Capitalism has failed us. The entire system completely falls apart in a time of crisis

Capitalism has failed us. The entire system completely falls apart in a time of crisis.

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No Trump has failed us. He promised a good economy and like every other lie in his house of cards it collapsed.

Confirmed. Dow 19000, it's almost time for everyone who's been holding the last 10 years to sell me their shares.

Yes, yes my fellow comrade! It's time to start new world revolution and we must start from USA!

And on and on it goes

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Its not capitalism when the government forces business to close....

If you are putting faith into another human being other than yourself then you suck ass as a supposed individual. They are ALL OF THEM evil. This entire system is preplanned and you are entertained by their theatrics. Not one person in our government is pure.

The alternative is millions of deaths.

We won't make the same mistake you did, we'll keep our Trotskys and Strassers and permanent revolution will spread across the world.

Imagine having bought at these moments.

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this is the capitalist response

trump has very little control over the economy when there isnt a crash. this is a systemic problem that has been growing for decades, through political corruption and deregulation.

the seats are packed with people unequipped to solve problems, lacking the institutional mechanisms to self correct before crashing.

You retards masturbating jews will always fail like what happened in communism, feudalism, mercantilism, ...

all of this big crisis is to crash the market and blame Trump so the Democrats win

>poisonous food, drink, and environment
>spyware products everywhere
>planned obscelence
>built by the lowest bidder
>shallow materialism and consumerism
>breakdown of family unit and gender roles
>mother earns money to pay daycare to do her real job
>divorce business
>propaganda in all media
>generic mass appeal products
>morals, laws, and culture subject to profit
>sociopathy rewarded, decency punished
>political and social systems fully controlled by corporations
>manufacturing endless proxy wars
>manipulating money is a job in itself
>debt based economy
>constant inflation considered normal
>race to the bottom wage slavery
>manufacture identity based infighting
>illusion of democratic control
>mass immigration for welfare and wage suppression
>only frivolities get cheaper while necessities rise in price
>false dichotomy of the only alternative being bread lines
When did you realise that capitalism is actually the most degenerate system? Inb4 'real capitalism has never been tried'.

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We need to automate everything and let the drones take over.
No more need for human labor or wages.

The reason the government forces them to close is because capitalism can't solve the problem itself. That's the point.

>commi trash causes the outbreak
Typical low IQ subhuman.

No spamfag. It’s called market correction. Stocks were overvalued because of all the buybacks.

Time for some more BRRRRRRRRRRR

Get the hyper inflation going so we can advance to fascism anytime soon

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>Goverment enforced 'Globalism'


yeah but the thing is that socialism fails even when nothing is happening

that makes capitalism superior by comparison

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>using the market as a measurement of a country's economy or political system

You know Europe is crashing as well. For how much people claim those are socialist countries, socialism must have failed them too.

By the way do you think (((Gods chosen people))) will cry rivers and scream about how we must learn from history when the chinkocaust with 600 gorillion (for real) gets underway. Or maybe they will just look the other way?

You have my bless.

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>poisonous food, drink and environment

If it wasn't the goverment to protect them their factories would be on fire by now
Also Boycotted if they weren't monopols
Coca Cola is literal cancer

>spyware products everywhere
Literally mandated by the Obama administration

>shallow materialism and consumerism
When there is no hope to build anything in your life people fall into degenerate consumerism
you can thank regulations and jelous commies for that

don't blame it on the free market !!
We are far from that

and so on
way too many points
but every single one can be traced to the goverment and then the kikes

Too late, I'm already declaring my self party leader and getting the ice picks mass produced.


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Capitalism is fine.
The government's bubble is popping, but the market's responding and filling shelves up by meeting the demand with increased supply.

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communists can make the same excuses.
both systems are based around greed and materialism where powerful kikes end up ruling the masses.

Who cares about the stock market? Oh yeah neoliberal shekel shufflers aka drumpf supporters

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The capitalist response is to offer free delivery and to race for the cure to mass produce first and profit off it by eradicating the disaese before anyone else can profit off it. It'd make your stocks skyrocket and you'd gain profits from governments buying the cure and vaccine.


Depends on what you get from the word Capitalism

Most common understanding is synonimous with Free Market and the right to property
which is something often denied in commie states
everyone there is a slave

Now the kikes like to spin Capitalism as something like protection for the big corporations
But that would require goverment
which is the commie dark path

economic collapse will kill more people

I can't buy toilet paper therefore I need communism, under which I can't buy food or toilet paper

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It's because in the US there is shortselling, so these dips are magnified. In China notice that shortselling is strictly limited, so their market doesn't plunge nearly as much. China has also taken steps to curb high frequency trading and market manipulation, unlike the US

At this point what difference does it make

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it

If he has such little influence, then why did he take credit for the economy doing well? You can't have things both ways.

yeah, cuz communism has been the most stable system ever.
retarded bait.

>muh dips
This is where the term dipshit comes from.

No, that´s bullshit.
Nothing happens only richfucks lose money.

>Depicted: A propagandist's bourgie dreams that he was paid to make by the party instead of working in a factory

That's what everyone gets for being dependent on China for manufacturing. I hope this virus resets the US on a path back to self-reliance.

Just wait, it will save us. don't be so impatient

under communism/socialism we would've all (except for the jews in the government) been starving already

It's called the greater fool; economies literally cannot function without the greater fool. That is the ultimate flaw in mass communication: harder to sustain and maintain greater fools.



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Well that won’t stop anytime soon.

Who the fuck uses more than a roll a week?

1 roll a day??? ofcourse some amerimutt claims this because you fatfucks have to shit 6 times a day from all the garbage you are eating

Whoa, its this post again. What a surprise that you niggers have to spam this shit 10 times a minute

I laugh at the idiots who said a few days ago it was the perfect moment to buy

>Millions should die so I get to make money!
>My system shouldn't have to be resilient enough to function in less than ideal conditions!

People getting wrecked by crises is actually an important part of the system as a whole.

Frankly one reason social mobility in the US has gone down is the use of Keynesian economics to prevent asset prices from collapsing during the business cycle. That protects existing holders of assets and prevents the most reckless / most leveraged of them from being cycled back down to the bottom of the system.

Except it isn't. I work for a major food manufacturer and I can tell you things are about to get worse. We're terrified of workman's comp claims, wrongful death suits, recalls, ect, so we are slowing production, taking on fewer new projects, and having distribution problems from truckers calling in sick. In about a month food shortages are going to start as while we can technically *make* the food, we won't be able to get it to you. Trust me as someone on the inside (and literally in a remote meeting as I type this) things are going to get A LOT worse in the next month or two, particularly in western countries like the US, Canada, where pretty much 95% of the economy/populous is reliant on industrial foods (even the whole foods/all natural/clean label crowed still *rely* on us as the same stuff comes out of the same plant, just different ingredients/processes).


>failed us

The current system was never designed for "us" my guy.

>selling low
yes, sell to me.

This. being able to purchase when the market takes a shit is a great way to make a fortune. Just don't catch a falling knife.

the old and feeble are one case of the sniffles from dying anyway.

Markets were due for a correction anyways. Trump will get to blame this on the virus, and not the fact that businesses have been buying back and inflating the value of their stocks without significantly increasing productivity or actual profit.
Placing a higher value on something that really isn't worth that much, there was just no way we could continue to see 14% annual gains in the markets with only 3% real growth.

>The entire system completely falls apart in a time of crisis

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The perfect moment to buy is in a few weeks when the panic fucks off.

>>My system shouldn't have to be resilient enough to function in less than ideal conditions!

The system *should*, in fact, impose costs on people who either failed to save or who recklessly tried to maintain households at the extreme margin.

One reason this event is such a shock is because people got used to the idea that either nothing would go seriously wrong or, if something did go wrong, the state would step in. Not even poor people in the 1910's would try to get by with as little cushion as many households today.

>2 posts by this ID


Seethe harder magapede

What's the big deal though?

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no globalism has failed us
if we didn't rely on our supply source in 1 single country, then deaths + market crash would of never happened.

And do I need to remind you that this problem got kickstarted by communism

fuck chinks and fuck commies

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>hurr, durr

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Explain how a central bank, corporate subsidies, a fiat currency and bailouts are capitalism?

Is that taking into account the reduction in panic buying? The local markets (South San Diego) is sustaining this really well due to our strong agriculture, which is making people turn to fresh produce and is why the canned goods on the shelves stay on the shelves. Only the walmarts are ending up with empty shelves because that's where people panic buy.

You are aware that MOST of your imports come from Canada right?

This thread is retarded as fuck as far as I’m concerned. National socialism didn’t work in time of crisis either (see Berlin April 1945)

What does survive in time of crisis in terms of society? Every time it falls apart or is damaged dramatically. Name one instance it has not. Pro tip you can’t. Kys faggot

You can hand wave it away as individual choice, but the system encourages and facilitates that kind of behaviour.

> us.

>1 post by this ID
>no actual argument or point.
>just baseless insult.

>Capitalism has failed us.
Every time economy crashes this same old mantra is repeated and then the economy recovers.

They are. You can do whatever the hell you want with capital, and that includes the government and its' capital.

>Crude oil 20 a barrel

The government doesn't have capital. They have debt. They rely on robbing people of their capital in order to operate.

>i-it wasn't real capitalism
It's the same government you've been shilling all time non stop

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Isn't this essentially communism disguised as capitalism? This entire country is run by the government for every little fucking thing.

The only good picture of communism is derived from fantasy.

Yeah but our supply chains are deep into those yellow fucks as well. Trading with poor, hostile countries is a mistake.

>You can hand wave it away as individual choice, but the system encourages and facilitates that kind of behaviour.

The welfare state encourages and facilitates it much more.

But with that qualification - yeah, you're right. The longer a period of good times goes, the more people will recklessly speculate, either in financial instruments or by reducing their consumption cushion. But that's why letting a crisis wipe those people out is an important part of the system. Without periodic reminders of what can happen if a black swan event occurs, there's nothing in place to encourage people to reduce their reckless behavior AT ALL.

Perhaps you should seethe harder on your way back to /ptg/ and r_the donald