Hunkered down. made myself a quarantine taco

hunkered down. made myself a quarantine taco.

how is Yas Forums doing?

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how much is that silver worth?

I cant get a gun until Tuesday. How fucked am I?

Is that an 870? Beside an AR mag?
The fuck

I'm getting ready to roll the dice and order some pizza here.

Hope you got more water and TP than that friend.

as of 3 min ago $1197

slightly less than that pistol

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got any dope?

In real life or Jew digits?

go look up price of a troy ounce. then multiply it by 100.

right now, about $1,200. silver is tanking.

>posting the mag with out the gun
user why

>a man that fell for all the memes

have fun pal

just what I was thinking

but are we just going to pretend that qualifies as a "taco'?

Looks tasty


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how do you trade with one giant silver bar?

You needs some aspirin for that headache that will come from drinking that low tier Budweiser

you have nice things. not sure about that beer and that thing on your plate though.

Bored as fuck. Tried to play some vidya but it was boring and I felt like a loser so I stopped. Hopefully niggers start to loot in the next few days

Gross man, how do you people drink Jew Juice like that.
I prefer God's own cannabis

£10 an oz now, it's absolutely plummeted, thinking of buying a few kilos

does anyone have picture where hunkered down with very little and plastic toy gun? or maybe throwing star

looks more like a calzone OP
Dafuq you tryin to pull here?

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The taco made me happy. :')

>229 ASE/SE >$1200
bullshit I think my 226 SE was like $999
maybe a Legion SAO is $1200

>5ft radius no greater range
Kek. Not going to make it, breh

So the perfect indoor home defense weapon?
What is your point?

Go buy one for $1200. Idiot

Where's the AR, user?

>waiting until the invaders make it into your home
I have a 400 yard range (accuratley) 700 yards (less accurate)
And my ammo punches holes in level III armor


Texas here. Chicken queso and Miller Lite checking in.

always love how you yanks flex your guns

i might be able to make this happen. gimme a min.

dude you sound like a huge spaz.
Nothing you are saying makes any logical sense. again what is your point

Shotguns don’t work irl like they do in your video games you NEET faggot

Just microwave it when you get it, thatll kill the virus
And throw away the pizza box

Me and all relatives managed to stock up everything way ahead. Too bad I didn't buy a shotgun last year, now the gunshops are closed and I'm stuck with just a glock.

>he fell for the silver meme

this is so reddit itt

How far do you expect your birdshot to make it? 10 ft?


My wife isn't used to staying inside with me for so long, she's cracking and started acting like a bitch last night after I asked her if she was okay

I then threatened to punch her in the back of the head if she didn't shut the fuck up.

She started crying and I held her.

She just left for her parents and I woke up with a terrible headache.

Thinking of going out and doing some damage to the system.

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it's funny because when he gets my deer slug at 75 yards, he's gong to shit himself a little before he dies

>drinking a beer with lunch

user, are you overweight?

absolutley nothing when the happening really kicks off

If the jews manage to hold on to society not much more than what he bought it for

that clip doesn't go in a shotgun, dingus

Don't forget the taxes user.

>post his guns serial number

bro... why not just post your drivers license along with your bank account info

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I hope that alcohol is being used as a disinfectant and not for degenerate purposes.

Lol your relationship sounds toxic as heck

Lol you sound like someone who is going to get gunned down

the problem is after the first few invaders, the house will be full of holes! then the rodents start coming

the absolute basics


Tits or GTFO. Only women use that stupid incoherent term.

Is vodka or alcohol must have items for a quarantine stash?

Am I missing out on something by not drinking? Is a useful disinfectant?

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wtf are you doing user never post the serial

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It's for the pistol.

>30 rounds 5.56 magazine
>Shotgun and pistol

1-she doesn't love you
2-she was probably desperate to go out and fuck Chad/Tyrone
3-either discipline your woman or just leave her, looks like this won't have a happy ending either way.

dont do it unless you are degenerate and dont really care about your health


shit. forgot pic.

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you can trade or sell it with people for other stuff you need, same with cigarettes.

hey mr. tacobell
you are responding to a troll redditor

Slice off little pieces with a hot knife.

I did that last night

What's your handle on ARFCOM?

Gotta love an armchair therapist

Yeah you have no idea what our relationship is, fuck off

It's going to be worth *alot* once people try to demand their shorts for physical delivery. Protip: Their paper will be worthless.


I really like the silver, been wanting to buy gold and platinum like that

It looks like a folded up pizza

Checked but you're also a fag.

Holy cow, fatty! Save some food for the rest of the apocalypse!

Gonna need more doo doo paper. Youre practically dead

You got access to his states gun registry (assuming it has one)?

1oz lead slugs nigger. I've dropped deer at 100yds with my 870.

Taco bell is an American thing.

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lol what a faggot
you should discipline her parents to not allow her to return
imagine being this much of a beta male

I got sent home from work because I won't let them take my temperature.
Should I comply in order to keep my job? Or tell them to suck a thermometer out of my ass?

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I hope you also got a caliper and ultrasonic thickness tester user. Lots of fake pm's out there. I wouldn't buy anything without measuring and testing to confirm its legit first.

If he's in Florida, like me, the pistol isn't registered to anyone.

Good luck in divorce rape court, faggot

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That is a pita you shitskin

what kind of taco is this

Was it a rectal thermometer?

Sent to ATF, FEMA, FBI, NSA and the IDF. Good luck OP

I poo a lot

It's a pizza


Disinfectant, yes. But you can buy rubbing alcohol for that. You can also use vodka as a painkiller if you need to sew up a wound or knock someone out for something more serious and invasive. It is also a ready made Molotov if you need that. The bottle is reusable if empty. It is a great trading commodity as well. It ticks a lot of boxes.

Again, lad - you have no idea the things I've done

Thanks, I'll probably just go on a shooting spree though

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Yeah now all you need to do is figure out which store it was purchased from, go there, somehow obtain their black book and cross check the numbers and voila!! Totally practical.

legit question:

what the fuck do you think people are gonna do with a gun’s serial number?

That is a sandwich you dummy

>only ~1200 rds of 22lr
not going to make it. Those will be the dimes of shtf

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good ill bring some rope and a hook so we can use that axe as a throwing weapon. then big ice ceg to make the invaders slipper

You won't do it faggot

That would also do serious internal damage to someone wearing body armor. Shotgun/slug combo is very underrated for this purpose.

>No penetration!

Yeah, but his liver is bleeding and he has 3 broken ribs.

>Calzone w/out ricotta

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No, I requested a rectal, but they declined.

Hit my wife or go kill random people I don't know?

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No that's a pizza, just look at the pixels

I have a nice bag of smoke and a few grams of shrooms to help get me and my homies through this muthafucka.

half a roll, maybe 2

The fact they wouldnt comply with your request is acceptable grounds for leaving the company. What fools, rectal is the most accurate way to take a temperature and I'm glad my employer realizes it.

There is no gun registration in Florida. Only a background check ($5) and a 3 business day wait. When you purchase a gun the serial number isn't linked to you at all. Maybe if it's found a murder scene they might be able to trace it you through the gun stores records but there is no state system that holds that information.

Those pixels are for sure representative of a sammich! FAKE NEWS

Work at hospital staff now dropping like flies into isolation. I am still well, so no respite for me. Chin up, beer down and repeat tomorrow.

Personally I take my temperature in my peepee hole.

Protip: do the opposite what this idiot is saying....

Bitchslap your woman and hatefuck her, you have no idea how wet she will be... Unless she is a fat slob then I'd understand the boner kill.
Then do a Brenton tarrant and shoot some Jews/nignogs

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ATF is going to charge you with 2 counts of shit posting