What prevents leftists from being able to meme?
What prevents leftists from being able to meme?
lack of intelligence/creativity
Anyone that uses Steve Irwin like that deserves to be shanked by a jagged stingray barb.
They operate from a position of wrongness.
Leftists think THEY were the ones ringing the warning bells? WHAT THE FUCK
First and foremost they're unintelligent.
Secondly, they're afraid of being offensive, thus crippling their potential even further.
Finally, leftist memes are for pushing an agenda first and being funny second. No one likes being lectured or preached to so they just end up being overly wordy, unfunny pieces of shit.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
Also inability to employ brevity. The fewer words the funnier the meme.
leads to hate crimes
Also 20 something are filling hospital beds in n my city too
bc they have so many restrictions due to wrong think and political correctness it always comes out retarded
political "humor" is never funny, as it always just boils down to "my opponent is stupid"
if your side gets mocked then you go "waaah waah it's not funny!!!" if your opponent gets called a dumb poopiehead then you go "SO TRUE HAHAHAH THEY ARE POOPIEHEADS HAHAHA"
meanwhile everyone else just looks at two monkeys throwing shit at each other like the animals they are
Memes need to be simple. Too much text, not any humor unless you think calling someone stupid is funny. Leftists need to be told how to think. That's not funny. It's pathetic.
Being further away from basic truths. They're basically no different than a hypnotized person and they're not very funny either.
It comes down to truth.
Right-wing ideas are true. Truth is appealing and amusing when used to call out or mock the dysfunctions of a dishonest society.
Left-wing ideas are lies. They can only gain widespread popularity if enforced through social coercion or deceit. That’s why most left wing “memes” are about 1) ostracizing and othering anyone whose political philosophy is to the right of Marx, characterizing them as stupid or unattractive (see OP) and 2) intricately and dishonestly explaining leftist talking points to make them appear to make sense (this is why so many leftist memes are so long-winded: it’s much harder to lie than tell the truth, and you need a series of arguments to make people buy your bullshit)
I've been thinking that perhaps their meme's work for them. And the reason they cant understand that they don't work on us, is that their meme's are based of feelings, completely disconnected from facts.
While we immediately disregard something where the facts don't add up, and they didn't even attempt to do that.
They can meme, but their memes are very different. Their memes are like "believe all women" and "white men bad, colored people good".
Left fags are permanently stuck in the 90's.
>Leftists think THEY were the ones ringing the warning bells?
Nothing new about that. When they sit in their safe-spaces and talk about the evil out there. They rile one-another up to go and punch nazis, make a show of force, let the world know that they mean business!
Aaaaand then they meet the real world.
too hateful and joyless to be funny or, unironically, the lack of thoughts. remember at least half of humanity is incapable of internal monologue and mental imagery.
a million niggers were calling white people schizos weeks ago on twitter for being able to visualize an apple.
>What prevents leftists from being able to meme?
Too much hatred and meanness, not enough mischief and good-natured fun.
It's the difference between a mean joke vs. a mean insult. When a joke is TOO mean, it's not funny anymore and it becomes more of a reflection on the one making it than the one supposed to be taking it. Instead of making someone laugh at your target, you make them feel sympathetic towards the target and uncomfortable around the one doing the insulting.
they always use too many words and feel the need to swear. just low iq desu
True humor and comedy is by definition cruel. A good joke must necessarily come at the expense of someone or something, because the only good jokes are jokes that reveal some truth that we collectively try to ignore.
low iq
>What prevents leftists from being able to meme?
you should be able to take a joke in order to make a joke
leftists and muslims are basically the same
Victims getting their first chance to be bullies.
Because it has to have some type of moral behind it.
Look at all that writing. Leftists always have to frame everything and tell each other what to think. They are not allowed to think for themselves or have fun, because they may have a forbidden thought.
The only way I see leftists being able to meme is if it's their intention to get the right to contemplate why it is the left can't meme in the first place.
You're all fucking clowns clowning in a clown world
Your futile games and posturing are at an end
idk senpai thats pretty good.
Their memes are just them seething instead of trying to be funny. You never see any popular or viral lefty memes. Every normie zoomer on social media is basically a Yas Forums shitposter nowadays.
Even "ok boomer" is a rightwing meme that started here
It isn't as simple as that. Their problem is they project their emotions through their shitty memes, making them come out as butthurt narcissists. Pic related is their best attempt.
serious answer here.
leftists are programmed to propagandize to the masses. they don't make a joke to laugh, they make a joke as a product to sell their idea to the unwashed and convince them the leftist ideas are right and the opposition is wrong.
this causes a fear that a joke or a meme would not be understood by every living person, which makes them explain the joke down to the very painful details, which ruins it of course
They come from hugbox sites that reward repetitive memes that lack any nuance or subtlety.
Upvotes on Reddit were a mistake.
As were flags and id's
Anyone genuinely curious why certain views gravitate towards certain mediums should check out:
For a thought experiment imagine if we had to conduct political debates via smoke signals. Would there be in depth discussion of economic policies? Unlikely. Would there be brief, powerful statements like "Opponent rapes children. I save children. Vote me!" Probably.
Now imagine if political discourse were conducted via 1000 page policy proposals and only voters that passed a test proving they comprehend the proposals had their votes count. Political discourse would be dense and accessible to only a minority.
Extreme example but the point is, mediums are more or less effective for communicating certain ideas.
The hugbox mentality is a big part of it. The quality of lefty memes is a reflection of their participation trophy culture where negativity is verboten.
Did trump actually called it a hoax? i don't recall
The original pic is peak boomer and was funny already
Watching lefties explode with rage because people take some personal responsibility is both funny and depressing. Keep your stash a secret at all times! They no doubt feel they're morally right to "get revenge" on you in some way. They're dangerous people.
Memes are half humor and half truth, leftists have neither one of those. That and they're are so afraid of offending anyone that their humor attempts are vastly restricted.
I can literally point on who are redditors but old and newfag redditors in this thread. It's not a rocket science. You fags never stop to defend your leftist friends and ideology. God I should leave this site for good.
Right wing memes are like political cartoons back in the day like pic related, short and to the point. Left wing memes are basically them seething and writing an essay over a pic or stealing right wing memes.
Also check out:
Alinsky's 10 rules the hippies employed against the dominant conservative culture of the time:
"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
"Never go outside the expertise of your people."
"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
"Keep the pressure on."
"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside."
"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
No, he said the politicization of the virus in order to create a panic was a hoax.
He's absolutely correct.
Real humor pokes fun of the people you aren't allowed to make fun of, the people with power (ie the jews).
Absolutely this. You should have been prepping for a long enough time that you never stood out like one of those tards with a cart full of toilet paper and the only people who should know about it are you and the people you are sharing it with.
Are you the same guy from the other thread?
Low emotional intelligence.
also this. There is a reason why shitditors use /s to denote their posts are sarcastic.
We don't do that here and yet we know who is saying what exactly
yes, you didn't answer me Mr Bahun
Their beliefs are basically turds shit out by boomer hippies, eaten by Gen X feminists, then puked into millennial tranny, mean I and basedboy estrogenated brains.
Their memes are boomer tier because their souls were shit from boomers' bowels.
All leftist are feminine inside. And females are not funny.
Truth. They scatter from it.
It's because rightist political thought is closer to tribalism and is much simpler. The politics that go into accepting more people aren't as simple and when they are simply put they're idealistic and don't have the cynical edge that appeals to our postmodern sensibilities. Irony is cooler.
Not haveing a logical mind they can't make connections between relivent topics to make funny or enlightening observations.
Essentially humor is an alien concept to them.
They have a plethora of social taboos that they have to take into consideration before they even place pen to paper or risk being ostracised by their tribe.
Memes are based on reality. Leftists operate outside of that.
You sure it's not /r/forwardsfromgrandma?
>Their memes don't link up with your preferred style
>there Bad
Meme's are pictures depicting a enigma of a concept that exists in the shared experiences of the group one groups shared experiences differ from the other. One from the experience of perceiving society from an outside prospective the other from shared experiences through media however there is a advantage to the aforementioned perspective from the out side is a much more effective at painting the best metal understanding from these symbols the quality of the message should not be understated.
Just the surface. In fact it is their inability to edit, they are incapable of honest self-reflection. It really is the root of many of their problems.
>man wears forbidden apparel
>determined to be asshole by 14yo corpse of Steve Irwin
HAW HAW HAW, le wacky Steve Irwin voice for a personal opinion. Very classy!
Oooh he really spat the dummy! Crikey