Why exactly is Italy hit so bad compared to EVERY other country?

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They're just a week ahead of everyone else.


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Chinese slave labor. If you check were the outbreak started, it will be in the Lombardy Region. Thats where Milan is. The region is the center of luxury products manufacturing. So in order to keep labor costs low, they brought a ton of chinese migrants there. most of them illegally. When the outbreak started to happen, employers where hiding their chinese workers and telling them not go to the hospital. Eventually they spread it regular Italian folk and the rest is history

The chinks are now saying the virus originated from there because of course they are. In reality, it's because Italians live in intergenerational households, so transmission between young and old is far more likely. Basically young Italians get the chink virus at a club or cafe and bring it home to grandma and grandpa.

Italy signed up for the Belt & Road even though everyone warned them it was selling their country to the chinks.

How many times do you have to ask the same questions?
Are you a mutt with a proxy?

Many Chinese in those northern regions.

300,000+ chinese live and work in italy and have been traveling back and forth from china for many months before news of the virus was known.


Because warm weather kills the virus

Different statistical analysis.

this but unironically

>no tears for dagos

Oh I dunno, maybe because of this Chinese New Year that took place during the virus outbreak and everyone were told to ignore it?

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No one seems to be aware of different STRAINS of the virus developing.
Some will be weaker some will be stronger.
Italy has been hit with a stronger strain with 8% Mortality.
UK does not look good either at a current 4% Mortality.
This may fall as more people are tested (hope).

[In a flu outbreak the Mortality is usually less then 1%.]

Sardines packed into a polluted shithole with no sense of personal space and more cigarettes sold per capita than anywhere else, of course those retards are susceptible to a contagion.

There are over one million Chinese students in Australia, we should be ravaged by it, once again brainlet Amerilard poster.

Italy isn't hiding numbers.

This but they also had much time to prepare and everyone in Italy lives so close together.

>Why exactly is Italy hit so bad compared to EVERY other country?
A Jewish conspiracy. They targeted Italy specifically because that's where the Vatican is. The Jews are dedicated Christ-killers, and anybody who worships Christ.


This, and a lot of old people

They kiss each other as a greeting

Italy had a "hug a Chinese" day

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Belt and road and many many businesses there taken over by Chinese.
Ooo look Italian designer made by Chinese outside China.

Multi generational households

Kids and adults get infected easy
The old grandparents die easy


Because in "every other country" as you put it? It's only started.

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This. Rub next to an Italian and you'll catch an STD. #MammaMia

Totla bet on my part but I think you'll find to bypass trade sanctions China had Chinese people working inside Iran too.

'it*ly' is not hit, Lombardy is.

Lombardy has a tradition in being hit by everybody and everything and it never reacts.

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Second oldest country in the world

habere non haberi

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very fragile society.

I literally piss on italy. Let that shithole burn

Imagine living in a literally heaven. For many generations. Perfect weather, perfect food, no yearly epidemics of flu and cold. No natural selection based on the strenght op the pulmon system. And no immunity to deseases like that.

because instead of staying inside, they treated it like a vacation.

They're the only ones being honest and testing. And even then they're trying to test less and downplay it.

In the US I know five people who have tried to get tested. Half of them have known people from China that flew out during the right timetable. They just told them to go home and wait until they were on the verge of death essentially.

If you're a corona virus case in america you're a celebrity or on the verge of death. Only critical cases are even being tested for. That's why its "worse" in italy. We're getting a lot of people dying of "pneumonia". Which is why we've shut down over a couple hundred cases and deaths. In a week we will absolutely be fucked. We are already. Its just been well hidden by our shitty system.

So did everyone else, and nobody will be spared. You don't just take authoritarian measures right away in the western world, especially when they're needed. You wait until it's too late.
Fucking hate americans and their dumb parroted takes. Same shit you see the fat boomer lady say on twitter. Stupid lard drones.

You literally are a fucking moron

You talk like a hysterical women and most of what you say isn't true. Stop believing what you see on CNN boomer.

> Chinese slave labor.
THIS. The Italians have imported 300k Chinese workers to build in the north. They're sick. Not the Italians.

Italy is one of oldest countries in the world in terms of average age. Low birth rate and emigration means there's less healthy and young people to infect.

>Fucking hate americans and their dumb parroted takes
One of them was right on. Dumb ass.

>I literally piss on italy. Let that shithole burn
As a Roman, how can you say something like this?

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Oldest population in Europe. Problem is italians live too well and healthy and manage to live a long time. Unfortunately the Chinese virus loves to kill old people.

Not for long

>Low birth rate and emigration means there's less healthy and young people to infect.
Nope it's 300k Chinese workers in the north. They brought them in. They're sick. So yea, what little imigration they had in a sense is what fucked them. Dumb liberal.


Italy is reporting only twelve healthy people died so only twelve healthy people were infected at all or only twelve of them died and the average patient who died has two prior health issues

It's a nothing burger from the mouth of the government I waited for you shills to praise

This guy? Nope, that's the most boomer-parroted of them all.


Dumb shit.

>having immunity to a novel virus

why are you faggots being bigger faggots, its a happening you wanted this,


Twelve fucking people died who had not had any other complications lol so the second worst hit place with the worst resources and beds and they only had twelve infected or only twelve died out of everyone infected that were healthy and died

I got a fever and cough. Tested neg of strep and flu, still wont test me because I dont fit the criteria. fuck off nigger

Can confirm we all got sent home to work remotely and I’ve been having bad cold/flu symptoms (hopefully not coronachan) so I decide to call up the hotline for my area and the answer was
>lol you haven’t spent the last month in a wuhan whorehouse? Come back if/when you can’t breath and need urgent care

Because they had a "Hug a Chinese" day that was put forth by their Government and Chinese propagandists.
No, seriously:

From 2016:

Almost half of Rome's restaurants fall foul of food hygiene rules, according to Italy's health police, which has carried out a year-long series of inspections.

And in as many as one in four eateries, the situation is so bad that the restaurants are at risk of closure.

Sampling the local food is a highlight of most tourists' stays in the Italian capital, but the figures, which come from Italy's health police and were first reported on Monday in Il Corriere, are enough to put anyone off their pizza.

One osteria reportedly had such a serious infestation that cockroaches had made their way into the cash registers, while meals in a Japanese restaurant were found to contain rodent feces.

BTW this isn't reddit spacing. Copied from here:
https:// www.thelocal.it/ 20161024/a-quarter-of-romes-risk-closure-due-to-poor-hygiene-police

Average household size in Italy: 2.58
Average household size in the US: 2.6

So probably not that.


but is right, you dont test at all

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They only started testing when the first death occured, so their reported infection numbers are way behind the reality. Death count reflects their situation more accurately.

>'it*ly' is not hit, Lombardy is.


>the same retarded stereotypes over and over again
Can you read this, you fucking idiot?


>explain Italy, explain Italy
1) Italy is old as fuck. 25% 65+, 12% 75+
2) large Chinese population in Northern Italy. 10% of population in some cities
3) huge Chinese tourist destination - upwards of 2 millions Chinese visitors annually
4) multi-generational large-family households
5) they get flu-raped yearly, more so than rest of Europe because of the above. Look up influenza mortality Italy 2013-2018
6) in Jan/Feb they virtue signaled like mad about not isolating Chinese citizens and reaching out to them. Mayor of Florence had a “Hug a Chinese” campaign.

All of the above was a perfect storm - old as fuck citizens that went looking for the virus. Guess what, they found it and it’s fucking them up.

So Italy should NOT be looked at as the norm of what is going to happen.

>hypochondriac detected
You're gonna die of high blood pressure or stroke long before Wuhanchan gets you happener fag. I hope you do have it though.

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Tried getting checked for Whooping Cough?

We have tested thousands of people positively thus far.