Read the comments. Leftists are giving Trump credit. What a time to be alive

Read the comments. Leftists are giving Trump credit. What a time to be alive.

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I'm sorry, but did the economy already collapset? Oh, that's right. The decision hasn't even been made yet. In fact, it's only 10:00. Does not 20% unemployment count as a collapse? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the market is still open? The traders are in NYC right now and they have been the best stock market people for how long now? They're fighting one of the worst virii of all time and they're feeding off the lack of support from the Mainstream media. But you know what? They're still fucking trading. America is one of the best fucking nations on earth, we dropped 2 more and would have dropped 2 more if Japan hadn't surrendered. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Dow hits 30k and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Fed just pumped 2 trillion dollars into the economy and cut us all a check. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Dow topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like America because its free. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to trun the Fed, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

Why is it a big shell shock for the reporters? Hyperbole. Who is LeeFang? Chink boy. Who the fuck cares? Not me.

>Who the fuck cares?
>replies to the thread


If this passes by or before summer (it will) and economic bleeding looks stemmed going into the election then Trump wins in a cakewalk. Overcoming a crisis will only help the incumbent.


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This should go to show you that Trump has been compromised.

Intercept reporter in the same mold as people like Greenwald and Tracey. Lefty but not a lunatic and fairly reasoned.

This is a scripted event and you just described exactly what will happen.

Trump running to the left of Biden -- lol

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Why wouldn't they? Trump bent the knee and is now implementing the socialist policies we have been calling for, if only just to save face. It's the MIGatards cheering him on for leftist policies that are the retards here.

>Ancap flag
>Calls others retard

How's the Milton Friedman book going faggot?


Bros... I think we just broke the fucking timeline with too many happenings at once...

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I chose a random flag retard

heres another one

Oh shit, even the Jews are confused.

>use socialist measures
>leftards love it
Truly shocking.

>give free shit
>win election
Always works.

Basically. This disease is incredibly overblown. The only crisis has been the reaction of governments, and the subsequent hoarding.

Lol ask comrade sanders how that went

Lee Fang is a pretty redpilled investigative reporter.

Guys this is a good thing. He will then declare the USA the Imperium of Man and lead us to unite all of Terra under His rule. Blessed be upon Him for He guides us all and watches over all of us. Blessed be The Emperor for he is our faith and our shield.

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Goes to show you how retarded democracy is.

New pasta?

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Still going to get some free money to fuck a couple strippers with. Time off work too. Stay seething.

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sanders is gutless and being paid to take a dive

Wouldn't Hitler have done the same things if a disease was ravaging Nazi Germany?
Why do retards associate all forms of authoritarianism with communism?

>Why is it a big shell shock for the reporters?
Because pretty much the DPA is whole-sale socialism, with the government literally seizing control of the means of production. It was written at the height of American socialism in the 50's and reflects the ideologies of that time. Trump is actually proposing a level of socialism that Venezuela does not even attempt to engage in.

You excpect me to read all that shit?

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The Democrats have never done this much for me. I'm no longer voting Democrat

Old pasta freshcunt

No he's stealing berines ideas!

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Amen. Bring back the Tsars and us old Whites will come back.

I've noticed allot of lefties online finally accepting the fact that Trump will win in 2020 and saying he hasn't even been that bad anyway. Also tons of Bernie bros saying they're voting Trump now. Seems like most normal people have gotten over it while a few pedos with TDS are still screeching.

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I just need you fuckers to keep PUMPING funny bucks to the business so I can keep my US clients and don't end up blowing people down a bridge for money lol

This 100%. Forcing businesses to act in the best interest of the people isn't communism. It's facisim. Gommies wouldn't allow private business and it would all be state controlled.

I’ve been rekt

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Fuck this thing is evergreen.

>this was either engineered by Trump himself in order to win in the election, or the democrats are in cahoots with the chinese and other hidden powers that be and their plan is massively backfiring with Trump perfectly deflecting their blows one after another
What a fucking time to be alive.

Meanwhile in cuck "socialist paradise" nada...


Reagan passed some of the harshest gun laws that are on the books today.

Obama bailed out Wall Street.

Sometimes it takes a guy on the other team to do the bidding of an interest group.

I think the entire "open borders" lunacy is in the process of dying a well deserved death even as we speak. Can't happen soon enough. It'll be interesting to see if even the Gang Of Four can survive the storm that's coming in November.

To be fair, trump's 1.5t injection was tragically retarded.

>what's a repo.

Some leftists are pretty good. It is liberals that are the true enemey.

Maybe because he just unilaterally expanded healthcare and education and you were too busy looking at other shit

not like theyll vote for him

The Democrats have been the real racists this entire time!

It is pretty surreal in general

>tfw right wingers end up doing more communism than communists ever will just because boomer flu

You do know they can sell that stock back for a profit right? Its how TARP wasn’t a massive and total failure.

Oh no!
It's retarded.

The deal of the century

Not all authoritarianism is Communism retard. This is way more along the line of what Hitler would do.

I know it's hard to understand, but this is a one time spending bill.

correct assessment. however, while im fascist in theory, my lack of care for unwashed masses of spics and niggers and leftists in far away states means that i dont support caring about everyone.

I don't know if it's worth bothering. These same brainlets think all political ideologies can be put on a horizontal line.

How is it fascism? Generally just curious. If you would be so kind to connect the dots

The telecom/healthcare/IP industries have also just been consolidated and nationalized to a great degree. I recommend perusing the fine print on some of the changes

Fascism is a Jew meme dumb shit

This isn’t normal circumstances. The administration is simply doing what kenysian economics call for. During a depression when demand for most things shrink the fed needs to encourage people to increase demand to keep the economy from failing. This is macro 101.

>the kangz will always rule the earth!

That's what they kang of france said before his head got shoved into the guillotine.

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They will if libs don’t stop trying to pin a global pandemic caused by China on trump. That shit doesn’t hold water for the non-brain damaged normie.


Holy shit you guys are fucking retarded, he spelled it out in the fucking post. Learn some fucking reading comprehension.

The state forces the market to work for the people. We’ve been trying to tell you boomers this for years. Add in the fact that race matters a lot and you become a national socialist.

The only thing that could ruin this is Aliens

It’s a boomer. They have a Pavlovian response to certain words

J F C, I have to wonder if you even understand the drivel you're puking out and why it's retarded.

>libertarian cucks thinking we elected Trump to be another corporate cocksucker

I wanted Trump to put the boot on the neck of cocksuckers like you. He's been a disappointment in that regard. I have always, always wanted him to crush the republican establishment and yes, that means their ties to treacherous businesses that export jobs overseas and compromise our ability to respond to a crisis like this.

So.... you are a white national socialist. So you aren’t a retard. Good job.

this. we've sunk into neolibecon for so long its like a miracle to see something like this

My entire facebook timeline is filled with people bragging that Trump gave in to socialism, because socialism works.

The day of the rake is at hand, leaf.

Capitalism is dead. Trump just flew us into communism land without even blinking.

How do you manage to live in real life?

>thinks everything is down to left vs right
You have to go back.

he didnt give anything, he just promised. big difference

Its a more dangerous than normal influenza. Which means more dead elderly and already ill people than normal. Reason why the precautions are made is to prevent an actual crisis from happening. Better have a financial crisis to curb a proper epidemic crisis, than have both fo them going on later on.

>it's either capitalist or commie
>can only understand things on a single line

He’s the only other non retard in the thread other than me. Hyper individualism is cancer and is how we got here. I support socialism for whites only. Fuck off.

Don’t bother dude. It’s a fool’s errand trying to debate these actual boomer retards from facebook.

It doesn't matter anymore, jack ass. All governments on earth will implement the same shit within the week. This is a great day, together with Macron doing the same on monday...

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its funny because he has been making good decisions for years (not 1488 newfag Yas Forums decisions, but generally good decisions) and the media got away with ignoring this for three years. now when they cant look away he continues to make good decisions. pretty cool.

kinda funny, turns out that every Republican president this century has given out free money from the government to solve a crisis, and Bloomberg ran as a Democrat to try and prevent policies that would allow this to happen. Now this IS government.

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Based narco Chad

Trump is the president obongo should have been lol

Ist der boogaloo?

Start of a realignment. Republicans are going to drift economically left and socially right. Democrats are going to drift economically right and even further socially left.

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>Its a more dangerous than normal influenza
Its more transmittable than normal influenza and thus indirectly more deadly because more people with underlying health issues will be infected, and die. If you're healthy, it is less dangerous than normal influenza.

There were protests against any stimulus at the time. It was called the tea party. They were concerned about the national debt

fuck the debt
printer go brrrrrrrr

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Nazbol is natsoc for brown people. You know you need whites.