Going to hold a speech in a few minutes and she is going to tell us that we are facing the greatest challeng since WW2...

>going to hold a speech in a few minutes and she is going to tell us that we are facing the greatest challeng since WW2 and that it's only going to get worse.

We're fucked guys

Attached: bundeskanzlerin-angela-merkel.jpg (960x430, 87.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You should use corona as an excuse to invade poland and provide "aid"

Deutsch Bank puts are in baby!

Will somebody get this bitch out off office
She cannot lead your country

Soon dollar and euro will be history.

Don't put her on vibrate this time.

Attached: 311238572371.png (680x560, 407.79K)

Bitcoin baby

No, dont touch it.
Bitcoin will be 3 digits when it starts.

And the only solution is 700,000 more refugees.


Merkel will announce that without more rapefugees, Germany can not survive.

German ministry of defence already admitted to thinking it was a nothingburger

>facing the greatest challeng since WW2
Wouldn't that be a stupid phrase to use considering you lost?

She will talk a lot without actually saying anything and next year you will import 4 million muslims because it's necessary

How do you know what she's going to say? Are you a telepath?

Exactly this. Circular, padded political language that says nothing at all.

You'll see. Screencap if you don't believe


Germany is fairing the best of any euro country, so few deaths thanks to pro active testing

Attached: german deathrates.jpg (1230x1319, 105.29K)

oh great yes, let's do what we always do when tragedy strikes ... illuminate a monument and pray ... yes, yes, that ought to work ... right?


German online news already report on it, all with the same story, guess they saw it already.

Gud luck

Attached: giphy (3).gif (320x180, 1.27M)

all fake
>all fake
all fake
>all fake
all fake
>all fake
all fake
>all fake
all fake
>all fake
all fake
>all fake

It's the perfect way to mask the recession that is coming, and just blame the virus for it afterwards. That's why you still have planes from Iran and China landing daily with no checks or controls, only a paper to sign that you're not feeling sick.

even with blitzkrieg tactic it will be hard to fight their toiletbrushs with our broomsticks

Pfostiere den link schwuchtel

Link, please? Any source on this announcement?

Maybe in 10 years you will find out that the press lied, and you had twice as many deaths than Italy. Like we're supposed to believe that today only 1 ONE 1 person died in Germany when everyone else in Europe has triple digits.



wahrscheinlich every tv sender

Because the RKI is based, and the politician in charge was smart enough to literally go:
"I have no clue what I am doing, so I'll do what the experts tell me to do." Enormous faggot but at least he did this one thing right.

also,the houses of the dead could be given to islamists.arabdonators is our strength


I don’t care what Grandma Globalhomo says krautcuck


Yes the German press is so based and transparent, they would never hide a mass scandal like refugees gangrapes

laber nicht. Aber doch nicht überall


Why the fuck did they zoom out to show the EU flag?

Attached: 1576707613738.jpg (750x953, 142.24K)

We hid the initial death toll as regular flu deaths. Now numbers will spike as they can't keep exponential death counts a secret anymore.

In 4 Merkel announces a curfew


noch hat sie nicht von sperre gesagt nigger

fuck that cunt

warum wird das Toilettenpapier nicht erwähnt???

Ist in der Planung seit Montag. Die Vögelchen zwitschern schon seit Tagen.

>the greatest challenge since WW2?
How? The Jews are still around


Angela Merkel's real name is KASNER. She's a polish jew who was a military official in the DDR during the cold war, specializing in disinformation and propaganda.

Good job Germany, for vetting your leaders.

all this shit bacause the asian scum multiplied like rats

Here it comes!

Why the fuck are they acting like it's the end of the world when it's mostly Boomers that are going to end up dying? Are they that butthurt about relinquishing power to Millennials?


Is she talking about herself?

so, nothing burger?


i hope the cunt catches it and dies a very painful death

Attached: 44a36c3f.jpg (880x1270, 77.49K)

hard lockdown will be announced friday

It's officially only boomers. But believe me, there are alot of young people dying in italy. Did you never think about why the age of only a few select is mentioned ?

...no, bitcoins are useless when the switch off inet in two weeks!

To the germans that means more leather, rope and bondage gear worn.

secret police, the STASI, not military

Bullshit! In fact, in opposite to italy, spain.. Germany doesnt test the dead. So they officially died from flu or whatever. Would they test like other countries do, number of deaths would be way higher

Attached: 1584104380483.jpg (729x707, 123.1K)

>listening to a German

>Podcast for your granny.

>they would never hide a mass scandal like refugees gangrapes
I can't wait for the total economic crash. All actions have consequences. Fucking traitors.

Attached: hey journalist you dropped this oy vey.jpg (1024x1024, 233.62K)

Hope not. Doesn't change anything for me tho. Working in "Systemrelevante" Job

Hopefully she announces that Germany needs more doctors and they'l accept another 1,5 million shitskins.
Germans not existing in 2100 isn't fast enough, you forest niggers need to disappear faster.
Oh, and:
>You'll reelect her anyway, just like last time

The greatest threat aready got us and has been slowly strangling us for a hundred or more years.

This user gets it...

Attached: 1 JC3mLobTdA63mR96_lMdDg.png (420x579, 327.19K)


>listening to women
you deserve it Hans

That's bullshit and here's why:
They keep moaning on American TV about the need for younger Americans to stay home, stop going to restaurants, stop going partying, stop doing anything, because they'll infect older Americans. If a lot of young people were dying from Corona Virus, they would simply say, yes, you'll die if you catch this. And then the fucking stores, bars, streets, etc., would be completely and utterly empty.

Attached: sorry goy.jpg (730x777, 134.81K)

Guys, look into that vid, it's a made up hype, a former official state employed Virologist is explaining what's really going on

Ironically Germany stopped all migrant applications today.

How tf is she still there? She's been in power like 100 years.

checked, but ee spelled FRN wrong. "Dollar" will always exist so long as the USA does.

>worst situation since 1939 when we were attacked by the poles

That's funny, because our PM is just like that and the experts were telling her it's a nothingburger


>she is going to tell us that we are facing the greatest challeng since WW2
I doubt it, she can't in anyway compare this to The Holocaust™ or the jews will crucify her.

Attached: jew_settings.jpg (618x344, 27.51K)



ex spd mdb boomer ex-hippie is our fren now?

This man is full of shit

His explanation makes sense, not gonna lie.
But he fogets to adress the thousands of deaths in italy and forget to metnion that it is a new strain. Mutation is real and corona has many strains.

>owning a tv

Attached: 1584018693289.png (720x474, 300.03K)

of course it gets worse because she did nothing, she wasted time and she doesnt care.The only thing she cares about is how much she further the agenda of destroying Europe.
As for corona ...its already too late.Prepare for chimpouts in Berlin,Frankfurt,Bremen,Hamburg.

after is was germanized, before it was KAZMIERCZAK, even more kike-ish.

When does it start?

It's an objective breakdown of the happening, any assumed political affiliations are not important regarding a scientific analysis

tried to buy some toilet paper today, fukken sold out everywhere.
At Rewe, netto, Aldi, usw.

Got ony 2 rolls left, danke, Merkel.

Attached: 3d kohl.jpg (396x600, 39.94K)

What these muppets forget is that there is no "we" any longer.Germany is not what it once was in the 80s.Same is true for UK,France or USA,Sweden.
There is no "we" any longer.You will find out that diversity and open borders are not your strenght.

In Italy hospitals are full of dying people.
SoziBoomerDoc : People are dying all the time

His argument is unironically : Just the flu bro

läuft schon seit 8 minuten du hansel

The new Reich government see themselves as separate to the Third Reich. They certainly are spiritually.


Attached: German goverment music video.png (512x285, 186.69K)

You can watch it on Welt (youtube)

Great speech of our Great Supreme Leader.I will follow her till I die.Heil Merkel!

The video is absolute bs and ignores provable facts.

Alles Gut, essen kartoffel

Jetzt Bernd

Attached: 1524279734838.gif (300x225, 53.98K)

these gets, have to settle for now and watch from that perspective

Attached: 1583994138093.jpg (600x586, 84.86K)

>comparing 9000 deaths to 6 million
this is antisemetic

>linking to (((welt)))

Meanwhile trump declares total war on the virus.
The absolute madlad!

two weeks
next week >18k if it hits below 15k the boomers will panic then db is kill

>the greatest challeng since WW2 and that it's only going to get worse.

i don't understand? the Germans did alright rounding people up into camps last time, does this count as holocaust denial?



Attached: COVID-19 SILVER LINING!.gif (2165x2361, 1.69M)

drosten was full of shit in the beginning too but now is based.


I see what you did there adolf.

Sorry to ask. But somone got a record of her 'live'stream speech from yesterday? Excuse me for being lazy but i'm german after all .

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Who's else namba one here?
NRW bestes.


Attached: nambaone.jpg (373x752, 38.51K)

(((they))) are all the same.No matter which name.

please do, 3rd time the charm right? :^)
we wouldn't mind mass raping you again and getting even more land :^)

Feels good bro

To be fair, your experts could not have known that the Austrian government is run by of greedy jews who disregarded human life just so their ski resorts could stay open for one more week.

We are all fucked op. People here in burger land have implemented fema for complete control.

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