schools are closing and police being given powers to put the infected in prison camps
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Kek, fuck bongs
start forming raiding parties
seethe nonce
You wish you could but no bong would ever stoop so low as to fuck you.
Can I have a quick rundown on predictive grades? Is this going to affect universities? Will brainlets get BTFO or have their grades inflated?
dont worry lads I will protect you from the starving , toilet paperless niggers
fucking state of hancock
>SW1 is the epicentre
>shuts down the country
This wouldn't be happening if most of the cases were in Huddersfield
Why is she in front of a green screen lads?
Seething gypsy
Ready for lockdown lads?
First for Joshua Jones
is a plumber a key worker
The poor lads with brains that didn't care about school until the last minute will get btfo.
simple as
depends if you got a leak or not
yes tradies are king in a Apocalypse scenario
Why would she say this though, I do not get it
probably streaming from her bedroom lol
An inevitable consequence of looking up to filthy rotten cunts like this.
See how and why you’ve let a handful of people with nuclear weapons, a killer virus (lol) and a monopoly on the mass media have absolute control over you, user?
Julian Assange made the game multidimensional and Trump betrayed him.
And no, i’m not perfect either, but some of my knowledge is.
A combination of high level information warfare based on Gregory Bateson’s ‘theory of types’ , Lots of meditation and some incredible luck.
Seven weeks meditation with these bad boys.
And yes, it is all over 8kun too.
Illumination route (27 pages)
Methodology (37 pages)
You’ve been duped by all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .
Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?
And fixating on national identity is a recipe for disaster.
And yes, we are definitely all created equal.
And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. 130 Mb
Every single entry date and time stamped.
Kills the poor hurt feelings and opinions of individual humans dead.
Jon James Pratt (999)
48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Never lies and is never violent. Ever
Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’
haven't had a wank for weeks and feel like a teenager again
listening to music and feeling feels
>tfw your trade is gardening
way she goes
norfman knows no fear, norfman knows no pain.
Fag with family in the military here
Navy uncle says his supply department is gearing medical ships and convoys.
Army brother says he's been instructed in deploying Martial Law and riot suppression.
We're in the true HAPPENING times lads. Get your bog roll now before we queue for food rations like WW2. This is not a LARP, this is reality
all these small business owners and free lancers whose money has run out in about a week.
tbf looks like they should have got a normal job a while ago
Apparently a total lockdown of London will be announced Thursday evening. Special permissions needed to even go outside.
Cause she's a skank, get it in your head Giuseppe!!
just ordered a beef n onion from the chinky. lass delivered it wearing gloves and a mask.
here goes nothing.
I've said it 1000 times never invest in Yas Forumsitical waifus, EVER, they all turn in the end, many such cases
Switzerland is not in the eu
nuhh you ll get immunity
Someone give me a quick rundown on today's conference.
>inb4 muh tanks
Give me keypoint policies they actually talked about
we will need to grow food user your skills are needed.
he's pretending
but your advice is real kek
experienced in being scorned by egirls
based get yourself a cute airhead who doesn't even know what day it is
how will that work?
>pink haired transgender 'bobbee' rolls up to a group of muslim men in xir solar powered golf cart with rainbow flag on the side
>'oi i order you to get inside in the name of the queen mum'
lmao you are fucked
His mate.
>there's a new virus going around
>we're doing stuff to maek it go away
>please avoid hurting yourselves in the meantime
Dumbass. The curve was interupted because they locked everybody indoors right away. And even then it was a disaster.
Boris is "waiting till we're on the upslope of the curve before we act".
What a fucking TWAT! You're on an exponential curve you muppet. You're already on the upswing, and the sooner you act, the sooner the disease is controlled.
Zoom in to the 1 infects 2 infects 4 part and you'll STILL see an uptick.
The sooner you act, the smaller the pile of corpses. It's literally governed by math.
And we took much longer to act than anyone else. Including Italy.
Italy is an perfect example.
Lockdown area...flat curve
Lockdown area a week and a half later...epidemic
They are sending the kids home now! They are well infected by now.
Should have done it in January.
They don't know what they are doing! Dom is a PR guru, not an epidemiologist.
you're right lad, thanks for the reassurance
i know all the plants
well she's being posted and mentioned by extremely upset people more than she was
schools closed from Friday except for children of nurses and other important workers
this will be the army in a few days when the nogs chimp out.
Part of me is so naive, I am not even pretending.
Lads, why can it not be?
this has destroyed you hasn't it italianon? im so sorry. might message her and ask what she meant by it though
ur fucked
Fuck these morons.
Direct links.
Illumination route(27 pages)
Methodology (37 pages)
You’ve been duped Americans, Israelis and Brits.
By all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .
Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?
It’s all over 8kun too. Lol
And yes, we are definitely all created equal.
And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. Every single entry date and time stamped
One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’
Never lies and is never violent.
user posted something to that effect a couple of days ago.
Brainlets are going to be BTFO
you are pretending
it's a storyline to springboard your way into britpol fame
you're like hitler
reacting to the whims of the crowd
never understood why this place simp'd over this neoliberal bird
I was told this on our work slack I work for Sky so prob some news source apparently gonna be super last minute
they need to get another money printer going. bailout everyone.
they also die young because of a poor diet, excessive alcohol and smoking
>they locked everybody indoors right away
No they didn't, they started off by arresting the doctors and saying nothing was wrong for a good few weeks
Doesn’t matter most will be dead before that’s an issue. And not from chink flu.
even seemingly innocent, meek girls watch porn every night. they're just better at hiding it than men
Missus is just back from her shift at the hospital is saying that they had a staff meeting today and that it's supposed to be particularly bad this weekend with unspecified additional government restrictions rolling out on Friday.
Take from that what you will. I can't prove any of it sorry, just passing what she said on. She said that they were not told what is actually happening on Friday so I cannot help out there.
Why am I so right all the fucking time? It's genuinely embarrassing at this point. Mayflies BTFO as usual, etc etc. Enjoy your manufactured happening, goyim; this is 9/11 2.0 except this time they used the last twenty years of data to make sure they everything right in taking away every last freedom you had.
why be alive if you’re not gonna live?
Kate Mcann? i admire your work
Does that include all unis? Also did they talk about anything relating to a rent holiday or something? They discussed it in the Parliament
Probably because some pricks are still going to the pub.
Seems like a good idea to go from suggestion to rule. Those who followed the advice resent those who didn't, rather than a whole population being told what to do at once.
Has she got big tits?
your skull is very thick
How's the gf
All media is manipulated if not outright total hoax. They use CGI people now on top of that. Listen to your gut when you get that uncanny valley feeling while watching propaganda.
>based stipe
I don't have a real source, just multiple friends that work quite high up in UK gov. Never posted about this before.
Could be bullshit.
That might explain the tone of all the journalists at the briefing before, they seemed shit scared.
>Coronavirus = Kony 2012
I don't get it
I love you lads and cherish your comments but I don't think it's about fame.
This is the only place I can talk about this, my mates will laugh at me if I tell them that I am crushing on some instagram girl.
You've ruined me
>Does that include all unis? Also did they talk about anything relating to a rent holiday or something? They discussed it in the Parliament
no idea it was mostly waffle
i have a horrid alcohol problem
Profound Norf Philosophy.
> Work in frontline healthcare
> Last three days have been hell
I've spent much of my career frustrated with various things, today is the first time I was scared.
Enforced lockdown is fucking stupid don't know why Beth Rigby wants it so badly it should be up to us to decide and be responsible
And it's probably gonna be those who are healthy out and about anyways
Literally who
you are worse than hitler
That's gonna be pretty good post-apocalypse though.
was she cute?
>and yes, we are definitely all created equal.
Imagine putting this much effort into a post, only to make one small statement within it rendering it obsolete
I am told by someone in the know that the Army is beginning deployment. I have seen pictures of this in Clapham, but I have not verified them.
The entire UK is to go into national lockdown, with mandatory 15 days of glorious isolation for all. This will start the evening of Thursday the 19th or Friday the 20th. You will not receive advance warning.
Information from someone in the know.
Parati estote.
I don't doubt it.
You have a weak character.
Whats worse is that we arent even expected to reach peak NHS pressure for another 2 weeks.
People interacting will encourage its rapid spread user.
you're thinking of locksmiths
They locked the doctor up for telling the world.
China made some glorious fuckups, true.
>Buffet of 100,000 people in a city with a known infection
>send everybody home for xmas after
Pretty stupid. But once it went mental in Wuhan, they acted quickly.
Boris hasn't. He was fucking warned, and just blustered about the economy. If he had moved the moment he saw China locking down hundreds of millions, we could be looking at this country being a world saviour by helping those hit because we're not.
WE need leaders who have their eye on more than one fucking ball.
We'll progress to full lockdown by this time next week, it's the obvious next step.
I'd give it 2 weeks tops before all the ethnics in London start rioting.
seems a bit overkill at the moment.
>The entire UK is to go into national lockdown
impossible to enforce and unnecessary
but I tought that Boris was le based man
the general of the army
said i think war is barmy
so he threw away his gun
now he's having much more fun
- spike milligan
meh. looked alright i suppose. very yellow.
What do you mean?
It that a Batman?
someone start growing weed, lots of weed, and fast
incentivising social distancing is the best option. hope they do it.
less than 20% of the stuff he does is based.
My concern is that it just got very serious without the necessary systems in place. The jump in numbers we're about to see is scary.
Hopefully a week from now we'll have the fucking kit, and extra shifts will be put on (at the moment the firm doesn't want to pay for overtime, meanwhile hundreds of staff are isolating because of coughs)
Not if they don't have it and nobody in there household has it, it's inevitable for it to spread more after everyone stops isolating who cares its too much friction, inevitable really
i don't have any mates because of my personality
Holy shit if we get locked down for months how am I going to get my rocks off? I usually have sex with someone every week whether it be a girl i dated months ago or a new tinder lady. What am I going to do? Honestly don't know how incels do it. I'm going to end up getting shot by military police while trying to go round to a girls house for a shag.
Tell you what though, bacon in pitta bread is pretty good
Lads I wanted a happening but this is getting too much now. I'm scared.
hows that gonna stop the mandem
Shit, I need more whisky, only got three bottles
Seeing generally well people get hit with it, seeing the massive impact on "normal" work, lack of PPE, failure of clinical leadership, etc..
Asymptomatic people can spread it user.
of what
Got a load of seeds in my baggies last time I picked up, I thought about growing them but I can't even look after myself never mind plants
Relearn the ancient art of wanking. Sex is OK but you can't beat the real thing.
are you handless?
>Probably because some pricks are still going to the pub.
This. When bosses told their staff to work from home, loads of them just laptop worked in a pub.
If you have a stockpile and are not old you will basically be fine.
the virus has an asymptomatic contagious incubation period that can last up to 40 days. the host can stay contagious for weeks after they "recover".
So same as any other common seasonal illness wow
What are you scared of?
avg moratlity is around 4%
if it keeps we are lloking at about 2 million dead
hopefully its just a small sample size now, biased because it is just really ill people with previous health issues
Got a source on this?
get a fleshlight or shag a microwaved banana skin. simple as
dow jones is crashing and burning lads
not moaning about it
some girl waved a britcuck flag at some boomer rally and anons here started waifu'ing her
No toilet roll to wipe my arse
GF works in a college and its going to shit in there
Boomers dont know how to log into google accounts to do their work at home
why are we letting this virus beet us lad's? we should kick it's arse
You realise how many niggers are going to die because they need drugs?
the average is closer to 30 or 40% if you ignore china's fake numbers.
fuck off you batshit crazy tool of the glowniggers
>I'd give it 2 weeks tops before all the ethnics in London start rioting.
microwave 30 seconds
there is an army cadet center around the corner
I will do my bit by staying at home wanking and boozing, like usual
2 million world wide? i can live with that
or is that just the uk? could still live with that actually
Use a shower head
And this is a new illness that will put huge numbers of people in hospital and make even more too sick to work. The impacts on our infrastructure and economy are scary, even if you don't care about the deaths.
Those not heeding the social distancing advice are selfish and/or stupid.