The Dow Jones has now collapsed faster in a month than during the entirety of World War Two

The Dow Jones has now collapsed faster in a month than during the entirety of World War Two.

The Spanish Flu killed 10 million and did not lead to an economic collapse. The Coronavirus has killed only 9,000 and we are already on the verge of a second Great Depression.

Peter Schiff and Ron Paul warned that this economic collapse was coming in 2020. Do not let the coronavirus stand as an excuse for it. Do not let them use the coronavirus as an excuse to impose totalitarianism on us.

Attached: dowjones.png (1113x817, 65.42K)

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Based. Ignore all curfews and any laws imposed under military rule.

I trust Donald Trump

>economic collapse

nigga it's just a correction, buy the dip

BUY THE DIP!!!!!!!

Which should be around 11,000 to 12,000 for the DOW

Will be the greatest long investment opportunity in history. Be ready!

It's overblown because moving funny money distorts its real power at a nonlinear rate. (embed)

JP Morgan just put out its GDP estimates for the rest of the year:

Q1: -4%
Q2: -14%
Q3: +8%
Q4: +4%

Full year: -1.5% overall.

Unemployment rate goes to 6.25% midyear, 5.25% in Dec.

Just to make a point here, the USSR/Russian Federation GDP didn't dip 14% when the FUCKING SOVIET UNION COLLAPSED.

Nations underreported numbers at the time because they were in the middle of a war. In fact it's associated when Spain because they were in a civil war so the numbers were harder to suppress. OP is a hysterical retard.

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I hope the (((MSM))) hurts alot of people and those people are very pissed off afterwards.

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I was literally talking to my family about this today. This bioweapon is being used to create the one world government.

They're are going to be sending us money, cancelling mortgage payments and other bills etc. They are completely taking control of all necessities and usurping financial control over businesses.

This is PRECISELY the NWO plan.

It's exacty what they did to turn us all into police states:

9/11 into the patriot act, stating they wouldn't spy on us. Now, spying on everyone is protected law.

> 11000 or so
How did you calculate that

Buying into the dip with my Trumpbux. 2 adults in my household is $2k of money I wouldn’t miss if the market kept crashing.

It’s honorary Jew time.


>giving shekels back to the Jew
Yeah good plan lol.

The stock market is not the economy. This just means people are pulling their money our and putting it in safer havens. When all this bullshit blows over, the money will all come back and stocks will rocket back up. Anyone that fails to buy at the bottom will have serious regrets.

Local bottom is in. Expect a 50% retrace in the dow back to ~25000 levels over the next few weeks before the next leg down.

People are going to buy this dip thinking we are oversold and ready to "recover". They are going to get absolutely REKT as we sink into the next great depression.

Speak for yourself. I’m never going to miss $2k as this whole thing isn’t really fucking me over (yet). I have a feeling everything will go back to normal soon and I’m not going to think back on this as I’m falling asleep and cringe at myself for the rest of my life.

its panic driven and bad leader driven (the market did not have trust in Trump to deal with this).

markets will bounce back in June, take a small dip with virus comes back again in November, and after that we have vaccine and its back to bull market fucking harder than WWII survivors making the boomer generation.

wait 2-3 weeks and start buying microsoft and google and even apple and youll make it rich.

The stock market is embedded in the economy. The neo-Keynesian system is structured in such a way that the stock market must do well for the economy to thrive. Now that interest-rates have been set at zero, and that has failed, there is nothing left to prop up the house of cards but helicopter money and hyperinflation.

Old people dying doesn't hurt the economy, the exact opposite. Quarantines and lockdowns are the real problem.

say thanks to globalism for that

So I can pay off my car faster nice

2-3 weeks we're having martial law and a credit freeze nigger

Mike Maloney predicting the economic collapse for 2019 (timestamp 10:25, "Before the end of this decade")

Peter Schiff predicting it for 2020 in 2018:

Ron Paul predicting it for 2020 in 2018: "Ron Paul: A 50% correction will spark depression-like conditions that may be ‘worse than 1929’"

Attached: rcl.jpg (1080x1879, 385.26K)

Shows how pathetically weak Western economies are.

Peter Schiff has been warning of Economic Collapse every year for the past 2 decades. Don't give that merchant any credit

the bubble goes .....puff
and its gone

Attached: 1ty7cvkg3ag11.jpg (1280x720, 50.23K)

This sounds like a trump tweet

World Wide Communism!?

Mike Maloney was predicting crash every single day since 30 years, sure it happens eventually

nah, more like 6-8,000

If only we had listened, we could have prevented this.

Coronavirus will kill 7 billion, 95% of the US population will die.

National Socialism, borders are closing too and concerns about supply lines are huge.

He accurately predicted the 2008 crash, and since 2011 has consistently said that the next one would happen "on or before the end of the decade." The timestamp on that video, for example, is 2014.

I also don't know where you get 30 years from, since, as far as I know, he only appeared as a public figure in something like the year 2005 with his guide to investing in gold and silver.

the high market numbers were not based on strong fundementals. we were in a classic bubble and the bubble popped. deal with it.

Because we didt do anything about spanish flu till millions where dead

>talking to my family
I heard that schizophrenia tends to be inheritable.


I'm ready to buy into airlines then.
German airlines and 'Murican ones. Also in energetic companies (non-petrol affiliated).
I feel like we're going backward to '08 level.

>The Spanish Flu killed 10 million

Attached: Spanishflu.gif (854x480, 1.21M)

I chose the lowest number I've seen so as to be fair, but yes, some estimates are as high as 50 or even 100 million. But in any event, the higher the number killed, the stronger the argument that the coronavirus is not the cause of our current economic predicament, merely the pin.

I will by at 0.


>The Spanish Flu killed 10 million and did not lead to an economic collapse.
In 1918 you could buy a basket of apples for a nickel. These drops. These huge ammounts. Theyre not real. its all artificial in th fight to be the richest. It wasnt always this way.


Woah, hey, it's the 1918 influenza outbreak. That phrasing was insensitive.

Based Ron Paul exposes the truth:

Maybe one day you anglo fucks will start basing your markets on facts. But I wouldn't bet on it.

Buying the dip is retarded

There is a very good chance the market will never recover to its previous record highs. History has proven this.

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Oil will be a safe investment. Of course the price will eventually go up, it's oil - countries fight wars over this stuff.

>Of course the price will eventually go up

Russia and the Saudis can stop that from being the case, and they're both subversive as fuck so I wouldn't be surprised

>sending us money
>cancelling mortgage payments and other bills etc.
>This is PRECISELY the NWO plan.
So the NWO elites were the good guys all along?

Attached: guitar.png (475x270, 218.7K)

I bought my shot gun. I will kill the first nigger looting or fema agent that tries to come in my house. I have the element of suprise. If everyone does the same as me we cant lose

based and informedpilled

there won't be a market at all after this

We need to get away from this idea that extremely low interest rates should be permanent.
They fuel bubbles in certain assets like stock and real estate.
Leading to bubble and crash cycles.
Haven’t we learned anything?

What if the bottom is $0?

>don't let entire ports shutting down leading to oil wars, schools shutting down, businesses shutting down, sports shutting down, and people not going out buying stuff stand as an excuse for the crash

Okay buddy retard

you improved your economy at the expense of cucking most of southern europe, millions have been unemployed because of you - you also practiced QE long before our Fed has recently

This canachink is wrong. The Spanish flu started in either France or CHINA and if it started in France it was literally because if importing tens of thousands of chink laborers.

I'm literally not even joking about this
Spanish flu LITERALLY came from China. That entire godforsaken country out to be firebombed and every last human in it exterminated. Literally every single fucking time there's a pandemic it's because of chinks stretching all the way back into antiquity when chinks gave us plagues in Greece and Rome. They gave us the black death. They gave us Spanish flu. They gave us the WUHAN VIRUS in 2020 too. Go and read that link. It did not start in fucking Africa it started in China and the chinks have been editing that article like crazy to hide the truth.

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Remember, once these policies are in place, they RARELY EVER GET LIFTED. Assuming the U.S. survives this, anyway.

We're not even talking about WHERE it came from you illiterate fuck. The number.

Buy the dip

If they let the market had its healthy correction years ago it would be a normal recession, but they decided markets can't take a breathe and must go on and on without even stopping for a bit thus creating one massive bubble.
By them I don't mean (((someone))) from the background, but politicians, real people who you see on the news, US politicians and FED helped a lot. Obama with Yellen started it and Trump made things even worse because god forbids >muh economy wouldn't make new records every fucking week.
Every bubble pops, every single one

Spanish flu killed the poor.
Jews don't care.
Swine flu killed the young.
Jews don't care.
Corona kills the old.

How do I into buying stonks?

peter schiff has been predicting a collapse every year since like 2006

The Spanish Flu and The Great Depression did not happen in the age of globalism. Globalism did this. Globalism has caused the effects of this pandemic to be felt around the world, massively harming every economy.

Just buy the dip goy.