Explain Germany's INCREDIBLY low death rate

Explain Germany's INCREDIBLY low death rate.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-18 at 19.07.00.png (1342x1094, 247.01K)

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explain germanys suddenly based attitude

10:37 am - Germany suspends refugee resettlement program

It's borders are officially closed to the third world (finally)


If someone with another condition dies with corona they count it as if the other condition caused the death. So they only count people that die with no other conditions.

Stasi hiding real numbers, they are in hundreds

Master race

It’s a mystery. Many people have tried explanations. None have been logical.

Some say we test so many people that we have tons of mild cases in the stats... but that makes no sense as France does the same and has a higher death rate.

Some say we just have better healthcare and more ICU equipment. But France has similar stuff.

Some say we have fewer smokers, and more healthy old people. But that’s not really true.

Some say we have Aryan genes that protect us... but we have tons of Slavs and Turks here too.

And lastly, some say that Germany is falsifying the numbers or “not testing the dead”, that also makes zero sense because people don’t just drop dead from corona on the street, they end up in hospital first and get tested.

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>If someone with another condition dies with corona they count it as if the other condition caused the death
Source? I doubt they'd flat out go against all international guidelines.
Doubt they'd pull this in the middle of fucking Europe

>Some say we have Aryan genes that protect us... but we have tons of Slavs and Turks here too.
Honestly genes are the only explanation that makes sense. The immigrants are typically not 60+ anyway. And Austria, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc all have very low death rates too.

>Doubt they'd pull this in the middle of fucking Europe
>Doubting euro abilities to hide cases of something negative
1400 rape cases hidden by police didnt teach you not to trust authorities huh?

Because these statistics are flawed.
The number of deaths just shows how long the virus has been spreading around without testing. Plus some countries just test people who are very ill. Some test just people over 60 and people with underlying health conditions.

Total recovered: 106
Total deaths: 125


thats a fucking 107% DEATH RATE


Do you see the numbers? They have top 5 cases of coronavirus in the world. They have more cases than France and South Korea, yet barely anyone dies or is in critical situation.

Why would Germany have a delayed start compared to every other big European country? I've been watching their numbers for days and nothing changes.

>2 people dead
It's literally nothing

That's just cause most cases are still due to recover. As long as there are no critical cases it's ok

If it’s genes, I’m inclined to believe this virus was engineered in an underground lab run by Nazis who have been in cryosleep for 80yrs.

can i get a link to whatever website thats from?

wow, american education is REALLY bad

Maths in America everybody

They only counts deaths of people without any other health issue.
Meanwhile in Spain we count everyone, even without testing them, if they coughed twice before diying its enough to add them to the list of deaths by coronavirus

turks are immune


>They only counts deaths of people without any other health issue.
Source please

Only explanation would be including underlying diseases that wont be included in the covid death toll.

But that was maybe done weeks ago, not now. Now EVERY case is tested autistically. We are, it seems, just better equipped to handle severe cases.

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How many Germans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

One. Germans are efficient and humorless.



>We are, it seems, just better equipped to handle severe cases.
No you're not. There's nothing you can do to stop the virus until we have vaccines. If you have 12k cases it doesn't matter how many beds you have, you should still have higher death count if it affects you the same as other cohorts


r*ssian subhumans hide the real numbers, no doubt

It is mostly because the virus didn't start in a single area and overwhelmed the medical capacity like in Italy. There are several countries with a death rate below 1%. Also current hospital capacity is far from its limit.

I don’t get this joke, desu senpai.

>There are several countries with a death rate below 1%
Germany has a 0.2% death rate. That's 5 times less than countries with low death rate. You don't have 5 times as many ICU or healthcare provisions

People dont understand that once the hospitals are booked its when shit really hits the fan.

because its literally a nothingburger.
kill all boomers who are trying to save their senile asses by sacrificing the economic future of the entire country

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-18 Germany Coronavirus 10,069 Cases and 26 Deaths - Worldometer.png (366x268, 13.32K)

No autopsies. No tests. THAT simple

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White power.

Their citizens not given the Fluad “Vaccine”

efficient censorship

>diagnosed with coronavirus
>die of respiratory problem a week later
>it was probably something else guys!
I really doubt they do this

fucking boomers over here say its because our health system is superior
hope it spreads at least to the shtiskin infested megacities and the fucking ruhrgebiet

>28 deaths
>86 recovered.
>114 total resolved cases.
>22% mortality rate.
Try harder, Fritz.

The low death rate depends on many factors. You could also say that other countries like Belgium just have a higher death rate due to probability distribution. If Belgium was still sitting at 3 deaths the death rate would be roughly the same. You need to wait a bit for a higher sample size which means more infected in European countries to make accurate comparisons. Also the infections were not focused in small areas where they overloaded the local hospital capacity.

Only 2 of the active cases are critical so I doubt it's just a matter of time. All big European countries started at the same time (UK, France, Germany)

Different strain
China cheated by changing the definition of death by covid.

The virus seems to be worse in people with blood type A, least in people with blood type O. No idea if that's relevant to the German population.

>You need to wait a bit for a higher sample size which means more infected in European countries to make accurate comparisons
We can already compare with UK, France, China, SK, Italy, Spain, etc. Germany is an outlier and there's plenty of data to show this.

We'll see. Currently though, 22% of people who've seen the virus run its course have died.

And 99.99% are not in critical condition. If you just look at closed cases, then it's still significantly better than all major Western countries (UK, France, Spain, Italy, US)

German Herrenmenschen don't die because some chinese flu.

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Yes but the people who die from it will die fast while the people who will recover just fine will not be counted as recovered for weeks until it's completely out of their system.

>Explain Germany's INCREDIBLY low death rate.
Blacks are immune

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In the current political climate, if a tragedy hits Germany, it might just be the spark that changes the political landscape in Europe and predates the end of the EU. That's how high the stakes are, so think again if you're convinced they wouldn't manipulate the numbers.

my guess, it's a culture thing.

Germans are robots. The government tells them what to do, they do it. Merkel says old fags, stay home, disinfect and don't catch corona-chan. They do it.

We in the south, the government tells us to stay indoors and avoid contact, we throw massive parties and infect each other.

The sample size is still small enough for a probability distribution to fuck with the death rate. There are other countries which could end up with a lower death rate than Germany. I can also tell you how the situation is in my city.
We have at least 6 confirmed cases here which means the hospital is far from having no medical personal and equipment left. The virus is really spread thin in Germany.


My guess would be a combination of more testing, and more cautious populace. Also you don't have a sizable portion of your population crowding in the streets every weekend to protest.

Obese people are more likely to die.

Can confirm. Especially we, Serbs. We're fucking mongoloids.

>Explain Germany's INCREDIBLY low death rate.
They are just Superpeople,above people.

for the 5,856th time. they don't do post mortem testing in germany.

The amount of scaremongering the German media does right now to keep people inside is impressive really, not even shitposter on Yas Forums can keep up with those levels of doomsaying. Literally writing about how corona fucks with your lungs permanently, makes you impotent, how SO MANY PEOPLE WILL DIE IF YOU HANS, DON'T STAY INSIDE, combined with an incredibly amount of public shaming for anyone doing hamsterkäufe or daring to go out now.

The muslims' inbred genes are already too far fucked up for Corona to ruin further.

this was supposed to be a joke?

Maybe older Germans spend more time outdoors breathing fresh air and getting a little exercise? Germany has less pollution too, doesn't it?

>There are other countries which could end up with a lower death rate than Germany
Yeah, I don't think Germany is the only one. From what I can tell, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and others may end up the same. But for now Germany is the only one with very low death rate and plenty of data to draw a trend from.

How is being spread out going to help someone who is at-risk and infected? You do have 12k cases, so how come so few of these are dead? Does good care mean you don't die even if you're 70+ and have respiratory problems? Do germans not have respiratory problems (smoking rates are comparable to everyone else, so no) Are germans younger? (aging demographics are all over europe so no).

So either there's a way to cure those cases in hospitals without vaccines but with good cares (unlikely according to all our knowledge about deadly viruses) or at-risk Germans simply didn't get the virus (why? they took same measures as everyone) or Germans simply recover better (again, why? if it's not care, is it genes?)

Germans don't stay at home. at least not until now.

pfff, imagine some chinese flu can fuck with our superior immune system.

How's that herd immunity coming along then?

Source? You have 12k cases. If people tested positive for coronacvirus die, do they not get logged as coronavirus-related death? Why is the death rate so low for confirmed cases?

Stasi going to Stasi

we don't test post mortem

I'm not saying UK is doing better, I'm saying good care doesn't explain low death rate

Germany falsifies numbers.

There is no possibility that small Netherlands and Switzerland would have more deaths.

They probably have different definition if someone has an underlying contition it is counted as a cause of death

Depends on how they count. Italy so far had only 2 people who died OF corona virus (no other pathology) and not just WITH corona virus.

Is Germany the only country that doesn't test post mortem? And even if you don't, you don't need a post-mortem for a death from one of the dozen thousnads of confirmed coronavirus infected cases.


It's just the people who traveled to Italy who are sick now. Wait until it gets into retirement homes.

Doubt Germany is the only big Western country going against the international guidelines, but if you have a source for that please share

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Look at this pdf:
Those were the total confirmed cases in each Landkreis when it was still around 7000. Forgot to mention that only very few of the cases are old people.

Today a guy died in a nursing home - they did test him post-mortem and he was positive, so they evacuated a couple more elderly people from the home.

Deaths are going to significantly increase once the hospitals start refusing patients from nursing homes (could be in 10 days, maybe 2 weeks). They're starting to dump no-critical patients (regule, not corona) from hospitals into nursing homes now to free up beds.

It'll be a wild ride

t. geriatric nurse

Good support medicine.
Toobad that when virus starts infecting refugees they will overfill hospitals.

niggers are immune

For the 10,000 time in response, they test people while still alive. Everyone with symptoms are tested.

So who is dying untested? Yes, people in car crashes and dying of strokes or heart attacks...


they had the first corona cases in europe (proven by phylogenetic analysis of the european outbreaks), of course they didnt want to be known as the ones who spread corona to europe, so they started hiding numbers, simple as.
Italian reporters in germany have been saying that they are only counting deaths who didn't die of other conditions (cancer/hiv/whatever), and haven't been doing posthumous testing. Whereas italy does posthumous testing and counts everyone who died testing positive to the virus, unless you go look at the actual statistics from iss, where the deaths are divided by different causes of death (the ones who died OF corona are less than 1%)

That study was only 300 out of 2000+, so it was number fudging too.

It's like China and how they only have 200 influenza deaths a year, because they list the secondary bacterial infection, which influenza causes, as the cause.

everyone that died until 1 week ago didnt get tested post mortem because there where no tests freely available