OK this is serious guys. It's technically legal to get a gun loicense here, but it takes like a year and also impossible under the lockdown so never mind. Which is the best thing I can get, for a fucking limited budget (t. poorfag)? I need to get it real quick before the postal service is totally suspended and worse shit (niggers related) happens.
OK this is serious guys. It's technically legal to get a gun loicense here...
How much time do you have to train?
More training => less need for technological advancements.
You're prolly best off with bear mace if you're lazy.
I've been working with a rope dart for added range.
Just get the Kung Flu and no one will dare come near you.
>brous blades silent soldier SOG replica
kill yourself
Build an automatic crossbow, youtubre, fat german guy.
Just get an east European AK, I have one hidden in an industrial vacuum sealed bag.
Just get a gun you weeb.
First of all you need a pair of balls. Then you take a knife.
Hand to hand skills are still entirely valid, and rope dart fundamentals transfers across all forms.
3 winds
Katana is what real men use to murder
Guns are for sissies
Get a gun, no loicense
...srsly, why do you care? ...the western world is close to its end and you think about license. the moment some dude offers me a good deal i am in!
...stop thinking in terms of legal illegal, the people who will fuck up everything that is normal for you give a fuck too ...
This isnt /k/..
But get a bike chain, it can work as improvised knuckle dusters or you can whip the shit out of someone with it
You will get immediately scammed or worse in the black market here unless the vendors have an incentive not to scam you (which they don't if you are a regular non criminal unarmed civilian).
Knife but don't use it like a wesh wesh and wave it around
use only if anyone else threatens you and you need to scare them off or in a threatening area holding it in your pocket
knives in eu are the same as guns in the usa, once you pull one out expect to be reciprocated with the same force
t. did conscription
>not owning a full compass 140lb warbow and 2 sheaves of clothyard arrows
You are marked for death
..dont worry about me, the monent weapons are neccearry to get along, i am full stacked, offline ...
Seriously SLINGSHOT.
Shot with steelballs they are lethal, can also be shot with pepperballs etc.
kinfe or the telescopic batton thing
If you live somewhere less dense also get a bow and arrows and learn how to use them
Bases bow chad
You’re a faggot
If any of you go out and panic buy any of this shit for coronavirus you're fucking retarded
I'd love to get a grozer but I've no money to buy it and nowhere to shoot it right now.
go to auto parts store and get a "pickle fork"
is that for compressing valves or something?
If you can't place an incapacitating blow with 100% accuracy against a charging target, then you are wasting your time. Sword and spear will always be superior.
Chinese martial arts are exhibitionist by nature, and this includes your rope dart, no matter how cool it was in Kung Pow: Enter the Fist
What I'm trying to say is, if you're completely 100% confident in your ability to take out a charging crackhead with a spiked bat, then you're wasting your time.
Buy a gun. If you can't, then buy a spear. You should buy a wooden bat and a sword too.
no, its used for forcing shit apart, like ball joints
Drive to Marseille harbor. They sell Kalashnikovs over there.
Lock in a sock nigga
That reminds me I want to pick up a couple of Bottle Jacks tomorrow
I'm confident I can. Even if I miss the shot, rope allows for blocking and binding.
Rope dart is also way stealthier. Same reason I train with a cane.
Alright frog I'll give you some actual advice:
Get some fishing weights, or anything else of lead. Get also round of wood and shape it into a club. Drill a hole in the top of it a few inches deep. Melt the lead (outside), pour the lead into the hole and let it set. Or buy a bat/truncheon/machete or whatever.
Buy a cold steel (cheap but good quality) spearhead, fit it to a shaft maybe 6 feet long, better for these urban situations.
Get a £20 pistol crossbow and some cheap plastic bolts (maybe 100 or so). Buy 10 packs of the cheapest, dirtiest cigarettes and boil them into a thick paste (outside). Save this paste in a jar. Before shooting anyone rub the bolts in the paste (or dip them all in at once prior to engagement).
Crossbow and club hanging from your belt (attach cords by drilling holes if needed), some big fuck off kitchen knife/dagger in belt, spear in hand, and you'll well fend off any nigger without a gun.
This due is a famous horse archer here and he so sells good bows, you can get traditional shape, but resin for pretty cheap, or full traditional but expensive
PVC tube with fiberglass markers in them to make a high poundage long bow. This fag is autistic but the video shows you everything you need to know
Joerg Sprave isn't fat!
Flaming keyboard cleaner will clear out a crowd of people in a confined space, the burnt gases are so fucking bad for you.
Even with stealth a gun is king.
I like baseball bats and mag light flash lights.
Why would western europe have bear mace for sale?
köszönöm. I would like a real (comoposite) traditional one since I have resin now, ridiculous prices really, especially when you think of an English longbow. It is a self bow (one piece of wood) but costs at least £500 for a real one. Arrows £20 each as well.
>spearhead, fit it to a shaft maybe 6 feet long, better for these urban situations.
Based. It should be added that a spear is NOT for throwing. Use it to stab and slice while keeping attackers at a distance
Gun or a good blade. Everything else will just piss your attacker off
how is something that takes years of mastering multiple skills to hand make something overpriced? fucking jew
are you trying to make toxic nicotine darts?
>but it takes like a year and also impossible under the lockdown
Why not just steal one from a refugee?
I don't actually now how english bows are made, but composites require a shitton of work
This one's €450, I'm poor as fuck tho, I only have a cheap resin one also
If you have a shed, you can also try to do it diy
seriously, put warning signs outside your house about infected inside, and no nigger will beak in
Got any way to get shotgun shells?
This applies to all Eurofags. If you gan get shotgun shells, you have all the guns you really need.
stfu nerd
>You're prolly best off with bear mace if you're lazy.
And if you're not lazy, get a steel workout mace.
And an axe.
A crossbow?
A piece of rebar for melee, a bowie knife for mcstabbing shit.
I mean I guess you're safe against a single pipe-wielding crackhead. Hopefully nobody charges you with a knife or a machete. Ropes can be cut, and technique under pressure can falter.
Personally, I'm with katana user up above. The only close range counter to a katana or any other 2h would probably be a spear or someone with a shield and anything one-handed, but we'd likely be allies if they thought to equip themselves like that Sword-bros and all
>6ft long spear
>better for urban
Fuck me
Just bought a shotty from some old faggot the other day. No loicense or paperwork.
I somewhat agree. Javelins are usually balanced differently, more tip heavy, but you can throw a spear and stab with a javelin. But that's a lot harder than using a bow to be honest, beyond even 10 yards I expect most inexperienced people couldn't hit anyone with a spear or javelin. Also, if you use it with a shield you use it overarm, see thegnthrand on youtube for more.
English bows are just a single piece of Yew seaosned and carved to suit, composites genuinely take the piss to make, sometimes a year.
Interesting video for anyone interested in archery:
Reckon it wouldn't work?
Check out the backyard Boyer on YouTube.
Also, get a Bowie knife.
And get right with Jesus.
you little nigger bonger can never draw 140lbs go larp on /b
In literal life or death combat? A 7 inch combat knife. It should have a guard so that your hand won't slip forward and slice your fingers when you stab someone's bone.
The gloves and pepper spray is also a good tool that's a bit less lethal.
>English bows are just a single piece of Yew seaosned and carved to suit
and that invalidates my statement, how?
you get what you pay for dumb cunt
assuming niggers can read