coronavirus: UK Schools to close from Friday
>Police and immigration officials would be able to place people in "appropriate isolation facilities" under plans.
>Coronavirus: UK Schools to close from Friday
>Police and immigration officials would be able to place people in "appropriate isolation facilities" under plans.
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first for asian gfs
>muh 3.4% CFR
fuck the (((WHO))) and fuck china.
How long until nigs and pakis start chimping out and looting?
So what are your thoughts on the plague so far, real fear or just media paranoia? Has it affected you yet?
china has something like a 0.00000000000000001 death rate a billion people now work it out
If there's one solace I take from any of this, it's that this meme virus will kill you off, you boring cunt.
>post french special forces
Real fear for boomers and diabetics. Everyone is being a retard.
well we all know the solution this time, just band together with the lads and patrol the streets. worked towards the end of the 2011 riots
it’s obvious they’re french because they’ve got a FAMAS
china's real numbers are in the millions at this point. they've been burning tens of thousands of bodies per day in every city since the start of february.
Imminent when cities get locked down. Will come faster if Borisbux aren't shovelled out to quell the chaos.
based, its that black hair.
>just media paranoia
its serious but no where as bad as retards make it out to be
Cringe LARP OP image, fightlet.
Is this the end of paki's as we know it lads?
>hep c is 100% lethal
i hope you realise these asian birds all have eyelid surgery
they could have 14 million dead, that's still only 1%
>How long until nigs and pakis start chimping out and looting?
soon hopefully
what protective measures are you taking, lad?
I'd stop going to work but the Nigger Hardcore Squad won't test me for corona, bunch of useless bastards.
so what will be the death toll then in the UK. im calling 2k
We're going through threads faster than toilet paper.
who cares?
still good looking with out it
Get back in your pod .
I reckon 20k over the next year
pffff fuck knows
I’m just staying indoors, if I need to to the shops I go with a mask and disposable gloves. I luckily left my job 2 weeks ago so I’ve avoided all this rushing. I would not go in work if I was you lad, genuinely not worth it.
Chinese data has skewed it (Italy has an older population, greater population density, more comorbidities. btw we're worse than Italy for all of these).
a jager a day keeps the doctor away
I wish I looked this fucking operator :(
>tfw rejected from sandhurst
Uhhhh based department?
Not enough that's for sure
These people will not be at peace until Sergeant Patel under the authority of Commissar Cohen instructs Private Ngubu to line them up against the wall
Changed my mind boys, dont want this happening any more. Happenings are only comfy in places far away.
Do you think they're going to make working from home mandatory?
> Greatest french military force is characterised by its members not being french
>they've been burning tens of thousands of bodies per day in every city
china isnt on venus, we can communicate with people there quite easily.
we would know if it was in the millions.
sure it might be more, 10, 20 or even 100k or 1m more than theyve reported, who knows, it would still be fuck all compared to the numbers we want to be seeing out of this thing.
not for population age, stop talking shit lad.
japanese girls IN
bet he has a mortgage holiday.
Funny you say that. I think on Friday or possibly tomorrow Boris is going to say something legendarily stupid and it would lead to an chimp out of epic proportions, but he (Boris) appears to be making preparations for that already.
Fuck ton of army vehicles and possibly tanks are apparently being brought into London, and news agencies or MSM are being very quite about it.
It is probably nothing and probably the usual part and parcel to fuck if you live in London (like when someone gets stabbed to death on an weekly basis), but should anything happen we will know it very soon.
Peak boomer.
I hope the cleansing virus gets a good chunk of them.
Have you been on Mars the last 20 years, lad?
yea perhaps in the longer time frame
gonna need more body bags if this
He's gonna get the rope
think I might have it but my symptoms aren't so bad. fucking nhs has stopped testing for all but the severely ill though. so the actual number of cases in the uk is probably 5x what is diagnosed.
>band together
Nice one, Sherlock!
I live in the West Midlands, but in a white area away from the niggers and pakis of Birmingham. Hope my area is safe.
Wow, they have 2% higher proportion of pensioners.
Sure comforting when we have close to twice the obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc..
I'm convinced the bog roll hoarders are the tourists who are itt
there hasn't been any real news out of china since this began.
Kek. This.
all gettin made redundant, fuck it imhaving a benefits holiday, they'll be so inundated with new claims they won't have time to check any jobsearch shite
It doesn't make any sense at all. It doesn't effect 90% of our population but we are going into full lockdown and allowing the gov to pass acts that give them more power over us.
Who wants a line with me?
the longest i've been drunk for is like 3-4 days
those lit types claim to manage months
Most likely
the thing with pensioners they all have been smoking 40 a day since they were 12 and all have copd
You missed Fren in the last bead lad.
Don't know what to make of what he posted.
you were wrong though?
You guys do know that the household regiments have personel carriers n shit IN London already, right? At Chelsea Barracks, Horseguards and other places like that.
They will open the schools again one day.
Finish your jigsaw you dosser
Your home is your new cagie, Wagie.
fren always looks out for us.
This. Feels like there's something they're not telling us. Feels like we're gearing up for WW3 or something
Got a stitch lads but have only been sitting.
Is it corona?
> Massive increase in those so sick they require ICU care
> Massive increase in those needing hospital
> Huge amount of people too sick to work for a short period
Lad, stop focusing on the death rate and focus on the impact on healthcare infrastructure which isn't built to cope with such an increase in demand, and the impact on the economy of so many workers going sick.
>it's not an exceuse to pay what you owe
Plenty of time in the coming months for that, slowly slowly
>the verve
you can talk to the chinese people directly, i cant be bothered going into the ins and outs of it because you sound like a hysterical child who hasnt got an ounce of fucking gumption in you and theres more than one step so spoonfeeding is impossible but if you google how they themselves get around the great firewall youll see a huge list of chat/social apps you can download right now and get a direct line to them, just make sure you use a hk vpn.
Coke is trash (came to this conclusion after many years of indulging), Ket or plain old speed is inherently superior.
yea maybe the casualty rate is higher., if the hospitals get to full younger people will start to die
are you blinking manually right now?
Stop sniffing Persil dickhead
Medfag here
Diagnosis: fat cunt
>uses pic of IRA who lived to kill brits
come on, ian
Never known him to larp and I'm worried now, this fucker knows something and I think you're right.
>genuinely not worth it.
that's the thing though, I'm more worried about accidentally infecting other people but can't get tested so won't know if i am. fucking shit.
got a better mask than this though and better filters but I'm in limbo if I can't get tested.
you'll see widespread mobilisation of sleepercell christians
>impact on healthcare infrastructure
oh no
We are monitoring you.
On one point where it is a marginal difference (they have around3% higher amount of those over 65). One the other risk factors we terrifyingly outstrip them.
Does he need an enforcer?
The former, but the latter I agree can't get ket where I live though
Pure envy
hopefully they shoot looters
I saw, I may not post all the time but I lurk plenty, I've get a friend in HOL i'll verify his claims later.
Drop us off a few shit rolls and some pasta while you are
Hes a larping spastic mate. Look at the shit he posts, cringe
7,500,000,000 by Friday afternoon
Thanks for the template, been meaning to make one of these.
>you can talk to CCP agents that will tell you "everything OK! china namba wan!"
try watching the webcam feeds from wuhan on youtube. the city is completely dead.
My thoughts too and I am well aware there are already such vehicles in different bases in London.
Yet more of these vehicles (along with personnel) are being brought in.
At the very least it is strange and seems an bit excessive for deploying army medics in London.
>Fuck ton of army vehicles and possibly tanks are apparently being brought into London,
The great nog clearout of 2020 has begun.
Reminder that we are destroying the economy, the livelihoods and the futures of millions of britons for the sake of people who have a 50% chance of dying in the next year anyway.
setting up a criminal enterprise with 19 members
imagine the sexy headlines
LOL tsunami of muppets
>they came for the pedos and i said nothing
why do trans people have to suffer?
>Coke and jigsaw puzzles
That combination sounds almost as appealing as biscuits and tar.
After a lot of years I realised speed is just superior, the issue is that it always had a dirtier image whilst coke is seen as a glamorous/hollywood drug.
> Cheaper
> Less moreish
Coke is only superior for those who want to portray a certain image and because it makes women quite horny.
Thanks lid.
must be more to it does seem overkill
>Caesar is Pube
well well well
Threadly reminder that, in the event of a real unstopable pandemic capable of wiping out...oooh, say....1/3rd of humanity, every single government on the planet will lie their asses off to their own citizens about it's severity. Simply because it will be difficult enough to rebuild the world afterwards anyway, so the last thing the survivors need is for the normies to panic and burn down the city centres, raid the shops and warehouses dry and jam up all the roads with abandoned vehicles.
They will let as many people die as necessary to avoid those outcomes. They will promise as many trillions as we don't have to keep people complacent.
when will your bot die?
Worldometer is owned by Dadax, an independent company. We have no political, governmental, or corporate affiliation.
Addr. Room 302, No. 60, Lane 1755, Nanlu Highway, Nicheng Town, Pudong New District, 201306
Shanghai, P.R.China
post links, lets see
>away from the niggers and pakis of Birmingham
niggers a all die if they travel any more than 3 miles from their nesting area
t.David Attenborough
well gents how's it going across the pond
Physically impossible for me. They can get fucked unless they compensate me.
i'd rather die than live in a world solely populated by anxiety ridden conspiracy theorists and over protective mummys
its all frey bentos over here lad.
hows your island
Not too bad t b h
>The situation is serious. Take it seriously. Not since German reunification, no, not since the Second World War, has our country faced a challenge that depends so much on our collective solidarity
what the fuck did Merkel mean by this
absolutely wank, Sinn Féin/IRA have the balance of power, deeply considering making a coalition with unionists just to marginalize the fuckers
>hows your island
It's a shared island, friend.
the death toll will be 6 million
Can confirm that local governments now has a skeleton crew manning their services. Anyone who can work from home will work from home.
Lockdown begins Friday.
Pack your rice.
Just saying that if you want to know what's really going on, you should look at what the people in charge are DOING. Not what they're SAYING.
Like the user said...every government on the planet is shooting their economy in the face. Over flu?
0 professional poets infected taken so far
nobody really knows how bad this virus really is
Coronachan will probably kill any appetite for independence but it is funny to see this court case play out nonetheless
Dunno how that’s gonna work for me, being as I work in a power station!
Medfag here. If I save you from coronachan, you give me your woman. Fair enough right?
coke is a larp, not done speed, ket is sound
Glad to hear it, wish the best for ye with cornachan, it's all up in the air really, hard to say what way it'll turn out, time to redpill the brit isles on communist china, they're the enemy and have been for some time, more people are starting to wake up to it
this stage of panic youre going through, i did it about 6 weeks ago, everything was a chink lie and a chink conspiracy, as i said in the last thread i even memed myself into going out and buying a gas mask and a lysol store.
then the numbers started coming out in iran, korea and italy and they were all in line with the chinese numbers
its a mild coof that kills sick people, the response is something entirely different, the panic we are seeing this week is crazy out of proportion.
we're a weak people, a low confidence, low conviction society of fucking simps
nah just who he tries to portray and who he looks up to is all, hence the obsession of his
i'm not afraid and i won't be afraid
you shouldn't underestimate how retarded governments actually are
>they're the enemy
>the enemy
There's more than one.
I agree, unionists get a bad wrap in the south, most are upstanding Christians wanting to preserve their traditions, the fact people seeking to take that away from them is seen as "Irishness" is a perversion of the term
I respect anyone with deeply held christian convictions
Started reading La Peste again. Feels appropriate.
How would he have handled it lads?
The fact your gear is clumpy tells me it’s cut with bullshit like creative or bakin soda, your dealer is fuckin beta! He never heard of benzo?
>doing wizz in a lockdown
gas taigs
gina miller will defeat the british government
The CFR is 1% in an elderly cruise ship population if they can receive medical care. Taking confirmed cases from literally anywhere else skews it towards the severe cases as the people for whom it really is "just the flu bro" are excluded.
Except we can see from the numbers that it isn't going to wipe out 1/3rd or anything close. It's all horseshit
Well. Looks like we're going to find out for sure, one way or another, eh?
Sent every bomber we had to turn china into a smoking nuclear hell-scape before the virus left their shitty bat eating country.
nah thats just me mate cutting it like a mong, came uncut
I thoroughly recommend speed user.
> Do it for a "lift" (like we say we do coke for)
> Only have urge to return well over an hour later (unlike 15 mins for coke)
They're abandoning indy because Alex is a fucking rapist and Sturgeon keeps failing to call one after every election victory. She's too busy muff diving her girlfriend in the countryside.
Do you think he would have let coronachan in the country, lads?
I'm not panicking, you non-soul haver.
The chinks are lying on the Internet all the time, as are furious overseas chinks who resent being incels in the West so they enthusistically adopt the lies of a foreign shit hole that their parents fled.
>its a mild coof that kills sick people, the response is something entirely different, the panic we are seeing this week is crazy out of proportion.
This is true, but you're still gay
>we're a weak people, a low confidence, low conviction society of fucking simps
>implying British
you're speaking for yourself, Chang
>coughed once today about lunch
>coughed once or twice leaving work
>now tickley throat and coughing every 5/10 minutes
Is this it?
ket plus vodka is like heaven
Everything is normal goyim
BREAKING: Gina Miller has begun legal proceedings to halt Government anti-corona plans
I've heard from 3 different people today in London that the army is on its way.
desu its hard to take the ira or any other 'irish' party seriously in the face of foreign immigration.
at least the unionists in the north have some historic grounding for their claims of mainland connections that go back a lot longer than some realise.
the whole thing is stupid until 1900 demographics are restored
We can all get along, communists muzzies and joos are the problem, there's based catholics, sinn féin don't speak for the rest of us, most upstanding irish people think they're crackpot terrorists, doesn't take long for the balaclava to slip
these people trying to use new and wizard abbreves to sound academical
easily influencing a level cunts
i like how sky news are snitching on people for going to the pub still,
> Boris is showing solid leadership
> SNP derailed in Salmond muck
> Clearly mismanaged the country because they've been distracted by their crusade
They're fucked. Not to mention:
> 2014 Independence lost by a ten point margin at a time of Tory implemented austerity before the oil price (their entire economic argument) crashed.
Tbh lad, I agree that opposing the continued occupation of Ireland ought to be recognised as a core element of Irishness.
Not an surprise there. I am one of the said skeleton crew for my workplace as I have to physically repair things for my role.
All the HR and most of the directors are working from home.
At the very least we are living in interesting times (although how interesting is the question).
>'We’re heading into the abyss': NHS doctor who caught coronavirus from patient warns the UK's health system could be days from chaos unless better safety equipment is provided
>what if
The police are going to use this lockdown and military support to round up and arrest all the drug gangs operating up and down the U.K.? Be pretty based
based and redpilled
250000 in a year.