What is the Ideal Woman?

And where is her place in the world?

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Wow, she looks like this white girl hitting me up

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lmfao she fuckings niggers. That makes me diamonds. post her nudes please

show proof of penis uwu

Asian girls are better though

>What is the Ideal Woman?
She must look cute and have normal weight

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An idea women is one young enough to bear you multiple children, shares your values, and that you enjoy being around. Anything else is a waste of your time.


All the hot ones are still ours. If you're lucky, you'll get a slanty eye one thats flat as a board.

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>Ideal woman
Blonde hair blue eyes
>Place in the world?
Cooking and cleaning at home while looking after 3 or more children

burn the coal
pay the toll

t. shill

The ideal woman died 150 years ago. All modern women are whores, no exceptions

>where is her place in the world?
She doesn't have one, since she doesn't exist.

Why do you care about a women's feelings? They're just holes you fucking idiots. Fuck and be merry

The ideal woman is the one who wants to be my gf

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>And where is her place in the world?
On my dick, upside down.

Free to pursue her own dreams in whatever way she desires.

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I love my black gf!

But asian girls are better schlomo

They are more feminine and trad then white girls nowadays. Plus they age better too.

The Jews aren’t the ones pushing WMAF, Jews hate it, there are so many articles saying white men are racist and sexist for wanting asian women.

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>But asian girls are better schlomo
>racemixing is trad

>School of Law

Figured. Studying law was my biggest mistake. Nothing but stuck up feminist cunts.

she is beautiful

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She looks like a slut, has that slut face. You can't expect anything else of an american roastie

the ideal woman is the one that brightens up your day, user

Asian girls are the best females

Ideal? I'd say she's a loyal monogamist, attractive and cares about her health, a little bit of a horndog, good cook, loves children, Christian and snugly, but tough and confident in her opinions.

>they are more trad thAn white girls

you should go to some asian countries and see how pure your imaginary waifus actually are, women love to fuck, doesnt matter which race

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Here. All our woman are trad whites.

She must be bisexual


You're the world's laughing stock nigger

Yas Forums bullied me into wanting to become a traditional wife but then they said I literally couldn’t because im not a virgin :|

But what if she had 10 dicks in her?

show flag shlomo

The final red pill is that hapas are a master race

These autistic hapas Yas Forums talk about are only autistic because they are children of retards, normal hapas are very Chadly or Stacy like

They have white features and asian intelligence

nevermind sharmuta

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I’m not talking about Thai sluts

Strong shieldmaiden GF to go raiding with

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my oneitis

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Every woman needs the care of her father, her brothers. Otherwise she goes into what stupidity crosses her path. Because women are emotionally 12 years old for the rest of their lives, and that clouds any intellect they have.
But you can no longer intervene because they, feminism and the law classify almost all protective actions by men in their family as a criminal act that does not empower them.

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you are talking about koreans and japanese girls? congratulations, those girls are also just girls and not your pure waifus

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Women as they get older their blond hair goes. So you'll be looking for one with fake blonde hair.

the question is not how many dicks she had, the question is, does she make yours happy ? :)

>Because women are emotionally 12 years old for the rest of their lives, and that clouds any intellect they have.
Funny how the guys that typically say they tend to be super emotional themselves and not rational at all.


it's arabic for whore

anyway, just repent for your sins and try to live your best life femanon. everyone, including all fagots here, has been tainted by the hell that is modern civilization.

Statistics say otherwise roastie

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On my dick lmao

>it's arabic for whore
Oh :/
>anyway, just repent for your sins and try to live your best life femanon. everyone, including all fagots here, has been tainted by the hell that is modern civilization.
Danke, how do I repent btw? :)

He's a sandnigger

You literally wanted to go to a pozz party to meet attractive men, you're fucking retarded.
Go shit up some other board please

Based and Redpilled.

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>Danke, how do I repent btw? :)
Tits or gtfo

Thai, chinese and vietnamese women often larp as japenese in prostitution.

acknowledge your mistakes, don't dwell on them, and honestly try to change for the better. and ask God for forgiveness.

sinple really.

>it's arabic for whore
Noice. Thanks Oldest Civ. I love expanding my vocabulary.

I see.
>You literally wanted to go to a pozz party to meet attractive men,
I didn’t know what that was....
And no I’m not retarded.
Also I’m still mad at you that you ruined my chances with that American guy.
Thx :)
I’ll go then.

If women weren't allowed to leave the house or have access to social media, they could be trusted

fuck off retard


Can someone post the SSBBW version of the tradgirl? Saw it last night but forgot to save it.

>What is the Ideal Woman?

...someone thats able to think for themself!

Doesn't exist

Go away coomer


Ok incel, go screw a tranny and leave

>chat up some cute girl
>find out she fucks niggers
>drop her and move on


Seriously why does the /r9k-/pol crossover base not understand this

>the question is not how many dicks she had, the question is can she take one more?

Just because my IQ is a bit bellow average doesn’t mean I’m a worthless partner and it’s mean to ruin people’s chances. Bye now.

god, i want to see her fuck a black soooooo bad

You got it right.

Can she take one more ? Does it feel good to both partners ? How much does she charge ? Does she suck with or without a condom on ?

All these are important questions user.

I couldnt tell you. I want a woman that is my equal in every way. This would probably make them a bad woman. They are supposed to be our opposites, I think.

I dont know.

sanitize thy spirit

Typical French cuck

They exist in Europe

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The guy didn't want you, cope retard

The tradwife is peak female

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Sorry, english is not my first language. Are you being sarcastic or you are saying that I am right?

Hey, I didn't tell anyone to get emotionally involved with escorts or marry them.

Don't be nasty.

No she's just retarded


Being closer in personality is better. Pretty much everything is ok as long as she loves you and has trouble trusting black people


We all know you speak Hebrew, memeflag

Mutts law

>What is the Ideal Woman?
The one you can stand day to day and enjoy.

Awesome. Vidia is degenerate though. If you have kids you should drop that hobby

This is what I dream about every night. Not even kidding.

Don't be stupid. Asian girls will be the first ones to cheat on you. 75% of couples on japan cheat on eachother. Asian girls while trad in theory, are the biggest whores in disguise.

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