The left are attempting to re-write history in real time to erase the phrase "Spanish Flu."

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Holy shit the cdc memory holed it

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>its raycist to call it the chinese flu

They have to cover their asses, so they'll erase any history that called it by its origin name.

This is the most Orwellian power move I’ve even seen from them.

Dear god

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When you tag a nation, country, or any specific geographic location onto a virus that ia killing people, people tend to associate the negative aspects of that virus with that nation. Which then follows to be associated with its people. Which then causes poeple to hold bigoted hatful feelings towards those people and leads to hate crimes against those people.

the spanish flu didnt come from spain retard

Swing how prone the left is at rewriting history one wonder what else they’ve rewritten

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Just imagine what they have already rewritten from ancient history? Pro tip: aryans literally have done everything.

trying to force people to change their language in order to manipulate public opinion is going to have some feedback, do these people even think?

It works. You actually believe that multiple ancient empires spawned simultaneously because the school told you.

There would be any "hate crime" or bigotry if they weren't here in the fist place fag.

Funny how leftists will enforce china's talking points.

Ok we'll do it again

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

Yeah it should be called the American flu

There wouldn't be any hate crimes if you didn't commit hate crimes retard.

you're trying to rewrite history with your holocaust denial

“Spanish” flu was actually shown to have started in the US, at an army facility no less. Just like the ‘Wuhan’ virus.

All the misery and agony that the spanish people have endured due to the spanish flu is insurmountable.

Or are you sure you're not just projecting?

No it was DA KANGS!!!

>You actually believe
you don't know what the fuck I believe dumbass, I believe you're a fucking retard and that's the only thing you know about me; explain your little attempt at intelligence peon, what empires do I believe spawned at the same time? That didn't

Oh my god will you please just shut your stupid mouth for once?!

yeah this is treason, aid and comfort to the enemy, fuck the media they should all hang

Kek there are multiple articles referring to it as the “1918 Flu,” journalists are truly the lowest scum on planet Earth

Great because that virus didn't come from Spain, we were the ones reporting on it since most of the world power were fighting each other in WW1 and didn't want this to affect their troop "morale"

We will hang them for being willing servants of the 13 families. They will suffer for their own masters actions.

Because China has a lot of money in our media.

You assume a lot
But it has its merit
Though you forgot human’s strength
Not all of us are animals

This, we were the only ones reporting on it and stuck on us

What's hilarious is the "Spanish flu" was also from China. Shocking I know...

must be renamed to american-flu


Back then, americans even claimed that It was a german "bioweapon" launched from U-boats:

and what's wrong with that? What people name or call things says a lot about who they are and where they are in their social and historical development, what gives these fucks the right to determine what we call anything?

Holy shit

funny how it wasn't "rayycist" before to call it the spanish flu.
only now that they were caught, once again, being disgusting hypocrites.

>There wouldn't be any hate crimes if you didn't commit hate crimes retard.
Can YOU read?
He never committed any alleged (((hate crime)))
He merely pointed out that if different races were not FORCED together by ((their evil government))) no hate crimes would occur.
Happy ethnostates for everyone = zero hate crimes.

It took 36 years but welcome to 1984

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>the spanish flu didnt come from spain retard
this, it was first diagnosed there, apparently SF also came from China, but might need a sause on that.

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Just continue to call it "Chinese Virus". There is nothing they can do to stop it.

if they do stuff like this with no problems in the digital age..

.. I wonder what other things did they re-write?

>can't into reading comprehension
Stop posting here if you don't understand how to have a discussion.

>re-writing history
I'm sorry, but have any historical facts been altered by this name change? How is it re-writing history if all that's being changed is the nomenclature?

Please explain this to me, because as far as I'm aware, its literally nothing more than a cosmetic change. call it an ideological power move all you want, but what is actually being changed by this?

So is black plague now called african-american plague?

unironically the only intelligent post here. Maybe lefty post modern examining of shit will help your brains in the long run

Crazy. What will they rename the black plague?

show then you fucking street shitter, it came from china

I mean it also came from China, might as well call it the China Flu.

lucky 7s checked

Because back then people truly believed it came from Spain, since the rest of world countries just cencored the news and even denied the existance of this outbreak due to the war (even though millions of troops were being affected by it). And there's even evidence that this virus, which at first only affected the old and the sick (corona?), mutated during the course of the war due to how soldiers were exposed to mustagens such as mustard gas and evolved into a trand that killed even the young and healthy in 12 hours:

It doesn't matter how correct it is, that is just the name that was commonly used

>how does it work?
I think we should re name 'The Holocaust' the 'Not-So-Good-Times', what do ya think?

You lost me, what’s you sayin’?

Historically it was specifically called the spanish flu, changing its name to something that no one at the time wouldve said is definitely "re-writing history" thats like saying white people called slaves African Americans back in the day. No we called them niggers.

I'll ask again. If this is "re-writing" history, which specific parts of history are being rewritten? And don't be evasive with false equivalences this time, I want a direct answer.

Hi rabbi

Meanwhile these same people are trying to blame America and Trump for the virus

Kys kike

>leads to hate crimes
Define hate crime? Also I hate you....

Spotted the kike.
>muh safe speak
Fucking KYS boomer faggot

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trips of truth

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They arent changing the nomenclature, they are trying to cover up that the nomenclature was ever used in the past.

>The Spanish Flu
>The 1918 Flu
how can I be more direct? It was known, right or wrong for better or worse, as the spanish flu, if you change that you are literally re writing a part of history, the fact that it wasn't even spanish is part of the lesson

this. Ive seen almost no “stigma” against Chinese people that really amounted to anything other than shitposts or shit jokes since the rise of kung-flu. The fact that they straight up rewrote history right before our eyes is rather concerning, but at least Yas Forums is keeping the truth alive

Based Bing still has it.

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No one is suddenly saying people didn't call it that in the past, that's a totally fabricated strawman. It's simply that we have no reason to continue calling it that today when we should know better. The same goes for the n-word (though you'll probably disagree with me there). Just because we say "black people" does not mean we are suggesting that they have never been called "niggers" in the past.

this is pretty hilarious, but the kind that previews before loading another magazine

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"1918 Influenza pandemic" is age discrimination

why? why would it matter if it's called the spanish flu?

It’s not politics, it very simple. When you tag a nation, country, or any specific geographic location onto a virus that ia killing people, people tend to associate the negative aspects of that virus with that nation. Which then follows to be associated with its people. Which then causes poeple to hold bigoted hatful feelings towards those people and leads to hate crimes against those people.

I hate this world. I bet if I told you that I work in a bookstore and niggers in Virginia and London buy up an inordinate amount of dictionaries you'll just think that my Dad works at nintendo and he flew over your house.

>1918 pandemic
You mean Spanish Flu?

interesting how suddenly people believe this just as when China made yet another plague

almost like this is damage control

>quotation marks
you dick-sucking cum-drenched faggot, go back to the shithole you came from and stay there

I'm pretty sure the actual cause is China infecting the entire world

maybe they could have tried to not do that

They always do this. It really makes you wonder about everything.

no it doesn't
what does cause racism is that chinks keep claiming they did everything perfect and that they're definitely not the cause for this pandemic, which they are
they also don't admit their gov covered it up for atleast a month
they also still keep eating bats and other things which makes them disgusting

> thought police should be in charge of what words people use

it was called the fucking Spanish Flu

>am bigot
this backwards mentality
every angle of logic is to control how people think and feel...

say what

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Geographic eponyms have commonly been used in medical terminology, with diseases and medical entities being named after the place where the condition was discovered (e.g. Bombay Blood group) or invented (Jaipur Foot) or where the disease was first detected (Rocky Mountain Spotted fever) or where a consensus meeting has been held (Banff) or for other reasons (Argentina flag, Congo red stain)

Firstly, no they aren't, anyone who has a modicum of historical awareness would know what it used to be called,. They're just trying to get away from the implication that it originated in Spain, which is what the name suggests. Secondly, this is such a fucking minor gripe, why is it so important to you that we continue to call it what it was called back then? You have still shown me a total of zero genuine "facts" being overwritten.

>if you change that you are literally re writing a part of history
That's not rewriting "the history", that's altering the way it is framed in order to get away from the negative associations. There is nothing about the actual events of the flu that has been changed by this, and to suggest otherwise is disingenuous, schools will continue to teach about the flu in the exact same way.

The white plague.

You know very well why this is happening.
Please don't be intellectually dishonest on top of being an hypocrite.

Also, I agree with the user to whom you replied. Lets re-name 'the holocaust' to 'not-so-good-times'.

The Mexican Flu was term used in every Country but the USA, then MSM flooded term H1N1
rewrite history, why ya think all the Civil War Statues are being removed...

not an argument but thank you for demonstrating your (limited) capacity for critical thought.

im not following... how does Saudi Arabia selling oil to Europe via Pipeline give China energy independence?

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The 2020 Wuhan Lab virus.

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Fucking disgusting, they argue 1918 influenza is more correct because it's more 'precise'.

Funny how you never had any problems in calling it the "spanish flu" until you were caught saying that "chinese flu" is rayyycist.

You're an hypocrite and morally disgusting.

>You know very well why
Read my post again, illiterate. I'm not asking why, I'm asking WHAT is being changed historically? How will they teach the events of the flu differently with this new name? You can't answer this, because the answer is: fucking nothing.


next they will try to rename the Russian Flu of 1889

This. Ebola was named for the Ebola River, Lassa fever for Lassa, Nigeria, and so on.

Everybody is Kung Flu Fighting. Trump's response was fast as lightening.

Cram that double talk up your ass you swarthy Spanish fuck. It's been called the "Spanish Flu" for over 100 years. Orwell was right.

Look m8, I don't give a shit what they call it, I don't even give a shit if they call corona the chinese flu either. My problem is when people make retarded claims like suggesting a "name change' is rewriting history, when the actual content is exactly the fucking same.

>That's not rewriting "the history", that's altering the way it is framed in order to....
So you admit they're reframing the events. That's what everyone here that isn't severely autistic is taking issue with. Trump called coronavirus the Chinese Flu so Wikilords feel they need to do everything they can to own the Orange Man, even if it means muddying up and confusing terms that have been the norm for decades-- and whom no Spanish people today actually care about

because then they cant criticize Trump for calling the current one "Chinese Flu"

The Wuhonic Plague?

Then it doesn't matter what the name is. Fuck off retard.

>call it an ideological power move all you want

I will. That is what it is and that is exatcly the reason why it shouldn' t be done. But by all means keep kvetching. 4 more years, mate.

If its nothing why does it have to change?

Lets see if you have the balls (I know you don't) to re-name the holocaust into something else.

checked and based desu

Saudi energy is cheaper to extract than Russian oil, but more expensive to ship because there is no pipeline to Europe. After shipping costs, Europe prefers to take Russia gas. However, if the traitors in the Obama Biden administration had their way, pipelines would've been opened up from ME to Europe, making Europeans no longer want Russian energy supplies. This means that Russia has to start selling to China instead (who are not their preferred customer because Europeans have a higher value add economy, therefore can pay more). Russia and China share a border on the Eurasian continent, so the US periphery strategy to interrupt flows would be disrupted, thereby compromising US geostrategic policy and making China the new de facto superpower.

The information and biological war that we are currently experiencing is a direct fallout of treason committed by Obama and attempted election interference by China to remove nationalists from US government.

Spanish Flu (actually started in China)
Hong Kong Flu
Lyme disease
Zika Virus
West Nile
Marburg Virus
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Korean Hemorrhagic Fever
Thailand Virus
California encephalitis orthobunyavirus
Dobrava-Belgrade orthohantavirus
Bwamba orthobunyavirus
Jamestown Canyon Virus
Colorado Tick Fever
Pacific Coast Tick Fever
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
Bourbon Virus
Bhanja Virus
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
Japanese Encephalitis

Ok. Then lets change the name of the holocaust too.
It doesn't change it's history after all.

>So you admit they're reframing the events
Please, be specific, how has that reframing changed anything about the events and the way they occurred? I just want one fucking example, and not a single one of you can provide it besides "NOOO NOT THE HECKIN NAMERINO THATS NOT WHAT THEY CALLED IT BACK THENNNN". And that's not even got anything to do with the events themselves.

It's called spanish flu in every language.

So if the name "anglo saxons" would be changed to "Distant Africans" you would be ok with that, since it's just a name change, right?

>but what is actually being changed by this?
Why don't you ask why the left is so desperate to police the acceptable names for pandemics which is far more interesting

Nice b8

avoiding darker people isn't a hate crime. sorry nobody likes you.

You are changing the simple fact it was called the spanish flu.

And it was called that for hundreds of years. So just now you are erasing 100+ years of history.

Fuck you, jew.

Source pajeet

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go fuck yourself you faggot

Shut up faggot nigger

>anyone who has a modicum of historical awareness would know what it used to be called
Anyone born before today will know anyone born after wont that's literally the point of revisionism you stupid fucking cretin

The name and it's historic connection is not the same anymore you fucking idiot. It's like calling it Flu No.5.

history will remember it as “The Chinese Gookfood Flu of 2020”

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You're right it was the nothing burger hunger games. War of the roses? More like war of the Norf FC. That doesn't change history user one bit.


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>Look m8, I don't give a shit what they call it
Yet you're sat in this thread desperately damage controlling for a powerplay your tactical nihilism is transparently fake and gay

If its nothing why does it matter so much either way?

that's because the holocaust isn't a misnomer. Calling it "the dutch oven party" (great name aside) isn't right because it wasn't the dutch who were killing jews.

You know the Spanish flu actually came from China? Along with SARS, MERS, swine flu, covid. So let's just nuke China please?