What does Yas Forums think of sargon of akkad?

What does Yas Forums think of sargon of akkad?

I used to think he's kind of a faggot but this was pretty based


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Don't really know that much about him but I like him because his face triggers Yas Forums

Quit being so needy, Carl.

he's shit at debating but I agree on most of his opinions

people arent still watching this boring faggot are they?

quadroon nigger

Carl killed UKIP all by himself. He's a monster not to be trifled with. His individualism gives him the ability to read your mind by having total understanding of the individual.

Holy shit. The absolute balls on that lad. Cant this get him put on a terror watchlist in bongland?

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He's a kike-lover.

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all we know is that pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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also know as brit

Ayyy, is his real name Carl? That's epic, I love that name.

it depends on the child

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Same shitty picture ever time. Jokes on you, there are literally millions of ugly girls in Britain you vould have used

Yas Forums hate him and will never admit that this shit is pretty based.

Nobody outside of his fan base gives a shit what he thinks.

youre asking the wrong group. Yas Forums are social rejects, outcasts. noone loves them so they love noone. noone is acceptable in these incels views.

He's a clown. He got his ass kissed by his youtube cult and thought he could go into politics. But to anyone who isn't his youtube cunt licker, he's just another fag from the internet. That's why he turned out to be a joke. This guy based? Fuck that. He's doing it for views.

Neo-imperial fatass that expects others to fight his battles for him so he can claim glory afterwards.
I wouldn't trust a single word he says as he has previously admitted in an exceptional show of arrogance that he is willing to lie for strategic benefits, though he is too stupid to actually do so.

And yet if he embraces the mainstream for views he's hated too. The truth is you can't please 50% of \pol\ no matter what.

His views are inline with the MAGA boomers who have completely destroyed this board. Race realism is step one into having non retarded political beliefs.


He makes me want to gas myself

Sargon of Akkad has made me everything that I am today, liberal, atheist, and logical.
When I first saw Sargon of Akkad I knew that he was my guru.

He's literally turning into David Brent.

Controlled opposition

not based. quite fucking gay.

Your suit was shit Carl! And you're a fucking moron! Should've listened to Jim's advice.

Sargoy is a faggot enabler

Is Lauren Fishbourne white?

Hes alright. Been following him since the early days. Stopped for a bit because he was doing babby's first redpill level stuff but it's nice seeing him start interviewing.

Plus, he's from Swindon and my favorite band is from Swindon too.

What band?

For this tame bullshit? he could get a seat in parliament and there would still be more based people in there.

He is retard and parody of the right wing politics

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i think he is the fucking idiot that single handedly destroy an entire political party just beacuse he wants to do big boy stuff in his big boy suit.

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His opinions are in the right place. Also, he's much better of a public speaker than the vast majority of right-wing e-celebs. He also does good original research and isn't just one of those people who read you the news and tell you why you should be outraged.

I wish his videos were half as long and he wouldn't fence sit as much. He's still a bit too afraid of saying what he actually feels.

He's 1/4 Guyanese. Just letting you know because it is somehow important to this pseudonigger

Outdated and naive, trying to hold a position that is non-pragmatic, adhering to rules his enemies are completely ignoring anyay

It is hilarious to look at his comments, what should be a pool of normalfag central gatekeepers have become sick of keeping up the facade, they're starting to mention the Jews, outgroup dominance, individualism's weaknesses, and race realism

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I don’t think he’s a faggot - I KNOW he’s a faggot. And so are you.

In all fields.

Yeah, because race realism is the first step. Your views are wrong if you aren’t race realist, straight up.

Stop advertising shitty eCelebs on Yas Forums you retarded somali faggot.

He looks like a bam margera that made decent life choices.

i'd fuck number 2

XTC, my dude. I suppose you could describe their sound as post-punk or new wave but their sound grew and changed as the years went on.

They also had a nice psychadelic rock side-project in The Dukes of Stratosphear, too. They were kinda always on the cusp of breaking into the mainstream but the frontman's ego and anxiety issues got in the way of things. They had fans in a decent number of bands though, ranging from Oingo Boingo to Primus or The La's. They even headlined for The Police in the late 70s/early 80s.

All their stuff's good but I'd recommend either Drums and Wires or English Settlement as the albums to start on. A lot of people would recommend Skylarking too.

entertaining guy but terrible debater. every time he gets pushback in a conversation he pivots to the stupidest possible line of argumentation.

example: when debating the transgender topic, instead of leaning on the biological reality of chromosomes and sex organs, he starts talking about how women are defined based on societal roles, basically making his opponent's argument for them

Controlled Opposition Crypto-Kike just like the rest of them.

I actually agree with his ideas, my issue is whit him thinking he's some kind of messiah, when the fact is he's just another guy on youtube with enough common sense not to mindlessly bow to the clown world propaganda.

He literally killed a political party. Just by existing and being a low IQ chav faking his accent. He killed a whole party.

I wish i was as positive as he is.
But he is far too much of an optimist.
We ll see what happens when the cost of capital raises, up, won't we?
If the so called "multicultural, multietcnic" paradises are fine, great!
But if they need to resort to fascism, then maybe we should stop letting the governments have ifinite money and let them enforce group rights?
But oh well, what do i know.
In the end, our coming etnic clensing won't be the first, and centanly won't be the last.

no eceleb can pass the constant Yas Forums purity test
it's easy for fags like metokur because metokur doesn't voice his own opinions. he just cries because baked alaska hangs out with faggots now

people get thrown in jail for "misgendering" people.
this is quite a risk he's taking talking about iq differences between races and inbreeding among muslims and so on

>What does Yas Forums think of sargon of akkad

I don't think of him.

Who the fuck is this litteral nobody and why did he give himself the cringiest pseudo in history ?


Literally every single native of this site with 120+ IQ loves ryan faulk.

literally who

Non race realist. All you need to know. His views are extrapolated from the axiom of 2+2=5.

Yeah, back to facebook boomer.

Except hes a homosexual that lives with his gay black boyfriend. Hes also posted pornographic videos of himself online.
Alt-Hype really shot himself in the food when he backtracked and made his claims more specifically about IQ.

he went full retard and sacrificed his online career for a (very) ill fated and doomed political career. he's dumb as fuck

Here's their 9's.

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got some links? not saying i don't believe you, he does sound somewhat gay, just curious.

Thanks mate. I've heard 'making plans for nigel' ages ago but i'll check 'em out. I'm more into US stuff like Black Lips but always good to hear new stuff.

Just look through the 4plebs archives. I don't keep links to degenerate homosexual filth on hand.

the audience is funnier than him

yes, ok, he's an edgelord in the tradition of the original modern edgelord (that english guy that made up the IQ map).

but, my question remains : why did he take such a cringy peudo and just how the fuck does he call himself while keeping a straight stare ?

Maybe his mother's husband is some noble man's son, or what else?

There's the cheerleader effect, then there's the jeerleader effect.

fat chav dead kid

what do you mean? has he started as cult or something?

Hes an acloholic chav from a chav ghetto. He adopted the fake posh accent and persona to make himself seem intellectual.

that's more than i've ever accomplished.