Vice lulz
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They really wanted to pin this stuff on Yas Forums.
Holnists rise up!
>Black Sun
Cringe and gay.
I mean we do that every five minutes so they aren’t wrong but this isn’t even special.
woah we famous naow
White people talk about surviving. Niggers talk about looting. Business as usual.
wow we're in the news this has never happened before has it
meanwhile niggers will be looting stores in 5 days. I hope for blackouts and electrical grids getting taken down. I want sweaty kike journalists to get devoured by the nigger hoards their surrounded by.
>radical far-right extremeists are discussing
Is that it? Tell me when they plan on mobilising and I might be interested.
More likely to see communist enclaves pop up desu
Funny how they're treating the image of Brenton like they would the image of Muhammad.
Do they legitimately just lurk and write a summary of their favorite shitposts from here and call it journalism?
you faggot ass 14 year olds larping as nazi's on here may have the dumbfucks in media fooled but you're a fucking joke no worthy of any respect.
I love how they tried to make him out to be the bad guy but 90% of readers sided with red skull
Shut up faggot.
>mfw the boogaloo is started by a bateater's coof
It's not like we created the problem lol
Oh for fuck sake.
These niggers just come in here, find or make whatever thread they like and then "report" on it. How do people still think of them as credible?
Great Book
Terrible Movie
I see you
>we did it for respect
Mate I just enjoy seeing them twist the narrative on every goddamn thing they can.
Its called being prepared for the worst case scenario
Funny thing is that pandemics cause people to seek out order and authority since many of them are running around panicked and not knowing what to do.
>Leftist extremist are discussing how this could be their moment to institute socialism and gomunism.
what it really means
I unironically like the movie and have seen 20 times at least. The only thing it lacked is a big ass battle at the end. The beginning with the donkey in the gas station is 10/10 post-apoc comfy.
vice is Yas Forumss propaganda useful idiot "media" outlet among others. but seriously with this pandemic in another 2 weeks it wont even matter. coofers and coffins for all of us.
Holy shit I haven't thought about this in like twenty years.
>Cringe and gay.
anyone have that pic of the 2 preppers building and sitting on the throne made up of their stash?
Perfect time to watch it again.
>White guys try to protect themselves and their families
>Media calls them extremist
digits do confirm
Why does Vice even exist?
vice retards shitting themselves about now. big igloo inbound unless trump placates us with those sweet neetbux.
to promote degeneracy.
Liberals are gonna spazz out and kill each other when the shit hits the fan.
I am a Zionist and seek to reunite all the Lost tribes of Israel. This is nothing more than pure lies. Typical anti-Semitism from vice to slander a peaceful Zionist movement who only wants to kick all the brown people out of the Middle East.
lmfao, Vice confirmed for browsing /k/
Read the book if you haven't.
It has more sci-fi stuff in it like Augments which make the Holnist stuff more interesting.
David Brin is a giant liberal though. The book is very much an attack on other authors that try to make the apocalypse appealing.
lol how cringe, i bet the dumb ugly blonde glasses girl wrote this
Tfwno x-tan tulpa gf
Wanna know how I found out you were gay?
I hope they've read my shitpost calling the poster of that pic. I bet they laughed.
Lol vice
What they do, and have done for a b long time is;
Slow news day? Just go on 4 Chan, make a thread, and then write a story about the ebil Yas Forums, all about the posts you just made.
It’s boiler plate for vice. They like here and the Sun likes Yas Forums. Here’s an article that copies that boilerplate exactly.
Another cry for wolf.
Maybe the wolf should show up
>censored Terrant painting
>reality happens
>the far right movement has attractive ideas to help deal with reality
Where are these evil nazi neo nazi antidemites they talk about everytime?
I thought we were the bad guys, wtf? I never saw anyone here talking about doing a corona coup im surprised the glowniggers were that silent about that angle
i dont understand how ur afraid of niggers, if u have a gun shoot them if u dont give em ur shit
what's there to be afraid of, if they rape ur wife kill their family
God they wanna abolish freedom soooooo baaaaad.
>virus from china is sweeping over europe and america
Even the normies are tired of this kikery, its getting more transparent
user, are you saying that you love Jewcock and Central Banks devaluing the value of your labor? Do you love watching the youth be brainwashed to accept trannies and fags?
If you don’t like that shit, you might be a Nazi
I saw that picture from /k/ thread
Bowie was based enough to make a album about it
>kosher Trump niggers
>far right
>bright yellow suit
>pink mask covers
good job reporting it, Hershel
Oh sweet summer child...
Nice try Vice, Atomwaffen has been disbanned.
>the midget made the news with his airsoft guns
Yeah I have. I like it as well.
Haven't touched Brin in some time though, a lot of pozz.
>Oy vey! You can't do that! That's our job.
nothing would please Vice more for than for someone to commit an unlawful act of violence against them.
names and victimization tactics is all they have folks.
They are trying to prevent another layoff.
Imagine talking shit about Sonnenrad.
Just imagine.
Wtf I love Red Skull now
Lol that pic was on Yas Forums a week ago.
Bernie Sanders when asked his timeframe for a decision: "I'm dealing with a fucking global crisis."
"Right now I'm trying to do my best to make sure that we don't have an economic meltdown and that people don't die. Is that enough for you to keep me busy for today?"
why do wypipo sonofbitches gone some audacity
>you're a fucking joke
That's the point
Reminder that London has a 40% infection rate. If you're still in the city you deserve what's coming desu
Hey guys that's us. We're on tv!
bumping for why wypipo hate
This. Just focus on our own people and leave these people on there own. No violence, it must be state sanctioned and in a proper trial. Military tribunal maybe.
Wtf the normies gonna do about it???
>censored saint tarrant painting
Fucking LOL.
come clean you disgusting pieces of shit cracka...
That's where I seen that picture too about 2 days ago.