You're going to respectfully decline $1000 after shitting on Yang right faggots?

You're going to respectfully decline $1000 after shitting on Yang right faggots?

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t. salty yangcuck

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checked, maga are retards who vote against their own interests

Stimulus is not UBI, retard

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This is a tax refund not ubi

same thing, faggot

Nah they said they would give it to Israel lmao

It's called helicopter money not UBI or stimulus.

That's what Ubi is brainlet

A one or two time payment is not the same as a monthly payment forever you fucking incompetent retard.

I don’t need their $1k at all, but I’m certainly not turning it down. I’ll probably donate it to the most far right, anti-immigration group I can legally give it to. Get over it losers.

>only for tax payers
>not universal
You are not getting shit, NEET


They’re so fucking stupid these fat mutts have literally no idea how anything works. They kept calling yang a commie and spreading hyperinflation dysinfo memes. They think they understand more about economics than a highly educated successful serial entrepreneur.

It's still gibs fucking spineless retard. Months ago you were saying "no" to gibs.

>one time payment

yangfags sure cant math

I will only accept republican bux. No dem bux.


Artist name?

See this is all it is.

All you care about is making sure nobody below you gets what you wrongly perceive to be “free stuff”. You don’t care if the people above you get free stuff or scam humanity because you think they “earned” it.

You are the most dangerous thing to exist to the human race. You are actually below welfare niggers and criminals. You’re a programmed slave to fucking stupid to successfully introspect. You will be told over and over how fucking stupid you are by everyone and you will just keep doubling down in your retardation because you’re biggest fear is that some poor faggots get a little freebee.

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people getting their own money back that was forcibly taken from them isn't really an injustice.
People getting other people's money despite never earning it is an injustice.

>little freebie
majority of our economy is about giving such freebies at this point. We don't need more.

I never shitted on Yang.
Remember the 10 threads praising Yang back in 2019? That was all me.
I support Trump and Yang.

The problem with your post is that you're judging Trump supporters by Yas Forums posts. You really don't know what they are for. For example, I'm pro abortion and I believe some sort of socialism will have to happen for a utopia to emerge. And the bill of rights/constitution should be perfectly preserved.

Keep crying NEET

Yes. Considering you will have to pay it back in some way. I'd rather just not have it.

It's 2000 now, stinko chinko

UBI is retarded in any circumstance except emergencies that prohibit people from working. It's basically a subsidy for laziness. Anyone who knows basic economics knows subsidizing something increases production.

FUCKING PREACH!! Everyone is to stupid to put humanity first, i cant wait till the stocks crash some more

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Correct. Don't take the pack of cigarettes from the corrections officer, because that means he gets to fuck you in the ass later.

Are you asking the Bernie and Biden voters? They're the ones that shat on Yang all the way up to the voting booth.

This is money to cover expenses during an emergency not 1000 dollars for the fuck of it , stop being obtuse and get over your TDS fag

someone has to reimburse me for all this food and ammo i bought.

>Stimulus is not UBI, retard

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boy you sure got him with that wojak

Nice filename

MAGAtards splitting hairs to cope with the fact that they're hypocrites.

>put humanity first
Yea we tried that and now there's 2 billion starving niggers in africa.

Feeding niggers and retards isn't actually putting humanity first. It's putting civilization last.

very low iq post

Haha alright. Yo bruh where my Trumpbuxx at?

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posts don't have IQ's.

But if they did yours would be among the lowest

Meanwhile the Airline industry gets a bailout even though they've been doing buybacks for decades to pump up their stock and profit since executives all have stock options.

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What is it with Americans and cuck porn? Don't deflect, I demand an explanation.

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Stimulus =/= UBI

I don’t honestly support either, but I’m willing to go along with it because democrats and the media are tanking the economy through fear tactics. If it gets Trump re-elected, it delays the democrats slow march towards communism for another four years and will be a net tax saver.

cucking is seen as the ultimate form of humiliation and Americans love humiliating others and showing their superiority.

>showing superiority by downloading, viewing, editing, and posting cuck porn
the absolute mental gymnastics

>productive, law-abiding, tax-paying US citizens
>below welfare niggers and criminals
The absolute state of the progressive left

It matters which of those three you are in the relationship, Billy Moose.

>pedo porn

>watches cuck porn
>I-it doesn't count though, I self insert as the bull!
You're literally the guy watching. You're in the same position as the cuck only in another room. Stop trying to justify your degenerate pastime

Biden's plan is $1001 for everyone.

Attached: biden milkshake.jpg (1159x629, 164.4K)

Fuck yang. Now pay me

i donated $1 to his campaign just on principal because i wanted to see him in the debates and have zero plans on voting for anyone other than trump. now i see my investment is gonna net me 2K back

I'm not poor so, yes

>he doesn't understand how memes work
which one are you?

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I never filed my taxes despite having a job for years. How fucked am i?

>hehe joke's on you I was only pretending to be a cuckold
>I saved that meme ironically o-ok?

Wait till this "stimulus" is forced to go on for many months

Stop asking this. Either we get the money or we don’t. Ffs

No, UBI is meant as a cushion since no one can live on $1000 a month. It would be great for people like single moms.

Why the fuck would one decline one's own $1000 when their other $1000 is going to some layabout nignog?

Yeah because they ignored his message

I beg to differ. I lived in a house with rent of 550 and two bedrooms. With a roommate, this is completely affordable. Millions of places around the US also have this sort of rent. What would stop all of those people from just quitting their jobs and living 100% off the government?

.......what happened to no such thing as free money...? It stopped being your money when you handed it over. Now if you get it back it’s it free money now?

What state do you live in

Wanting more money?

I lived in Tennessee at the time, but pretty much anywhere with a lowish population has rent approaching this amount, maybe a bit more.

You underestimate the laziness of people. If they have 200 dollars a month free to spend, they'll make do if they don't have to work 40 hours a week.

lol except its for all citizens not just taxpayers

someone make a bernie/biden edit lmao

I shat on this faggot because $1k/month is not enough. It's peanuts.
TrumBux is going to come in at AT LEAST double this chink flu's proposition.

You’re not getting a fucking thing nigger

UBI is inevitable
Definitely within the next 15-20 years due to proliferation of automation, since most people will be working only 15-25 hour work weeks

I can think it's bad policy and still take the money. All the useless niggers will.