Hard quarantine has just been announced. Apparently we had 400,000 new unemployed in the last 2 days alone... fuck this virus.
Merkel just said we are prisoners
Wait 400k unemployed? Did people get fired? Labor laws seemed so strict and union-favored when I was last there.
What exactly does „hard quarantine“ look like?
But everything is free in a socialist society
Her speech is like East German 1980s leader announcements. Community here. Community there. We have to pull together. Don't give anyone your hand. No contact with old people. Don't stand next to anyone.
This is massive.
>Wait 400k unemployed? Did people get fired?
Stay strong my fellow genocidal bros
>What exactly does „hard quarantine“ look like?
Stay at home. Don't go out. Don't go to anyone you know, no relatives etc. No kids out. No old people.
Aw sheit. What happens if you do it nonetheless?
she's reverting back to her programming in times of stress.
Your country will be one of the first to be owned by Amazon.
Before anyone says anything else
Where the fuck is the source?
How long?
Gonna need sauce. No way people will stay inside if this is true.
>Wait 400k unemployed? Did people get fired?
Hows that forced paid sick leave working out for you?
How about them open borders?
At least your not speaking German.
At least you're not racist right Germans frens?
>400,000 new unemployed
Most of those unemployed are probably shitskins. Don't be pessimistic, this could be the start of the race war that your country needs.
We probably add over a million unemployed in the next 2 weeks alone. This is 1929 all over again.
You can thank Socialist Merkel, even your coronavirus is free, quit whining.
>Hard quarantine has just been announced
No it fucking wasn't, she's trying to mentally prepare the nation for it, though
>fuck this virus
Fuck China and fuck their Chinese virus. EU will keep sucking small chink cocks instead of destroying the menace.
Kraut bro. It's important. What did she announce?
>implying something like that would be possible with all those apes among you
Good luck
Is Reich time?
What is force majeure?
What would Hitler have done in this crisis?
This virus has killed globalism harder than any of us ever could.
I don't believe you p
Nothing, it was a speech to do damage control in advance
>more mudsharks dying
good luck indeed.
Invade other countries with gasmasked SS troops. Restore the 1000 year reich
Imagine how much better off you'd be if you hadn't crammed 15 million migrant refugees into all your communities.
Vis maior
it wouldn't have spread so fast in his day, it would have stayed in rural china killing chinks.
the rest of the EU are prisoners of Germany, sure.
name 1 nation benefiting from/pushing the EU that isnt germany
protip: you cant
You think he would have flown Me-110s over China, spraying them until they were gone?
No one cares about your irreverent sub Saharan African Muslim shithole country
she rather watch europe burn down than to print money to help
Sounds dubious. Got a source?
now do you see why globalisation and open borders is a bad thing hans?
Held a big rally and called the USA a bunch of niggers.
she sounds sick, she doesn't speak as nasally usually
Arbeit macht frei and all that.
>What would Hitler have done in this crisis?
It would not have even come close to spreading into Germany.
>Every race its own place like the Bible says
This is now a "what germany used to be" thread.
You think 400k is bad wait until the US stats come out
>400,000 new unemployed
wow that's going to be really exciting with all those refugees also looking for jobs and having to depend on handouts, it will be really interesting to see how that all turns out!
quads of shill
islam is clearly the best and only power left with a formative quality
that's why everyone is raping their brains every which way possible
>This virus has killed globalism harder than any of us ever could
This is Project Blue Beam, simply using the threat of a killer virus instead of killer space aliens.
Next phase will be announcing that world leaders have formed a single world government - "because we are at war to save humanity."
everyone gets send to a camp with some delousing when you arrive
All sectors are hit, manufacturing, service, high technology.
And yet.....China is not blamed for any of it. Fuck you, globalists.
Stop traveling.
Gods I wish it was Yas Forums.
no she didnt announce that shut the fuck up
minister of interior lamented towards his party how all the gib people are getting pissed because refugees get so much more gibs and support and don't have this large entity just created to keep them from gibs
AFD will probably benefit a lot from it
tho 80% of those people probably don't vote any way coz depressions and shit tier marginalized and precare life, trained to give up
unlike those nignogs
also they're prepping us for a 2 year quarantine, what is that shit
at that point, considering such things over any corona virus, no matter how evil, even if twice the spanish flu
that is such a dumb and wrong move
German "powerful" economy relays on insecure job. The stocks crash, first thing business do is fire the temp. We did the same monday in my company as soon as Macron declared lockdown.
look how quickly he left once other germans saw the thread, sad little shit.
Hitler 2.0 incoming?
i mean sure you can believe in deep fake
but fuck you disgusting piece of untermensch
geh mal lieber sterben du fast kanaken kakerlaken intellekt
she said we should let old people die to let refugees live in their houses for free (and they get a PS5 before release)
Take your meds