Pulmonary ventilators for Italy

Hi guys. As you know in Italy shit has really hit the fan and we are going down at unseen rate at 500 Giuseppes/day.

I live on Sardinia and our medical capacity is much more limited than that of the continent's. Even one more ventilator for the local hospital will save a lot of lives.

Today I spotted that some locals started collecting donations on Facebook (pic related). If you are an EU comrade willing to help, please consider making any amount of donation via SEPA transfer to:

IBAN: IT95Y01015871600000070681584
Description: COVID-19

If you are outside of EU, you can send transfer in BTC to 1FisA5dQo3iZ6P6KkSQyN9ejD7wew3DqSn . Those people aren't really techies so I will convert it into EUR and donate signing as "hacker called Yas Forums".

I hope you will not be hit as hard as we are.

Attached: 90280671_10216043560991523_5269879534517223424_o.jpg (720x960, 104.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump. You should spam Giovanni Ferrero with those pics. He already donated 10 millions to fight coronavirus.

bump for pasta

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I feel like there is 10 thousand people writing to him now. Anyway I just feel that I have to do something, I am scared as fuck

And he has 25 billions as total wealth. If he really cared for his country he should donate 1 billion at least.

I mean, 10 millions is better than nothing, but it's like seeing the donation Bezos did for Australian fires. Like 1/100000 of his total wealth.

I agree with you, but it's not how italian mentality work unfortunately.



Nobody can read that click-clack language. What does it say in American?

Its time to pay your ancestors nigga

They (Comune di Anela, basically a city council f a little sardinian town) are collecting money to buy at least one pulmonary ventilator and ask anyone capable to participate. Every contribute, however small, is precious because we have very few of these machines in the region and province of Sassari and even one will be a lot of help.


There is a special place in hell for people who pull scams like this.

For retarded americans too

You are wasting their time fellow burger, they can't understand you, they don't speak freedom.

Non lo so OP, mi sembra sospetto.

>giving gibs to the weak when your own will be suffering very soon

borders closed miguel

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Record number of young people in ICU their lungs scarred, fluid filled. Oh my young adults too

"gibs for the, err, save the children and stuff.
Signed: not the Romanian mafia"

Kurwa... Take care Italianon.

Attached: 1583612680474.jpg (1779x2386, 453.5K)

if some fucking billionaires don't step up and start helping out, it's gonna be pitchfork time

in minecraft


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Hey Italy-bro, I'm sorry this is happening to you guys, but you are strong. You've been through worse than this and you've always managed to come out on top in the in.

How do the Italians feel about Xi, China right now? I feel bad for the Chinese people, but I am so distrustful of the supplies being sent to Italy. How do we know they are not contaminated?

Also, bump

You can contact local administration of Anela and ask them directly
Telefono: 079799046
Fax: 079799288
Email: [email protected]
PEC: [email protected]

Unfortunately they are doing a poor job spreading this info, I found the op pic only in closed facebook group for the locals. But everybody know everyone in this group.

We are sucking chinese cock for gibs already, because we are scared and threated like yesterday's pasta by EU. Everybody forgot where the virus came from.

Bump, good luck user

The situation in Italy is a scary sample of what's going to happen in my shithole, I am really more afraid of the collapse of law than dying of this shitty chink virus now

Based scammer with italy flag.

Just joking, I think he's being honest guys. Sardinia is pretty fucked up.

So you seriously have to buy a ventilator in a time like this? What is the company that won’t just donate it or give it on credit?


Wish you luck spaghetti bro, unfortunately I'm not economically in a position to help.

Because that's what companies do. Things don't come out of thin air usually. Nobody is going to just give us more ventilators when there is limited supply and a line of paying customers. I think the money will go to the hospital and they will figure it out how to spend them better because it's not only ventilators that are lacking.

How do you know the chinks aren't spreading it?

What do you mean? With equipment? It gets desinfected before use I think

If anyone makes any donation please post in the thread so I can feel a little bit better knowing I have accomplished at least something...

They have actually posted it on the comune's fb page:

>Frightening Car Deaths Per Year Statistics for 2020. 1.35 million people die in road accidents worldwide every year — 3,700 deaths a day. Car crashes have risen to the 8th leading cause of death for people globally.
Do you guys think corona will beat car accident?
or any of the top 5 mortality reason in the world every year?

>Do you guys think corona will beat car accident?
very soon, the roads are empty

Cold and Flu viruses mutate at an extreme rate and typically burn out in a matter of months. The Wuhan-Flu has already undergone at least one major mutation, if not more. And the likelihood that each mutation will reduce the impact of the already mild illness is statistically higher than the opposite. Also the current tests are for a RNA marker that can regularly cycle leading to positive and negative results over the course of the day. Also there is no proof that the tested marker is actually connected to the Wuhan-Flu and not some other commonly occurring virus. Did you ever wonder how all of these well isolated 'celebrities' are being diagnosed with Corona?


You all deserve it for abandoning God and embracing Chinkdom, just to make higher profits selling your shitty leather products.

sorry I just donated my last remaining trumpbux to Bernie's campaign. Maybe next year

Can I donate with amazon voucher or paypal?


One on the op pic IS CORRECT, i mistyped it in op post by accident

nobody asked as, nation was made into mindless drones by Berlusconi

Wonder if anyone is making a ventilator out of store bought items. It might be possible with some plumbing fittings, a pop bottle and bread bag powered by a vacuum cleaner.

unfortunately not. You can't do SEPA anymore because of Brexit? I really have no idea

we are already 3d stamping spare parts for them, for scrap change instead of thousands of euros. But you cannot do this for the whole apparatus, also it has to be certified and reliable enough to work unsupervised

don't know what that means
I can do international transfers but the fees are too high so not really worth it, credit card would be a lot cheaper that's why I asked paypal.

Nobody asked the Americans to become mutted either but after 55 years, you can't say that we're not OK with it.

You should be covered, it supposed to be a couple of euros fee only with transfer to IBAN account. You may have this option somewhere in your online bank

>give me money
>its for a good cause I swear
>no link

I feel like that money will end up subsidizing masks and tests shipped over to America again just like our last donations to Italy

> no link


fucking hell. How can someone fuckup an IBAN. I always tripple check them

this thread would have been deleted on Yas Forums already.

do not send beggars bitcoin.

fine with me, don't send if you think so. I only included it because you can't send money to IBAN account from non-EU country. And they have no international account.

I was nervous.

Billionaires wealth comes form, for example, stocks/equity in the company they own. Do you think they are going to liquidate them? With this economic settings?

>donate your money so I can feel better