Why Americans do not like to remember the genocide of native Americans, which they have committed?
Genocide of native Americans
We should have killed every single one of them so we don't have to deal with mexican't's.
I’m not responsible for the sins of my father. Also there’s only one genocide and that’s the holohoax.
not like to remember? I've masturbated to the thought of killing spic ancestors. I wish I was there at wounded knee, I would have voted for based Andrew Jackson if I could've. Fuck spics.
were you the chubby kid in the mario t shirt who was made fun of in class?
Mutts are cancer.
>Why Americans do not like to remember the genocide of native Americans, which they have committed?
losers lose.
This image is wrong since Asian girls hate chink men. Even in chinkland, when a chink girls sees white cock she stops fucking chink men.
i like to remember it as the glorious conquest of the violent savages infesting the land.
>genocide of native Americans
Then explain to me who the fuck spics are?
90% of the natives who died, died because of small pox not intentional
>which they have committed?
I have killed no one.
So fuck you.
That is so bullshit it's actually degrading to Native people. They died of diseases because they didn't want to give up their raider lifestyles once it became obvious the prepper lifestyle is the superior option when the enemy is infested with diseases that would ravage your body.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
False. All women bow down to BBC...
cope beaner subhuman
Who remembers the Clovis people?
>Why Americans do not like to remember the genocide of native Americans, which they have committed?
Why do Russians always bring up the Native Americans when the Russians wiped out groups of Native Siberians?
I don't like to remember it because we failed to finish the job.
Russian lecturing us on genocide. Top kek.
>who the fuck spics are?
moors mixed with amerindian. the anglos did not mix with them, they exterminated these apes
Fuck off Bongistani. I already posted the fixed version in the humor bread
shut up nigger animal you belong to the rope
Mexicans would still exist or do you think that land would still belong to Spain?
How to prevent race mixing:
1. Educated your children.
2. If you see two people of different races hanging out, do not assume they are together.
3. People need to stop pretending to date other races just to gain brownie points.
This is largely a perception problem. Many white people or black people are working together and are being confused as doing something more intimate. It's fooling uneducated people into race mixing.
if by genocide you mean fucking them up for starting wars with us then yes
personally they should have been eradicated since all they did was cause problems
they are lucky whites are so cucked as to leave an enemy alive
>Why Americans do not like to remember the genocide of native Americans, which they have committed?
Honestly does anyone here think America would be better off without colonialism? It would be like the central american shitholes mostly filled with natives that were not blessed with the gift of European DNA.
It was a war and they lost faggot..also they maybe should not have spread their smallpox blankets around like beads.
Why do native americans not remember it either. They support left wing politics and it's immigration policy. There will be no remorse for them when they make the same mistake twice.
Prove there was a genocide.
Prove there was a deliberate killing off of their group.
You can't.
You can bring up a hand full of events like the trail of tears. Which by definition wasn't a genocide either.
>1 post by this I.D
Oh I see now.
Don't include me in your faggy mass-reply, I only asked who remembers the Clovis culture.
genocide is a bad thing.
LOL you white supremacists are all the same, keep saying more shit and ill find you in real life. I know how to pin point your exact location and find you in a matter of minutes. Easy peasy haha. Ill blind fold you, kidnap you and take you to a locked room with sandpaper for floor which rotates around meaning you will be locked and forever having to walk to keep up with it or you get ground away slowly and painfully against the wall and floor. Sleep is for the weak my friend. Watch your back >:)
So, you DONT remember the Clovis?
Because as a white Canadian guy, I still have enough native blood to move onto a native reservation and collect gibs from my government, but I don't because that's not helpful to anybody.
Because we didn't finish the job.
Boys no fighting
Because its like niggers bringing up slavery to me. You're inherently racist to assume i had anything to with either because im white. My parents weren't original white americans and their grand parents came on the mayflower etc. So its blame game shit. Obviously its a bad thing but im not gonna feel any worse then any other tragedy that i had nothing to do with.
Do you remember the Circassian genocide which your nation has committed? About commie genocide on each other I couldn't care less cuz you east slavs are shit anyway
top kek
unironically this
lmao what is even america?
by 2050 the people who took over america will be a minority
One professor from my Uni literally said "Russians always lived by the rule: we don't need your land but we also won't give even a tiny bit of our land" unironically. Guess that's how you get the biggest country in the world huh.
back to the oven you paid kikery bot
Absolutely nice.
And you're still whining about "genocide" on native Americans lmao. At least the natives are still around unlike Circassians. And once Putler dies, I wonder what will remain of the Muscovy
Same with your country by 2060
Are you Ukrainian or smn? Never heard Putler from mutt's mouth.
Smallpox genocided the native Americans. We just moved them around a little.
Absolutely THIS, fuck womans
They! faggot, never existed at that time, Take your commie insinuations and fuck off elsewhere to play your headfuck game.
Youre a fucking joke of a human.
>Why Americans do not like to remember the genocide of native Americans, which they have committed?
You obviously haven't been to America. It's shoved down everyone's throat and is ironically used in a way that it's supposed to get whites to think "inviting foreigners to our lands is a great idea". The white guilt train keeps on chugging.
audible kek
I don't mind. Genociding cannibals is hilarious
I am a nationalist and I think Native Americans are owed a great deal. Slavery worked out immensely for Blacks.
IMO we should give back some northwestern states to them as well as a trillion dollars to jumpstart their economies. They should also get guidance on how to set up a breeding program to give money to thier citizens who breed 100% native.
I think this is the most humane approach.
However the problem is that no matter what we do we would still be blamed for anything bad.
The actual solution is genocide. The only way to make races such as blacks, jews, and native americans from constantly complaining and playing the victim is to remove them from Earth.
No, Bosnian Serb born and raised in TX but I really don't like the way you try to meddle in the Bosnian politics btw. What I find yet more funny is when russkies talk about genocide. Kinda a waaay more ironic than expected.
All we did was coof.
BASED and dare I say REDPILLED.
Based kike
So good I almost missed your memeflag
How the world could improve.
Well maybe I'm just a boy from a cool nation ant not russkie after all.
what are you trying to say, inbred subhuman?
hey hey hey, easy there. first of all, no one genocided anyone. niggers were there, spanish got there and wanted the land. they got in a war, and spanish won. hey look, faggots back in europe were doing this shit since the dawn of time! and i think russians were able to stop turkey from conquering moscow, right?
these niggers were too stupid to do that.
We are quite proud of it actually
Kys you corn nigger animal
When you play cowboys and indians, you wanna be Gary Cooper, not Eagle Wipes With His Hands
Go spread your divide and conquer narratives in your own country you nasty fuckin zionist pig
Start with me you massive fucking pussy
Because most of them died from disease transference as did a lot of Europeans.
Because they killed my family too? They can go fuck themselves
Reservations for injuns are enough. Maybe give them more internal autonomy. Everyone else just needs to leave.
>implying he's wrong
>This is brother squatting bear he is from far east
PEAK $0¥
They lost the war in the end. Standing rock and the Cheyenne tribes killed every single white man in the battle of little big horn and the whites basically admitted defeat (Vietnam style). Now standing rock is rich and the average white man is a wagie
Could be, could be not. Ignoramuses are all around us
You are just mad that your country is getting bombarded with leftism.
He is
Youre mom was a nigger lover but mine wasnt
based and kekpilled
The same reasons Russians forget how many Ukrainians, Poles, Kazakhs, Finns, Belarusians, Lenin and Stalin killed. Not to mention all the Siberian/North & Central Asian people Russia conquered and displaced
you won't have kids tho, i assure you.
I moved here from the Czech Republic, there's probably less nigger in my family tree than yours. Most immigrants are not like me. Paco, Shen, and Darpan are who's coming in for the most part, and they and their children are gaining on whites. If nothing changes 20-30 years is all it'll take.
Lenin un Stalin weren't Russians. Most of their victims were Russians. Communists were at war against the Russian people
Based. Even if you remove the communist atrocities, Russians were far more expansionist than the US