@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Tourism CEOs 3/17/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/17/20
>VP Pence on Hannity 3/17/20
>DefSec Esper on FoxNews 3/17/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin comments to reporters @US Capitol 3/17/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FoxNews 3/17/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on F&F 3/17/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on GMA 3/17/20
>SG Adams on Dobbs 3/17/20
>SG Adams on CBSEveningNews 3/17/20
>SG Adams on FoxNews 3/17/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on Ingraham 3/17/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on HughHewittShow 3/17/20
>Trump2020StratCommsDir Lotter on America 1st w/Gorka 3/17/20
>HHSVideo: Stop Corona-chan Spread: 6 Effective Steps to Stay Safe 3/17/20
>WHVideo: What is Social Distancing? 3/17/20
>WHVideo: Slow The Spread 3/17/20
OP pastebin:
new baker needed please
i got it
i got called a simp
are you a shill?
Well, stop being a simp.
anyone have a list of names for the chinese virus
Ford, GM, Honda, Fiat and Chrysler all shutting down for two weeks minimum.
Great depression 2.
Massive social programs incoming.
don't you start that too
Trucking of goods in the US isn't going to stop. Truckers sit by themselves all day, drop their shit off, pick up more, drive it to the next dock.
I got called a racist.
I think he might be, be careful and ask him his favourite Trump song.
You know who's responsible for this, right?
inB4 an excellent case is made that closing the borders securely is the best use of that money to aid coronavirus and more money is alotted for the wall.
Great time for more worthless fascism like the new deal
If you gib gurls attention at all then you are a simp.
So much investment opportunity before summer hits.
I wish I wasn't fucking poor.
>Trump's campaign is now openly asserting that protecting American lives is more important than being worried about being called racist
This is the inflection point. If it's acceptable to ignore PC bullshit now, it will be acceptable to ignore PC bullshit for lesser reasons later when people have seen the world didn't end.
Lung Pao
Shanghi Shivers
whinnie the flu
I wanna fuck Lain right in her depressed conspiracy theorist pussy!
Kung Flu
Flu Man Chew
Flu Manchoo
One Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest Soup
Hong Kong Flu-y
Chinaman Flu
Yellow Peril
Flu Jitsu
The Coof
A Coronawork Orange
Sino Sign off
Justa Flu
Wuhan Death Cough
Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease (COVID)
Wuhan Virus
Red Plague
Sweet and Sour Sicken
Airborne AIDS
Flu Man Chu
Flu-Tang Clan
Bat-Man Virus
Winnie the Flu
Wu-Tang Flu
Communist Lung Herpes
China's One Corpse Policy
Wubonic Plague
Xi Jinplague
Bat Soup Croup
Wet Market Surprise
Experimental Bioweapon CW-19
Gook Flu
WuHu Flu
Canton Coof
Wu-Ping Cough
Chink Flying AIDS
Pangolin Pandemic
Wuhan Coronavirus
Mandate of Heaving
The Shaolin Sneeze
SARS-CoV-2: Alveolar Boogaloo
kung pao pandemic
CARONA INT GUNA GIT ME *pew pyam parn*
The New Deal was Marxist Through and Through.
Women are veritable children, and should be treated as such.
It's Lung Pao
>Kung Flu
>Winnie the Flu
>Lung Pao
>Shanghai Sniffles
Sweet and Sour Sicken.
Don't worry. A lot more people will be just as poor as you and I.
That's what you get for supporting ewhores.
Alright the. You're under arrestfor that pizza.
The Democrat flock believes this too though.
fuck off im making up my own
>who said that?
>say it again, just the term
He is as sharp as fucking ever.
Mu Shu Flu
What was the name of that Holocaust-American who developed and distributed this virus to the slants?
I can't believe they didn't realize what he was doing.
Drumpf is the idiot though, right fellow commies?
If we keep contraception legal, guess what'll happen!
Flu-Poo Splatter
The US pharma is sitting on a cure for every virus on earth, because of the profits involved.
Check the image, this molecule works, it works perfectly, with no side effects. The scariest thing about it is the fucking name, which the creator thought was clever, but he underestimated the scared niggers who can't into Greek Law.
Almost every virus uses a dsRNA replication stage (not the virus genome, one of the steps in the creation of the virus). DRACO targets this replication stage and shuts down the cells (that will already be exploding from the virus) before more copies are made. No more copies means that once your blood captures any viruses remaining, you're cured.
The US industry is still based on fighting WW2 and Vietnam.
>check this list of cured viruses, look at the variety of genome types, Corona is curable, right now, with technology that is already almost a decade old.
The cure for herpes alone would spike the US IQ by 15 points, as children are born without the disease damage in their neural pathways.
Contraceptivrs are preferable to abortion.
Help me out here with this.
Xinnie the Flu
Xinnie the Flu
Tubby little commie all stuffed with coof
He's Xinnie the Flu
Xinnie the Flu
Should we be worried about taking huge loans from Japan to deal with this crisis? The are geopolitically (and historically) situated in an area that can cause us enormous trouble.
the rodent eaters, as usual. even the spanish flu originated in china.
Nanomachines are for elites only, pleb.
It also underscores the importance of decoupling from the Chankaronis
Boomer Remover
Bat Clap
Batman and Coughin'
Zipperhead Zapper
The beer virus is helping us break the conditioning.
Xinnie D'achoo!
horseshoe law, my friend
damn i wish you weren't a retard
It has more to do with the fact that tens of thousands of people are being laid off in Las Vegas alone, and alot of those people probably dont have any significant savings.
Waid a minute. So you're telling me that eating shit that was never meant to be eaten and living in filth is not good for your health? WTF? I guess China isn't really a good place to live?
Guys, corona is a really boring meme
When will it die?
Chinkin Pox
>flu that would be self contained if the US didn't ship all it's manufacturing to chinkistan
They deserve it for working for those palaces of degeneracy. This is god's will.
In a week.
That might be it, but I'm thinking it has more to do with the US "planners" thinking of everything like we're still in WW2 or Nam.
Imagine if you got rid of dozens of viruses that are reducing the IQ of every american??
You'd have a massive spike in productivity.
You think that's bad? I got called a boomer. I'm 25!
Contraception is the cause of abortion, not the other way around.
>h-h-he's d-done for th-this time for sure, r-right?
>that image
whoa pal, you're gonna offend most of the people itt
Pretty sure that user is a shill, best to not let them bake.
This is only the beginning. World War 3 is going to follow.
>try to work with commie China
>commies infiltrate and subvert every nation that works with them
>cause pandemic
>reveal the extent of their influence
>communist societies cannot coexist with capitalist societies
>global war against communism
The world economy is falling apart you dumbfuck
I bought 20 more shares of Ford this morning. Long-term it will triple or even quadruple in value. DCA my friends.
As much as this sucks, there's no place i'd rather spend it. at least we got bantz and anons.
no no we'll give a pass this time
Hey, I like that one.
Sorry. Incumbents can win in a bad economy
>restructuring is falling apart
And actually, it's not a spike in IQ, it's a shift by magnitudes. Children born without viral STD's, the seasonal "flu" gone, along with whatever scarring that virus brings.
The first nation to adopt this becomes the most productive nation per capita on earth in a generation.
If for some damned reason it wasn't enough to do charity and save lives.
It's a beautiful redpill.
>"Why should we bring manufacturing back if it's so expensive?"
>"Because then Corona-chan will eat your family."
>"Oh fuck, let's bring manufacturing back RIGHT NOW."
and you can't save the pic lol your d/l thumbnails
literally still the "s" in the filename
>You know who's responsible for this, right?
Unit 731 for not finishing the job.
>This is only the beginning. World War 3 is going to follow.
The fuck you worried about, you got literal refugee sandniggers baking here.
Even post images of allah bread when they announce.
man, you fags are desperately trying to cause a panic huh?
Read and enjoy.
>no no we'll give a pass this time
Playing with fire!
Imagine thinking I care about what file name any of this has?
guys so when are we getting the free money?
>commies infiltrate and subvert every nation that works with them
NEETs don't get it
Great depression 2 is just restructuring. Good call
>Even post images of allah bread when they announce.
There is nothing wrong with being whatever that user is.
ok retard
I work retail
With how much profit Vegas makes they could pay their whole staff for 10 years. Any begging is just jewish tricks
>guys so when are we getting the free money?
It will be dispersed to smartstraights ONLY
Sorry about your mental disorder.
>muh file names
because house/senate will never agree on anything.
I read that when you posted it the first time. Gonna be real interesting to see what we do next.
>great depression
Okay bernout
Ain't that the truth.
>doesn't do anything
>Chang will coof on everything he makes in a sweatshop that you will buy
>This is only the beginning. World War 3 is going to follow.
You mean like how we were supposed to be at war with NK in 2017?
What are you gunna buy with your Trumpbux?
I was thinking:
Woke hat
Some food
>the american people will put their trust in joe biden and a nigger woman running mate!
If war breaks out under Trump it will be a blessing. I would much rather him lead us into war then some weak-willed, corrupt globalist.
Love Gary Johnson supporters.
You and I are heroes user. Retail controls supplies!
Matthew McConaughey told me everything is going to be ok and the Kung-Flu is going to bring everyone together.
They're threatening to EMP (aka NUKE) the South China Sea because of the US Navy's "I'm not touching you" patrols.
food and a nintendo basedtch game, then save the rest
>Matthew McConaughey
Buy Lincoln.
I just wish I hat a cute kittycat to keep me company while I rot in this NEEThole
I don't think provoking a war is a good idea when Americans would probably support nuking China at the moment
Do not buy Lincoln, buy toyota
>China causes pandemic
>Global economy crashes
>Leftist media shilling for China
>China trying to expand its sphere of influence because of the crisis, especially in Europe
>People are scared and looking to point fingers and will want retribution
If you don’t think war is coming then you need to read more history.
The Obama economy is now SUPERIOR in every way to the trump disaster. If Obama had gone into reelection with the same stock market he got when he got in 4 years earlier he would lose in a massive landslide. Trump IS FUCKING DONE LMAO!
Requesting an Awoo here somewhere.
>I love stuff like this
Fuck you.
Cut your fucking leg off and light the rest of you on fire.
Fuck you.
He's smart. Awrigh awrigh awrigh
i'll spell it out for you since he's having too much fun with you to do so. it's not the filename that's the issue, you literally posted a thumbnail and should feel retarded
t. jelly of the craftsmanship and innovation of the great toyota
I like still images as .gifs cause of file size and the reduced latency aesthetic. sry if disapoint
on another note, the President got a 'journalist' to say Kung Flu three times today.
If I get $2k a new PC
If I get $1k money towards a new PC
If I get $500 a gun
>I just wish I hat a cute kittycat to keep me company while I rot in this NEEThole
Use your Trumpbux on a comfort woman!
cant. all us car plants are closing.
I would support the full internment of all chinks and turning their country into a glass parking lot.
Is he resigning?
Trump is fucked. Great depression 2 here we go.
China deliberately caused the pandemic BECAUSE their economy was crashing. They needed to bring the rest of the world down with them to save face.
>it works perfectly, with no side effects
>targets this replication stage and shuts down the cells
>no side effects
Reminder that the most powerful man in the world tweeted this just 9 days ago. You trumptards fucked over the whole world, and especially America.
I want the whore to be gone after I cum but I always want the kitty around, clear superior quarentinem8
I heard about that. I didn't hear it as I was busy mowing my yard.
Imagine thinking I care.
deceived the world
Everyone over the age of 14 is now a boomer so it doesn't really mean anything
Let me see how the Trump economy is do-
why only the US ones?
>Grumpf is done dis time!
every day for 4 years. the absolute state
Why did they build it like a toilet bowl?
Which is going to cause us to go kill them.
>implying they don't produce a massive surplus
Yeah, probably. Given that an engineered pandemic was their opening move I say we escalate straight to glassing their cities. Fuckers have it coming.
>This was incorrect
March 9 nothing was shut down
The economy is different. Sorry
gift cards to local owned restaurants/stores so they stay afloat, maybe clothes as long as made in USA
we black tuesday now
user, i know that. im just shitposting.
This sell off seems like a massive overreaction
This is a nice meme
I hope you guys aren't getting your hopes up, free cash for every american is a pants on head retarded idea. Waiving payroll tax or helping US companies pay worker wages is a far more reasonable solution, and even then it can't be everyone.
Lmao you niggers really seething about your communist kike getting BTFO huh
The seething that will occur in November when Trump wins after the kikes crashed the entire economy
>t. no gf
>Stock market didn't matter until it went down
>it's different this time, i swear!
my fucking sides are in outer space
Not obvious or anything.
I thought it was the Obama economy?
The absolute state of drumpflets
>I want the whore to be gone after I cum but I always want the kitty around, clear superior quarentinem8
I absolutely cannot argue with that logic, but kitty won't gift you a surprise sandwich.
I gotta get up
I gotta get goin'
I gonna see a fren of mine
He's round and he's fuzzy, I hate him because he's just...
Flu bear, Xinny the Flu bear
Lookin' for food, shaking some sparrow trees
Flu bear, I know he's out there
Rumbly tumbly
Climbin' a sparrow tree
Death never waits for us, we're so contagious
Least every now and again
But when you're alone, and there's nobody home
It's nice to be able
To count on a fren like
Flu bear, Xinny the Flu Bear
Wherever you go, oh won't you not take me please
Flu Bear, I gotta be the-e-ere
It's me and it's you
My silly ol' Xinny the Fluuuuuuuu
Biden is the nominee. He'll fucking kill Trump in November.
>tfw America becomes natsoc and exterminates the chink menace
You trumpshits fucked over the world by electing this incompetent moron. He can't even handle the coronavirus properly and continues to fudge statistics, causing millions to die. In fact, according to some reports the american populace could be wiped out from these epidemics within 10 years. ALL your self righteousness was worth nothing to an uninformed and unfortunate populace in YOUR country, where a simple over-vaccination program could have prevented most of the recent epidemics. Now there's a worry over diseases like mumps and measles coming into the USA, who are in fact already here and at large. This guy? The moron. It's up to a new president — a Democrat — to take care of things.
I like the Lexus LC500 as must as anyone. But new Lincolns shit on every other brand.
Also, Toyota were never real, they were industrialists that turned to cars when the garment industry collapsed, like Suzuki,
Soichiro Honda is a true speed freak, he brought motorcycling to Americans in a real way, and the company that bears his name today produces the most American bike on the market - the Goldwing.
But Biden is running for Senate
is it over bros.
only one worth a salt,and makes a good vehicles. is Ford and it's nicked named fix or repair daily kek.
Ready for the hottest new superheroes in town, Drumpfies?
Don’t be surprised when there’s no more Batman and Superman movies. There will now be the beautiful brown, gay, transgendered, etc. representing our superhero icons/role models for our children.
Repeal the 19th!!!
I really can't wait to hunt you once the FBI is shut down
Hell yeah bro. Shits been crazy, but pretty entertaining too. Mornings are always slow, but now people are lining up outside the door.
>tfw he still supports drumpf
You are now aware that it hasn’t been the Jews ruining everything, but the Chinks.
>thinking we will still have an election
Stay mad Leaf. I don't know what I'd do without your daily salt.
>(((according to some reports)))
ok boomer
Jej, the more it falls the greater will be the recovery. Imagine the headlines:
>Dow Jones up 10.000 points in 3 months
Obama absolutely obliterated.
Biden isnt a commie and he isnt Trump. He wins easy.
his book - Dis-united Nations if anyone wants to read it.
It's interesting, would recommend.
>implying there's a difference
The chinks are jews
Be nice, Ivan. One day or another we all become boomers. You better get used to the taste of monster energy drinks.
kraut user gets it. democrats always play checkers instead of chess.
hurf durf kung floo